HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-27, Page 3X Car of CEMENT Has ARRIVED z KINGSBRIDGE /■ Thursday. October 2Sth; SISTER OF N. H. HEDLEY PASSED AWAY IN HAMILTON IO -M- Sunday, Nov. 7th—Commiin-1 ion. j "jiTTTr -------------------— "nrr <5 Webster i MacKinnon Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring Phone SO, Lucknow WEDNESDAY,. OCT. 27th, 1954 ( of Kincar- a- CURRIE’S CORNERS Valuable Free PrizesNew Recipes * <14* -Cdofelil A. Russell in Toronto meet their Admission 50c ■Franks o.f GbdFritfirMr. .arid Mrs. Albert. Campbell of Ashfield, Mrs.’ jack Campbell:of Amberley and Tom McGarvey dine. . '■I Under auspices of file Women's Association of the . United Church ■ . — n SB ii .BB.. ii.wii.'; ■■ 1.^% j COM I NG E VENTS | at 2-0.0 pmL i , . .. ■ ......ii „> —h ii in • - m LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rcrf' G, A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. ■ *. , « . ■ %' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31st 11.00 a.m.: The Righteousness of* God, 1&15 p.m.: Church School. 7.00 p.m.: Report of General . Council. i i i j I Lucknow 1 | Presbyterian Church | | SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31st j j 10.00 a.m,: Sunday School. | L-jSunday services withdrawn j "r Mcause of anniversary, ser- j I vices, morning and evening, at j | Erskine Presbyterian Church,! j Dungannon, conducted b? the I ! minister; Rev. Wallace Me-j I Clean. j | Friday, Nov. 5th—Preparatory j “Servicer ““ " f l APPRECIATED FAIR SPACE FOR MUSEUM DISPLAY . Dobbinton, Ontario, October 5th, 1954. Jvirs. W. G; .MacKenzie, Lucknow,. Ontario..< Dear Mrs. Mackenzie: Would you kindly convey to the members of the Lucknow Fair Board my grateful thanks for space given free gratis to the museum display; also to all W, "I? members "and Mr. 'Mackenzie who had a part in .setting up the display. It has been very help­ ful to,the Material Committee of, the Museum. ■■ . - May I wish the Fair Board every success for the coming ■year.' I remain^ yours sincerely, Mrs. Clifford Dudgeon, Dobbinton, Ont. ff Mr. and Mrs. Eim Edmanson and son Tom of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greer. . ' Mr,; arid Mrs. James E, Phil­ lips and sons Terry. and David of Kitchener and. formerly of Ashfield, were week-end. visitors With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. "E. Phillips in Wingham, and called in Lucknow <?n Saturday -evening. .. .< — — ——- Mrs. Edwin Ansley and . her granddaughter, Cathy Ansley of Thessalon, spent three weeks With the former’s .. parents, Mr. and ‘ Mrs. Ira Campbell/ 'and fe- turned home with her husband- ■who was a recent week-end, vis­ itor. • . Recent visitors with their cous­ ins,. Madelyne MacMorran and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacKehdrick were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bryce ..of Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes and Miss Glady Turner of Kincardine, and Mr. arid Mrs.- ''Victor Tariner, Paisley. "■ ' i DON’T MISS — CANADA PACKERS__ ..... . , IN, LUCKNOW TOWN HALL Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson -visi-te d—on—rSun day^—with—the i r- d a ugh ter,'Mrs. Ira Small at Conn. -Mr.- and Mrs. Jas. Little and family visited on Sunday . at Walkerton with their daughters, Mrs. Stroeder and Mrs. Grey. Mr.- Andrew Ritchie is irrWing- has “Hospital where he had an emergency .appendectomy. We understand he- is doing as well as can be expected. Mr.' and Mrs. Leo Courtney^ &. 6. Schmidt ’at Formosa Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. • Hector Cooke of' Waterloo, and Mrs. Duncan Mac­ Donald 'and Deane of Flint,. Mich., , spent the week-end;at..their bro­ ther's borne. Mr. arid-Mrs. Keith Johnston,, and whilevthere visited with friends. • . . Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Nelson re­ turned, Monday evening frrim a trip to the States where they had spent a .week; I Local & General Mrs, Jessie Webster of Clinton visited with Mrs. Mary j. Web­ ster and other’ relatives last week. Jack Bannister has been ab’ sent from his duties at the Bank of Montreal for a time, due to an attack of pneumonia. : Miss Dorothy Cook js another pneumonia Vicitim who has been off work for a couple of weeks. Mrs, Robert Johnston of God­ erich was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joy nt, Mrs. Wm. McGill has been a /patient in Kincardine t Hospital with pneumonia. ' . Alex Sutherland has been con­ valescing at his home after a bout with pneumonia in Kincar­ dine Hospital. ’ Beverley MacKenzie, who was m Wingham Hospital with pnCu-. moriia, and was discharged, - had to return to the hospital last week. Donald McCharles is ... improv­ ing in health and is able to be out again.' Donald was in the hps-_ pital for a spell and suffered a re-action to the drtigs used in treating him. - Week-end visitors at the home Mr. Angus Nicholson were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weinstein, Kit­ chener;.. Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Reick . and Mr.' arid, Mrs; Elmer Guenther, Waterloo. Mrs. George Elliott accompan­ ied Mr.. Elliott on his weekly trip to Toronto at the week-end and visited there with their daugh­ ter, Una, Mrs. Bruce McLeod of North Bay. Visitors with Catherine Mac- “Gtegoflast "week "were Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Fraser of Ottawa, W. and Mrs. George Leadbetter of Toronto, Mr. Colin* MacGregor of Kiritail,. Mrs. Sililla—MacGregor of llderton, Gordon MacGregor of. London. x Misl Chirstena Carrlik return­ ed home last Thursday from Vir­ ginia, Minnesota, where she had spent the past foui? ;mon4hs. Miss Carrick returned home on crut­ ches, due to an injury to her heel. Mrs. .Mary Webster- of Kichen- er underwent^a major operation in Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital recently' and” is" at'7pr|se:nT"cpm" yalescing. here at; the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Jewitt. Recent visitors with Mrs. Chas. •Lorenz were Mr. arid Mrs. B. Mr.. and Mrs. W. Spent' . a few days- where thev went to daughter, Miss Isabel Russell of Regina, S.ask., who was attend­ ing a Rational Y.W.C.A. annual meeting. They were accompahied home by their son, J. C. Russell, of Ottawa. While in. Toronto, Mn Russell and Jim went to the Sat­ urday night hockey game in the Maple Leaf Gardens. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HBINGO SATURDAY , Remember the Legion’s weekly Saturday night bingo in the Re­ creational Centre at 8.30. Fowl, blankets and Qthei’ prizes. HALLOWE’EN DANCE ■ ■ Hallowe’en. masquerade ball in ■Kingsbridge Parish Hall on Fri- day, October 29tii Prizes fpr fancy and comic dress. Hender­ son’s orchestra, lunch counter, everyone welcome. KINTAIL W. I. MEETING The regular meeting of Kintail Women’s Institute is to be held on Thursday, November 4th, at the home of Mrs. Ray Dalton, with Mrs. Durriin Phillips as guest speaker. ZION BAZAAR Zion W.A. will hold a bazaar in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, on Saturday, October 30th at 2.30, Se wing, home baking, afternoon tea. Stocked To Serve You With A Complete I4he Of HARDWARE and BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES ' and a wide range of Electrical Appliances and Heating Units Drop in And see our Showing of Heavy Supreme Aluminum Cooking Utensils HALLOWE’EN DANCE A hallowe’en masquerade dance -will-be -held-in-Holyrood HalTom Thursday, October 28th, under auspices, of Holyrood Women’s Institute. Carruther’s orchestra. Masquerade parade at 11.30. Ad­ mission 50 c. FEDERATION BANQUET West WawanOSh Federation of Agriculture annual meeting and turkey dinner in Whitechurch Community Hall, Tuesday, Nov­ ember 16th at 7.00 p.m.. Guest speaker, Ray Hergott. Dance af­ ter. Tickets $1.50, available from directors. MASQUERADE DANCE —Hallowe’en masquerade" “dance in St, Helens Community Hall, on Friday, October 29th under aus­ pices of the Women’s Institute. Prizes for the besf dressed and comic dressed ladies, gents, girls and boys. Admission 40c and 25c.; Bruce’s Orchestra. Lunch served. Anniversary services Anniversary services will