HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-20, Page 8■V PAGE EIGHT 4 .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ’ i 1 JROWN BROS. ’Phone 1.81 Kincardine | ’’ PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY , Poultry Culling A Specialty | In accordance with government regulgtiohs our poultry i coiips are thoroughly washed and dilutee,ted ‘ j for your protection. j X DUNGANNON The United Church Women’s Association met for the October meeting on Friday night at the home of Mrs. Harvey Mole with the-lst-w-ice president, Mrs. Wm., Petrie in charge. The meeting op­ ened with: the theme song .follow­ ed by the Lord’s prayer repeated in- unison. Mrs. Harvey Congram, read the scripture lesson and also gave the lesson thought on giv- . ing thanks and then led in pray­ er. The roll. call was given by 1 the Secretary, Mrs. Harvey Alton, ^which^as^answeredby^O-mem- ber-s and 2 visitors.. It was decid­ ed to make quilts and have them ' ready for early November. Mrs. Everett Errington presided for , the business part of the meeting. Mrs. K. Dawson gave the topic, . “The church’s claim on. you”. The ■ hostesses for lunch were Mrs; George Hodges, Mrs; H. Mole, Mrs. D. Phillips; Mrs. Ivan Riv- ett. The meeting closed with "h hymnandmizpahbenediction... Aged Gentleman Quite Ill; 7 Mr. Wm. Sillib; one of Dun­ gannon’s aged gentlemen, is quite ill at his hdihe suffering a Suc- -cessionofweak-spellslately,one which was taken while walking home from downtown. He did not regard his condition as any­ thing serjous but a series of these followed in the next few days, that are termed “strokes” and ’have rendered him quite paral­ yzed. Despite his 87 years, he has been quite active about the vill­ age and one would not realize his advanced age. Mrs. Annie Brown, of Ripley is assisting her sister, Mrs. Sillib;* with his care; Underwent Operation _. Mrs. Frank Pentland was rush­ ed to Goderich Hospital early Sunday morning for an emer­ gency operation. Reports, are. that: her condition is fair. Her illness strikes home as double anxiety to the Sillib family as. she is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillib. ~ The Dungannon United-church" was beautifully decorated Sun­ day morning for the annual Thanksgiving service. Autumn leaves of every hue formed a background for many kinds of fruits and vegetables. Rev. G. D’. Watt gave an impressive sermon on Thanksgiving, reminding the listeners of the many blessings , V V <3> / SPORT *■' TIMBERTIPS to, our people. The Mission’ Band of 27 members retired; to the basement for a monthly meeting. The Mission Band met Sunday morning with Patricia Pentland giving the call to worship after Singing the hymn “Stand up for JesUs”: Mrs: John Finnigan led in prayer. David Dawson gathered , the collections and Carol Pent/ land gave the offering verse. Mrs, J. Finnigan conducted, election of officers, resulting as follows: pros., Carol Pentland; sec;, Lynda Blake; treas., Wayne Brooks; pianist, Joanne Crozier; assistr ants,. Pauline Anderson, Sandra Brooks. World Friends were dis­ tributed by the secretary, Elean­ or Alton, Mrs. ,R. Irvin read a chapter from the. study book on India, The members purpose was repeated to close the meeting. South Kinlo&s F. & F. Group The Faith & Fellowship Group met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. MacIntyre on October 17, The meeting was opened with the singing of hymn“O worshipthe*/ King”, followed by the repetition of the Lord’s prayer. The roll call was answered With a scrip­ ture verse, containing thank or ’Thanksgiving. The next-rneeting' is to be a Hallowe’en social and will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs; W. F. MacDonald on October 25th with--Group. .1 . in. charge of the program. A prayer on Thanksgiving was given by Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre followed by the scripture lesson, Psalm 24, read by Mrs. Collyer. A medita­ tion based on Thanksgiving was given by Mrs. Steer followed-by the singing of hymn “Now thank we all our God”. The story of the First Thanksgiving in Amer­ ica was read by Mrs. Lloyd Mc­ Dougall followed, by a piano duet by Joyce and Margaret Baulch. A -reading on Thanksgivihg_^was. given by Mrs; Ira Dickie. Alan MacDougall played a piano solo followed by a vocal duet by Ruth arid Margaret Steer. A presenta­ tion speech was made by Donald * "MacIntyre—to Joan- ^-Hami-ltonT- ‘ Audrey Stanley and Bill Baulch. The presentation was made by Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. Denver Dickie played a yiolin solo. Grace • was sung and an enjoyable lunch was served, followed by a vote of thanks by Mr. Steer. The meeting closed with the mizpah ; benediction. Barn Door ' , •' , ■ ■ ' • • • . ■ . ■ ■ . I ir * a *V'.