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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-06, Page 2
4 I KingsbridgePRECIOUS PROMISES "4 of Gaspe Coast, Quebec, the ceremony before an •> f Graham, ListOwel 1 1 offer the following classes in series, corsage of bronze mums and carried a shortie coiat of cocoa brown poodle cloth. The Couple will make their home in Windsor. : . Some sorts of blondes are just bright gals dyeing to get ‘ahead; ■ , % WEDNESDAY, O^TOBgR 6, 1Q54 DUNGANNON SHORTHORNS WON AT STRATFORD FAIR ■ TKE tUCWOW SiamNEI* LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. NO OBLIGATION TO BUY. ? I r -Z It cost son ly . . * - ■’ r r • . ’ r • # ‘ : $5.00 permoritli ■■■ Local Agerit Fot ?. ' Remington Rand Typewriters and Adding Machines The Lucknow Sentinel ' PHONE 35, LUCKNOW ' - ' \ CULROSS CORNERS Congratulations to Mr. & M^s* x Loran Peters (nee Emma Mof fat) who were married in Tees- water on Saturday. They will re- I side on the groom’s farm near Beyvie. . "•■ " MTl? Jas. Hodgins has returnqg - home from the West. Mrs. Maud Beal, Toronto, was. ■©recent visitor with Mre. Grant Wall. tJ Mrs. Chas. Scriumacher, Walk erton, is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs/ Frank — Schumacher-. - ....... wilson—kenNedy A pretty clouble ring ceremony ‘ was performed On Saturday, Sep-. tember 25th when Lorna Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy of. Kincardine, became the bride of Orval Walter Wil- son, son of Mrs, Ethel Wilson and the late Mr. Wilson of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Gilbert Gomm. . The bride looked lovely; in a white floor , length; strapless gown.'fashioned with a fitted bodice of ribbonette arid bolero, of ribbonette * to ^mateh./with full skirt of double net over taffeta. Her fingertip veil was edged in pearls and; rhinestones. She carried a bou- - quet of red rosqs and white baby mums. Rhinestones completed her costume. ) Mrs; Douglas Drennan; sister of the bride,-was matron of hon our • in a^dfloor length gown of blue rJBbpnette made identical to / the bride’s. She wore a matching; headdress of. braided nylon tulle , arid carried a nosegay of pink roses; .James Wilson, brother o* the groom, was, best man- ' ’ 'Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the Knotty Pm^iffri^here^^ mothr 7 er received the guests in a navy figured dress with black and««Walsh, Jack and Scott, grey accessories and w6re a cor sage rpf white gladioli, assisted- by the groom’s mother in a brown crepe dress with brown accessories and a corsage of pink and white carnations., For a wedding trip the bride donned a powder bliie gabardine suit with navy accessories ..and/a corsage of pink asters. * On their return they will re side on the groom’s farm in Cui- toss Township. > iMr. and Mrs. Jrisi Harrison of Brantford visited Suiiday with Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Brown qnd Reg. They have sold their home in Brantford and this week left for. B.C. where they will reside. 'We are sorry to report Mrs, Frank Brown to * have been con- K1NLOUGH , « .. .... ............../ 1 ■' • ............ ■" . . The Evening Guild ■ of ’ the Anglican Church met on Wed nesday evening at the home of (Mrs,‘ Jack Hodgins with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Ronahd Thacker, was in charge. The hymn “Go labor on” was sung. Mrs. Tom Hodgins read the scriture lesson. This was follow- ed^ by prayer. The. thought for the day was gjiven by Mrs. Har old* Haldenby. The roll call was answered with, the word “Trust”. Two fancy quilts are being made. ^tThank^you” notes were read. Mrs. . Bert Nicholson gave the' Closing remarks and prayer, clos ed the meeting after which a dainty lunch Was served by the hostess. .. Mr. Don Haldenby of the Bank of Montreal, Lucknow,, has been moved to Walkerville. / Mrs. George Haldenby enter tained the Anglican choir at her home on Tuesday evening. Harvest Thanksgiving services were held on Sunday in the Ang lican church. Rev. F; Tomkinson of Paisley was guest speaker at the morning service and Rev. H, L. Parker of Wingham was in charge of the evening service. The Presbyterian service was withdrawn. We are sorry to report that Mr. Jack Walsh isunder the doc tor’s care at present. His many friends wish him' improved health;/,';/; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones of Elmira?/Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eray, Carolyn and Cathy of LisT “tp^l^Tsited7"Stmday; ^with—Mr; and Mrs. J. R. Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ‘Maulden5 and Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hartwick and Wayne of Kincardine, Mrs. Ben Scott and family of Purple Grove visited Sunday with Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Currie Colwell, Bruce varid ;Betty of Con. 2, Kin loss, Mr. arid Mrs. Don McCosh, Mary and Dick of Purple. Grove *and Mrs^Ardell Mason' of Cqn. 4, Huron, >yisited Sunday with Mrs. J£ W. Colwell. ■ : Mrs. J. W. Colwell spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Mason,' Cori. 4, Huron: Mr. .and Mrs.' Roy Gary and Madbrina and Mr. and Mrs. IM. Johnstone of .. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham., The H.WJ. will meet on Tues day, October 12th at the Holy rood Hall. Note change in date. Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs/’Robt. ___ _ _ _ Stobo. • v w. , , \ \ Tiri^"to"h^"b^d~T>ver™the™weefc=-LendTTfope-7she-iS“SOon--able-tad3e Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith spent up again./ . THE LUCKNOW DISTRICT A HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Night School (provided the required number enrol) SHOP — Woodworking. “ Two classes per ’week for,twenty weeks limited to fifteen students to . a class. COMMERCIAL WORK Typing, Business Prricticeand Bookkeeping. One class per wfeek for twenty weeks limited to thirty students. ' . • '. ' 1 1 ‘ 1 Enrolment and Payment of Fee “Monday^ October 18 th j 1954, Applicants are requested to notify Mr, Hedley B^ Burden> Teacher (Phone 212) on of before October 15th if at all s possible. The number in each class is limited, and applica- tions will be accepted in the order in which those interested ■apply* ■ ■■ **■ ■■ / Classes will begin Monday, October 18th, following registration. • • / , ON WEDDING TRIP TO LAURENTIANS . LE. GRANR--Ji>HNSTON '■ In a double ring ceremony in Lucknoyr Presbyterian Churcn, Margaret Ardonna Johnston, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Johnston, Lucknow? became the bride of Arthur Ernest Le Grand, sori of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Le Grand . . _ Rev. Wallace McClean officia ted at the ceremony before an altar decorated with fern, can delabra and gladioli. ..../ ; r^MT^"Wilfred~Bl^k-7prdvided wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mis's Winnifred Mur ray; .Given in marriage , by her father, the; bride wore a full- length gown of white bridal satin with cathedral train and portrait neckline .edged with seed pearls and irridescents. Her fingertip vOil of nylon net. fell from a pearl-studded headdress of match ing white satin and she car ried a muff of small red roses. The' bride’s attendants, Mrs. William Johnston, sister-in-law of the bride as matron of honor, , and Mrs Wesley Chalm^s,~Miss"Shirf ley Leverton and Miss Alice Mac- ■ Kenzie, as bridesmaids, wore identical gowns of red irridescent taffeta, with strapless bodice and bouffant skirts topped with stoles 6^ matching material. Junior bridesmaid, Miss Peggy Young, .wore a gown of matching mater ial with hdop skirt and Bertha neckline. All attendants wore headdresses of small braided bands-of " red- volvetv The^-senior;, attendants carried. fan-shaped bouquets of/white mums and trie junior bridesmaid a colonial bou quet of white mums. J ./^Terrence Purdy was . grooms man arid William Johnston, bro ther of the bride and George, Le Grand, brother of the groom, act ed as ushers. '• Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church parlors. The bride’s mother re ceived in a black' French silk ensemble with • black accessories and corsage of red roses. The groom’s mother assisted in navy sheer with navy, accessories and corsage of pink" roses. . During the dinner telegrams of congratulations were read from friends in TrUrd, N.S.; Moncton, N.B.; New Carlyle, Quebec; Mon treal, Que.; Paspebiac, Quebec; Toronto and Windsor; . Later Mr. and Mrs. Le Grand left-on a motor trip to Montreal and. trie Laurentians. s The bride wore a suit of brown English Worsted with cocoa brown acces- WHITECHURCH .Mi?. G. E. Farrier, Mr. and Mrs. W.Ti. Farrier spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J.«C. Gillqspie at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Lois spent the week-end at Po^r asson with friends. - DONATIONS TO> BLIND CAMPAIGN REACH $125 At trie first of the week do nations to ■ the campaign beirig staged locally in aid. of the Can- *adian;Institute'for'theBlind “h reached a total of $125.00,'made up;^as followsf ‘ ; Mrs. W;. Campbell $1.00; Mi% Rena McNab 10^00; Mrs. R. Woods L00; .Mrs. Wm. Murdie 1.00; Mrs, Clark Finlayson 2.00; Art Breck- les 2.00; Donald MacLean 2,00;, Wm. A; Stewart 5..00; Alex And rew 5.00; Robt. J. Macintosh 5.00; H,’ MT’ MacLeririan <5.00;" J/ Mac? 'Naughton 1.00; S. B. StothCrs 10.00/ Mfes 2,00; korth 2.00; A Friend 5.00; George HOriry''3,00;,.Mrs.