The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-13, Page 2electric motor
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Thanksgiving visitors here pvpr
the Week-end were Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Doyle and family of Detroit,
Mr, and _Mrs* Jos. Reid of Tor
onto, Miss Florence Lambertus of
Hamilton, Miss Mary Murphy and
Joseph Murphy of Toronto, Miss
Mary Theresa Martin of Hamil
ton, Mr. and, Mrs. T. J. Lannon
of London^ Miss Antonette Dal
ton of Detroit,« Mrs. Jack Cleary
of Wallaceburg,., Mr., and Mrs.
Orlo Frayne of Toronto, Miss
Marianne Kraemer & Miss Mon
ica Runstedler oi Kitchener, Mr.
and Mrs, A. Kraemer of Hesson
arid.Miss Margaret Kraemer of
' Toronto. ■ / ,• ; *; ■■ ‘
The Fall Festival, sponsored by
the C.W.L, on Friday evening,
proved to be a very successful
event, both socially and finan
cially, with approximately 350
people in attendance. The variety
program, with Mr. Cameron Mac
Donald of Lucknow as chairman,
was Very much enjoyed, by all
present. Those^ taking part were,
songs by Patricia Drennan, Mary
Lou Drennan;. Dianne Lierman,
* Patricia Anil Martin, Mary Ellen
O’Neill, Alice Dalton, accompan
ied by Peter Lierman and dir-
by Ray Dailtop, accompanied by
Mrs. Carl Schneiker of Goderich f
accordion solos, by Peter Lierman'
and Hein Heindricks; violin solos
by Dr. Little of Lucknow accom
panied by Mr! Bride; piano duets
by Joyce and Elaine McNay of
Lucknow, the Austin sisters of
Goderich, Mrs. J. Cleary of Wal
laceburg; several fine songs by
the Goderich Air Males, and a
quartette of Lucknow boys;
Scotch dancing by Elaine Mein-
tyre and songs by Maurice Dal
ton, The draw for nine prizes
took place dl^midnight, with 1st
prize going to Jos. Hansford, of
Galt, 2nd to Rita Doherty, 3rd to
Mrs. Earl Drennan, 4th to Bern
adette Meyer, 5th to Wm. Hogan,
6 th to Elizabeth O’Keefe, 7th to
"Clarence Doherty ; 8th to”“Matt-
hew O’Loughlih and 9th to Mrs.
T. j. Lannon. The door prize went
to Mr. Haryey Hodge of Port Al
bert. ■.■■■■•
Mrs. Maurice Bowler visited
with relatives in Toronto «
Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Frayne of
Toronto and Dr. and Mrs. G.
Frayne spent Sunday with rela
tives in Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Frayne visited with the
Dwyer family in Kinkora.
Miss Antoinette Dalton enter
tained a large Crowd Sunday ev
ening in .the parish hall with a
travelogue of colored slides taken
during, her work in Okinawa,
Hong Kong, Japan and the Phil-
ippines. •* \ /* ,. ■/ * ,
Mrs. George Gilchrist is a pat
ient in Kincardine Hospital. We
are glad to hear she is much im-
MacDonald pf London Were home
for Thanksgiving week-end, Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald, Mar
garet and Mack visited in Toronto
-for a couple of days.
Miss Betty Hamilton of Queens-
ville and Miss Joan Hamilton of
Arthur were home for the week
\Mr. arijd Mrs. Jack Gilchrist
and Mrs; Lopg of Toronto spent
Thanksgiving at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist.
Fifteen member^ of the Barton.
family including some from Tor
onto, Drayton and Fergus enjoy-
ed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr;
and Mrs. Allan Graham & Anne.
Mr. Win Barton of Drayton remained fbjiA a longer visit.
, Youthful competitors, both boys
and girls, were prominent at the
Bruce Co. plowing > match held
at the farm of Gordon Finlayson
at Lochalsh oh Saturday. The As
sociation struck one of the few
dry days this fall for their an
nual event which drew a record
number of competing plowmen’
and a fair crowd of spectators.
The event was climaxed with,
a prize awsird banquet that even
ing at Reid’s Comers Community
Hall, With Professor R. C. Mof-.
fat of the O.A.C. as guest speakr
eri *
offer the following classes in
Night School
, (provided the required number enrol). .
SHOP — Woodworking. ® .
Two classes per week for twenty week^s limited to fifteen
students to a class. x /
COMMERCIAL WORK -— Typing, Business Practice and
-Bookkeeping. —:....'...•.\..——
One class per Week for twenty weeks limited to thirty
students. ' / '■ /■.
,;.FEE $5.00. . •>
Enrolment and Payment of Fee
Monday evening at 8:00 o’clock
October 18th, 1954
i.._____ _ , _______ . ’FTOMey-Br-Bu^nr^
, Teacher (Phone 212) on or before October ,15th if at all
possible. The number in each class is limited, and applica
tions will be accepted in the Order in which those hiterested
' apply. • / ■ •: ’ , ‘ /'
, Classes will begin Monday, October 18th,
• following registration.
