HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-27, Page 5,i«*kuwa4ial PAGE ERE ST. HELENS > annual Thankoffering when WHITECHURCH J I J >1 I J 9!V- /.. /■ T * I I W cn . co < o’ (0 o & from ' Wingham Hospital • where she has been a patient for ‘a few days. ... RATION branch office • ...... ........ . j-3 ELECTRIC MOTOR Service Armature and Field Winding, Brushes,. Bearing0, Etc. Write or phone Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS If you had a business problem . business counscilor?loss, Would you ask the advice o( a / 1 .vtmr Naturally, you would 'ask. (he ex|W. J I i, 'vhat 1, >;t;. (n Will? 'Improperly administered, d could ■’ ( f or ,cntb. your family We are glad to net. «’ <• i" . ,, i„ , llt>pomt. junction'with one or more other hx.fulota x<>u nn.ja i ■ THE -STERLING TRUSTS COR P 0 HEAD OFFICE . 372 bay Sf.? Toronto ............ T WEDNESPA^PoCT. 27th THE £.UCKTJOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Plumbing and Heating Service AND REPAIRS ** Oil Burners Serviced—Units Converted Complete Repairs for Deep ania> Shallow Well Pumps Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed For a free estimate call or see ART GILMORE ., R, R. 3, Lucknow 61-r-13 Dungannon MONUMENTS SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON (I We are the only manufac­ turers in this part of Ontario of high - Class. monuments who import granite from the Old Country in the rough by the carload and process from the rough to, the finished monument. No middleman. When choosing a monument come and see one of the largest selections in Ontario. . >r . ’• . ■ ' ■" ■ * Established over sixty years. WALKERTON J. Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary . A well attended meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. Little with th^ president, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, opening the meeting with prayer. Hymn 270 was sung £ollowed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. /The scripture’ was read by Mrs, H. Cuming followed by a prayer by Mrs. M. Henderson. Mrs. G. MacDonald gave the Bible study. A piano solo by Kay McIntosh was very much enjoyed. Mrs. R. Forster took the topic as­ sisted by Mrs. S. Jamiesori, Mrs. C. Mason and Mrs- V. Mowbray; -Mrs.^O.-Petersen-gave-the^cuT^ rent events. After hymn 381. was sung.. . Mrs. Hofstede gave the closing prayer. A social half hour was spbnt after the meeting. BORN—in Wingham.. Hospital on Thursday, October 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, a dau­ ghter.. ' ’ ■ Mr. and i Mrs. Carman Farrier,. Brian and Colleen of Mimico, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gillespie; Donna and Barry of Saynia all spent, the._w&ekjLendJ with- Mr^ and- M-rs-.- W. R. Farrier. - . A reception was- held in. the Memorial Hall in horior of Mi*. jiLid_.M-i^.lXUa-ytdn--Schol-t-z5-*newly-- weds. After lunch was served the bride and groom were called to the front. Miss Shirley Chapman I read an address and Gordon Wei-' i wood presented them' with a I purse of .money. Music was sup­ plied by - Henderson’s ’ orchestra. Mr. Wes Tiffin underwent an operation in 'Wingham Hospital Jest Thursday’. J. ■ . I’ Mrs. Robt. McAllister of Dun- ; gannO.n is teaching at S.'S/Nd. 10 <.school owing to the illness; of the teacher, Mr. Ken McAllister, who is home with the mumps. Miss Olive’ Terriff, R. N.,' of . Listowel Hospital staff, spent, the week-end with her mother, Mrs. M. Ross. • . ' ■■ „ - .. Mr. Walter James has started back on bridge work at Maple alter'being home ".with mumps, ‘ The W.I. are. catering to-a ban- Jquet for- tne. East Wawanosh Fed-’’ ;oration . of Agriculture: in the : Memorial Hall on .Thursday ev- ! eping, • October. 28th. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack ■ Ryan and | Leroy of Goderich -visited Sunday 1 with- Mr. andj.Mrs, E. Scholtz. ; ; Mrs. Milas MacMillan returned A ' summer resort is a -place' home where nobody knows how unim- . portanVyou are back home. Reliably. .Service — Freezers, Dryers, Washers Gilson Sales — Appliances Repairs to Fans, Vacuums, ■ Clippers, Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC ■ Kinlough Phone Ripley lll-r-29 $25 Donation To Flood Relief Nineteen' ladies attended the October meeting of the . W.M.S, and the W.A. held in the Sunday School .room on Wednesday af­ ternoon. Mrs, W. I. Milleg pre­ sided and the theme;of the wor­ ship service was ‘‘The Influence of a