HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-06, Page 3A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ^, 1954 T- f. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO; LUCKNOW UNITED CRURCH Minister: Rev. G, A.- Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D.i I l. ........ i 7.00 pjn,; Special ThanksgivJ ing Service. I SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10th 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School. 11.00 a,m.; Special Thanksgiv­ ing Service. | Lucknow - I Presbyterian Church 1 ’ ■ 2 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10th 10.00 11.00 3.00 I a.m.: Sunday School, a.m.: Morning Worship pan. Ersjune Church, ' Dungannon i ii Ii i i i7.00 p.ni.: Evening Worship. ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and' Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. —Reliable Service — Freezers, Dryers, Washers Gilson Sales — Appliances -RepaiTS’tO'FansrVacuums, Clippers, Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough ) Phone Ripley, 111-r 29 / • v • ’ : ■ . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of. Windsor spent the first Of thh v eek at the home, of Mrs.'-R. Hr / Thompson. ' *./^ Out-of-town guests .at the Le G.rand-Johriston wedding on Sat­ urday were: .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Le'Grand and; Mr. and Mrs. Oli­ ver,. Gasne Coast;” Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lund, Mrs. George Blue,, Detroit;‘Mary Edith Agnew, Ply.;, mouth, Mich.: .Mr. and Mrs. Web­ ley Chalmers, Miss Sally and Miss Louise MacDdnald, Miss Winnie Murray and Mr. Jim White, of Windsor; Mr, Terry Purdy . and Mr. Wilfred Black, Toronto; Miss Nita Johnston, ■ Hornpayne, ' Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnston, Ham­ ilton; George Le Grand, Brook­ ville; Miss Alice. MacKcnzie, of London; Miss Shirley; Leycrtpnq Chatham; 'Mr/ and Mrs. Frank Young and Peggy, Goderich;. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Drennan, Ann and Jane, Tiverton, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Taylor and.Mrs. Mary MacDonald of Sarnia. * Local & General -Mr. and Mrs. Russ Johnstone were recent visitors in Cleveland. Mrs. Clark Finlayson was tak­ en to Wingham Hospital on Tues­ day'with pneumonia. ; ' Shirley Hamilton* is, employed at Sanderson’s Ladies’ & Men’s Wear. Edgar Ritchie oL Huntsville spent a few days last week with relatives.in the community... ??£/• Mrs. Burt .Roach were /w.eek-endnviftjtors in North Bay and Sturgfeofi Falls. .. < \ “ Miss* Judith Taylo^. of Sarnia sent the week-end with Wanda Hunter' of Zion. / ’/*/' \ Karfen Carnegie of Walkerton spent thfe week-end with Patricia Thompson;. ” . s Arthur Andrew- of Kapuskasing is a holiday visitor at the home of his rew. . Mr. family age . to____________________ the Paramount district. . * Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Gaynor and family have”moved, from Kincar­ dine to- Tavistock where he is employed in a knitting plant. Miss Isobel Cunningham of Owen Sound is visiting her cous­ ins, Mrs. Elizabeth Mallough and Miss Jean Lypns. Mr. and Mrs. George Middleton and family^ pfQTorQnto and . Mr./ arid Mrs. Bruce Baiiets of'Detroit * visited over the week-end with; Russ Middleton. Mrs. A. C. Agnew spent ..week-end. in Detroit ’ where attended '.the wedding of nephew, Rqnald Johns, arid Shir­ ley Sanborn. ./ . _ Visitors ' over . the week-end .with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stothers were Mr. and Mrs. Brock Whale and son Brock of Cooksville, Wm. Bradbury and Mrs.. Brad bury and son Stephen returned vvith.them I to Cooksville/ * ' I While • attending the Ladies/ Auxiliary convention in Toronto/ .Mrs. Roy. Black called- on- Dr., and Mrs. W/V. Johnston, who wish, to be remembered to friends- here. Al Irwin • is relieving at. the i* C. N.R. depbt whi 1 e/par-n et--H-em-- ! der-son. is on vacation. Mr. and : Mrs. Henderson and family .spent I the week-erid. in Michigan. ' Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell