The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-29, Page 6WESNESDAY,SI^ 1954
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By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent
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the.hymn “Sun of My Soul” and
everyone repeated the mizpah
'•' J . a.
bridesmaid, her ____ -
Mrs. Ivan Gardner, who also
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Government of Canada
Society. There are 545 branches
and the Bible translated in 825
different languages. The work of
this great society • is extending
the kingdom of God and pn this,
the 150th anniversary, we all
want to share in the- wider dis
tribution of the Word of God
throughout the world, for the
Bible can go where we cannot.
He thanked the officers, can
vassers, clergy and contributors
for the splendid response. of last
year and then showed the won
derful film, “Bible on the Table”
which was most appreciated, The
.officers were_re-elected land are
as follows: president, John Em
erson; secretary, May Boyle;
treasurer, George Haldenby. Can-
vassers are: Kinloss,^Mrs. R. J.
jKaake, Mrs. Harold Bannerman;
Base Line, Mrs. Frank Maulden,
Mrs. Morley. Bushell; Kinlough,
Mrs. George Haldenby, May
Boyle; Con. 12./ Purple Grove:
Mrs. Perry Hodgins, Elizabeth
Scott; Con. 10, Bethany, Mrs.
Frank Johnstone, Mrs/ Frank
Thompson; Con. 8 and Holyrood,
Mrs. Ed Thompson and Mrs. Rob
ert MacDonald. Fred Guest and
Fine Response To Canvass
For Bible Society
The meeting for the Kinlough
' ’district of-the British and Foreign
‘Bible Society was held in the
dPresbtyerian church on Wednes
day evening last, Mr. John Em
merson presided. The hymn “From
^Greenland’s Icy Mountains” op
ened the meeting. Rev. G. S.
JSaulch read the scripture lesson
and led in prayer. Minutes of the
‘previous meeting were read and
_ -^idso- the treasurer’s report which-
fchowed that the. 1953 canvass
'totalled $96.60. The pupils of
Westford School" sang the well
loved hymn.TTellme the Stories
of Jesus” and pupils of Kinlough
■school sang the Thanksgiving
hymn **Coriie Ye Thankful Peo-
ple”. The president then called
■ron the guest speaker, the Rev.
•J. Billingsley, district secretary
of the Upper Canada Bible ; Soc
iety, who gave a most inspiring
'address. He said the British and
-Foreign Bible Society operates in
16 different societies and one of
these is the Upper Canada Bible'Jack Barr received the offering.
i •• '<
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afternooA service in favor of the
Anglican service., Sunday School
will ibe at 10,a.m. ■ '
We extend heartfelt sympathy
to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halden
by, formerly of here, in the death
of the latter’s mother, the late
Mrs. Elizabeth Demmans, who
passed away at her home in Dun
dalk on Wednesday last. The
-aged lady had visited in this
community and made friends
here who were saddened to learn
of her passing following a linger
ing illness. Those from here who
attended her funeral on Satur
day were Mr.. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Margaret Dudley, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Haldenby and Rickey
Fry. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Murdoch and
babe visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Smith./
(Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slessor
and family of Glamis visited, on
Sunday with Mr.; and Mrs. Bert
Nicholson and family.
We are sorry to report that
'Since last week’s news issue Mrs"
William Cox was taken from the
home of her daughter, Mrs. John
Scotty/ to Kincardine Hospital.
Her many friends wish her im
proved healtlF sd ~ she may be
able to return home-feeling much
Mr. Jim Hodgins returned home
from the West where”~he has
been for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean of
Kincardine visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins.
Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. Wall spent
the past week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley, of
Purple Grove.
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh returned
to her home after caring for the
late Mrs. H. Osborne5, who had
Rev, John Prest spoke briefly and
the meeting ^closed with the
hymn, “Tell Me The Old, Old
Story” and prayer.
Deepest sympathy is extended
to Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray, in
the death of the latter’s mother,
Mrs. James Collinson, who pass
ed away at her home on Wed
nesday morning. She had been in
failing health for some time. Rel
atives and friends attended the
funeral, on Friday morning.