Christian Life”. Mrs. Frank McQuillin read tihe scripture les­ son and .Mrs. John Cameron read of the experiences of'a mission­ ary in India. The chapter from fhe new. study book, “Tlie church in India” on Christian impacts and influenceg^was taken ip an interesting mariner by Mrs. Chris. McDonald, Representing a rhis- sionary from India and Mrs. Mc­ Neil, Mrs. Elwood Barbour and Mrs. W. I. Miller, as Iridian-work- ers; The treasurer reportecT that $106 had been sent to the Pres-, byterial treasurer. An invitation to attend the "W.M;S,. Thankof- fering at Whitechurch on Wed­ nesday, October 27tb, was receiv­ ed. It was agreed ; to have Miss W. D. Rutherford as speaker at bur “" she will talk on the meeting of the National Council of churches which she attended at Evanston, Illinois. Mrs. T. J. Todd was in charge of the W.A. meeting, the theme of which was “Giving Thanks”. Mrs. Eldon Miller4 read the scrip­ ture '• lesson and . Mrs; Chas. Mc­ Donald the lesson thoughts. The treasurer, reported over $130 ' in the_ treasury and $25 was voted to the Flood, Relief Fund. The following committees were ap-. pointed for the annual bazaar to be held in .the Auxiliary Rooms,. Lucknow, on Saturday, Novem­ ber 6th: reception, Mrs. W. I. Miner,.Mrs^.J...Gurran^tables-and- decorationsj Mrs. F- McQuillin and Mrs. Allan Miller; baking sale, Mrs. H. Webb, Mrs. G. Mac-. Pherson, jMt;s. G. Sttiart,. Mrs.. W. A. Miller, Miss "W. D. Rutherford; serving, .Mrs. C. McDonald Mrs. W. A. Humphrey, Mrs. L. Woods, Mrs. C. Taylor, .Mr§. A. Murdie, Mrs. McNeil; lunch, Miss ,Annie Durnin, Mrs. L. Durnin/ Mrs. Jas. Durnin, Mrs. E. Barbour, Mrs. T. J. Todd; kitchen,. Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs.;.D. C. Mc­ Donald, Mrs. Gibbs; candy, Mrs. A. Purv.es, Mrs. R./ Errington, Mrs. L. Woods, Miss W. D. Ruth­ erford;. cashier, Mrs. E. W. Rice. An invitation to the ; Canada Packers cooking school in Luck­ now on October 28th was read. At the conclusion a pleasant soc­ ial hour was enjoyed-when lunch was served by Mrs,..H,. Webb and Mrs. E. Miller. Mr. Charles Stuart has return- ed to' his home in Regina after spending the past few months with Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo., Stuart and Mr. Joe Stuart. "... Mn Stanley Todd and Andrew of Southampton and Mr. and Mrs; Neely Todd and ch'ildreh of Strat­ ford were week-end visitors with Mrs. D. Todd. The November meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Allan Miller on Thursday, November 4th at 2.30. Roll call,- A. good turn done bv a neighbor; motto, A com-*: munity . is like a ship. Every­ one should rbe prepared to .take, the helfn; . subject in charge of Mrs. Ernest Gaunt; hostesses, Mrs, Ross Gammie, Mrs. Dave ■Gibbs___:____ --------- -----—- —v , .... , Marked Anniversary Sunday Successful anniversary, services were held in the United Church on Sunday; Ideal weather pre­ vailed outside and baskets of many colored chrysanthemums, added a further bright 'note in the church. The guest speaker was Mr. Ralph Howlett of Elora, who is a- theological student at Waterloo College. Mr. Howlett in the. morning, service .chose aS his subject, “The Power ’ of Jesus Christ’,’.' Mrs. Howlett added 'polosr’'“T'fie*""Love ‘ t)jF Gbd*'’ and. • Oh, It Is Wonderful”. The choir sang the . anthem'.. “Sing fo the' Lord of Harvest’.^ In the. evening Mi\ Howlett' chose’ as his text,.. [ ‘■'Whom do ye say.'that; I din”. I-Mrs. 'Howlett sang; “God hath 1 not • promised0 and -.“When you . i know my Jesus too”; The choir’ . I number was “Brother James I Air”.- • ’ ’ - . iMiisgughide Dance Winners '■ There was large-’ crowd in 7'Z?* I ' ■ - . I ' , ' , ' ’ t attendance at the masquerade dance h41d by the Fordyce school in the Community Hall on Friday evening. Music for dancing was provided by The' Aristrbcrats. Prizes were awarded as follows: fancy . dressed lady, Mrs. Dynes Campbell; fancy dressed gept, Mrs. Wilfred Hackett; comic dressed lady," Lois Webster; comic dressed gent; 'Lorna Alton; fancy dressed school girl, Shirley Moore; fancy dressed school boy, Shirley McNeil; coinic dressed school girl, Billy Robinson; comic dressed school hoy, Terry Wilson. Plan to attend the masquerade Hallowe’en party in the Commun­ ity Hall under the auspices of the Women/s Institute on, Friday evening. Mrs. Ernest Gaunt attended the area convention of the Wo­ men’s Institute held at London last week as a delegate from the local brapch; ■•1 / <