^w ''V. • a WcRhi Now Is The Time To FIX THOSE BARN AND GARAGE DOORS BEFORE THE WINTER STORMS COME. We Now Have A Supply Of Bam Door TRACK, TROLLEYS and BRACKETS '■ —also — .' , TONGUE and GROOVE PINE FOR DOORS. ...t. ,:L ■■■■ v . ■ ■ . ... >. . / u ‘ JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED jLiitkttoW' Phone ISO ,Ontario ui. I , • v WEDNESDAY, QCT, 13th, 1954 •?*!< I There was < much excitement op the alleys this week, with all 10 teams present. The Cubs were there as strong, as ever, taking 7 points from Johnston’s Chip­ munks, while Ernie. Button man­ aged to recruit enough Squirrels to take 5 points from the Pole Cats. Bob Reid and Pearl Jamie­ son led the Zebras to victory over the Beavers despite Lloyd Ash-, ton’s 643 triple which with hand­ icap totalled 781. The Kangaroos took 5 points from the Coons while Kangaroo Barger bowling as a. spare chalked up a 294 single. The Gophers played three close games to take 5 points from* the Wolverines. . . Team Standing ,z. Kangaroos 10,. Gophers 10, Zeb- bras 9, Cubs 7, Wolverines 7, Bea­ vers 5; Squirrels 5, Pole Cats 4, Coons "4, Chipmunks 2. Jackie Price; grandson of Wm. Johnston of town, ha^ been trad< ed by tiie,Chicago Black. Hawks to the Toronto Mhple Leaf hock­ ey chain and~Ts at. present with/ the Pittsburg Hornets. In the ex­ change the Hawks got Ray Tim- grem- Lome .Wakelin, former mana­ ger of \ the Goderich Arena and. a promotor of Young Canada Week, has accepted a position as manager of the riew $1,000,000 municipal stadium at St. Johns, Newfoundland. He flew there to conferwithstadiumofficialsand will shortly motor east with his Wife and family. MRS. POPP GUEST SPEAKER AT-MNTAII^J^lMffiETlNG^— The October meeting of the Kintail W.I. was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Ray Dal­ ton, who thanked alT’tKbse who helped with the Fair displays. The delegate to the London Con­ vention isz Mrs. Fred McGregor. The guest speaker, Mrs. Popp from Dungannon, was introduced by the president. She spoke on farm homes and conducted a questionnaire from the hand book which was enjoyed Very much. Mrs, Robt. Scott sang a solo, “Bless This House” and Mrs. Jim Little gave a reading. The Queep closed the meeting /after which lunch was served. j I i i ECONOMV YORK GOLDEN COR* i i* DON’T FORGET . With Purchases made at our store ... including a selection of CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS L i j i. wie will give you entirely f any one piece of Wm. ROG1ERS Du Barry Silverplate you wish FULL INFORMATION AVAlLABiE AT OUR STORE- * t 3 I I I Ii — | Henry’s Fruit Market i j Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries j i " “ * ’ ‘ DONNYBROOK (Intended for Last Week) Visitors at the Jefferson home ~ over Thanksgiving included Miss , Gladys. Jefferson, ILN. of Wood- stock, Mrs. Florence Hingleman of London and Miss Irene Jeffer­ son of Dunnville. ■- Sunday visitors, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney included Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Web­ ster, Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Webster and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson and family of Kippen. Miss Lucy Thompson of Onan- dago was home over thF^week- end. ’ '■ ;'■■■■ \ ■ Miss Joan : Doerr of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chamney arid Larry of Auburn Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. * Mr., Wes Jefferson, has return­ ed from Western Canada where. he was assisting with the harvest. Anniversary services will be held in Donnybrook church on Sunday, October 31st at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. with Rev, .Harvey Sparling, of St. Helens as guest speaker, . • The October meeting of ’ the WyM.'S. and W.A,' was held ori Tuesday afternoon at. the home of Mrs. Norman* Thompson, Mrs,.