HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-06, Page 10MONARCH ” S. 1954 *0 — o WM. MURDIE & 9W | ’PHONE 10, LUCKNOW I Heating •— Plumbing Tinsmithing !/ Oil Furnaces Installed ’and Serviced . | 1 'V, ■, Sanforized twill in colorfast Grby/Tan, Olive Drab, NOW is the time, to prepare for cold weather # ¥ <,See our line of ‘Heaters — reasonably priced — satisfaction guaranteed. Oil Furnaces Installed *and Serviced _________ 4 two sisters, Marguerite and • Beverley MacKenzie. . Ronnie Attridge was admitted at the end of the week. A Peerless Textile Product at hbme.... at wprk... at play MATCHEDSETS job neatness, ielt comfort ; Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you’ll - be" more relaxed .in "Buckeye’*.' Shirts .and ’trousers; with or without matching jackets, stay v well-groomed through every activity — at work, & at play, or just taking it easy. . i. .■ •> UNIONMADE W’fwWIMMI ' , Spruce Green, Air Force, Blue. / BUCKEYE SHIRT — Strainproof yrte/ drew shirt collar and ;<ylh •/ U^W/ From about »o abou» $4,50 BUCKEYE TROUSERS4 Watch pocket, 4 regular pockets, all heavy boat tall.4/ ' * . ? drill. Tunnel loops, sturdy xipper closure, double cuffs, - ■ ■ , : . ’ ' . Strongly tailored at all poinb of strain. Sixes 30--44, \ ' ." From about $4.95 to about $5.25 BUCKEYE JACKET Driver stylo, Full-length front closure, 2 JuHtoned flap , /•'/ pockets/ buttoned cuffs; adjustable waist tabs. Sixes / - . 36r-46.~ . ’From about $4.95 to about $5.50 Men’s, Ladies’/ Children’s Wehr—-Piece Goods & Woollens . AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS For pick up and delivery Monday and Thursday, MARRIED AT WIARTON ?z St. John’s Uriited Church, Wiar- ton/ decorated with bouquets' of gladioli and ferns, was the sett­ ing for. the wedding of Shirley Frances Woods, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Wbods, Wiar- tonrand-darence-ErriestAckert^ son of Mr., and Mrs. John' Har­ vey Ackert of Kincardine. The ceremony took place Saturday,. September 4th and was perfbrm- THAT Kincardine Concert As­ sociation’s first concert of the . season will be The Songmen of —Toronto under’ the direction of David Ouchterloney. They will be in the «Lakeside town on October 25th. . -s—o— • ■<« THAT two ladies made a 225- mile trip from Flint, Michigan, to • Durham to attend the last bingo of the season. They won nothing. William Kelloway of Orangeville won. $500 and pre- ; viousTy .had won $1000 at Tees- w.ater. Asked if he didn’t think ; himself lucky, he replied, that he pad been playing for three years; and it was about time he won something. STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS j AU Sizes in Stock. . ' I . . . . --------, ■ ’ 1 - ,j FULL LINE OF COTTON AND LEATHER GLOVES j. HAND-MADIfe ROCK ELUt AXE HANDLES ! TREATED PAPER FOR LINING SILOS ■■■ ’ j . ■■.I ed by Rev,. F. G. Balsdon. The ‘attendants were Miss Barr bara> McCoag, Wiorton, as maid of honof; Miss Marjorie Ackert, sister of the groom, arid Miss June Driffill, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaids, and Ruth Anne Woods, sister of ■ . the 'bride, as rjunibr^ridbSipaidT^^^^^^*^^^- Ronald * Ackert, brother * Of, the groom, was best, man. The groom is a grandson of Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest Ackert of Holyrood. ‘ • - THAT among thef nine urider-f graduates Completing a year’s. ' course . at Wingharii General Hospital were three district young ladies/ Siebje Jouwsma and Ruth Kean of Ashfield arid Mary Stariley of Kinlough '' '—0^4’ THAT Russ Johnston was in ’Cleveland last week with tick- els for both the Saturday and Sunday game, 'which of. course wasn’t necessary as the Giants swept the series in 4 straight/ taking the Saturday game by a one-sided score. " Russ sent Howard Agnew a ^postcard with , the picture of the Cleveland Zoo oil the front, and comment­ ed that he should have spent ^.