The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-29, Page 5WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1954
. -rr
We are the only (manufac
turers in this part of Ontario
of high class s monuments.
Old-Country in the rough by
the carload and process from
the rough to the finished
monument. No middleman.
• • ’ •' i*
When choosing, a monument
come and see one of the
largest selections in Ontario.
Established over sixty years.
■ . • . -I *■
Write or phone Walkerton 8
and reverse charges,
“Mighty big tip you handed
that cloak-room girl”. . •/
“It was worth, it, look at the
(beautiful new coat she gave me”.
The Canada Temperance Act is
doing a far better job than its
enemies would have us believe.
We nehd to keep in mind some
facts about it that are too easily
QVerlooked. This . law,. character
ized as “ancient” by some critics,,
and. as a “horse, and buggy
days .statute fby others, was
passed by the Dominion Govern-
oient in ‘1876’ for the purpose of
assisting '.the. Provincial - Govefn-
'rnent to control'the liquor traf
fic. It wais effective in reducing
4h@—ev-i-ls—olHjhe' liquor traffic^
•but due .to. the difficulties eri-?
countered in the matter of en-'
f01 cement—-the Courts on appeal
having decided'that'it was the
■ duty i of rthe Provincial. Govern
ment to enforce this a Dominion
law; it was,repealed in.. 1888.; But
again in . 1914 the C.T.A. was put
to .the people and< was carried in
Huron County. This, law has so
irked the liquor interests that on
two occasions appeals have been
made to the Courts to have it
deleted from our statute books.
Both, the Supreme Court of Can
ada and The Privy Council-^iri-
England rejected the appeals-rind
''declared the Canada Ternperance)
most of ou.r lives under the C.T.A.1
cannot easily realize that in spite
Of its imperfections it is very
preferable to the L..C.A. Under the
' C.T.A, no., licenses can be granted
i for the sale of liquor and no'
•I liquor can be^egally..sold,—Advt-.
■ ~ —i-
.. 1 ..............................
The Presbyterian Mission Band
will meet at Mrs. R, Wilson’s
home on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. R. < Bisset’s friends are
pleased to know he is well,
enough to be home. He will have
to take it easy for awhile.
Shower For Bride-To-Be.
Mrs. George Moncrief was hos
tess on Saturday evening for a
shower for her cousin, Miss Ar-
Mr,. Elmer Umbach of Lucknow
will be the guest speaker at the
October meeting of the Women’s
Institute to be held at the home
of Miss Jean Aitchison on Thurs*
day, October 7th at 2.30. Roll pall,
Bring a simple gift.for a conval
escent; Motto, Laugh more, and
worry less. There will be cur
rent events, and. a. contest of six
cookies. Hostesses and program,
Mrs. John Cameron, Mrs. William
Newlyweds Honored at Recention
~ Mr. arid^ Mrs. Bill MacPherson
were., guests of- honor at a large
gathering ,.of friends, and neigh-*
bors in' the Community Hall on
Friday evening. After lunch Mr.
arid Mrs. MacPherson were invite
ed to the platform where Bob
Lyons read an address of con- '
gratulatioris and good wishes and
Jack. Aitchison made the presen
tation of a substantial purse of.
money. Music for 'dancing was
■provided by “The Arictrocrats”
With Bob Lyons calling off.
Mr,. and iMrs. John Cameron
.and Don and Mrs. Mary Webster
of Lucknow—were—visitors—on
Sunday witlTyMr. and Mrs. J. W.
_________iDpan of Ingersoll.
Act. good "law. We who have lived I.' The Perth-Huron Y.P.U. re-
’ union camp will be held here
during the week-end at the Sun
day morning service. The mini
ster, Mr. Harvey Sparling, will
be assisted by Miss Margaret
Holland of Clinton and Miss
Nancy Parroft of Stratford, who
will speak of the National Coun
cil of Young People’s Unions of
the United Church held recently
at Whitby which they attended.
Everyone is invited to attend this,
, : Mrs. John Webster of Toronto
ijs a. visitor with her sister, Mrs.
