The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-29, Page 3'a* o i 7 I . 69c $2.50 .. .89 $2.50 V • 55c, 2 pair $l;00 having Please be sure THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA < WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1954 * M ’ I ^UJCKNbw | UNITED CHURCH Minister: •’ Ji Rey, G, A* Meiklejohn, j v B.A., B.D, | SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3rd | 10.00 ajm.: Church School Pro-1 . motion Sunday. j 11.00 a,m.: World Wide Com J munlon Service. ! a I 7.00 p.m,: Service conducted’ by Women’s Association. I Lucknow | Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3rd | 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School. | 11.00 a,m,; Rev. Wallace Me I Clean. j 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan-j7 ’non, Rev. McClean. | 7i00 p.m.: Evening Worship! 1 Resumed. j 1 Thursday, Sept. 30, 8.00 p.m.,i I Induction of Rev. McClean. | ELECTRIC MOTOR Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. ~—"——Reliable- Service ~ " Freezers, Dryers, Washers Gilson Sales -- Appliances __ Repairs to JFans, Vacuums, _ Clippers, Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough/ . Phone Ripley lll-.r 29 Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan of. Toronto spent the week-end with Miss Elizabeth Henderson, Haive- . lock St. ■ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , Local & General I ' ' Mac Keith, who is employed on the Rodanz Farms at Stouffville, spent the week-end in the com­ munity/ • ■ . ? Mrs. Mary Jane Webster visit-* ediover the week-end in Inger-, jsoll with Mr. and Mrs.JJim Dean. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew re­ turned the end of the week/from a holiday ’ spen t in Detroit and Plymouth, Mich. 1( . Mrs. Elizabeth Pickering of i Detroit, a sister of Mrs. Burns,, and Tom Burns of Los Angeles, "graridsdh\ of Mr. and jMrs\ T, H. Burns, ihaye been visitors at. the Burns’; home- during the past week. Mrs. Pickering motored over with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith,’ formerly Ada Pickering, who'visited here briefly. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Whitby, Elliott, Eleanor and Edith spent the week-end at Camp Borden -with Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Rouse. “ Mrs. Bradbury and ' young son Steve are visiting with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Si B. Stothers, Mr. and Mrs. ,R. C. Passmore are moving to Cochrane to reside. . Mi-, PassmoreJs-with--the-Denart-~ i ■ " - - -- _______ Passmore is a daughter i?f Mr, and . Mrs. S. B. Stothers. . Elizabeth Bannister is ill with pneumonia in Wingharn Hospital. The condition of Dr. M. H. Corrin, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, for the pastv ten days, is reported to be .greatly mproved? As yet,- how­ ever, there has been nothing def­ inite as to when the DpetoiUwilL be "able to .leave the hospital. Donald McCharles is a patient | in Wingham Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook are visiting this week in Detroit. . ..' Lorrie i Johristbri .suffered an­ other severe - gall bladder attack on Friday evening-and has since | been in Wingham Hospital-, Guests, at the Henderson’Guest' Home, Lucknow,, consisting of Miss Jane Mather, who is in her 93rd year;,.Mrs. John Jamieson,-' 'Mrs. Sarah McDonald and . Rev. R. A. Maceonnell, in his 91st year, spent a pleasant riine-day vaca­ tion recently .at- Rest-A-While Guest House.,at Bruce Beach. Miss Elizabeth' Henderson, and Mar-? Kjorie Webster accompanied them.- LANGSIDE » ............'• ........... The sympathy of. the commun­ ity is extended to all the bereav-! ed in the passing of Isaac New­ ton Crowston. On behalf of the Ladies Aid, Mrs. Wm, Scott, pres, and Mrs. ' Chester Feagan. called . on (Mrs-. Neil MacDonald and presented her with a nice cup and saucer, owing to her not being able to attend the last Ladies Aid meet­ ing. They plan moving’ to Tees- water Vthe latter’ part of this week. The Mission Band was held in The church Saturdays afternoon/ ’ The, scripture reading was taken by Shirley Scott. Minutes and the roll call by • Colleen Tiffin.. Col­ lection prayer by Elizabeth Pol-’ lock.'Christmas cards were given out to the members to sell;; A work meeting is planned for Oct­ ober 16th." The study book story was prepared by Mrs; Wes Young Land given by Mrs. • Chas. Tiffin.” Hymns, “Can a little Child like Me” and “Jesus, Loves Me” were sung, The closing prayer was given by; Nancy Scott,1 . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams, Jbhp and Janet of Goderich vis- -ited—with-Mr.andMfs.’Chester ment of Lands and Forests..'Mrs. I Feagan and Brian on-Suriday/ Mrs. Frank Miller and Betty visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin, <2nd Con., on Wednesday afternoon and with Tiverton friends On Thursday. . Rally Day was observed at Sunday School when Arnold Soott, the superintendent, pre­ sented certificates for catechism and meibpry work. Gordon. Wall, addressed the Suriday School. — ’ Mr,s. Albert Hedley of Kipgarf visited with Mr. and MrS?Kiriier Scott and Donald. • " . Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Henderson are, leaving for Alpena, Mich, on Thursday morning to visit her sister. ■ . ■ • ■ ’■/ ' Mr. and > MrsA_Ro.ss „D_udgeon. ’andSfamily and Mr. Tom, Irwin of Port Elgin, Mrs. Tom Henry! of Belfast were guests at Fred Webb’s on Sunday. Mr;.Irwin is- remaining for a few days. Miss Isabel- Macintosh of Ham­ ilton is visiting at the homes of, Mr; arid Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mr. and. Mr.s; Tom .MacKenzie arid renewing friendships in town. EXTRA LISTINGS, at little cosit, make it easief for people to find you: IN BUSINESS!. .. IJse extra listings to^ffow other firm names/for your business—to associate your, name •anct residence telephone number with your firm name —or to show after-hour numbers for you and your AT HOME /Other. members of the family and rekitivesr roomers or ‘ boarders would benefit from their names listed in . the telephone directory. ' JT iViim; i/v ova- ? Io check your directory right away. For changes and additions ih the white page section call our .Business Office without delay,. . / • ' ‘ ' - i “ ' > ’ ■ . .......................... PAGE THREE Sanderson^ LADIES and MEN’S WEAR ———------ TELEPHONE 85 Top Coats FOR MEN Removable zipper lining. Three season coat. Sizes 35 tp 46. Gabardine and .dafe^. ’■"rbri."/""' ’ '•* . ’ TROUSERS, • ■ ♦ ■ t *x ■ • All wool. Gobs land Worst­ eds. Lined Dungarees.’ ' ! Boys’ Rugged NylorGab. .Jeans-—for men and boy's. PYJAMAS -- Flette and Broadcloth. Polo for men and boys. Skirts .-* ■ o' • . Tarton for all1 ages,, Gab­ ardine, colors. New worst- . eds and checks. Stripes & ? plains^-: SWEATERS English ail Wool; New fall shades. Wash-able. Guaran­ teed. Cardigans and -Pull- •../ overs.,’ $3,98, $4.98 to $8.95 BLOUSES Nylon................... $2.99 ,r Cotton ..’...... $2.99 Large assortment. SPECIALS LISLE HOSE, 9 to 11 ........................... —BOYS—HEAVY RIB“SOX“ HOUSEDRESS CLEARANCE ...... MEN’S SHORTS, Jockey Style ....... RAYON NIGHTGOWNS, Regular $3.95 . < ' ' ' 1 Death Of Mr. Crowston , A highly respected resident of this cdmihunity was called t:o-his rest at Fair view Nursing Home, Wingham, in the person of Isaac Newton Crowston: He was 88 years old on. February 5th. On February 11th, 1891, he married Hanna Showers of Wingham, who predeceased him in 1941. He was ’ born on the farmat_Langside . where his" sori John resides. The ' last few years he has lived amongst his family. He leaves-to ; mourn his passing two daughters, ■ Mrs. W-m.Em.merton (Elora), of Kincardine, an|d Mrs. Wm. Ken­ nedy, (Cecilia) "Of 'Wingham; two sons, Earl of Edmonton, Alta, and John at Langside; also seven grandchildren and 5 great grand? children. ' The funeral service was ■ held Tuesday at Walker’s Funeral: Home, Wing ham, with interment in Wingharn Cemetery. . . Rev. D. J. MacRae conducted the service.; Pallbearers were Fraser Purves.’Wm. Scott, Wes Tiffin, ’ Frank- ■ Miller,- J o?h n Wraith, Wm.- McIntosh. Flower bearers were Lawrence McLeod, .Charles Tiffin, Jim McGillivray, Bud Mclnnes. The Missions and World . Outreach convener, Roddie Wraith; Recrea­ tional convener, Kenneth 'Mac- Nay; Rerceational assistant, Bev- er ley Ashton; Cheerio .committee, Elizabeth Webster and Bill , Rit­ chie. All young people of fifteen years or attending High School are cordially invited to join our • Y.P.U, All those wishing/ to join the group, please attend themext meeting to be held on October 10th at 8.15 in the church base­ ment. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. L. .McNeil of Lucknow, Ontario, wishes, to announce the engagement of her eldest daugh­ ter, Elizabeth Ann, to Robert Er­ vin Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. • George I. Johnston., Kincardine, Ontario. The marriage to take., place on Saturday, October 2nd. . IN COSTUME TO W.I. MEETING i The Lucknow Woirien’s Insti- - tute has invited ..Paramount, Whitechurch and Holyrood Insti- . tutes to’be their guests at Grand-'. mothers’ Day on Friday, October 15th at 2.30 ,p.m. in rthe Recrea- i tional Centre. Grandmothers I from each Institute’ are1 expected \to—come-4n old time ^costume. A. prize will be given for the best costume. Please note . change of date; United-GlHH*eh-YdP^-T---~---------- The first meeting of the ’United Church Y.P’.U. was held in the basement of the church on Sun­ day night. The following was the elected' executive: pres., .'Arnold Hartford; vice pres, and Leader­ ship Training convener,. • Ruth Treleaven; treas., Gladys Kilpat­ rick; sec.,/ Ann Crawford; Faith arid Evangelism convener, Bessie Reavie; Stewardship arid Training convener,. Marilyn Kilpatrick; Citizenship and Community Ser­ vice convener, Donald Thompson; CHRISTMAS CARDS I wish to advise my customers and. others that I will be calling­ as usual with -an attractive dis­ play of Christmas Cards,. Per­ sonalized Accessories, etc. ' A phone call will receive prompt attention. ■ 1 DON THOMPSON Phone 33 or 35 DtjkfrA ttKSr ITR7 I ‘ . • .................. DR.Y GOODS-LADIES CHILDRENS WEAR. CHINA-KITCHEN UTENSILS-GREETING CARDS TOILETRIES TOYS ' 108W LUCKNOW, ONT. 1O8W