„his-time—there__(withJthe_mon- keys that is) instead of at the game.. . o-^ THAT Mr., Wm. MacDonald, for­ merly . of. JKinloss Township, has / purchased Garfield., Mac- stone cottage and . moV^d^Bto liis new home this, weW.i<tEhe MacDonald family vacated this residence when : they purchased, the former MacMillan home on Main St. THAT. there were some 50 pens of hogs in the bacon hog com- petition at Ripley Fair, which were bought .by Bill Harris at $30.35. Raynard Ackert had two pens entered, and had the un- ^usual/jiappen—whenall—eight- — f pigs7 graded A. . e. THAT Mrs. Margaret Purves, who was severely injured when knocked down by a car on Main Street early in Septem­ ber,, was /able to leave Wing­ ham Hospital last week; She ’ is still ..suffering . considerably from her injuries and is con- , fiped to bed at the Purves home in West Wawanosh. . • THAT Herb Ensign returned home on Wednesday of last week from St. Joseph’s Hospi- , . tai, London; Where he under- ’ went a major operation and . had been hospitalized for over ; two weeks. THAT jve recently, received ail interesting letter from Charlie rrtBarberof-Chilliwackraformer . Sentinel employee, and nephew . bi Mrs. Wm< McNall of Luck­ now. From a- Veteran news­ paperman, We'.’jappreciated the . foilowing,personal plug he" paid The Sentinel, “I "like ypur . friendly, considerate and homey reporting of the newsworthy events in your district”. , THAT Dr. M; H. Cbrrin was dis­ charged the latter part of the week from Victoria Hospital and is convalescing at the hbme of his * parents in Brantford; " —o— ; . ; :■ ■ THAT Mrs. Fred An,derson re­ turned home recently from Wingham Hospital, where she , was a patient, for some time after undergoing a leg ampu-, tation above the knee, ' ; THAT S. B. Stotkers was at Bea- / ton fair last Wednesday acting as judge of the ♦ 4-H Swine •' Club..' i ' ./j'' —o— ■ / • ■ 'THAT Floyd. Johnston, Alvin Hackett and. John Rutherford motored to Alberta this fall * where they are employed , at ♦harvesting. - .— .... THAT the duck season opened on Saturday but the birds are - mighty scarce and hunters . have been having/little tor ho luck to date. 1 THAT in the absence % of a resi-, dent doctor here, there . are many patients from Lucknow /in Wingham Hosital.. Included in the group are several child­ ren. who are receiving treat- - ment for a type of pneumonia 4ha<t hias struck heavily in the community; Among them are ASSESSMENT APPEALS ^ (Continued4romPage-l),__ problem that he had. The sixth appeal Was on the Potter . resir dence, which has now been sold, and was not personally support- ed. ' .■ ... ■' ' The Board took the following action. Reduced the sawmill assess­ ment on land and buildings from $2700 tb $2500 and increased the' business assessment from 501 to 60 percent or from $1,350 to $1,500 for 4 ah ' over all assessment.. of $4,000 as against the previous figure of $4,050. Reduced the assessment on the , Attridge residential property from $3,400; to $2;900. Reduced the ■ assessment on the Joynt residential property from $3,800 to $3,700. > ; -/^etrthe^^ssment^on^thertwo" lots and barn at $150, $100 and $50’ respectively for a total bf $300, q reduction* of $150 from1 the previous total assessment of $450. . Reduced the assessment, on the MacNay residential property from $2,950 to $2,400. Sustained the assessment of $1,650 on the former Potter home. .Cancelled business assessments of the Estate of W. G. Andrew, J. S., Kilpatrick, E. M. Hender­ son and Estate bf N. E. Hushell, according to the date that these businesses ceased to operate. ■ NYLON CARDIGANS ... Girls’ Smart. Nylon’ Cardigans, ’• sizes 8 to 42. Pink arid blue , drily Siggfe- Ws 31 WOQL CARDIGANS , Girls’ all Woolv cardigans, sizes . 8 to 12. Colors red, blue, green/ navy'and natural............... . $3.19‘ 5 ”8 ■f f ► ► ► ► 27c 25b 17 c MORE? When You Can SHOP FOR LESS at Smith’s I.G.A. I. G.A. Tomato juice, J. G.A. Diced Beets .. 2 for k I.G.A. Choice Pumpkin .... Mason Jar, York . Peanut Butter, 16 Oz. .... 44c Pillsbury Cake Mixes 37c .white, Chocolate,,yellow, spice ”McCormick. k Soda Biscuits, lb. ’ ---—— 31c Sunny Mom Coffee I.G.A. Foilwrap Shredded Wheat . .. Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon... ...... .......: Velvet Flour, 5 lbs. York 20oz. Weiners ill .Beans Cranberries, lb. ........ Pepper Squash ......... 2 • ENTER THE I.G.A.-VANKIRK TV CONTEST * Get Entry Forms Now’ At Your LG.A. s. / ; '.L » ' ,.,a ■,' ’ SMITH’S FOOD MARKET *'• SHIRTING ■ Latest patterns in winter shirt- ' ing, very smart, only, yd. 69c ;■ PLAID SHIRTS f. Men’s ■ woven plaid shirts; Some­ thing really new .........f..... $3.95 < ■■ ■ .-K.A,'a ■ ........................ ...................................... ■ PYJAMA^ . Men’s sanforized striped winter pyjamas/pair, only................$4.69 / MEN’S UNDERWEAR , J Always a full stock of Penmans 71 and 95 on*hand, so men, doh’t .. -look further.. . Men’s Fall Combinations .... $1.98 ■i v V