HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-06, Page 8* , ?
'rain MARKS FAIR '
■/ .’I ; "in V.'S ,
(Continued from Page l)
Other schools taking part Were
S.S, No. 5. Ashfield (Zion), Mrs,
Frank Ritchie, teacher; S.S. No.
3, Kinloss (10th Con.), Mrs.. Jas.
McEwen, teacher; S.S. No. 5,
Kinloss (6th Con.),. Mrs; James.
McTavish, teacher.
. Music, supervisors accompany r
ing the various schools were Mrs.
Wm.. Scott, Mrs. Duncan. Simp
son, iMrs. Irwin Carruthers. Mrs.
IMcEwan. accompanied her stud
ents. The judge , was Mr. ‘ J, H.;
^Kinkaifd of Goderich.
Mr, Donald Blue of Ripley was
. , master of ceremonies and Presi-
dent Fred McQuillin extended
a welcome to the ...spectators and- appreciation to all who. had
; .part. in the Fair’s success. The
deluge delayed the official open
ing by Andrew M; ^Robinson,
M.P. for Bruce, who spoke later
in the arena ,stressing ;the ,im*
tportance of the fall fair and add
ing that he felt the C.N.E.: should
be satisfied with the length Of
their exhibition in the best in
terests of the small fairs. Elston
Cardiff, M.P, for, Huron, also
complishments of 4-H Clubs and
• the roje of the rural fair,"
Four,Sets In Square Dance
Royal Oak Farm Forum of
Huron Township won first place
’in the. square dance competition'.
The 'set included, Joan Wilson,
Stewart Aiken, Leone Farrell,
Ronald Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Farrell, Shirley Marie Campbell,
Tom Farrell; fiddler, Danny Gos
sell; pianist, Mrs. Ross Cum
mings; caller,' Walter Wilson.
. Second: Glen Allen Farm. For-
/■■.jjtfm of Huron Township: Mac
MacDonald, Mrs. Ambrose Gam -
— ible,^JohmMacDonald;~MrS.“^Jack
. McLean, Allan MacDonald, Mrs.
Jack MacDonald, John MCMur-
chie, r Mrs. John S. MacDonald;_fiddier,.DonnieMacDonald;
1st, Mrs. Donnie MacDonald; call
er, John Smith.
' Thifd>. Ken MacNay’s set: Ken
MacNay,-. Gladys-AKilpatrick, Don
Thompson, Beverley Ashton, Ross:
McDonagh, Beverley . McKenzie?
Alvin Baker,: Marie'Duncan; fid
dler, Bob Mclnnes,. pianist, Caryl
Gardner; caller, Earl Heywood.
The fourth set was comprised
of Ivan McQuillin, ’ Caryl Gard
ner, Bill Ritchie, Shirley Hamil-
' ton, Barry McQuillin, Isobel Me-.
iPherson,L. Bob Gilchrist,. Lois
J ohr^ton; fiddler, Bob Mclnnes;
pianist/-Mrs. Janet Kempton;
caller; John Smith. . z
. . .Log .Sawing
-A bad set on the crosscut saw;
made this, gon test a tough job
arid only two of five entries com
pleted the . cut Qi, a slab off a
beech log donated by Cepil At-
tridge.. Harold Humphrey and
Donald England/finished first in
1.41 minutes; seedhd Were Allan
MacIntyre, and Art Clark in 1.58.
Other entries were Ross McDon- .: .. ... a ■ ■' . j /. . .
Won’t Wait
Get Your Homie Ready For ( Winter Now. We
Have A Complete Stock Of I terns That Will
Keep YouComfortable And Save YoiTMoney .
» ~ And The Price Is Right —
Storm Sash ’
Combinatioh doors
Insulation r
Asphalt Paper
Caulking Compound ,
Lucknow Phone 150 Ontario
< * .
