HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-13, Page 8PAGE. RIGHT THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Whether you need 1 light or 100, : we can supply it in Odd or Standard Sizes ■ . • •• i . ■ ' ' . \ ’• ’ • , Prepare For Winter . TIMBER TIPS . . $ . ' '' " ' . ■ ; The bowling' season got under­ way last week with, eight teams seeing action. The Two Dungan­ non teams’ will roll at a. later date, ' , Roy Black’s 282 single was beaten by Jack Bannister with 292. High men’s triples were Chipmunk Black 672, Gopher Clarence Greer 634 and Wolver­ ine Bannister 617. Beaver McKin­ non was^ outstanding for the lad- ies with "a 603 triple. The Kangaroos scored high team single 930 flat, high triple 2485 flat. —-■——Team-Standing—' Chipmunks 5, Kangaroos 5, Go­ phers 5, l^qlvermes 5, Beavers 2, Pole Cats 2, Zebras 2, Coons BlCMVAUJEg IN LATE MODEL ' WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13th, 1954 . $1,995 BY GETTING THOSE CRACKED AND 4 BROKEN WINDOWS REPAIRED. ■. ■. , " .... . . . . ■ •• .,/■ , ■■ .. : . ■,■ / JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow » Phone ISO WHITECHURCH Mrs. Robert Mowbray Passes r. Our community was saddened to hear of the death of Mrs. Rob­ ert Mowbray who died in Lon­ don on Friday in her 60th year. Mrs. Mowbray .was? the former Etta MacKay, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mac­ Kay, Mrs. Mowbray took a great interest in her church and mis- - sipnary work. She was a member of the Presbyterian, church here before moving to Wingham about nine years, ago. She leaves to mo.urri her loss her husband, two daughters (Catherine) Mrs. Jas. ( Wilson of Whitechurch and (Rob­ erta) Mrs/R^Seddan of . Wing­ ham arid a son Angus of Wing- • ham. A £on, MacKenzie Mowbray was killed in World/War II. Also surviving are five sisters, (Cas­ sie) Mrs. Markle of B.C.; (Sadie) Mrs. Markle of Hamilton;(Ten a) Mrs.-A. E. Purdon of Lucknow; Agnes and Bertha .MacKay, both of London/ five brother^, Dan of Guelph, Jack of Sask., •Charles of Dunidas, Gordon of Wingham and Angus, a missionary in India; also nine grandchildren. Fuheral ser­ vices were held in the Presby­ terian Church, Wirigham on Mon- -riay. Interment was iri Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack Pollock, Athol and Hector Pur- don, Jack MacIntyre/Allan Mac­ Kay, Norman Welwood., . Wedding bells are ringing. Mt. and Mrs. A. Coultes and family and Mrs. M., Ross spent ' the week-end with Rev. and- Mbs. Graydon Cox; of Fonthill. ? Mr; and Mrs. Harry Moss , and family of, Bright and Mr. and / Mrs. Melvin Mcplenaghan a n d Michael - of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. • and'- Mrs. B. D. McClenaghan. Mr . and Mrs. Russell Moore & * family arid Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thomson arid family, all of Pres­ ton, spent the week-end with' Mr. arid Mrs;- Art M°°be.. Wayne Farrier, Bruce McGre­ gor, Judy Wilson, Muriel, arid Eli- Wm-Moor^arid^a^®^^15^8^^- are among the ones home from school with mumps. , Mr. & Mrs. . Archie Watt, Linda arid Lorraine of TOrcmto spent the week-erftl with.his parents, Rev/ arid Mrs. Watt. Mr. and Mrs/ J. D. Finlayson■ arid family of Kincardine visited on Sunday with, iMrs. James arid boys, * Ontario Mr^. Wm. McNall of Lucknow visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Walter James, on Saturday. Mr. Fred Thompson of Toronto spent a few '< days last week with Mrs; J. J. Tiffin and other rela­ tives. Mr. and^ Mrs* Trueman Beatty of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrsydjhas. Martin and relatives. ?■ Mr. and Mrs. Les "Burnett and family“spent the Week/end with friends Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. John Carruthers and family of Delhi’ visited with Mr and Mrs. George Fisher on Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher of Kitchener and Mr. and* Mrs. Arn­ old Lougheed of London spent the week-end with Mr* and Mrs. George Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Farrier, and Marian visited On- Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Kincardine and Waikertpn, two district fastball teams, which fol­ lowed different category trails in­ to the Ontario Softball Associa­ tion, playdowns, have brought provincial titles to their respect-; ivie towns. . . ,1 George Westlake, who took over catching duties for, Norm Bag- n<ell, was no small, factor in the Kincardine record of nine straight victories to the silverware. Norm has had an imposing strikeout record, and as well as^doirig a good * catching chore, fur him, ‘•Westy”. has. been swinging a heavy bat. He broke up a 14-inning duel With//Markdale in the semi-finals by z clouting a twp^bagger that scored two runs and gave Kin­ cardine the series in 2 straight. Wingham kids have brought further honors to that town by coping the Ontario Juvenile “C” title. Vic Loughlean’s nine- have gonea longwaysincedumping Garnet Hendersofi*s kids irito the discard. The locals took Wing- Number of 1954 Chevs, at Equipped with radio and turning signals. Guaranteed mileage less than' 10,000. 