HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-13, Page 9MONUMENTS
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. Mr, apd Mrs. Jack Hewitt and
fajnily- spent Thanksgiving at
Waterford with Mr. and IMrs.
Wallace Masdn. . 7 . ,
„ Bruce Ryan of
Toronto visited with Mr. Gor
don Hodgkinson.
Mr. and ■ Mrs. Bert Nicholson
spent the week-end with relatives
_atlDetroit.—-— -----——
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moss and
jimmy of Auburn visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Hodgins. ■ .....
^~TfiF~Sr.~W.A. will meet Thurs
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Midford WalzL
Mrs. Charlie Hodgins,; Wing
ham, *spent the' week-end with
Edna and May Boyle,
Saturday visitors with Mrs. J.
VZ. Colwell were Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Bonnet and Jean, Con.. 1.0,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carrick
of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Boyle of
Moose Ja.w^ Sask., Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Boyle, Marilyn and Carol
of London spent the week-end
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott &
. family of Stratford called on rel
atives here bn Sunday,
spent the week-end with . Mrs.
Gertrude Walsh.
Mr, and Mrs. Clare Sparling
and Allan of Walkertori spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. &^,Mrs.
George Haldenby.
Mr. and kMrs. Harold Haldenby
and family^ Mr. and MrsA Walter
Breckles spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Breckles.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry spent
the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. E. Haldenby.
Mr. and Mrs. .Russell Speers of
Sarnia, Mf. and Mrs. George Gil
bert arid son, Mr. and Mrs. John
>Schmidt of Stratford were ^week
end visitors at: the home of Mr.
Wm. Cox and also called on Mrs.
Cox who . is a patient'in . Kincar
dine Hospital. ;
Some from here attended the
farewell party dri Friday evening
Jack Hedley and family. ' z. '
Mr. arid Mrs. Ivan Lloyd of
London.’called on friends here
oh Monday. ' •
Mrs. Phil Smith te spending
this week with friends at Hamil
ton. . • ■ . '.
Oh Monday evening the A. Y.
A, met at the. church.- The,
* meeting opened with a hymn and
►prayer. The following Officers
were elected rbresident,. Doug! as
’rShriffiy vice pres., Donald Sm ith:
sec.-treas., Elwood Hodgins; press
reporter, John Hodgins., The pro.-
■yincial, conference, which is be
ing held n Toronto, was discuss-
ed. Meetings are to be held each
^second Monday evening. • The
. h^xt meeting ,xyil| bp’ held oh
October 18th. Player 'closed the
. ’hieeMn.g. • '/ *;
.Ls Your Subscription Paid?
Ob$crv^ Silence In Memory
Of Former W.I, Member
The October meeting of St.
Helen’s W. I. was held at the
°f Miss Jean Aitchison on
Thursday, October 7 th. There
were 14 members, 8 visitors and
5 Children present. The ibeeting
opened with the Ode, followed by
the Lord’s; prayer and’the Mary
Stewart Collect. The roll call
W£s answered by ' presenting a
gift for a convalescent in the hos
pital and many nice gifts were
received. Mr. Elmer Umbach
gave a very interesting talk on
est Gaunt was appointed as dele
gate to the Area Convention in
London this month. It was de
cided to donate $5.00 to the blind.
A committee tyas appointed to
see about a Hallowe’en social &
masquerade on Oct. 29th. Mrs. W.
A. Miller gave the motto “Laugh
more apd‘worry less”. Mrs, Har
vey-r „ Webb gave the current
events, A cobkie contest" was hfeld
with. Miss Mary Murray, Mrs.
Deyman and Mrs. Harvey Webb
acting as judges. First prize was
a tie between Mrs.; Ross Gammie
a n d . Fred McQu ill in-with -al L
the rest being second. A minute’s
silence was observed in memory
of Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mrs. And
rew Gaunt gave a reading and a
contest was conducted by Mrs.