has re- . turned. home after spending the ’ past few : months visiting her family at. Kingston,. Dundas and. Toronto,. and . as an assistant at a young peoples’ summer camp; The Lucknow Women’s Insti­ tute *. has invited Paramount. Whitechurch’ and Holyrood. Insti­ tutes to be their' guests at Grand­ mothers’’ Day on Friday, October 15th._at; 2.'30 .p.m,.. jri_.llie/R.e.crfe_a7. tional. Centre, Grandmoth'ers from each Institute, arfe expected to come in* old-time costume. A prifcc yill be .given for the best costume. Please note change of date. WETTEST YEAR HE EVER SAW IN THE WEST Ir motherr Mrs. W. G- And- and Mrs. Bob Boak and have moved from the vill- jy?^X<rpuin_Ashfiel.d-i.n: the she her In. renewing his, Sentinel sub- scription, Wm. Miller of Saska­ toon, and, formerly of / the St. Helens district, has some obser-. vations to make about the wea" ther, . 1954 has been the wrost year he has ever seen, and he never thought he would see the day when the West would say they had too much rain. This year they’re shputing it. It started back in early spring and with tho exception of4a “few dry days in a month, when it isn’t/raining it’s pouring. * Grain swathed in- the Regina district* is under water and now snow has/ fallen in some parts. Mr. Miller says that in July pros-’ pects were for a bumper crop, but with rain and rust, now it shapes* up as about the poorest the Wfest has ever seen. It may average from 5 to 12 bushels of from. No. 4 to feed grade. In con­ clusion he said some fields will not be cut .as-it is not worth it and wouldn’t pay harvesting costs/ 7 ________L_________________■ .___________— CURRIE’S CORNERS Mr. and . Mrs. Lome Farrish, Donald- and Winnifred, Mrs. Jack Farrish, Marie and Jimmie and Gordon Walters of Goderich vis­ ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Farrish and Lynda at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs/ Gordon Johnston and John arid Donald Rae Scott visited Saturday .with Mr. and Mrs. John Blake in Wingham; Michael Courtney had the mis­ fortune to have his leg broken last week. He is the 2 V2-year-old son of Leo < Courtney. He will have his leg in a caSt for at least ten weeks., q , Mr. and ./Mrs. Graydon Ritchie and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew _BltchLLe2/and..family, Mr. & Mrs-./ Robt, Ritchie, Mr. and - Mrs. A. J. Wilson of Lucknow visited op Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. ,G. Ritchie at Mitchell where uthe family had birthday celebrations for; both Mr. and Mrs. ri°hert Ritchie whose birthdays were near the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston and family visited on Sunday at Bogies Beach’ with Mr.' and. Mrs. Hector Cooke from Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs: Cooke have a co£- tage there and were spending week-end at th'e co.ttage. / DUNGANNON Work Shoe Value We believe these shoes sire an outstanding value, have full.double leather soles, rubber heels, outside counters arid “heavy ste^l, shank. • at —. /w -$7.95 ASK US TO SHOW YOU THESE SHOES the I NIGHT GLASSES TO, RESUME AT DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Enrolment is set for Monday. October 18th, and. applicants are requested to contact fthe instruc­ tor, Mr. Hedley Burden, by Oct­ ober 15 th. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands pt couples are-weak; worn-out, ex­ hausted solely because body lacks iron. For new virii,- vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies iron you, too* may need for pep; supplemen­ tary closes Vitamin Bi. Introductory or “get-, acquainted” size only 60^. At all druggists. Phone 85 for Mike LOCAL TRADEMARKSi Ufe /■ DRY CLEANING FRESHEN UP & COATS, TROUSERS, SWEATERS, CURTAINS, BEDSPREADS, RUGS, JACKETS, COATS, DRESSES, itATS, SUITS. / picked up and Delivered EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY Sanderson’s LADIES and MEN’S WEAR FARMERS! ' ARE YOU RETIRING/tHIs/fALL? Before You Buy Your Town Residence See The Many Fine Homes For Sale In GODERICH through HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St. — Goderich, Ontario INTEREST SHOWN IN PROPOSED DANCING CLASS Considerable interest has been shown in the proposed dancing -classes to be held here; with” in-” structipns in Highland,' tap and ballet dancing under the pro­ fessional' tutorship of Amy. John­ ston, : ' '• /''/' .............;• ... .Some twenty children from town and country are already planning to enrol; but a mini­ mum of some thirty students is preferred to assure the success of the undertaking. Information may be. obtained from Mrs. Roy Finlayson or Mrs. Bob MacKenzie. . . BORN WILLITS—in Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, September 24 th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Walt­ er Willits (Jean MacMillan), R.l. ;Win*ghahf," a son, “John Bruce, a . brother for Mac and Murray. STANLEY — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, Septem­ ber 29, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. El­ don Stanley, Clinton, a son. • - ’ ■ ’ . ' ' ’ ’ ’ • 0 Service was held Sunday __ _ ____ _ Erskine Presbyterian Chijrch__at^yy.w^ei^l- 3;00 p.m. with the newly appoint­ ed minister, Rev. Wallace Mc­ Clean in 'the pulpit. < * Miss. Donanne Caesar spent two weeks with relatives at Akron and suburbs, Ohio. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hanson of East Tawas, Mich, have been .visiting their sister-:in-la.w, Mrs S, J/Kilpatrick. .. . Mrs.. Nellie Stewart on Sunday had as visitors Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Seaforth; Miss Mabel Killough, Byron and Miss Eva Killough, R;N., Toronto and Mrs. Minnie Jones, east of the village,, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mole have ^returned from their wedding trip to Fenelon Falls and Ottawa. Rev. J. Bright and Mrs’ Bright of Fonthi.il, spent the week-end with- Mr.' and," Mrs. Robt.- Irvin and ’renewed former acquaint­ ances. ' • . \_/___________— at Night classes in shop work and commercial'.-work will resume this month at the' Lucknow- Dis­ trict High School. Each, class/will run .for twenty weeks. There will be two shop classes and one co.m- L.D.H.S. NEWS Qn Friday, October 1st, Grade X with Louise Andrew in the chair; put on the Assembly. • The hymn “For the r Beauty of '’.the Earth” was sung followed by the scripture reading by Ian Mar-. shall. Thfe Lord’s prayer was re-’ peated in unison followed by the hymn, “Faith of . Our. Fathers”’.. . Emmeline' Miller gave the , cur­ rent events ’ for September. Ann • McKay favored with a piano solo .' “Glow Worm”. Marlene Hunter gave a reading, “A Student’s. Code”. Assembly was closed with s the Queen./ '■ ’ ”' • ~~ " " .' —o — ■ On Friday afternoon the school, not "helped by the weatherman, went1 ahead\and had t,heir annual Field Day which was held on the /school grounds. In spite of the | wet' a few ppnnle came nut to watch. Some of the classes firu. •.^neu ‘ uuc. most of them had to be left until another - day/ The, , Girls/ Athletic .-Society had a booth and did a very good busi­ ness keeping thfe boys /supplied ’ with pop and hot- dogs. Laurin’e . McNain and Gladys Kilpatrick were in charge. Fine Footwear For. AH *1^ Family RecePt visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wvlds were Mrs. Harry Wylds and Mrs. Angus McLennan 'of Toronto, Mrs. Wesley Wylds of Bervie and Mrs. ‘John Wylds. of Ripley. ... Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hall, Ste­ phen and Susans spent a fewdays Douglas Clark. They . were’ ac­ companied by Mrs. ;Stuart Coll- d-Ti wood. Week-end’ gufests, of Mr. . and Mrs/ Mfel Stewart' were Mrs,- M, Massey and W-.daughter, Miss Velma Massey of Kitchener who. have just’returned from a tour 'around thfe world.' They,made the trio, to visit -’Mrs,"Massey’s son, Garth Massey, who went to Indonesia two' years ago. as an air force .iristructpr. Garth and Mel were former flyirig assocL’ ates. - V SEPOY 5' * 11.00 STORE DRY GOOPS • LADIES CHI LOREN'S.'•.WgAfeMl china - kitchen Utensils-greeting car^ Toiletriestoys, 108W LUCKNOW, ONT.