------r------ ----——------J— —
agh ahri Nels, Young; Charlie Mb-
Leap and Charije Hallam; Aus
tin Martin and Jal De Jong. ’
Sweeps Calf Club Awards
In the 4-H Baby Beef Club,
Anne Todd took first place with
her Angus calf and first place
for Showmanship. Le Roy Rin-
toul won the senior heifer class
and Betty Alton the junior heifer
.class,. \ • :■.' / ..
Calves placed as follows: Anne
Todd, Murray Gaunt /Bill Ken
nedy, Joyce Little, Jack Kennedy,
Crawford McNeil, Barry McQuil
lin, Charles Murray, Ivan Mc
Quillin; .Gerald Murray, Jim
-Lyons. ___ i .•
The showmanship standing:
Anne Todd,’, Crawford. McNeil,
Murray Gaunt, Joyce Littlejdjar- ry McQtfillin, Le Roy J^SwSul,
Jack Kennedy, Bill .K^ririedy,
Charles, Murray, Iyaii McQuillin,
Bob Harris, Gerald Murray, Bet
ty Alton, Jim Lyons.
Two Contestants
. There were two entrantss in the
public speaking contest, Barbara
Ann Wareing of Ashfield and Rae
Thomsojuof Kinloss', but circum
stances prevented the delivering
of their speeches. ;
There Were also several decor- (
"ated/bicy^leS which couldn’t be
judged because of the rain. Own*
ejrs of these bicycles should hand
their names to Mr. Stuart Coll;
yer. ; 7, . 7, "
A Mighty Pull
Members of the West Wawa-
nosh Township tug o’ war team,
holder of the John Hanna tro
phy, were on hand to defend the
Silverware. There .wasn’t a team
from Ashfield this year, but Kih-
loss Township rounded up a team
that provided mighty tough, op
position. For a minute, that seem
ed . endless, these two teams
couldn’t budge one or the other
-andbnly-the -waver-ef-the-mark—
er : across the centre line decided
the contest in favor of West Wa-
wanosh. It was as near a fie draw
as could be imagined. The Wawa-
nosh team was comprised of Ron
nie Forster, Gerald Dorscht, Geo.
Webster, Frank McQuillin, Grant
Rutherford,. Ronnie McCrostie,
Blake Alton, Joe Foran. The Kin-
loss eight were Raynard Ack-
ert, "Pat MacMillan, Elliott. Car
ruthers, Jake Conley, Phillip
Steer, Allan MacIntyre, Bob Reid,
Harvey Houston.
Fifteen Pens
There, were 15 pens i of swine
in the Bacon Hog competition.
They were purchased. by Omar
Brooks of Dungannon at 29V4C.
Judged on a carcass basis in Tor
onto, the following results have
been announced: 1st, Arnold Al
ton; 2nd, Chester Finnigan; 3rd;
’A’llan~'M±lleFy_4th~BeFt—Alton;, 5 th
Bert Gbmmiej 6th, GCorge Alton.
... Chester Finnigan had the cham
pion carcass.
Special Awards h
The Robert Simpson prize for
the. highest number of points in
the ladies’ work department was
won by Mrs. T. J* Salkeld. Kair-
shea, Lucknow and Kmtail
stitutes placed in that order in
the Women’s Organization dis*
play. Kairshea and St. Helens
placed one, two in Junior Girls
Club work. In the collection of
garden produce Kintail W. I. was
first’and Kairshea second:
In the evening the Town Hall
was packed to, capacity for the
welLpresented play, “Smalltown
Romeo”. Between acts the. Lqck-
, now District High School quart
ette of Kenny McNay, Jim Hack
ett, Dale HaldCnby and John
Helm drew hearty applause for
their numbers. * Accompaniment
was by Mr, Harvey Bride. A wel?
patronized dance concluded the
A partial list of prize Winners
Shorthorns •// ,
Bull, two years, W. A. Culbert;
bull,. 1 year, A, Gaunt 1, 2, 3, Cul
bert ;. sepior ’ bull calf,.. Gaunt 1,2;
junior bull, calf, Culbert, Gaunt
2, 3, Culbert; cow, Gaunt 1, 2,
Culbert; heifer, 2 years, Gaunt;
Culbert 2, 3, Gaunt; heifer, year
old, Gaunt, Culbert 2, 3, Gaunt;
Senior heifer calf, Gaunt, Cu-l'bert?
