The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-13, Page 5WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13th, 1954 WHITECHURCH .... .. ' The Whitechurch W.I. held their monthly meeting in the Hall and entertained about 30 mem­ bers from Teeswater W.I. Mrs. Frank Ross presided. The roll call was answered by “Some­ thing of my Grandmother’s and tell its history”. Mrs, Milan Moore prepared the history of White­ church which was read by Mrs. James Mclnnes. Plans were made for a euchre party to be held in THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE the hall on October 1st with Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Percy Caslick in charge. Plans were also made for the course on “How to Con­ duct Meetings” ’to be held in the hall on October 1st. Ladies from Wingham and Teeswater are in­ vited. Each is to bring her nopn lunch. Members of Whitechurch W I; have accepted an invitation to join with Lucknow ladies at their Grandmothers’ meeting on October 15th, each grandmother to, appear in costume. Mrs. Joe King conducted a place contest which was won by Mrs. Gordon Stobo. Oldest grandmother was Mrs, Joe Tiffin cand,Mrs; Hughes of Teeswater. . Youngest ’ grand­ mother was Mrs. Gordon Stobo: Mrs. E. Casemore, Mrs. V. Em­ merson; Mrs. G. Gillespie & Mrs. Frank, Ross are to. attend the Guelph Area Convention. . 'Mr, and Mrs. Rhys Pollock and sons of Hamilton and formerly of Whitechurch called on George Fisher’s on Sunday., They are moving to Jacksonville, Florida, this week to make their home. APPLY NOW FOR TREES TO PLANT NEXT SPRING "Don't try to talk ME into anything else—I know a wise investment when I see -one. __ " / 3%% Certificates!” • • Authorized investment for trust funds • Short term—five yea^s. : • • Xeart*nI^1’esC payable halty.carly_^-/ ____ ••’■/ In 5.years, $415.24 accumulates to $500.00 ...■/ Write for descriptive folder, , STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O R ATI ON HEAD OFFICE . ' BRANCH OFFICE 372 Bay Sl„ Toronto 1-3 Dunlop Si., Barrio —Those~^ho'~^¥lr~W^nin^bve’ their lands by planting trees next spring should apply now to the Ontario Department of Lands Forests; As the supply is limit*, ed, and the demand is great, the early applicant is given a pre­ ference. * ’ '■ ■ . ■ ■ Trees are available to anyone in Ontario who owns an area of two acres or more exclusive of buildings, and the jpost is . so Jow that -.anyone... caii - afford •them-. Prices are $14.00 per thousand fdr Scotch Pine and $10.00 per thousand for all other species. The trees., are intended for use jn/T.eforesfi ng waste .land,—refill- irtgja forest or establishing wind­ breaks in rural areas. However, a great many are also planted as S Christmas tree crop. • • “—•—r ■ Letters To The Editor •v ■•■ • ■ J ' ■ ■ ..." At • , . . , ....TKUcfe it u/oufict savewwj W?" Editor, Lucknow Sentinel, Dear Sir: ./••'. GLOBAL THINKING No; less an authority than the president of the United States, Dwight D-. Eisenhower, stated re­ cently that Russia is an atheistic state. This fact, the hydrogen bomb and the present coexistence experiment now being tried /means that the people of theTree world have every reason to be very much on -guard for a long time to come. * . The (bitterly contested McCar­ thy issue and the unfortunate ^differences of opinion in certain things between England and the U.S.A, tend to show that arguing about present ' world affairs among ourselves is somewhat like arguing about religion—it often leads to confusion. This doesn’t mean fcthatthe pub­ lic should be indifferent to world problems. We are definitely still in the happy position where a well informed, /aroused public opinion can foe of great influence for the ibetterment, of. mankind. In “fact I think it Can be shown that Christians -h,ave an obliga­ tion along that . line. The. ideal of a brotherhood of. .man and the inference .that we are. our - brother’s keeper are stressed - in the Christian religion. Not 'having our* present global communications our ancestors could often plead ignorance of hien ■and they might have been just­ ified in doing so. However, with, the publications^ news ‘ reels, radios and television of today We can make no such plea. ' It is difficult to /realize’, that although we have had civiliza­ tion, for thousands df yea,rs it...is I less than two centuries since peo- t pie have been able • to- sit down and study the globe intact. What a feeling of accomplishment,..,it must have ibeeriJ wHen‘"m^h was finally, able to draw, an' accurate map- of the world! Even for those ■ of us Who. left school some -time •ago an interest in world i?rob- I lems and, some study of the -glpbe J ean make/US' familiar . with, the ’I names of all the main countries, , states? gulfs? bayi/ seas? -etc* that ‘ '-afe’.to.’b'e* ■■world of t-.J'sort' will ■*T see you telephone people always. wood preservative on •* your poles. Think I should do. the sanfe thing when I build tny-fence?** •’ ' ... ’’Yes, it’sJi good idea."WeS-c found at Dell tfiat it saves tis plenty on repair and replaceniciit costs* That’s why we treat t clephone poles a ga i'n strr^ot^ryyUy^WBA0-1^ in good rOjpair;. why We put tip exchanges and oflicesdo last* . ' Jlt’a only/Common sense,'if we are to keep coSis down; and the price’bt your .telephone service low.' ■ ■’,, would titce 'to fief tiaofiil infoMatioii hit /. treainiehl 0/ ivood W yml’writo ’’ . - Plptwiiiil- llesotmcif • '. / •* THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY CANADA J J...J/ ..J found ih,thfs fine old Ours. A study, of this Cso; impress upon. .■US how much of the globe is now dominated by Communist pow­ ers. >. '. ' To finish this article I have a quotation from a recefit' speech, delivered by House Speaker Mar­ tin of the House of Representat- ives concerning Communism: “One man or one government alone cannot win this struggle It must be a thoroughly inform­ ed coalition of all the free peo­ ples and all the governments act-1 ing in concert towards one end. ’there is' a. role in this struggle ■T J1 2j_6 mJ! 6 ' 3^ i CO for every one of us. Study qnd inform, ourselves. Urge others to join in the effort. Avoid the div- . ersionary quarrels of those who would turn our heads away from the struggle, whether they do it through their own ignorance or their own design. Yes, this is ' truly the age of peril. We anusi .. rise to meet' its challenge. We can win the struggle if you and I and Ml. of us have (the will ahd the. courage to understand what confronts us”. RANCHO.- t—30 S3) £S