HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-27, Page 4PAGE FOUR COMING EVENTS ON PAGE 3 THE LUCKNOW SENTiNEL, ONTARIO SV WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27th, 1954 ROY N. BENTLEY . Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South St.) T Insure With The NO TRESPASSING SIGNS for sale at The Sentinel Office. FARM WANTED — experienced farmer wishes to rent 100-acre farm. Apply at Sentinel Office. \ FOR SALE—boy’s new rain coat, size" 32-34; Archie Smith, Luck­ now. ' ; •* . . FOR SALE—small farm, 15 acres on highway, good brick house, six rooms, hydro,1 3-piece bath; pressure system^ barn, hen house, garage; R. R. Quance, Lucknow, FOR SALE—young cow with calf at side; also 125 Fisher bred Hamp-Wyandotte pullets. Jack England, R: 6, Lucknow WANTED—quantity of sod land 'suitable.. for growing flax. And­ erson Flax Products, Lucknow, FOR .SALE—7-roomed house, all conveniences, garden and garage.’ Apply .Box. 72rLucknowi . ■ SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE Steel reinforced cement septic tanks, 6^ ft. by 3% . ft./ 5 feet deep. Capacity 9of 450 Imperial gallons. The design and construc­ tion of these tanks has been ap­ proved, by the Huron and Bruce County Health Units. We deliver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter’s Welding Service, Luck­ now. . CARD OF THANKS Ronald Attridge wishes to say thanks to all who sent him cards and books while he was ill in the Rospital. Mrs. Clark Finlayson and Jan­ et wish to sincerely thank friends who remembered . them with cards, flowers and gifts during their illness. This kindness was .much' appreciated and shall long be remembered. GODERICH, ONT. Telephone 1011 Culross Mutual *• FIRE INSURANCE CO. .•■for' ••/.- ■ Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Yoiir Local Agent R. 3, Teeswater. Tfaohe Teeswater 57-r-41 FOR SALE small Acme cook /stove, nearly new.; A real good stove/‘MrsrVVnmeJewitt;Luck- now. * ‘ ' SHORTHORN SALE The Huron - Perth Shorthorn Club’s 3rd annual sale of Scotch Shorthorns will be held in Luck­ now Arena on Friday, October 29th at 1.00 p.m. Catalogues are available from Andrew Gaunt, R^_ 1, Lucknow, sales manager; IN MEMORIAM ENGLAND—^in loving memory of Mrs. Joseph England, who passed away six years ago,' on October 28th, 1948. ; Six years have passed but still we miss her; ' t Never shall her memory fade. Loving thoughts will always Hn- ger ■/; . '/.* ■. Round the grave where our dear mother is laid. —Always remembered by Betty and jack. STATE. FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON R. R. "3* Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon / E T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 " / For Appointment or Information See Win. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow j AUCTION/SALE Clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements at N.H. Lot 4, Con. 11, Ashfield Township, on Tuesday, November 2nd at 1 p.m. --------------- - ..See, bills for list. Terms cash. Rocks, 6 months old. Mrs. Wm^ jiabert Ritchie, Prop.; Well Hen­ derson, Alic. SEED WANTED—-highest prices paid for plover and grass seed. Harvey Hagedorn, Ripley, phone: ■ .1--—tr—' - PjJLLETS FOR SALE-^50 Hamp- Rutherford, RL 2, Lucknow, phone 211^-13. ... . . ■ BHONE-41-forapriceon-meat- hy the quarter; also custom work and cutting. Wejsh Meat Market, Lucknow. FOR SALE—*Coleman space' heat­er, large size, hardly used, $607007 /Can be seen this week or next. Apply Rev. S. Toth, St. August­ ine,; ■ ' ' ■... ' ■ /" AUCTION SALE ~Of~liyestock”anLd;imp^^^^ the farm of Oscar White, Lot 2, Con. 72, Huron Township, . 3 miles west. of the: Lucknow-Holyrood road, on Monday, November 1st alrLOO/pTmvTSee-biiisbTerms^cashv Oscarz White, Prop.; Exnile Mac- Lehnan, Aute;, CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SALE — 500 Hamp-Wyan­ dotte pullets, 5 months old. Bred and ready tp lay. Apply to Garr net McNall, R.« 5, Lucknow. I HELP WANTED—lady for full time general house work. Apply to P.O. Box 209, Lucknow, You will be pleased. with the variety of Christmas Cards we have to offer in. personalized and boxed assortments. Be sure to see the special offer of 40 per­ sonalized cards for $2.00. DON THOMPSON Phone 35, Lucknow . IN MEMORIAM MacIVER—in loving memory of a dear husband and father* Don­ ald Maclver, who died three years ago, November; 1st, 1951. One of the best the world could9 hold, ■; ' /'' His cheery smile, his heart of ■ gold; /■ . . ’’ 7; Always so. good, so unselfish and • kind, ■ ■ : - What a wonderful-xnempryihe left, behind. ' ' " ;—Ever remembered by his. Wife arid sons, Jack, Donald and Ron­ ald... y /' /.-' ■ ^ CHRISTMAS GIFTS Don’t wait -until Christmas eve to buy your gifts; /Personalized playing cards, serviettes, .matches, -informals, and. coasters—‘make lovely inexpensive gifts. A pres* ent with their name ori will be. appreciated. We also have ser­ viettes -for weddings, showers,, anniversaries, etc. . DON THOMPSON 7 Phone 33 or 35 WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial Craftsmen For Thirty-Five Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES /■ Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prides Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario FOR SALE — khaki s/4-length parka, .with detachable fleece lining and hood, like hew; also single shot .22 rifle in Al condi­ tion. Apply at residence of Mrs. R. H. Thompson, phone 109. ; HOUSE FOR SALE—modern 8- ♦room < brick house on . Havelock , St. Oil furnace, hardwood floors.. ■ Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland, Luck- -nowA— — -■■■-■■ * — AUCTION SALE / « Clearing auction sale of live­ stock, etc., at Lot 14,7 Con. . 10, /Kinloss Township, on Friday, October.. 