Gaunt, Culbert;. junior heifer' edit,
female. Gaunt; sr.; herd, Gaunt,
Culbert;/ junior herd, Culbert;
Gaunt; bull, Gaunt, get-of-sire,
\ Bulli 2 years,. G;. Kemiedyr ’hull,
1 year, Kennedy ■!•, 2, Eedy and
Son, ‘ Kennedy; senior bull calf,
Kennedy 1, 2; junior bull calf,
Eedy, O; .MoCharles, Kennedy 3,
4; cow, Kennedy 1; 2, 3; 2-year-
oid heifer, Eedy, Kennedy 2? 3,
4; ; year-old heifer,1 Eedy, Ken-'
nedy, Eedy, Kennedy; senior heif
er calf, Eedy 1, 2? Kennedy 3, 4;
junior heifer calf, Kennedy, Mc- rChar-les, Kennedy; female, Eedy;
Senior herd, Kennedy 1, 2; jun
ior herd, Eedy; Kennedy 2, 3;
bull, Kennedy; get-of-sire, Ken
nedy, •■Eedy; ; ■■,,; • >
Doots and Window?.
Gypsum Board
Paint and Nails.
Pplled Angus
Bull,. 2 years, F.G. Todd & Son,
G. Rabey; bull, 1 year, Rabey;
Itjdd? Rabey; - senior bull' calf,
Rabey; junior bull, calf, Rabey,
-Tdcld, Rabey; cow, Rabey; two-
year-old heifer, Rabey 1, 2; yearT
old heifer, Todd, . Rabey 2, 3,
Todd; senior heifer calf, Rabey;
junior heifer calf, Todd, Rabey;
female, Rabey; senior herd, Ra
bey; junior , herd, Todd; bull,
Todd. . .■ ....•••; .
Purebred Dairy Cattle ..
•Cow, B. Gammie; 2-yearfold
heifer, George Carter, Gammie;
year-old heifer, Carter 1, 2; heif
er calf, Carter 1, 2; female, Car?
ter. . ■■/ >< . /? ”, ■
Specials- 7 . .' •
Champion; bull, Todd, Rabey,
Kennedy; champion female*, Ra
bey, Gaunt, Eedy;. fat - steer, Ra
bey, Gaunt, Eedy; junior herd,
Rabey, Gaunt,. Eedy; dairy cow,
Gammie; steer or heifer, 15 yrs.,
Crawford McNeil, Bill,. Kennedy,
Jack Kennedy, Bob Harris, Betty
Alton; steer or heifer pellets
prize jCrawford MpNeil; best -beef
calf, Eaton prize, Ann Todd; hal
ter broken calf, Kenneth Carter;
beef herd, Gaunt, Kennedy.
Grade Cattle
Heifer _ calf, Donald Kirkland,
1 \
' Kirkland. Bob
calf, ' Crawford
Altojti 2, 3; block
Alton, 1, 2* .
Leicester .*** aged ram, Irwin,
Vance; shirling ram, Vance 1,‘ 2;
rh’m lamb/Vance1, 2;. aged e^eT
yance; shearling ewe, ’Vance:
ewe . lamb, Varice/ .