- Chas. Jefferson Was in charge pf the, W.M.S. meeting. The, 1 esson ; WUa^Eea<iKsKesppnsiMely^o;Lkriyeds • by prayer ' by Mrs. E. Robinson and pepea.ting the Lord’s *prayer in. unison. Mrs. Sam Thompson jsang “I Need Thee Every .Hour”', Miss Hazel Stamper ggve & LbM- , ■ ing hAn Acquired Viri'ue”; Hymn 681 Was sung. Mrs. Gordon Cham* hey read a poem entitled ■ “Tri^* ■ day”. Mrs. J. R. Thompson gW6‘ a reading oh Christian Steward­ ship and the chapter in the’study' book* was» read, by - Mrs. Gordon Naylbr, Mrs. H. Jeffersdn and iI parents, Mr. and' Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Free Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow Mrs. S. Thompson were appoint­ ed delegates to the Sectional Meeting at Bayfield. Hymn 286 was sung in closing. Mrs. Stuart Chamney was in charge of the W.A, meeting and conducted two contests and a reading was given by,Mrs. E. Robinson. There were 16 LANGSIDE ladies’ present. WHITECHURCH . • . . . » .1 & - • -J 4 • • Mrs. G. Gillespie, Mrs. James Falconer . and Lois attended the Sectional Meeting of the W.M.S.- of the United Church which was held in Ethel last Thursday. The United Church held a.suc­ cessful turkey supper despite the wet weather last Fridaiy evening. The, concert after the supper was enjoyed by all, consisting^d£ a few numbers iby the . Lucknow Male Quartette, some numbers by Garnet hnd Russell Farrier arid Dori Rosenhagen and reiritations by -Clifford Coultes of Belgrave.; Miss Winnifred Farrier showed trip to Eastern Canada and Ni­ agara Falls,. .The communion service was. held in the United' and Presby,> terian churches. Phyllis and Fred Moore, Joan -Casemore, Jack Coultes, Donald and Velma Stap­ leton alj joined the. United church, by faith and Mrs. R. j. Laidlaw, Mrs,-E. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Art Stapleton joined by* certifi- ' Cate. ' • k _ ■ ; e^Baier^0n~oif-/Eoronto;; is; visiting with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, ' 'Mr. and Mrs. V. Stockhill and family, of Powasshn spent the week-end with -Mr, and Mrs,' H. Laidlaw* and other friends, . * . We ‘arc sorry to hear tha'Wrs. ■Jas»> Wilson,, Sr.; is a patient in Wingharri Hospital. , '• , ML and Mrs. Carman Farrier and. family of Mimico and, Miss Winnifred" Farrier' of , Toronto’ spent, the. week-end with their. —Gongrat-ul-a-t-ions~to~M-F7—&— Ken Chester on the-arrival of their little daughter. A good crowd attended Mr. Chas. Eljiot’s sale in spite of such a rainy afternoon. Mr., and Mrs. Elliot plan to ^move to Lucknow to live. Mr. Russel Ritchie, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tiffin arrived / home Sask, on Tuesday evening. Mr. Reg Smith, Mr. and "Lloyd Smith of Petrolia. Sunday afternoon visitors Frank Millet. . . The - Ladies Aid - was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Orr on Monday evening. Mrs. Wm.- Scott presided. Mrs, Orr read the scrip­ ture and Mrs. ChaS. Tiffin gave the meditation on, ^prayer.. Mrs.' -Lloyd Moffat1* read; the last meet- ■ ing’s minuTe§ and roll call. Dis- cussion and plans for the bazaar were made which is being held in Teeswatdr On Saturday after­ noon, October 23rd; Discussion on gathering woollens to send for blanke.ts iri the near future wa^ also held, Readings, were given by Mrs. Farish Moffat,. .Mrs. Wes- *. Young and Mrs, Frank Miller. . Thanks were extended to Mrs. Orr for the use of her home by Mrs. Septt The. hymns “Sweet Hotif«of Frayer” and /‘Blest Be : sth&xti ri^baj^Rmds^we.re ;?-SU n The meeting was closed by the . Lord’s prayer and a dainty lunch : Was’ seryedf / '\ ■ All members of the Dawson family frdm Toronto and London ", with the exception' of' Mr., mid - ' Mrs. Stewart' Dawson, spent t.hrt Thanksgiving* week •■end with Mr. . Joshua Dawson and ’ML &/Mr< Huntley Dawson and family. Mr.''Don Ros§' iS finishing un 'his 'Thredhirig’"jobs■; ■ munity this weefc / 1 T <» ' ’’ • ' , from •Mrs. were’ "with"" >