HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-20, Page 2. It* page two I iv.wWw'Ss'v' II A- ' ' THE; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ——:———,—1_—.J----- "ir"' ................: a ...u WEDNESDAY, QCTv20th, 1951 **Sure Fl! come back . ; / I’m just going to place ipy * order for Canada Savings Bonds”; , PARAMOUNT Mr. and Mrs. R1 Henderson and Mrs. W. White of Hamilton ~ vis-r itedwith Mr. and Mrs. J. Hen­ derson., ■. / ; ' ./ .. ; . . Mrs. D. McCharles has return­ bed home after, being a patient in St. Marys Convalescent Home, London, with a broken hip. Mr. Kelso MacNay is a patient in Wingham Hospital with bron- chial asthma. Bob'. McIntosh is laid up, with I U ' I •o I < 1 l‘ I' l<bL a sore foot resulting from infec­ tion from a rusty nail that pen­ etrated his. foot. Mr. and Mrs, R. Boak and fam-. ily have moved from Lucknow to their farm. ’ ’ Mr. Lloyd Henderson has re­ ceived a promotion in the RCAF. Paramount Women’s. Institute meeting, that Was> to be held -at the home of Mrs. K. MacNay on Tuesday, will be held at Mrs. j. Elphick’s in the form of a. quilting On Thursday; GRATUITY DEADLINE’ FOR VETS APPROACHES District* “C” of the. Canadian Legion held its conference in Walkerton with 54 branches re­ presented. Colin M, Bennett^ North Grey and parliamentary assistant to the minister of veter-. aps* affairs was the principal speaker, Changes, in., the/Pension Act were reviewed by Mr. Bennett. He said that now adopted child­ ren are placed on'.the same basis as others for the purposes of the bcti-L'.. L *l ■ ■■’.' ’ L “It is not possible for your gdv^ eminent to gi\e the Legion every ernment to give the Legion everything which they ask. for”, he said ; as he spoke on the con­ troversial war veterans’ .allow­ ance. He suggested that the Leg­ ion adopt a “keep - your shirt, on” attitude. The government did not say “no’? to the request for pen­ sion increases. He pointed to amendments in the “casual earn­ ings” clause %hich enable a pen- sioher tq augment, his pension in­ come. He listed the three clauses -of-exemptionsr— ■'—’—7^— Mr. Bennett drew attention to two “cut off” dates. Gratuities must be claimed by the end of thik yea^ Over $1,000,000 is still unclaimed. Also the end of 1954 or 10 ; years after discharge, whichever is the later, is the last date for application for veterans’ insurance. e . 1 a*. ' i ■ .v Lucknow Boy Scouts ARE GOING Li L vr 1 1 / hl FOR i I >< ,/ - IN LUCKNOW, ON Thursday-, Oct; 28 «»<j ■■ 11 — u —'LH*!L«W'? — " — " O'—'ii'i 11 —11 i> —HI —11 ■■ n R— looking backwards throughthesentinelfiles ' ■ ' \ /' ' '' .i.. Thirty-Five Year* Ago Word was received here of the death of Aylmer Aitchison in Germany. The Lucknow Patriotic Society received a letter of thanks from Nurse Cora L. MacQuaig, for * \Christmas parcels received in France. Teachers at Lucknow Public School were: Boom I, I. Murdie* Room II, J. W. MacCallum; Room III, AT~ WeWei^Rbbm IV Frances M. Spence. ’’ , Bev.. R. W. Craw,, formerly a Fre$btyerian minister at St. Hel­ ens, was seriously injured wften kicked bj^ a horse, The Chautauqua Festivals were poming to Lucknow, with, pro- ceeds to go to the Soldiers’ Mem­ orial Fund. The Sentinel wfts advertising Lucknow Businessmen’s Dollar Days, which was headed, “the greatest shopping event of the ' year”,. Rev, B. M^cCallum performed 4he^marriage~Dn—ApriW 6th~"of “~ Carmen John Beaton of Seaforth, formerly of Ashfield, and . Eva May Brown of Ashfield; Sixty Years Agio The 15th annual meeting-of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fife ip. surance Cpmpany was held in the Court Room, Dungannon: The Company showed total assets of ‘ $100,540. ^SU^nts-attendihg^^S—Nor-Tr~ Kinloss, were: A. McKay, 'J. Me-. Connel, M. Gaynor, M. Hender­ son, W, Phillips/ D. McPhee, A. Miller, M. A, McPhee, A. F’ind- Jay, -E. Wilson^--N.-Gampbell, E7- Barr, L. Gaynor, C. Webster, W. Fisher, M. Gpllan, A. McKinnon, A. Phillips, J. McKinnon, S. Mil­ ler,B. Gollan, M. Cook, F..R01H- ston, N; Beaton, K. Fisher, E. Fiiilay, E. Barbour, R; Wilson, k- Miller,. W. McLeod, R.. Finlay, R. Webster, E. Webster, D. McCori-’ nely R. Fisher. [ Hugh Mbrrison was appointed . I clerk at a salary of $100, Geo. H. 1 Siddall was appointed treasurer i at a salary of $50, and John N. 1 Rbss was appointed collector at a salary of $50. j -Members of two Lucknow curl­ ing rinks that defeated Wingham rinks at a match here were: M.. Corrigan, Alex, McPherson, J. Murchison, W. Allin (skip)’; ’ J?' McGarry,?J. Bryan, J. B. Hunter, J. Gi. Murdoch (skip). President P. McKenzie occupied0 . , . ■ -----.7-------------,----------- ............................................................................................ of the Lucknow Cheese Factory. ■^Uit courtesy The Ottawa Citizen. ,TRn Years Af© ■ There were 109 donors at Luck- now’s 8th Blood Donor Clinic.. .A special meeting of the Vill-, age Council was called to inves­ tigate reports of open drink ing at dances in Lucknow. A Soldier Reception Committee was organized in. town to honor returning servicemen. Mr. Kenneth R, MacKanzie, a lifelong resident of Kinlos6 Twp., - passed away in Wingham. Hos­ pital. Mr. and Mrs. John McKay of Kiptail received, word that their son, Donald Kenzie McKay, was missing on . air ' operations over Germany. This word came short­ ly after learning that he had pre­ viously ‘been awarded the Dis­ tinguished Flying Cross. Donations to the Lucknow and Vicinity Branch of the Red Cross totalled $4,484,77. - Plans wefe/launched for the Sixth Victory ix>an. President Robert Davidson was chairman for the 55th annual meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual. Fire. Insurance -Company . Ernest Ackert was vice-president. Cold weather records which ex­ isted for over half a century were shattered on February 8thy when the mercury dipped to an official 34 degrees below zero. Unofficial thermometers went as low as 50 ■ -below.-—— John Henry Winterstein, a fqrr mer postmaster at Kinloss, pass­ ed away in Ridgetown at the .home of his son Nelson. vV ; 1. -Kincardine-- eliminated- Luck­ now in a sudden death game for the group championship, played in ithe Ripley arena. Misa Helen Malcolm and . Miss Marjorie? Henderson were guests at a -"presentation in their honor, prior to entering Stratford Gen­ eral Hospital as student nurses. Russell Ritchie, 9-year-old son of Fred Ritchie, suffered two i' broken arms and- one leg, in a! fall of about five feet onto ice/1 at Ziop School. . Mr. George Anderson passed away suddenly at his home nepr Dungannon. / / Mr. A. E. Busw^ll opened up a new Men’s - Wear Store in the east wing of Johnstone’s Furni­ ture Store. Mr. R. E. Smith’of the Bank of Montreal was transferred frdm Lucknow to Prescptt._Hj.s_.s.u.c.c.esSj=—the__chair—at-the— or was Mr.^W, J, Floyd of Lon­ don. >< >< >< >< $ Letter From Germany Seeks Word About Members Of Early Family ’ .Last week we published, an ad­ vertisement from a lady in Ore­ gon . seeking information about members of a pioneer -family, Murdock . Morrison^and Mary. Munroe, 'and this week we haye. received a lettex\fyom- Germany,. seeking sinfUar genealogical in­ formation, about this family, Mr. Murdoch Morrison of town, a distant relative, informs- us that all available information that he can‘ give, has been forwarded to Mrs, Houschild, who ran the ad­ vertisement last week, ' The* letter reads as follows:' v HQ. Officers1 Mess;, .* Royal Air Force, Bad Eilsen, B.O.A.R. 38, (Germany). 1,2 th September, 1954'. The Editor. . “Lucknow- Sentinel”', Lucknow, Ont, ’, .. ..D.e.ar_Sir.: . A friend of mine, ah eminent Austrian genealogist, is attempt­ ing a Scottish' family with Aus- triad connections, two members of which lived, and died in Luck­ now, Ontario. , \ - These two were: Murdock Mor­ rison, who, was bom‘.about 180*4 or 05 on the Isle of Skye, the son of Donald Morrison, and .Cather­ ine Finlayson. He died. in Luck> mow in 1892. His wife, Maty Moh- roe; was 'born in Portree; Isle of Skye in 1803 or 1813'and died in Lucknow in 1880. Their daughter, Sarah Morrison,' was born at Shorncliffe, England, in. 1833 or ’• 1840 and married ofte Kenneth Nicholson* bn Prince Edwdrd Is­ land in about 1854. L)o the files of The Sentinel . contain any information on this family which you could Igt me have- to pass on to my,friend, Der Friedrich Von Founk, or if not do you think it would be possible that you could* put* a paragraph in the paper which jnighHput-me-in~toueh of the present day mefriberS of this family. . Hoping that you cap assist me, I atm ■'' , , ; , ■ • yours,, sincerely, . „ , ’ J; L. Garland., r AT 1.30 Tie Securely or Put In Cartons All Your ’ Newspa^erSyMagaziiies,OldBooks, q., I * *1 and Cardboard AND PLACE THEM AT THE CURB PICKUP WILL BE MADE At Dungannon At 2 p.m. * %■ RuralResidentsMayLeaveTheirBundlesAtTheComniiinitvShed At Tireir Convenience On dr Prior to Thursday; YOU CAN HELP SCOUTING WITH YOUR OLD PAPER 1 >< >< J t x......... b1 t r >< ►< »< ' t /■' THIS. AfiVfeWiSEMENT' SPONSORED BY:. ' McLennan & MacKenzie S< C, Rathwell 8t Son — ■ Wtii, Slurdio & Soft . . t Fisher’s Barber Shftp/ The Lucknow Sentinel . >< ±3a THE'"Otb-TIME' COLUMN .. For * m u c Time column, one bi the most popular features of The Sen! mol. ta^4k?err-45adl^ after week, despite’ extra pages, W,e found at press time-w bad— a surplus of type, and as a 'result ■this feature was ' among .those which were held over. . This webk we/afe^running the, ■ column, which has-been in fvpe’\ since spring and as a donspqm ncc items mentioned in it are now • considerably past the correspond- , ing period in which they happen*- , ed in bygone years...