be held at JKinlough Presbyterian Church On Sunday, November 7th at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton, guest speaker. ST. HELENS BAZAAR \ St. Helens United Church W.A, bazaar, baking sale and after- "noori tea in the "Legion" Hall, Lucknow, on Saturday,- Novem­ ber 6th at 2.30. BANQUET Ashfield Federation of , Agri- culture annual meeting arid bam quet will be held in the Recrea­ tional Centre, Lucknow, on Tues­ day, November 2nd at 7.00 sharp. Guest speaker, Harold Baker of Clinton. Tickets Wm; Cul- bert, pres.; Howard Blake, sec. MASQUERADE DANCE The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion ■ will sponsor their arinual Hallowe’en mas­ querade dance in the Town’Hall, Lucknow, on Friday, October 29. Men’s and ladies’ prizes for fancy, comic and original, costumes. Clive -Munroe’s orchestra. Draw for appliqued quilt. Admission 75c. , Mr. Lawrence Austin, Mrs. Sut­ ter and daughter of Detroit spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. Eldon. MacNamara of De- "troit visitedrwrth“"relatives here recently. Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatrick and Kenneth of Wingham visited with Mrs. KJartha O’N eil and family over the week-end. Miss Marianne JCraemer, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kraemer and. babe Rose Mary of Kitchener, -were-visitors“-at the" home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne over the week-end. Mr. -and Mrs. Hansford and family of Galt visited with friends here on Sunday. Mr. Thomas Drennan of Godr erich is visiting at the home-of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan. • Mrs. Mary Lierman, Peter and Diane visited with relatives in Langton over the week-end. ' Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Johnston and family of Goderich were Sunday -visitors-at--’the home of Michael Foley. Preparations are almost com­ pleted for the masquerade dance to be held in the Parish Hall. There will be a draw for three good prizes and a special door prize. The Ushers Club will also hold a display of homecraft, gar-1 den exhibits, etc., produced by' the children of this community. Produce School Paper • , The first edition of the School Monthly Paper was distributed last week, with Diene Lierman as editor-in-chief, assistant edi­ tor Patricia Drennan. Reporters ate: Patricia .Martin, religion: Maurice Dalton, general news; Terrance Dalton, gardens; Mary Lou Drennan, art; Mary Ellen O’Neill, school items;’ Alice Dal- ton, school items. This has prov­ ed to be a most interesting edi- ... tiori and our Inspector, Mrf Kin­ lin, complimented the teacher, Mrs. Sheridan and the pupils up­ on. their fine accomplishments. Mr.Kinlinrequesteda:sample copy of the school paper to show in other schools in his territory as this was . the first time to his knowledge, junior students ven- -tured into -this- line- of work, and— he wished t<? encourage this , training in our youth of today, which might well lead to a suc­ cessful careei in the^future. ; Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Valad and Keith spent the week-end with relatives in Woodstock. The death of Mrs. Joseph. Moore occurred at her home in Hamilton on. Thursday, October 44th.. While she. had not been feeling well for a few days there was nothing alarming about her condition. She passed away sud- * denly as her doctor was making plans to have her taken to the'r hospital. Mrs. Moore was formerly Lena Hedley, daughter of the late Mr. arid”Mrs. Alex Hedley of Luck- now, and was one . of ten child­ ren,; five sons and five daughters. Only four are now surviving.-. Nelson Hedley of Brantford, N„ H. 1 Hedley of Lucknow, Mrs.1 Douglas Addley (Vera) of Wind­ sor and Mrs, Albert Overholt (Celia) of Brantford. A sister, Mrs. Jeannette Donohue, prede­ ceased Mrs. Moore by only three months. Mr. Moore passed away seven, years ago: Surviving children are four daughters, three sons arid two step-sons. SEPOY 5< 11.00 STORE DR.Y GOOPS • LADIES ouU CHILORg'NS CHINA-KITCHEN UTEN$IL5‘GREET;WG.(SAR ' TOILETRIES fuwtTOYS^L. 108W LUCKNOW, ONT.