29th at 1.30. See bills for -list of cattle and team of horses. Six months’ credit. No re­ serve. Maurice Hodgins, Prop.; Donald B. Blue, .Auc. 7 . ■ NOTICE RE DANCING CLASS The newly organized dancing class will.,meet in the, Regreation- (al Hall every Friday afternoon. Pre-school age class at 2.30. I INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile ’ Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. ■ See . . T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW ' ; Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon FOR SALE—150 puile'ts, a.mos:. old, R.I.R. and Columbia Rock cross; number pigs, good Yprk chunks. Apply to • Jack Curran, phone 78-r-3 Dungannon. i notice Anyone interested in Juvenile Hockey for the coming season is asked to meet at the Legion Hall for discussion, on Thursday, Oct­ ober 28th at 8.00, p.m. / ; z FQR SALE — dressed mjlk fed spririg chickens, $2.00 each, de­ livered Friday; Gordon Wall, phone 208-r-31, Lucknow. NOTICE PAPER COLLECTION . Lucknow Boy Scouts’ paper collection will • be MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quarter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health. Highest quality. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood Phone 24-30 Ripley FOR. SALE—grey chrome kitch­ en set, extension table and four chairs; also50-pound ice“ box. Phone 259, Lucknow. PERSONAL .HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP,VIM? Try Ostrex Tonic. Tablets for new' vitality/ today.' “Get-acquainted” ; * .All druggists. RE The waste held this 7 Thursday afternoon. Paper, cardboard, magazines and. old books vage. Box arid place please/ i are valuable as sal- or tie them, securely them at the curb, NOTICE . Variety of. aprons, for Christ- j jnas. gifts; Orders taken, for, in-j fants knitted -garmexits/ Calf* a11 residence,, telephone 145-w; Eva -Greeri;--^--?-'--'........—..........—v;- Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AU persons having claims against the estate of William (Jrr, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Farmer, who died on or about the twenty­ fourth day of August A.D. 1954, are notified to send to the Un­ dersigned on or before the: sixth day of November A.D.. 1954, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately , after, the said sixth day of November the assets of the said testator Will be’ distributed amongst the part­ ies entitled thereto, having re­ gard only of claims of which the executors shall^then have notice. , DATED ' this) twelfth day October, A.D. #954. f ’ 'Crawford &HHetherington, / Wingham, Ontario/, of : —— — — Kenneth J. Mackenzie -..jL .R^O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. ■I .. • • • .. ■. ■■ ■ . * . at the former Wrona Jewelery store, Ripley, io a.m. to 9 p m., WEDNESDAY, NOV/ 10th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy : MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. Agnews* Agency Howard Agnew ~ Jos. Agnew Notice To Creditors In the Estate of JOHN RAMSAY size only 60cj .MCNAB. ’ ' •• ' . . NOTICE RE COURT OF revision .A Court of Revision on the assessment roll for the Tbwnship of West Wawanosh, will be held .^t^.the^Township_TIall^:onr/Eues=:: day, November 9th, 1954,. from 10 a.m, to 12 npdnr ■ ; . ■ John F. Foran, Clerk, R.R. 2, Auburn. , All persons having claims against the estate of John, Ram* say. McNab, late of trie Village of’ Lucknow, in the County df Bruce/ Retired Manager, deceas­ ed; who ’died bri or about the 29th day of June, 1954vs<are .here- .....• ^NOTICE. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTJNGVOTERS’LISTS Voters’ Lists, 1954, 'Municipality' of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce; Notice is .hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters’ Lists Act and I have, posted Up at my Office at Luck- how, on the 15th day of October, A7D/1954, the. list of all persons to yo.te in the said Municipality for members erf Parliament aridI j at the Municipal’ Elections and tnspee***by ^notified; . vu aeiiu in claims duly verified to the uri-,4 tiOm dersigned, on or, before the ,5th I /And* I hereby call upon all day of November, 1954, as after! Voters to ’take immediate pro* MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance —.Agents/. Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones:* Business 39 Residence 138 NOTICE The regular /meeting of the Lucknow . Branch of the Ladies’ ‘Auxiliary, to the Canadian Leg* ion will’be held in the Auxiliary Rooms on - Tuesday, November .2nd^at '^/^’p.m. /■/’*'....... the said latter date the’estate will be distributed . among those entitled thereto, having regard only, to the claims of'which the Executors shall then have notice, bated at Lucknow,,Ontario this Oth day of October 1954. R. W. Andrew, Solicitor for the Executors. : . ceedirigs to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 29th day of October, A.D;. 1954. '.J. ' - • ■ Dated at Lucknow, this 15 th 1954. . E. H. Ontario, day of October, A.D, AGNEW, Clerk. MacLEH H A Hand MacKENZIE ■ . . FUNERAL ’’'SERVICE - • Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your * Home* Your: Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no. additional charge. ' , ' AMBULANCE SERVICE ' ’Phone* 181* Lucknow, Day or; Night INSURANCE FlRE/7WIND7~eASUALTY ; AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today, J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W.ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW . 'Every Wednesday and Saturday - Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 .7 Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW /■ Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76 Day or Night : Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra* Cost . Moderate Prices 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick, St.* just off the Main SL in ' ■ ' ' ' ' ' ' WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by . appointment Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. RAYROB INSON Floors LAID* SANDED AND FINISHED. 7. ■ v —_ _r 'Phone Carlow 2105 R,R.1* Port Albert $ ■t'Tt-