1954 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, fully equipped. ' - 1954 Powerglide CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN, fully equipped 1953 ‘ ' ' ' ’ ‘ 1953 1953 1952 1952 1949 1940 PQNTIAC SEDAN0"; TRUCKS TWO 1950; CHEV. STATION WAGQNS 1948 CHEV. H-TQN PICK-UP COACH, with radio and turning signals standard sedan DELUXE SEDAN SEDAN, two tone ■ _____ SEDAN CHEV. SEDAN CHEV. CHEV. CHEV. CHEV. CHEV. ( 1958 PONTIAC 1949 PONTIAC ■T SEDAN SEDAN * 4 LANGSIDE | Brussels Motors j w Huron Copy’s “ForembsCUsed Car Dealers | § - Cash, Trade, Terms -- Open Evenings Until 10 | § Cities Service Dealer — Phone 73x, Brussels § ham’s measure in the schedule but wen t to pieces in the play­ offs* ■ • ' *■ *-. *. . ~' Incidentally, if we’re not mis­ taken, we’ve noticed an: occasional name appearing of a player or two who were rilled ineligible by the WO. A,A, to play in the Lucknow series.. ♦ : / ./. ./ -—Archie^I<^mtltpn’sr--"Golb0rne- Township team were nosed out in the Ontario Juvenile finals by SUM D SCOOP! tf 4s Burlington. Jack MacDonald of Orillia and formerly of Chesley, has been named to the Q.H.A. executive. Jack is a brother of Mr. Wm". MacDonald of Lucknow. 1 Local lawn bowlers, got in pos­ sibly their last fling‘on Thanks­ giving nighty wherr^they had a., game^onthe-greens, whieh-was -7 cut short by one of those frequent downpours; , * on naftonally advertised DoySi . X, i . . •" Mr. and Mrs. Russel :Chapmain and family spent the week-end Walter. James accompanied them * to Maple where he? .starts work « With the Looby & Looby Con- ; ■ struction work on'bridges. . , " ■ . Mr; and Mrs. Clifford Farrier . and family of Wallacebjurg, Mr. arid Mrs. J. 0* Giliespie & fam- * ily of Sarnia, Miss Winnifred . . Farrier of Toronto, all spqnt the •week-end with Mr. and, Mrs, W* ’■ R. Farrier. '. 'W ' . . Preparatory services on Wed­ nesday evering. in the church with communion service On Sun­ day afternoon. > , • The Mission .Band will hold* a work meeting at the home of Mrs.-Wesley—Xoung—on-Saturday- afternpon, October 16th. . The Ladies Aid are holding their bazaar iri < Teeswater on October 23rd, in the afternoon. Anyone interested -in helping please contact any of the mem­ bers. 'i'”' \ MarloW Crowston of Kincar­ dine has been speriding some of his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Crowston. Earl, was a week-end visitor also. Miss Margaret Steer of London spent the week-end at the/ hoihe. of her parents, Mr. and . Mrs’. Philip Steer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacKenzie and three boys of Oshawa were Week-end visitors with her moth­ er, Mrs: John Purvis and Fraser arid other friends' in the district . John and Janet Williams, God­ erich, spent‘ the week-end with Their“uncle7“Bryan“Feagarr Mr. and IMrs. Eric Evans .and family of Hyde < Park spent; the week-end with .his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Evans and Teddy and Mr. Foster Moffat. Mrs. Edith Brown arid Gary of London, were ! also week-end visitors.’ Mr. Roy Gillespie of Innerkip, Mrs* Laird and lady friend of Torbrito Were, visitors during the week at the same . home. : Week-eind visitors at the home 4 £ gxj k / *■ t ' DUAL-CHAMBER BURNER— | Extra big. Geis maximum heat from every drop of oil. No moving . ’ parts to* wear out. Quiet. Only Duo-Therm has it! DUO-THERM WASTE STOPPER- 1 , Puts the heat in your home instead ’/ 3 W / 7 of letting ,it fly up. die flue. Ini* * proves comfort. Saves oil* J / WAIST-HIGH DIAL CONTROL- Lets you dial the heat to suit the weather. ' AUTOMATIC DRAFT-MINDER- • Stabilizes draft to burner flame. No (extra / cbst. , . '• A t 4 ofJ Mr./C"ahd were IMri and Mrs. Bruce Smith, .Donna, Viola , and Mary Ann of Southampton, Mrs; Stanley Swass and Elizabeth Ann, Eddie and Buddy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Smith .and Marie and Mrs. Alex' Wittig bf Tiverton* ;. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. George ^Tiffin in the passing of her aunt;, the late Mrs. Robert Mowbray of Wingham/ UNDEftWRItE For one room^pr six, you can’t beat < •• ■. STEADY-FAST HEAT! Top quality. Top , value. Come in today and save! . .. t. (y wpiMihf/DUO-THERM^mp#UW 41,500 j&Ttj capacity. Beautiful modM - eim style, satin brownfinish* 53,000* . BTU model slightly higher* , Webster and MacKinnon PHONE .50, . LUCKNOW