Ernest Gaunt. Lunch was served
by the hostesses, Mrs. John Cam
eron and Mrs. Ernest, Gaunt; The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs.-Allan Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gontier
of Toronto, Mr. and.,Mrs’. James'
Barbour of London and Murray
Gaunt of O.A.C., Guelph, were
week-end. visitors with Mr. arid
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. • s ■
Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto is
IMrS. George Stuart. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd, An
drew, Janet and Mary of . Strat
ford spent the holiday week-end
withAMrs. D. Todd. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown and
Bob Murdie of Kitchener were
visitors for the holiday week-end.
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and
Mrs. Murdie.
Mr. Ralph Howlett of Elora
will be the guest speaker at the
anniversary services to be held
in the United Church on'Sunday’,
October 24th;. Mrs. Howlett will
be the guest soloist.
Mrs. Irvin McCabe, Marvin &
Bryan of Windsor were visitors
with relatives here, They were
accompanied home by Mr. Mc
Cabe who had spent the. week
with iMr; and'* Mrs. Frank Mc-
Quillin. ; : •'
Miss Mary C. Rutherford, who
suffered a severe stroke on Wed
nesday, was removed to Wingham
General Hospital on S^uriday. Her
many friends hope for a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. A.. P. Head, Wen
dy and Paul of St. Catharines, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard. Elliott and ZE1-
wood .Elliott of Holy rood _wer.e
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al
lan Miller..
Mrs. W. I. Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Miller visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Gordon" Mc
Intyre^ who is making favorable
recovery from a spinal operation
in the St. John’s Convalescent
Home, Toronto. Mrs. T. J. Todd
and Miss. Isobpl Miller visited her
on Thursday. .
Among the satisfactions of a Bank Account
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Work in Your^ interest
Information concerning Ontario'Hydro can be obtained by writing to your Hydro Chairmen.
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inspectingeltectrical installations
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the job, to assure that wiring meets
the requirements and standards as
laid down in the publication,
"Ontario Hydro Regulations.”
Please* make sure all new and
rewired installations are inspected by
an authorized Ontario Hydro Inspector.
Mr. and Mrs. Giis Kinahan &
Michael Kinahan of London
spent Thanksgiving week - end
with Mr. arid Mrs, Bill Kinahan.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Artnstrong^were
Mr.. arid Mrs. W. T. Armstrong
and Jack of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Craig arid children oi
Miss Tilly Alexander, White-
church, is. spending_a--few-weeks-
at the Armstrong home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stein and
Mr, and Mrs. Aitken of Kincar
dine were visitors with Mr. and
-Mrs; Wm. Purdori and girls.
iMr. Jim Cummins, who is at
tending the Ontario Veterinary
College at Guelph, spent the
week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.
Donald Murray Who were mar
ried last week.
0 Mr. and Mrs. James Durnin
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Luxton, Kincardine.
You more secure with your money sale
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' During 1953 Hydro Inspectors
made 626,690 .electrical inspec
tions in farms, homes and indus
tries in Ontario. '
; Mrs. Gordon MacTavish, Marr
ilyh a/id Donald spent the holi
day week-end with Mr, and Mrs.
Cameron MacTavish, Wingham. ,
Mrs. Tena Dayman of Bruce-
field visited a few days last week
with Mary and Ross Murray and
attended the Murray s Raynard
wedding on° Wednesday. <
BORN—in Clinton Hospital bn
October 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ley Johnston, a daughter.
1 Re_cent_ visitors—With—Mr-s—Gor-
dori MacTavish' were her.sister,
Mrs..' John Scott and Mr. Scott
of London, her cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Tibbet of Seaforth &
Mrs. MacTavish of Wingham....
(Intended for Last Week)
Miss Helen Durnin of London
arid Mr. George McRoberts of
Lucknow were recent visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. James Durnin.
Bob Campbell gashed his foot
with an axe last week while
trimming a tree, The wound took
several stitches and‘slowed Bob
up for a few days. • ’