Shropshire Downs — shearling
ram, V^ncO; aged ewe, Vance;
shearling ewe, Vance; ewe lamb,
Vance. . • '
-Other pure bred aged ram,
Vance; shearling ’.fam, Vance;
ram lamb, Vance; shearling
eWe, Vance.; aged eWe, Vance;
ewe lamb, Vance.. ’ ./*•
market ewe, Vance;' *
Vance; / ;
best pen,
5 -
A tn bld Al-
Boar, August , 1953,
ton/boar, February .1954, Alton';,
boar after March 1st, Albert Ba
con, Doug Kilpatrick, Chris Ray-,
nard; senior boarfo Alton'; junior
boar,, Alton: .grand champion, Al
ton; sow, Feb. W53, Bacon, Al
ton; sow, August 1953,, Alton.;
sow, February 1954r Blake/A/
tpn. Arnqld Alton, Bacop;
after March 1954, Kilpatrick, Ba
con, Alton*; senior sqw> Alton;
junior sow,- Kilpatrick; grand
champion, A» Alton; senior herd,
Alton; junior herd,1 Alton, Kil
Rhode Island Red, Jack Ritchie
1, 2, 3; turkey gobbler, Mrs. Geo,
Alton 1, 2; turkey hen, Mrs. Alton
1, 2; gander, Blake Alton,
Chickens of 1954—-Rhode Island.
Red, pullet, Bl^Jce Alton 1, 2, G.
Kirkland; hybrid pullets, Mrs. G.
Alton, Ron Gardner, G. Kirkr
land; best cockerel , and pullet,
Mrs. O. MoCharles; highest points
winners, Blake Alton, Mrs. Geo.
Alton. \
Miscellaneous — domestic.. pets;
Gordon McNay, Jerry Wilson. -
Fall, wheat, Jake Hunter, Wal“
lace Miller, Blake Alton; oats,
Mrs. G: Alton, B. Alton, J. Hun
ter; barley, W. Miller, B. Alton,
Mrs. G, Alton; peas, B. Alton,
Mrs. G. Alton; buckwheat, B.
Alton, Mrs. G. Alton; flax, B. Al-
ton; red clover, B. Alton;' corn,
Mrs. H. Lavis; sunflowers, G.
Kirkland, Dot Alton; hay, Mrs; G.
Alton, B. Alton; alfalfa, W.. {Mil
lerTncollectioncorn, gT&iriy-gr assi
es, B. Alton. . '
Two varieties of potatoes, Hut
chison; L. McKay; early potatoes
named, S. G Rathwell, Stewart
Hunter; late potatoes named,
Rathwell, Hutchison; yellow man
gel, G. Kirkland,'L.' McKay; red
tharigCl, L. McKay; ? Swede tur
nips! Mrs Geo. Alton; any . other
turnips, . Hutchison; pumpkins,
Mrs. Mid Hunter, Alex Suther
land; winter cabbages, Hutchison;
Mrs. H. Lavis; winter squash,
Mrs. G. Alton,; L. McKay; field
roots, Mrs. G. Alton! large squash,
Mrs: G. Alton;. large-pumpkin,
Blake Alton, Austin. Martin; large
cucumbers, Mrs. H. Lavis, A. Mar
tin; parsnips, Mrs. Geo: Lock-
hart; carrots, Stewart Hunter,
Mrs. Mid Hunter; beets, Mrs. Mid
Hunter, Stewart Hunter; tomat
oes, Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre, Stew*
art Hunter;’Golden Bantam corn,
S.. Hunter;. other corn, Hutchison,
Mrs. Heimpel; celery, L. McKay;
cauliflower, Rathwell, Hutchison;
small white beans, Hutchison;
Blake Alton; other beans, Mrs.
O. Holmes, Hutchisrin';(.Dutch sets,
Hutchison, / Mrs. Mid Hunter;.1
criions, Mrs. Charles Steward, B.
Alton; yellow onions, L. McKay;
Spanish onions/W. Eskrick, Mrs.
G. Lockhart; three- other vege-
tabl'es,'Mrs. Geb. Hunter, L. Mc
Kay; garden produce, Mrs. Geo.
