HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-13, Page 10monarch * BORN‘.I ’> «•<* I. 65c I I- 27c 24c 353 z -JI 35c 29c < < 4 < < •< 4 •4 < < .< 4 4 < 4 .4 < and bright, ; trousers pressed and his hat just right, shoes must always 29c 33c *y*-r V f‘t9 WWWK '■ ' ! '■-■■■■■■■■ ■■ ’ :■■■■■■ .... .. •O—~ During the serving of the meal downstairs interesting movingpicturefilmsandcolorslideswiUbeshown- continually upstairs in the church. LG.A. Wax Paper, 100 ft... 29c Dainty Rice, lb. .........;..’;.....s.\i7c Vankirk Chipiis ^7 33c . /.. ............................./;;/^/'/7?.J .SEE OUR LINE OF DUTCH FOOD FROM HOLLAND FULL LINE OF COTTON AND LEATHER GLOVES^ HAND-MADE ROCK ELM AXE HANDLES TREATED PAPER FOR LINING SILOS 7 /-J,?j'-: O. L ;. ' . ; ' • ' ' ' ■ . EVERYONE WELCOME SMITH’S FOOD MARKET Space Heaters Now is the time to prepare for cold weather . / jSee our line of Heaters — reasonably priced — satisfaction guaranteed. '' STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS ' . ■ ~ All Sizes in Stock. - * A COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES < for 7 MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN v I WM. MURDIE & SON ' ’PHONE 10, LUCKNOW . ■ Heating —. Plumbing Tinsmithing Oil Furnaces Installed and Serviced THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO '■' ptrp w? f*,? ********■***<»# 1 For practical year round wear, see our ALL-WEATHER 8 COATS in a variety of plain and novelty fabrics. Rjzep X •12-29, 18^-2414’. FhU and Winter COAT^ in all ppwept/shades and J | fabrics/ ■■ ■ ■ •« • Gloves, Handbags, Scarves, Hosiery, Umbrellas. SOYS’WEAR . Fall • and Winter wearing apparel: Station Wagon Coats; Corvette Coats, sizes 8 to 18; Suits; Trousers, Jeans, Unfed and unlined; Sweaters, Underwear. INFANTS’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR ... 3 Bunting Bags; Pram Sults; Coat Sets, 1, 2, 3, 3x, 4, 6x; Corvette Coats, sizes i 5, 6/7; Jackets and Ski Pants* >■ ^’iNCAGiMENTS'' Mr* ®nd Mrs* John Levesque .of Charlo Station; New Bruns­ wick, Announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura, to Mr. Clayton Scholtz, only son Of Mr. dnd Mrs^Ezra Scholtz of White­ church. The marriage will take place the latter part of October. 7 ■■■■ ■ ; - WEDNESDAY, OC*T.13th, 1954 Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Wear—Piece Goods & Woollens X AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS | For pick up and delivery Monday and Thursday, 2 ANDERSON—in Wingham HpSr pital on Thursday, October 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson, R. 3, Lucknow, a son, Arthur Douglas. ' ; 7 ,7 ■;;../ ' WALL in Wingham General Hosital, on Wednesday, Septem­ ber’ 29, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Lorqe wall* Kt 1, Lucknow, a son. SCHUMACHER — in Wingham General Hospital, ( on Sunday, ■October. 3,. 1954,. to'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher, R, I,- Holy- rood, a daughter. OBITUARY MRS. R._ J.J7WOODA A well known and highly re­ spected resident of the, Lucknow district, whb spent the past five years in Guelph; Mrs. Robert Jas. Woods, died Saturday evening, October 2nd in the Guelph Gen- ; T eral Hospital. She was in her 67th year. Mrs. Woods, formerly Sarah Jane Reid, was born in Bayfield, Ontario, the daughter of Mar­ garet and Robert Reid. She mov­ ed to St. -Helens after her mar­ riage to Robert James Woods. > There she was a member of St. Helens United Church, and had been active for many -years-in­ various women’s organizations of the church, and also in the Wo­ men’s Institute. ? Mrs. Woods went to Guelph-in^ 1949 and despite her advanced age had, enjoyed good health un­ til recent months. Her death was sudden and. unexpected. Predeceased by her husband, Robert-J.Woods-in~1923,-andalso- by a daughter Mrs. Fred Phillips (Nina), Mrs. Woods is. survived by four daughters and two sons, Mrs. Arnold Barbour,, Mrs. Wm. G. Dougherty, Mrs;q A. E. Tyson, Guelph; Mrs- Arthur Whetham, Galt; Dr. Alvin Woods, Dundas and Wilson Woods, Guelph. The funeral was held on Mon- day, October 4th from the Tovell funeral home, Guelph, to St. Hel­ ens, where service was conduct­ ed in St. Helens United Church by Rev. Ef E. Baskier, minister of Dublin St. United I Church, Guelph.. • . • t ; Interment—was in—Greenhill Cemetery with three grandsons, Robert Phillips,. Arthur; Reid Whetham, Galt; Jack Tyson, Guelph and threemephewSjJLome Woods, John Durnin, and Arnold Woods, St. Helens, acting as pall-, bearers. ' /'// October Is Cheese Month ► /.. •_ " ■ . 