HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-13, Page 3WEDNESDAY, OC!T. 13th, 1954 / LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: j Rev? G. A. Meiklejohn, j BA., BJ). SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th 10.00 ajh.: Church School. 11.00 kJh' & 1.00 p.nt: Aniii- * versary Services. Rev.1 R, C. Todd, BA., of Niagara , Falls, guest minister at both services. 1 1 Special Anniversary Music.b Lucknow Presbyterian Church _ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School. .... • • 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship ’ 3.00 p.m. Erskine Church, L Dungannon j * CJ ’ • . ? • ‘ ' i I i -4- I ST. PETER’S, LUCKNOW Church of England i i in i I i _ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th I Children’s Day And . ! Youth Sunday \ | am.: Sacrament of Bap- i tjsfyi and Children’s Ser-! ‘vice. ! A Family Service | «»<>«■»<>«■»< ANNIVERSARY MUSIC LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCT0BER17th Morning SjerVice '• ------Prelude—‘‘CujTfS^TAriimarn” Rossini. • Hymns—Selected. Aiithem—?-“Te Deum in B Min- cr’VD, Buck. - : . Anthem—“My God and I”—T. B. Sergei. Postlude—“O Father, Whose Almighty. Power”—Handel. Evening Service Prelude.—“How Willing My Pa­ ternal, Lo’fre”-—Handel. Hymns—Selected. Anthem—‘Hold Thou My Hand’ —C. S. Briggs. » ? Anthem—/‘Seek Ye the Lord” —Dr; j. v. Roberts. Postlude—-“Serve thje Lord with Gladness”—Handel. DireelotL-of-Pr^is^—Mrs—rT--W-es^- .ley Joynt; organist, L. Elmber • Umba^h. . PURPLE GROVE THE LUCKNOW .SEJJWEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 38• f ■ : 7 IF NEW SCREEN ARRIVES and the EVANGELIST BERT TURNER RETURNS TO DISTRICT The Many Fine Homes For Sale In GODERICH < - through : HAROLD W. SHORE - Real . Estate Broker Hamilton St. Goderich/ Ontario Hallo we’enNovelties — False Faces — Masks . I * China Decorated CUP AND SAUCER ■ Local & General Mr„ and Mrs. A.-, E, Millsori of Weston' were.guests last week of Mr. and'Mrs. J, W, Joynt. Mr, and Mrs; Art Cann of London sent the week-end with Miss Laura Archer,’ - Miss Mary Struthers of Toronto wiis a Thanksgiving week-end visitor with Mrs. Annie Struth­ ers. Mrs, R. H. Thompson and Miss Helen Thompson spent the week*-' end in Toronto, wjth Miss Lorna Campbell. - ~"Mr;—Wesley^Alton of London visted with’ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton. . Lavergne MacMillan of Mon­ treal visited here at the week­ end. “ ' ■ : Miss Elleda Irwin 'of Toronto was a - visitor with her sister, /Mrs. Thomas Hackbtt and Mr, Hack­ ett of Ashfield. Miss Adda Treleaven of ■ Torr onto was a guest of. Mrs. Simon Plewes.. Miss Doris Wylds of Toronto spent Thanksgiving week 7 end with Mr. and, Mrs. Dan Wylds. ‘ __Mrs. Joseph_Whitby—left - th is- week for London where she will send the winter With, her dau­ ghter, Mrs. Rose Knight. Mr; and Mrs, Lyle Gaynor and. family of. Tavistock spent the -week-end with Mr; and Mrs. Al­ bert ’Little. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson and children Max and Mona of Brace-, bridge weire Visitors fon a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton naa fts their guests last week their cousins, Mrs, 7 Emma Hauser and, her son Cecil from Twining, Michigan. 7 ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hoge- boom, David and Miriam of Nap- anee spent the holidays With her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Al- ton and* other members^-of—the- family. ’x ? Shirley Robinson, spent the week-enh> with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson. Shir­ ley is a nursing -sister in the R.C.A.F. with the rank of Pilot Officer. She is at-present station­ ed at Crumli, but will shortly n be transferred to Ottawa, Miss Florence De Gruchy of Montreal visited with her.. sister and family,. Mr. and"Mrs. Bruce. Ma'ckenz.ie, also Mr. and - Mrs. William Palmer of1 Maltop, .who brought Marguerite and Bever-, ley home from the- hospital Sun­ clay- • . Janet Finlayson returned to school, on Tuesday for, the first' . ter—a-sCx—wee-ks^" illness with virus pneumonia. Her mother, Mrs. Clark Finlayson, re­ turned from Wingham Hospital on Tuesday where she had been a patient for a week with pneu­ monia; Thanksgiving visitors, at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanley were Velva. Lempiala of Port Arthur, a nursing friend of Audrey’s at Stratford, . Mr. and Mrs., Russel Stanley of St. Cath­ erines and Mr. and ' Mrs. Ross Smith and Gregory of Cargill. . Mr. and/Mrs. Pat Wilson and two sons of Toronto were recent visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Joe ‘Wasriey and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Wasney accompanied the Wilson family to Detroit, where’Mr: Wilson obtain­ ed a new car and left for Florida .where they-plan to • make ..their i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and family of Kingarf visited* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dore recently. . . • . . '■ Mrs. Geo. S. Emerson and (Mrs. . Herb Farrell attended the 50th anniversary of the W.I. in Ripley last Friday. Mrs. Frank Dore, Miss Mar- . garet Robertson arid ftfrs. Don­ ald McCo^h attended the area convention at GUelph. