The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-29, Page 23*AGE TWO •)X J THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 7*^-U"' " ..... .. . ; „-U «r I TEESWATER FALL FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday October5, 6 Outstanding Horse Shews. i I I i i Regional ^Aberdeenr Angus and Yorkshire Shows* TOSra&te. SEPT, 29th, W54 CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS CULROSS CORNERS Congratulations to Mr* & .Mrs, Orville Wilson (nee Lorna Ken­ nedy) who were married Satur­ day in Kincardine. Welcome tpi the .community/ Lorna, Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Mr. Wms Kidd, Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mrs, Mary Wall and attended the- Wilson t Kennedy wedding in Kincardine, Sa'tup- iday. . Mrs,."’Mary Wall -and Mr. Jqs, Wilson attended the Wilson-Ken­ nedy wedding on "Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson and Mn. and Mrs^ Morley .Wall have returned home after a trip to Pennsylvania and Ohio, ... Miss Audrey Harkness is spend­ ing some time at the home qi Mr,^ and |Mrs. Grant Wall. The. community extends, symn pathy* to the members of ' the Collinson family in the passing of Mrs. Collinson.. 'Mr .'"^nd”'M Stewart and boys attenued the 'AleX'and- er-Stewart; "wedding at Bervie on Saturday. Mr. and, Mrs. Grant. Wall and family; visited Sunday with Mrs. Mary Wall and Mr. James Wil- sbn. ' • ... " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg spent, Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson and family of Bervie. . s P.; Mrs. Peter Moffat held a trous­ seau tea on Saturday in honor of her daughter, . Emma, bride of the week. The ladies of the coih- muriity were in attendance:: ' Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins accompanied Mr. and Mrs* Josr Wall of Teeswater °on a motorz trip to Northern Ontario/during the' week. . \ ■ Little Linda Henderson, Luck- nowr—spent^Saturday; afternoon with her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Wraith, ; .....■> WHITECHURCH The tegular meeting bf the W.M.S. of the United Church was; held at the home of Mrs. Robert Laidlaw. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. • J. Fal­ coner and the secretary, Mrs. E, Scholtz; in charge, Mrs. J,; P, Beecrqft gave a special number on the guitar, “There’s a story to tell to the Nations”. The study book “India” was .taken by Mrs.. J. Falconer. Mrs. E. Scholtz had a prayer and the meeting closed with hymn r500. . The WA. theiP carried on with their meeting. They are planning cn having a hot fowl supper in the church on October 15t:hv The • regular birthday tea wag enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with a prayer', > M^ and. Mrs. Carman ■ Farrier, and family of Mimico spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R, Farrier. ' -Mr.--and Mrs,’ -Cam Simmons, ’Nancy and Isabel Kendersly of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin, Leonard and Ray James are home from school with mumps. Mr. and -Mrs. \Gordon Small- ’ ^snehf^he^^®ek^nd’T^ith~rela^ tives., ■1 ; ;■ , We are sorry to-hear that Mr. Ab McQuillin is under the doc­ tor’s care. . i . ............................1 Bruce County Black and j White Show; , j, 1: Harness RacesJ 2.24 - 2*4$ I Running Race. . ' I TORONTO SCOTTISH I •' pipe Mnd: ■/-. f \ Increased . | Grandstand Accomodation. | Vaudeville - Exhibits - Ridpsj DONNYBROOK Mrs. Jas; Black of Goderich 5? ' Cpl. and v Mrs. W. S. Nurse of Windsor visited On Saturday at the home of the latter’s grand- yarents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Cham- mey. Cpl. Nurse, who is a menv her of the RCAf, has. recently returned frpm a year’s training in France, and has been po^ed to Edmonton, Alberta. ^ Mrs. John Webster of Toronto Visited pn Friday at the home of her granddaughter; Mrs,Stu- artChamney. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 1 Robinson, Jim and Bill, were Sunday -vis­ itors With Mr. and Mrs.’ Charles Wood and family at .Seaforth. L ■ ■ born . U, ;'u? WILKINS—in Wingham ^General Hospital on Tuesday, September vilst;~ 1954, to“Mrr"and Mrs. Harry Wilkins (nee . Grace ' Cook), a 'daughter. " Con. 14, Greenoiick TOwnship, i i i ECONOMY DON’T FORGET I-3 < ^Vith Purchases made at our store intludirigLa > selection of VORK HELD DINNER AND SHOWER IN NEWLYWEDS' HQNOIt Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston and sons attended a fam ily din­ ner at Mrs; Th'os. Houstons at Pinkerton on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Docherty (nee Mamie Houston) of Wawa, Northern Ontario. On Saturday evening, Mrs. Fred Gilchrist- and Mrs. Houston attended a shower in the brid^’s honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Needham, ♦I we will give you entirely 'fr<M£ aiiy one piece of Win, ROGERS Du Barry Silverplatp you wish FULL INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT OUR STORE i •I ■i -1 i ) on nationally advertised J I i___UNDERWRITERSLAPPROyED. STEADY—FAST heat! Top quality. Top J/valuo.Come in tddayahdsave 1“ — A For one room Or six, you can’t beat a Duo-Therm oh heater . ■ . • ■ . ■ t.. ...... - . • • ■ ■ ■ ■ . Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries ’ Free Delivery 4- Phone 82, Lucknow DUAL-CHAMBER BURNER— Extra big. Gets maximum heat from eviry drop of oil. No moving parts to wear out. Quiet. Only Duo-Therm has it! DUO-THERM WASTE STOPPER Puts the heat in your home instead ” of letting it fly up the flue. Im­ proves comfort. Saves bit - . YOUNG COUPLE WED SATURDAY - MOLE—.DURNIN Before an arch of cedar boughs -and-autumn flowers. Rev. J. R. MacDonald united in marriage, Betty Ann Durnin, youngest dau­ ghter of Mr., and Mrs. Sam Dur­ nin, .and William' Robert Mole, eldest son of Mr: and Mirs. Ben­ son Mole, Dungsuinon, in a double ring ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter of Rip­ ley. . Given in marriage by her bro­ ther,. Mr. Perry Durnin, the bride woye a waltz length - gown of over satin WAIST-HIGH DIAL CONTROL- Lets you dial the heat to suit the weather. AUTOMATIC DRAFT-MINDER- StabiMzes draft to burner flame. Nd extra cost duo-therm 41,500 BTU capacity. Beautiful mod­ ern style, isatin brown finish. 53,000" BTU model slightly higher. Webster and MacKinnon . PHONE.50, LUCKNOW wore a waltz length mujti-tiered nylon net with a fitted 'bodice of chantilly lace with ^matching* bolero and gloves. Her • fingertip veil .was held by a halo of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of Amer­ ican Beauty roses. . . . | Miss Lois Mole/ sister of the groom* was maid on honor,“wear­ ing a gown of yellow net over taffeta with matching bolero and -gloves-and-carried-a-bouquet-of- mauve .and white baby mums. . Mr.- Donald Walden of Kincar­ dine waso groomsman. The bride’s mother was attired in a navy dress with black acces- bries and a corsage of pink roses. The groom’s mother wore a navy bengaline cord suit with red ac­ cessories and corsage of red roses. -777F0I lowi n gHbe^w-e dding—d irine’r- for the immediate families which was.served by Mrs; Ronald For- ; sr-H4:r^ am Collins, the bride donned .a . powder blue- suit with navy trim and ,a corsage of yellow foses. -Thp couple will reside in Dun­ gannon following a wedding trip’ to Fenloti Falls and Ottawa. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. D...Hesson of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Misses Nettie and Rebina Sproul. Anniversary services were ob- seryedonLSunday-at.the United__. Church at 11 a m. and 8.00 p.m. Rev. W. R. Lake, M.A., of Kin­ cardine, was’ the guest speaker at both services. He chose for his address in the morning “The Per­ sonal Challenge of Jesus to take . his ■ Yoke”. Mr. Carl Stewart of Dungannon sang a solo, “The Heavens Resounding” and Mrs. Howard Brown, Kincardine, "sang ‘‘Father in Heaven” and inothe evening sang “The Hymns of the old Church Choir” and. “Prayer Perfect”. Rev. Lake in the even.-, ing preached again in appealling manner and'sincerity “Behold 1. stand at the door an J, .knock’’. OBITUARY MRS. JOHN REID Mrs. Alexandria Reid, 67, wife. of. John Reid, died suddenly at her home in Goderich on Friday afternoon. Though quite active* she. had been in failing "health for some time. She was born in Guelph, a daughter. of the late. Alexander McLeod and his wife, the late Elizabeth Kennedy Mr-' Leod. 6wrhg to 'the death of her. mother,-while she was an infan*.* • she had_ma.de_her. home with In ? grandmother at WhitechurcK. Al­ ter her . marriage > she lived in Dungannon Mr., and .MrS. Jas. Gibson Mrs. J; Farrish, Blyth, were , iters on Sunday With Mrs. J. and yis- past ten years she; ha.?, been ■ resident,, of ..Goderich. ..She. was . • ?. adherent of Knox* Presbyte; >. r‘ Church and the Baptist Chui•>h,. Besides her husband, she i.< - vived by bhe sister, Mrs. Chr<.- ina .Nash of . Detroit , Fune-i d. services Were held at. the Lodge funeral home, Mohdayt Rev. H.. Findlay, assisted by Rev, It tr; -MacMillan, officiated. ;BuriaI was in. Maitland cemetery!