- Neil MacDon-' aid 1.00;. Qarnet Farrier 2.00; J, G. Gillespie 2.00; Rev, W. J/Watt 2,00; Miss Elizabeth .MuMie ,5,00; Mrs-, j, W, Hepd'ersqn 5.00; John W. Henderson Lumber .Ltd. 25*00; Robert MacGregor 2,00 ;■ bondld 1- X Mt e.an • 2.00;. Thos, ■ MacDon ald, It %'“2,?0; Miss' A, M’^ Mae Donald ?5:00; W. K Hushelf 3.00 Ernest. Blahe 5*00. Breathes there a man. with soul ’ so dead ’ j Who never to himself has said’ Yes dear,, next week, the busy bee Will have a hard time following Hie, , ' Lai ' 13 Each day will be arbor day? I’ll really make each minute pay. I’ll ibe up at the crack of dawn, Arid rake the leayes all off the lawn, . I’ll get the winter’s coal ip, too? And start trie furnace up for You- Then I’ll put the storm windows ■ UP? '' ■:And huild a kennel for our pup? While I’m at it I guess I should Put in the winter’s kindling '■■"wood., • - ■' I’ll put new kitchen cupboards in, And build a «new potato bin,, With the word series on T.V, I can’t start for a week by gee, I hope rhy bets all really pay. And that the Indians win, the day.. With all that dough .Til hire some r. jerk '• '• : To help my wife do all that Work. —Wm. M, Buckingham. A herd owned by'W. A. Culbert & Sons, Dungannon, won honors at the regional Shorthorn. Cattle Show sponsored by the Perth - Huron Shorthorn Breeders’ As sociation at Stratford. Fair. The. Dungannon breeders won top awards for junior champion grand champion female and best ^breeders’ herd. . 1 place in classes for junior bull calf and junior heifer calf and third place for, junior yearling heifer; jiruce T; Keyes of Varna, had the senior Champion ’female ™in~ the show arid placed first in the class for cow, two years and un der, and third for . junior yearl- dhg-'bull-^nd^en-io^r^bulLicalL-^ ; BORN MURRA Yr — at Newmourit Sinai Hospital, Toronto, on .September 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Mur ray; a: daughter, Phyllis Ann, a sister for Kathleen. TIFFINMn Wingham Hospital on Monday, October 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin, R. 5, Lucknow, a daughter, Joyce Marie. WHITMORE Elva and Carhi Whitmore (nee Twamley) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Elva Lynne, at Victoria Jiospital. London, Thurs day, September 30, 1954. A sister -for—Dianner——-----———»—.—_ WOULD YOU LIKE TO RENT A REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER for use in your own home or place of business. • ■ -/ ■ : ■•,.// . ' // ‘‘ \ : Everyone from they student to the business man needs ~7vm&Fa^^ gives you the Opportunity to use One without laying . out the nrice of a new machine. • , , / ” Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatrick 'and son Kenneth have taken up resi dence in Wingham, and Mrs. Fitz patrick will continue with her hairdressing business at her home there,. • k "0 ; "Mr. Michael Murtm of Stoney Creek, Mr, Walsh and family vis ited with friends here over the week-end. • .Mrs. Frank Doherty of Port Albert has been^-a patient in Godr erich Hospital for the past ten d'ays, ■ ■. Mrs. Jack Kinney and -Mrs. J. ’ Daltpri' ~ Sarnia on Sunday. : Miss Jean. Gilmore.-of London ’ sperit the week-end with her par ents here. -.. Miss R'eta Ann‘ Johnston of Goderich visited at the home of Mr. Michael Foley over the week end, ' ■ ■ \ ; / Mr, arid Mrs. Van Deipen •who,.’ recently arrived from HollandI ’ are visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Theo Van Diepen. Mr. and Mrs/ Mark Dalton are holidaying with relatives in De- ' troit / ’ The ladies of the C.W-L. are making big preparations for their Fall Festival to be'held in the. parish hall on Friday evening, commencing with a concert at 9.00 p.m. The draw for the nine prizes Will take place at mid-' night. Henderson’s orchestra has • been engaged to furnish the danc- ing music for this occasion, as well as; for the masquerade da,hie . they hav;e planned for October 26th?; ■ JOIN NEW COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS An* article in^the. last -issue ,of Weekend Magazine, dealt with the husband and wife medical team of the Doctors Shepley of Chatham,, who are among the first general practitioners • in Canada to join the College .of General Practice founded last June by the Canadian. Medical Association to correspond with the College of Physicians and ® Surgeons. ■ Executive, director of the new college is Dr. W. V. Johnston who practised for 30 years in Lucknow. Membership, is extend; ed to competent doctors who Sr,e . required to spend 150 hours every,, two years .on postgraduate stuck ieS, ■ ' “There’s been an oVef-emphasis' on specialization’’^ Dr. Johnston claims. “Medicine isn’t that com- -plp7>c_^y^t_LA gnnd G P. can treat v 90 percent of the ills and . knows 1 where to send the other 10 per- , cent”. ■ ' ' ', I