Lockhart; .Women’s Institute col
lection garden oroduce, Kintail
-W:L7_Kairshea W.T. :__ :
’ FRUIT '■'
Alexanders,. Lome,
Baldwins, Evan Keith,
Cayuga Red .. Streaks,
Duchess, W/Miller, Woods; TaL
man Sweets,- - Woods, Salkeld;
Cranberry Pippins, Keith, Woods;
GrrriVensteins/ Woods,, “Safkeld;
Wealthy, Woods, Miller; Canada
Red, Miller/ King of Tompkins
County, Woods, Keith; Peewaw-
kle, Woods, Keith; Marin apples,
Woods; Wolf River, Wood/ Keith;
King Pippins,’ Wodds; Blenheim
Bippihs, Woods; Ribson/Pippins,
Keith; Ontario, Woods; Rhode Is
land ,Greenings, Keith, Miller;
Delicious/Woods, Salkeld, Keith;1
Goldeh Russets, Salkeld, Keith;
Snows, Woods; Salkeld; Northern
Spy, Woods, Salkeld, Keith; Wag
ners; Woods, Salkeld; McIntosh
Reds, . Woods, Salkeld, Keith;
■other fair variety, yVoods/Keith;
other, winter*, variety, Woods;
largest - collection', Woods? Salk
eld; three falls, Woods, Salkeld;*
4 winters, Woods,, Salkeld; crab-"
apples? Miller, .Woods; . pears.
Woods, Millet; winter pears, Sal*
keld, Woods; peaches, Woods,.Sal
keld; blue plums, -Woods, Miller;,
red /plums, Miller? Woods; yellow'
plums; Woods, Keith ;■ blue- grapes,
Salkeld; red'grape's, Salkeld, Mrs.
Wr- Mblffl:SbI/-(hree - varjetiefr- nf-
grapes, Salkeld; quince's, Miller,
Woods; pyramid of apples, Woods,
Salkeld; hamper Wealthy, Woods,
Miller? hamper McIntosh, Woods,
Salkeld; hamper Northern Spy?
Woods; hamper Talman Sweet,
Woods’, Salkeld; hamper Graven-
steins, ’. Woods,: Keith; greatest
point winner, Woods: ’
Bed? asters? Melvin Hutchison?
S* G Rathwell; white asters,,Mrs,
George Lockhart, Mrs. Charles1
Btew?ird?. " alters, ' ■ Mrs. ' ■
Lockhart, Mrs. Stewardrpink as
ters, Mrs, Lockhart, piake Alton;
collection, iMrs. M. Hunter, Blake*
Alton; chctus dahlia, Mrs. T. J.
Salkeld, 2nd; decorative dahlia,
Mrs. Lockhart, S. C. Rathwell;
show dahlia, Mrs. Steward; col- - .
Jection, dahlias,. Mrs. Lockhart,
Mrs. Steward; ppm pom dahlia,’
Mrs. Lockhart; collection >glad;
iolif Mary MacLeod, Mrs. Salk-
eld; red gladioli, 'S. C. Rathwell, '
Mrs. Salkeld; white gladioli, Mrs.
Salkeld, Mrs. Lockhart; African
marigold, Mrs. Lavis, Mrs. Lock-
hart; French marigold, Mrs. Sal
keld, Mrs. Lockhart; dark §nap-
dragonsr-MrswSalkeld/MrsrLockm---- -
hart; light’ snapdragon, Mrs. / 1
Lockhart, Mrs. Salkeld; zinnias,
Lockhart;Mrs.. Salkeld, Mrs.
other collection; Mrs. Lockhart;
Blake ■ Alton: annual collection^
Melvin. Hutchison, Mrs. Lockhart;
table bouquet, Mrs; Steward, Mrs. Salkeld; calendulas, Mary/
MacLeod, Mrs. Lockhart; petun- '
ias, Biake Altoq, S. C’ Rathwell;
gladioli, single spike; S?C. Rath-
well, Mrs. Steward, Mary Mac
Leod; gladioli, 10 spikes, S',' C.
Rathwell,'Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs; Ste- . ,
ward; perennial collection, Mrs.
Lockhart; pansies, Blake Alton,
Mrs. Lockhart; living room bou
quet, Mrs. Steward,'Blake Alton, . >
Rex begonia, Mrs.' W.s Eskrick/
tuberuous begonia; Mrs. Steward,
S. C. Rathwell; other begonia,
Austin Martin, Mrs. George Al
ton; house fern, Mrs. S. Hunter,
Mrs. 'Steward;, geranium, Mrs. Ste
ward ; best house plant, Blake
Alton, Mrs. Alton;- cactus,- Mary
MacLeod, Mrs. A. Sutherland.