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Young, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Thompson spent an evening at the: home of Bur­ ton Collins. • '«iMr; John. Emerson attended a . meeting. o£__the-Maitland-Bre&by—h-ranrev tery in Knox Church, Teeswater, on Monday evening. ; • Mr. arid, .Mrs. Alfred Herbert of Weston, Linda and Wanda. Mrs. Jas. Currie of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. . Clifford . Scott, Allan and Bill of Stratford visited at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Currie. ■ . —Grovir^iTrstTtutir Meeting, was held at, the home of Mrs. George S. Emerson on TueS- ■ Mr/ and ; Mrs/Bud Manty of Wamsley, Ont., near Fort' Wil- ■ ham, daughter of Mrs. J. C. Migh- ton and niece of Leo. Beuchcamp,’ e their honeymoon at the norne of Mrs, Herb Miller: On Sunday Mrs. Miller .had. a fowl ;■ ®hpper for. them. 6iher guests there were Mr. and Mrs. .Oscar Hodgins and. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Kincardine. ’ 'Miss.Ruth Johnston.of London, •Mr. and Mrs. Al Gusc and sons Douglas and Donald of Peter­ borough, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnston of Toronto. Mr.- and Merle^hnston, Sharbn and Di- 'arine ,of London-, were Thanks­ giving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P.: M.' Jo.hnston,- ■ . .... A "bouritTfuil turkey ThaiWgiv- ing dinner was enjoyed at the hojhe .of . Mr.. ?and - Mrs,John Tow^dbs CthO lor in ef -"J can YOUNG COUPLE WED AT ZION Rev. J, R. Dickinson officiated on Wednesday, October 6th in Zion United Church at 2 o’clock, at the wedding of Dorothy Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ son Raynard, Ashfield and Don­ ald Reid’ Murray,' son of Mr. and IMrs. j; R. Murray, West Wawa- nosh, ’ ’ ' , The bride looked charming in an exquisite waltz length gown of bridal white chantilly lace and stiffened net over satin, The tiny, Jacket--was—outlined~in-“scallops of lace and her silk embroidered veil was held .in place with; a coronet of pearls and rhinestones and she carried a white Bible with trailing rosebuds. She was attended by Miss Norma Murray, sister of’ the bridegroom, who wore a blue ny­ lon net gown over taffeta with matching mittens and headdress. , She carried pink roses entwined with fern. Douglas Raynard, brother of .the bride, was best man. Ushers were Bruce Raynard and Don Cameron. Kenneth McAllister ■played" trad jtionlil'W^dding7 music on the organ and Margaret Black as soloist, sarig “O Perfect Love” and ‘I’ll Walk Beside You”. A reception was held at Hack- etts United Church. The brick’s mother received, in a blue dress with black accessories and cor­ sage of pink roses; She was as­ sisted by the groom’s mother who wore a navy dress with win­ ter white accessories and a cor­ sage of pink roses/’ For travelling the bride don­ ned a blue and black figured dress with black accessories and corsage of red Sweetheart roses. Following a wedding trip north the couple will reside in Wawa- nosh.< - ' . 7 Prior to the wedding the bride was feted at showers held, at the -home-of "Mrs. "Rouse of Goderich, Mrs. Robt. Irvin of Dungannon and at the. bride’s home in Zion community, TOOK MARRIAGE VOWS AT ZION ham) at Queensville on Saturday Those present included Mr. and Aurus Graham,, Mr. And Mrs. Ab Ian Graham W Arfrte M Luck­ now. 'Mrs. Gordon Machines, Pete? and Finlay r>f- Wingham, Mr. and Mrs.'Brock MacK«l\z.ie. John, Dorli. Rehnae ambAJJan. H of Teeswater-, Mr. and Mrh. ■J«. Snowe, Betsy and Katherine of Bellwood and Mr. Rennie Gra- ham of Toronto, ;- the . Zion United Church, Ashfield, was the scene of a lovely wed­ ding on Saturday afternoon, Oct- , ober . 9th at two o’clock, when Rev. J? R. Dickinson united in marriage Freda Georgina Hun­ ter and • Malcofm Robert. Scott. The bride, is. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs*. Jacob Hunter of Ash­ field and the groom is the.son of Mrs. R. J. Scott of Wingham '■ ~andH}TeHnte""MT/"Scott.. “ Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor length gown of sculptured nylon lace over slipper satin, styled on princess lines, with ny-. Ion lace shrug and jacket, with Peter Pan pearl-stud.ded collar. Her . fingertip satin embroidered veil, studded with rhinestones, fell . from a white coronet of Silk­ orange blossoms; She carried a shower bouquet of red roses.. Matron of honor was Mrs. Clif­ ford, Menary, sister of the bride and the?- bridesmaid was Miss Mary Scott, sister of the groom. They chose* , identically styled- waltz length gowns in respective ‘shades of ice blue and lilac rose. They wore Shrug lace jackets over taffeta and rhinestone- stud­ ded matching headdresses . and wristlets. The matron or honor’s -colonial—botKiuet-2^^-0f pink" mums, and the. bridesmaid's col­ onial bouquet was .'of? yellow Iliums. ' The . flower girl, Janice Robb,- niece, of the groom, was gowned • in lime gr.een nylon organza with pink, headdress and carried, a col­ onial, bouquet of pink rose, buds. The ring bearer was Harold Men: aryrn1ephew“oPthe'*bTide7 in grey" flannel trousers with navy blaz­ er. . ••> 7 • •_______________ ^^i^KenheffSSuqtt"was^lris"bfd'- t^er’s groomsman: ■ Ushers were John Huhter,- brother of the bride arid John McMillan . of I^istowel,; brother-in-law of the groom. The organist was Mrs. Wesley Ritchie, of Zion and the soloist, Mr. John He’lm of Zion, sang “Because” and “I Love You'Truly”, For the reception which follow­ ed at the Rdcr’eatiphsd Centre,. Lucknow, the bride’s mbther re­ ceived in .a dress of French blue BOYS..> Underwear/ Jeans, Jackets, Shirts, Trousers, Sox, Caps, Ties, Belts, Gloves, Pyjamas, Handkerchiefs, • Sweaters. ‘ ' SHIRTS FOR MEN . . . ••• • <• -Large assortment"in all styles/ C^Iors, stripes, sport, work, plaids. Small, medium, large and outsize. Ny­ lon Broadcloth, Doeskin, Wool. $2.95, $3.95, 84.95 ' to $9.95. . / SKIRTS arid BLOUSES . . . . Wide colorful assortment in new* popular separates, all ages. Wool, orlons, worsteds, gabardines. COATS FOR THE FAMILY . . . . 7 All purpose, wool winter interlined, Jackets, Men's Station Wagon, etc; Drop in and see quality assort­ ment.- - - FARMERS! ARE YOU RETIRING THIS FALL? Before You Buy Your Town Residence See n. . -------TZ”------------------—------—-------- completed to entertain the Lad­ ies Auxiliary of Wingham -ori - Tuesday evening, October 12ttu Six new members were initiated: Agnes Alton, Ruth Montgomery^ Margaret Montgomery, Mildred -IrwinT-June-Wylds—and-Ilerie Lemoine. ticatina, with pale blue and navy accessories and. corshge of pink roses. The. groom’s mother chose a soft charcoal ticatinai, dress with navy accessories and red ros§ corsage. For a wedding trip to_i_the- "Southern States the bride travel­ led in a dark two-tone charcoal grey coat over a light grey and white princess lined > charcoal, dress. Dusky rqse accessories and a pink corsage completed the en­ semble. / Mr. and Mrs., Scott will reside at Belgrave. To Make Two Quilts The September meeting of Paramount Women’s Institute was held at Mrs. J. Ketchabaw’s with a good attendance. Mrs. Robert Reid was appointed delegate to Guelph. Two quilts are to be quilted in’ the near future fpr the Baker Home. ■ The October meeting is to be hekL-at_MrS^-K^- SHOVVINCr OF “THE ROBE’r Evangelist Bert Turner, who held a series of revival meetings in Lucknow Town Hall a few years ago, has returned to this district and is holding Sunday and week-night services ip Wind­ ham Bantist Church until October 24th, . ' : The internationally - known Eureka Jubilee Singers of Chi­ cago will arrive on Saturday to. ’ join/this- “Crusade for Christ” , campaign. • McNay’s on Tuseday, October 19. Roll call, “A favorite recipe”; topic by Mrs. E. MacLennan; cur­ rent events, Mrs. R. Campbell; program, Mrs. .M. J. Webster Mrs.; W. Dexter. AUXILIARY INITIATES SIX NEW MEMBERS . The Ladies Auxiliary to Legion held their meeting Tues­ day night, October 5th, with 32 members present. A . letter, of thanks was read from the God­ erich Auxiliary and plahs were A < new Ciner^iascope screen is. slated to be installed at The Lyceum Theatre, and would be introduced by the presentation of - “The Robe”, which is scheduled to run all next week. At press time, arrival of the screen had been delayed arid there was the . possibility it might not be here in time. Theatre goers are advis­ ed: to listen to CKNX for further announcement’ If “The Robe” cannot be. presented as scheduled it will run at a, later date. SEPOY 5^ $1.00 STORE cfouh, kthz.'' DR.Y GOOPS - LADIES CHILDRENS WEAR. > ’ CHINA -KITCHEN tJTeNSiLS-GREETjNG CARDS;. ; ■' TOILETRIES TOYS" 7%cw&' 1O8W lucknow, Ont.