Cranston and other-relatives^
Mr. and Mrs.: John Berndt, Sr.
and Mr. and Mrs/John Berndt,
Jr. of__Detroit—were—weekrend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
MacPherson. "
Young People’s Meeting
The meeting, of the'St. Helen’s
Y.P.U. was held on September 26.
The jneeting opened with,a sing
song l.ed by Anne Todd, The wor
ship service was. conducted by
Isabelle MacPherson and Donna
Woods. Isaibelle had the opening
prayer which was followed’ by
singing hymn 164. Donna read the
scripture and then • Isabelle read
a poem entitled, ‘‘Christian Un
ity”. Hymn 614’ was . sung and
then followed .by Isabelle giving
a prayer which closed the wor
ship service. Mr; Sparling con
ducted the Bible study :• which
-Was~^discussiun on '“What Ex- “
tent does our Faith Go?” Marvin
McDonald acted "as president for
the administration and Doris Mil
ler as secretary due to ttye ab
sence of both .the. regular presi
dent and secretary. The meeting
closed with the benediction- by
Mr. Sparling. '
donna Johnston, a bride-to-be.
After a short program Ardonna
opened the gifts and in a few
well4 chosen words thanked the
ladies, for ' their beautiful gifts.
Friends were present from Tiver
ton, Bethel, Ripley, Lucknow and
Goderich. .7 .
The farmers: are making good
use of the good weather. Some
are finishing their threshing,
others are silo filling.
If you need more room in the farm house . ‘
for the children, more accommodation for hired
hands, mofe. all-round convenience for everybody
in the home, a spare room for visitors ... or.
■ • if you simply need more space for relaxation; ,
don’t let a shortage of ready cash stop you from
. going ahead with building plans notv.
If yourpropositionissound.there/jnoney
for you at the B of M .;. in the form of a
Farm Improvement Loan. Talk it oVer with
the manager of your nearest ''HV 0 A M |J
ofM bfa£inf'li tbic wppk ’ ’iJllI ■ Il
w ui in Drancn inis weex. iinuoH uhmuhs
Fl L — the fixer ..
his full name is
Farm Improve
ment Loan. Give
him a chance,to
help fix up your
farm ... he’
-i—n dm ieal~con ven-~~
lent, versatile. He
can- do almost
anything in mak-
• ihg your farm a
better farm.
Lucknow Branch: MURRAY . COUSE, Manager
Hoiking with Canadians in every walk dF life since 1817
f/ .
(Intended for last week)
The W.M.S.: and W.A. met on 1
Monday evening a't the home of
Mrs. Stuart Chafnney . with 17
ladies present. Mrs. J, R. Thomp
son. had charge of the program
s^ndl was assisted in the devotion
al exercises by Mrs. Sami Thomp- z
son, Miss Elaine Jefferson and'
Mrs. E. Robinson. A paper on
Christian Stewardship was read
‘"ByTMiss Hazel Stamper.. Misses’
Louise Jefferson & Grace Thomp
son contributed a duet. The new ’
. study book on India was intro*
duced. by Mrs, H, Jefferson. .
I Lunch was served following the
meeting' the hostess being assist
ed by Mrs? Gordon ?Chamriey and
. Mrs. -Wm. Hardy.
Mr. and, Mrs. Graharri Cham-
hcy^ancT^anifty of Goderich were .
week-end visitors' with ML arid
.I. Mrs, Stu art..- i
.....was, a
i •
dI Cl 1 I.. ___
.week-end . visitor ■ with relatives
in Oshriwa.- ' ~.....
Mrs. R. J. Rutledge of-. Goder
ich .spent a few days with her
sister, Mrs. J. R.’’Thompson, -
Mr, and 'Mrs. Ernest Cfaig of
Goderich and Mr. and Mrs, Gor
don. Chamney arid Larry .of Au
burn- were:., Sunday; visitors with
xMrprind Mrs. R. ChaimneyS
A *
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