■/?- .. FINE ARTS
■ Amateur snapshots, Mrs. Q. Me-'
Charles, Mrs. K. Hunter; decor
ated table, Mrs. M. Hutchison,
Mrs. B, Roach/. "
—School ChildreiVs-Competitions
Livestock '?■/./■ ...■• r.‘-"
Calf, Jack Kennedy, Johri Me- " ’
Charles, Betty .Alton, Donald
Kirkland, Kenny Kirkland, Mar
jorie Alton, Douglas Alton. •’ CaTf ”
special’ Jack Kennedy. Market
hog, Karen Kilpatrick, Marjorie .
Alton, Terry Wilson, Betty Al
ton, Donald Kirkland, Kenny
Kirkland, Douglas Alton. Pen. of
fowl, Dorothy Alton, McCharles, A
TerryyWilson. Pen of light', breed .'
fowl, Douglas Alton; bantams, '.
Ken Gardner, Dqh Kirkland, Te'r- .• ’
ry. Wilson, Nancy. Forster; rab
bits, Jim Gardner, Bruce’ Baker.
Fruii ; '7;: ... . ■■ ■■ ■/'... 7". .
Spy; Bob Andrew, Terry ,’W.i .
sqn, Chris Raynard; Ru'ss/s’,
Chris Raynard; ' 'Talman;';S'weet,/.
Bob Andrew, Tom Andrew; other :
fall apples, Bob Andrew, Tofn.
Andrew, Terry Wilson;, other,
-winter apple/ Terry-.-Wrils/i; .
plums, Terry Wilson; Tomatoes,
Larry Hunter, .Arine. Ritchie; Bar-
ry Menar’y, Ken Kirkland; snow, •
Bob Andrew,,Tom. Andrew, Ter< . .
ry Wilson; McIntosh, Bob And -
rew, Tom Andrew; King, Terry
.Wilson; pears, Terry Wilson, Lar
ry Hunter.
Flowers —. asfers/Ann Baulch,
Terry Wilson; petunias, Donald
Andrew, Terry Wilson, Larry
Hunter, Ann. Baulch; zinnias,:
Donald Kirkland, Joanne Hun* .
ter, Donald Andrew?Ann Baulch:
phlox, Ann Baulch; cosmos, Terry ,
Wilson, •Kenny Kirkland;, dahlia,
Joanne Hunter, Donald Andrew;
, Collection annuals, Ann Baulch,
Terry Wilsdri, Donaitj/jCirkTand;
collection perennials, Terry’ Wil- .
bsbn; African marigolds, 'Murray. - ■
Hunter, Larry Hunter; scabiosa,
Terry Wilson; nasturtium, Arm
'Rftchie^to —
ton; French marigold, ‘ . Arm .
Baulch; snapdragon;' Ann Baulch;
gladioli,, Donald Andrew, pbug •
Alton, Joanne Hunter: bouquet, y
Joarin6 Huriter, Kenny Kirk I ami, , ■
Ann Baulch, Marjorie. Alton. ?
Grain—wheat,: Barry Men ary, ■
Terry Wilspri, Doug Alfe/ Mur*
: /ay Hunter? oa/s^ Marj oric A
< tori'; 'Betty Artrin; DOUg^ATrd/^ ,
Barry Menary;, barley, Doug A’-
Kirkland/ Don Kirkland,’ B/ ’"
Menary, Marjorie /Alton; m:/
flower, Mary Purdon, Dori Kii/
land; Kenny Kirklahd, Caimi MA .
intyre.. - ,
'•■■••• ’ * / F ■'
We welcome personal H,v
for this ’column. With the holy
season over, comings and-ft/"
are - fewer ‘/and they ■boro
doubly welcome. ’• Write thrV'-
bring, them in or phone the/. *
lung they'ar^; hewsy*