7 . '• * Special Old White Cheese, lb........60c ’Pine River Cheese, Lb. .... 48c I Ingersoll Cheese Newry Squ^te, lb. 48c Dutch Cheese from Holland, lb 10 slices. 14 lb 25c ► I.G.A. w*.v Fancy > Tomato Juice, 20 oz. 2 LG.A. ■ •■/'/ ’Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. > I.G*A. Ripe ’ii Ragged . Peaches, 20 oz. Green Giant Cut*/ Green Beans, 15 oz* 2 for I.G.A. ' ' ■ Pofk & Beans, 20 Oz. 2 for 31c I.G*A* Choice ; 7 Cream Corn, 20 Oz. 2 for 31c ktGX ' \Choice Pumpkin, 28 oz. 17c for 25c LG.A Choice Peas, 20 oz. „ 2 for 39c lg.a* Orange Marmalade, 24 oz. York Bologna ............. I.G.A. Peanut Butter, 16 oz. ........ I.G.A. Margarine, lb. ........ Betty Crocker Cake. Mix’ Deal, price .'.“//_. 77* 7."' 54c Sunny Morn Coffee, lb^ $1.09 4 .. -• -- ■ < 4 4 < < < ? 4 SHOWERS HELD FOR BRIDE-ELECT ?-,7! '• 'fy 7.’ ■ -1 '-■ !!■,■!').'.l.F...p!\!l*?- ■*’. '* On Monday. evening,' October 4th,amiscellaneousshowerwas held for Freda1 Hunter at her home at Zion when the ladies of the community gathered to honor her on her approaching marriage. A program Was enjoy­ ed and the following address read as the bride-to-be was presented. With her gifts. Dear Freda: \ 7 . , . No doubt to you it’s very clear YOur many friends are gathered -here' • .. To wish you luck, prosperity, On your trip through the matri^ monial sea. ' ' Though our advice is free, it’s / good/ '7.’ . 7 • 7- ■ ■< 7 And if you’ll act th^ .way you shbuld, There’ll be no/troubles or quar­ rels rude. If Mac will do what you fell him to. : .'7 /. ■ ■ ■••-7.'.;. You must never, never give him ■ bread .7 ' •••■. That’s hard as stone and heavy as' lead. •; Be sure your cakes are fluffy and light, > Your potatoes and meat cooked just right, His shoes must always His shoes ’ must be always shiny His in sight. Take cate that his socks are all complete And buttons sewed on and his shirts real neat. But—yourbread may be heavy, ' your cakes may fall* So have your smiles ready and give them for all. You must never nag or find great . fault 7 .For that ’is what husbands despise above all, But when troubles come as troubles do Just stick to him and he’ll stick to you. . So settle down soberly, it’s no apple sauce That a rolling1 stone Will gather no moss. We offer these presents, to show our goodwill- • . And hope they please and always Will, • ,• . ' / '■ That your .voyage through life .. may be happy and long Is sincerely the wish of this hap­ py throng. //■. " _JSighed -jmJiehalLof^^ here, Norma McDoriagh, Isabel Hunter. ; Freda thanked everyone for re­ membering her and all joined in * t Turkey Supper IN THE LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Tuesday, Oct. 19th ■X' V Under Auspices of the W^CI|,!5 Associaiioh ' V. 7.. '7’7 / Supper Served from 6.00 to 8.00 . ■<. ■ • -..5: ’■< 1 ’ / ■- . " 1 7, ' .• ■ • ‘7 /'. ‘ \’v' ADMISSION — $1.25 and 75c Plan To Attend the Turkey Supper singing ‘Tor She’s A Jolly Good Fellow”. During the evening the ladies viewed the bride’s trous­ seau and then lunch was served to bring a. pleasant evening to a .close,.? // 7 Shower In Lucknow A miscellaneous shower was previously held in honor of Freda at the home of Mrs. Bud Hamil- ton. A pleasant social, evening •- was enjoyed with contests con­ ducted by Lorraine MacDonald, a reading by Betty Miller and a . sing-song with Mrs. Robert Scott, at the piano.. Freda, received many7 lovely gifts and was assisted in open­ ing them by Lorraine (MacDonald ahdDonanne Caesar. Choose From Three Different Makes GUTTA PERCHA, GOODRICH, MINER No Charge For Insoles 7PYJAMAS Ladies’ long sleeved flannelette pyjamas; plain and fancy trim. Sizes, small, medium and large. Price $2.98 MATS ' Tweed rest mats, asSdrifed COldfS, non-skid back* Each *?: $1.79 s ......•. ’ r- - ........ ............................................................., ’re*^teMEN,S?rtDlAMON^ 90 percent wool ahd-10 percent nlyon. Assorted colors. Size 10 to 12 ....$1.65 7 FLANNELETTE GOWNS Plain Mother Hubbard flannelette ' gowns, stitching on yoke, Hut- toned bodicg, long sleeve. Sizes, medium and large ................ $2.49 OVersi^e $2.79’ .‘V • ’ ,/" r - • , , ' ■ *’ 1 ■: 4 „/ Plastic window* blinds; 36 iiicfi,, white only. Each ............7.:.. $1„39 / ■ ' BOYS’ PLAID SHIRTS ’.'J'/ Sanforized. Sizes 10, 12, 14/Reg./ . $1.98. Reduced price $1.49 Two .for...........:........ $2.50 . BOYS’ LINED DUNGAREES. SajifariZed. Sizes 5( 6 & 8 $2.98 , ' MEN’S SWEATER COATS . Tn fancy’ jacquered pattern^ zip­ per front, plain sleeves,., back and . waistband, colors, wine, blue and brown. Price . /. $6.2$