/-Mrs. Margaret Dudley of Luck
now spent the week-end with
relatives here. ..
Mr. .and Mrs..Norman_Fry_spent
the week-end with their son,
Rickey,, at,the home of ther par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E.Hal-
• On Sunday, < October! 3rd, the
Anglican Church will hold Har
vest Thanksgiving services with
morning service at 11 when the
Rev. F. Tomkinson of Paisley
will be the guest speaker and at
7.30 p.m, with Rev. H. L. Parker
of Wingham will be guest speak
er. Everyone is cordially invited
to attend these services. The
Presbyterian congregation have
kindly withdrawn, their regular
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been a bed patient, for a length
of time before her death. ‘ ‘
• The Presbyterian congregation
have changed to the Fall and.
Winter schedule of, afternoon ser
vice. ,
A number from here attended,
the Ripley Fair on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hodgins,
Ruth and Cathy of Wingham call
ed on friends here on Sunday,
Mrs. Jack Hodgins .will enter
tain the Anglican Evening Guild
at her home on September 30thv
Thursday evening .(tonight). The
thought for the day will be given
by Mrs. Harold Haldenby. Trust
~is~the word-foFthe rbircallT”™
Mrs. J. W, Colwell spent Tues
day with Mr. and Mrs. Lome.
Hodgins, Kinloss. “
The H.W.I. will meet on Tues
day afternoon at the Holyrood
Hall, Hostesses, Mrs. Wm. Wall
and Edna and May Boyle. Con:
veners, May Boyle and Mrs. R.
Elliott. Roll call, A convenience
unknown to our grandmothers.
Topic, Pioneer Days. Mrs. Jas.
Hodgins^Motto,' Let us grow love- ; v
lyl growing Old. Each member
bring an early photograph. Con
test, Grandmother’s plain white
cookies. Current-events, Mrs. Jack
Hewittr-All bring lunch.- ~—-■■■ r
Mrs. J. W. Colwell, Mr. and
Mrs. Don McCosh, Mary and Dick
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
-Albert Colwell. - - -
Mrs. J. W. Colwell visited on
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Colwell, Kinloss.'
Kinlough Presbyterian Y. P.
The first meeting of the season
of the Kinlough Y.PJS. was op
ened in the church on Sunday
night by the hymn “I Am . So
Glad”. Mr. Bajulch led in pray- .
er after which the scripture was
redd by Joan Sutton. Mr. Baulch
presided for• the election of of-'
ficers xfor the new year which
were as follows:, president, Erjma \
Percy-;? 1st vice, Elizabeth Scott;
2nd' vice, Gordon MacDonald;
secretary, Jack' Barr; treasurer,
Joan Sutton; pianist, Esther Mac- .
Donald. Readings were then read
and Mrs. Perry Hodgins after
which slides‘were shown on our
mission fields in Formosa. The
collection was taken up and the
-next meeting- was-decided, to be
in two weeks at the church With
the 14th Concession and the
Scotts for the program. This is
to be our Thanksgiving meet
ing. The meeting was closed with
1 ,
* r (
r * ti . 4
In a double ° ring ceremony at.
the Presbyterian Manse, .Wing-
ham, on Saturday; September 18
united in marriage Yvonne,Elva
Gardner and Roy De Groot. The
bride , is the .‘ daughter of Mark
Gardner of Wingham and fprtn-
erly of Lucknow, and the late ■
Mrs. Gardner. The groom is a sori
of Mr .and Mrs. Adam De GroOt
of Holland.
For t the;.ceremony the .bride...
chose ’ a blue Wil^Ttli: havy ‘a^-.
cessories diid corsage of ^ink
sister-ih-lavv, •
suitedrin ’blue With navy access- -
cries ahd red roses corsage. The
groomsman was Peter. De Groot,
of Belgrave. ' .
A, buffet luhdheOn was held at
the. home of Mr. and- Mrs. Ivan
Gardner. The youhg couple thcm-
leit on a wedding trip, to Lon*
don, Detroit arid Southern points.
They will reside in Wingham* ’