* .•y
Apre-nuptial shower was held
on Friday* night, October 1st at
the home of Mrs. * Robert Irvin
for her niece, Miss Dorothy Ray-
nard. About 35 friends and rela
tives were present. Laurine Me-
Nain played an instrumental solo
after which a basket of gifts was
brought in by Dorothy Taylor and
Helen McNain, Mrs, Irvin read an
address and Shirley Finnigan
gave some rules for a happy mar-
riage, Community singing was
enjoyed, and a lunch was served
by the hostess. .
The home of Rev, Gilbert
Gomm was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Saturday, October 2,
at 12.30 p.m., when he. united fn
marriage, Elizabeth Ann McNeil,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm SfcNejl, Lucknow, and Rob
ert Ervin Johnston, son of Mr.
and Mrs. G. I, Johnston, Kin
cardine. '•
For her wedding the .. bride
chose a \havy suit Of soft wool
with blue and white accessories
and wore a corsage of Sweetheart"
roses. •' ..:
.. Miss Margaret McNeil of Grand
Bend', sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid. She wore a gray wool
suit with aqua accessories and
corsage of pink carnations.
Vernon Hodgins;, cousin of the
groom, attended him as best man.
Following the ceremony, a re
ception was held at the home of
Mr./and Mrs. T. A. MacDonald,
Ripley, where pink and white,
streamers anp colorful gladioli
made a beautiful setting for the
happy occasion. The bride’s moth
er received in a blue-grey taffeta
dress with black accessories and
corsage of yellow mums. The
groom’s mother • wore a wool
dress of copper tone with dark
brown accessories and corsage of
yellow and bronze mums.
Sault Ste.. Marie. and Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. Johnston will make
their home 'in Weston;
Presbyterian W.M.S.
The October meeting was held
in the church with the president,
Miss MacLeod, presiding. After
opening exercises the secretary,
Mrs. A. C. Agnew, dealt with
business and read letters from
Mrs. H. A. MacMillan and Mrs,
Dickson of Formosa. The-rollcall
was answered with a verse with
the word “Heaven”. After gospel
sinking with Miss M. Malcolm
presiding at the piano,, Mrs. Mc
Gill gave the Glad Tidings pray-
Janet MacDonald. Mrs. Robert
Reid gave the topic and the cur
rent events were taken by Mrs.
Chas. Mason. The missionary for
the day “Miss Ramsay” was tak
en by Miss M. MacLeod and'the
closing prayer given by Miss N.
Malcolm after which Mrs. Harry
Anderson conducted a contest..
Miss Judd, a Chinese worker, who
is visiting the Presbytery, will
be at Kinlough' Presbyterian
Church, -Sunday night, October
31st, at 8.30 to which South Kin
loss and Lucknow Auxiliaries are
South Kinioss W.M.S.
. The meeting of the" South Kin
loss W.M4S. was held; at the home
ofMrs.- Duiican Macdonnell with
J9 members present The ' presi
dent Mrs. W.. MacIntyre, opened
the meeting- withprayer^and
hymn 77 was sung. Several items
of did and new business was then
discussed and decisions made.
The scripture and meditation was
ably taken by Mrs. Even Keith.
Her subject was , ,the Bible and
how it can meet every crisis of
our daily life. The prayer circle
was led - -by Mrs. Baulch, Mrs.
Mrs',.' H.1 Buckton. Mrs. Buckton
spoke about one' ofour mission -
trig was given* by Miss Dean 'Mac
Leod. ’All mem bers answered the
roll call,with, the word Thanks^
giving.. Mrs. A. MacIntyre read,
a chapter of the study book “The
Voyage o’f Discovery”. Mrs. ft.
Steer gave the offering prayer.
Mrs, Hr Bucktop gave the treas
urer’s report Mrs, A,- Hughes.
read a Thanksgiving reading.. A
vote of .thanks was given by Mrs,given by Mrs,
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For a free estimate call qb see
R. K. 3, Lucknow 61-r-13. Dungannon ,
passing, of these members. It was
decided to entertain the .mothers
and members of the Baby Band
on November 8th in the base- * ^ment of the church. Miss Hazel »
^Webster : presided for the pi d-
gram. A hymn was sung follow
ed by prayer by Mrs, Joynt, Mrs:
Harold Treleaven gave an inter
esting reading which was follpw- •
ed by a vocal duet by Mrs. Joy nt
and Miss Bell Robertson. Mrs.
McKim very ably gave the first
two chapters of the new study
book “Our ChurcK in India”. Miss .
Mary Allin favored with a piano
solo. At the close of the meetr .
ing lunch was served. Subscrip-
for the coming year are to be
handed in to Miss . Hdzel Web -.
Ster within the next couple of '
Weeks if possible, who will be
ers. • .■/' , ’■ /'•
F, MacKenzie to the hostess for
the use of her_ home and to the
directors. A hymn and the mizpah
benediction ended this meeting
and a, tasty lunch was served,
United Church W.M.S. /
The October meeting of the
United fihurch W.MB. was held
op Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie
With 16 members present. Mrs.
R. Robertson presided for the op
ening exercises. The roll call was
answered by a verse from the
Bible beginning with the letter
Q. Mrs. Robertson gave an inter
esting account - of the Sectional
Presbyterial Held here onTTues^
day. Letters of appreciation were
read. from Miss Gallagher’s sis
ter, also from Mrs. D. C, Taylor’s
pleased also to get new subscrib-
sisters. Mention was made of the
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