The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-29, Page 1Q * r I ll I have' lost their life due blunt facts. should be ' Committees have be'en set up I SISTER OF LOCAL LADY PASSED AWAY FRIDAY ‘ [£" • It T i FALL PRIZE DRAWS SET FOR OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER . Tops In Showmanship Th K Is Your Subscription .Paid? SUN SHONE FOR FIRST s DAY OF FALL FAIR FUNERAL THURSDAY FOR FORMER-:ASttFIEEDMAN" branch at last week’s ses- Fraternal delegates, who were ,■ Mrs. Roy There . were as““folldws: .., ■ Staking—Jos? Mclnnes, Walter’ son. Gibson. o.Ff .London,. and twin' Chisholm, •.,!/ P, $2.50 A Year In.Advance—$1.00Extr4 To US. A. BROKE ARM IN VAULTING FALL In a pole vaulting mishap at Lucknow' District High School .last Thursday, £ob Gardner suf-, fered a badly fractured left el­ bow. He iwas practising for the school field day at the time, and -—^ll-of-course-b<prevOnted from ( , .competing ip the events. Bob was a likely contender for the inter­ mediate cbampionship. ? He had the arm set at Wing­ ham Hospital and returned home the . same day, although he will carry the arm in a cast for' about ten weeks. Bob. is the projectionist at The Playhouse Theatre but his youngs er brother Euigenp took over and , substituted for him following the mishap. / SOUTH klNLOSS PASTOR IS PRESBYTERY MODERATOR___ Rev. G. S. Baulch, minister of South Kinloss and Kinlough Presbyterian Churches, has been elected moderator of the Presby­ tery of . Maitland-Huron; Rev. Baulch was appointed to .this of­ fice when Presbytery convened recently at Knox Church, God­ erich. _ _//_ Rev. Baulch .will preside for the induction on Thursday night of Rev. Wallace McClean as min­ ister of Lucknow and Dungannon Churches. Presbytery will meet at 7.30 and the induction service :wili commence at 8.00 o’clock. There’s ^concert, dance and prize, draw slated for St. Joseph’s Pai^sh Hall? Kingsbridge, on Fri­ day, October 8th/ A feature of the eyening is a idraw for nine attractive prizes including house­ hold appliances, blanket, dishes, lamps, silver cream and sugar and a dressed doll. Tickets are now on sale. In November the Legion will • hold their annual Remembrance Night dance and prize draw^The ’ number one prize will be a T.V. set. There is also a hostess chair and an electric tea kettle. Tickets are available from all Legion members; . SPOT CHECK SET FOR FIRE WEEK National; Fire Prevention Week is set for October 3rd to 9th in­ clusive, dutingAybich time spec-' ial attention is directed tp t^e hazards of fire, and the toll this demon takes ih lives and dollars. During the past ten years in Canada fire; loss to buildings has totalled $694,000,000. and 4,947 persons to fire. These sufficient to make the public con­ stantly,. aware of this, serious threat/and always alert to ways and means of preventing this ' heedless waste of life, and prop­ erty, ■- . ■ . ' Elsewhere in this issue The Lucknow Fire Company is, spou-. _..?9ilhg-.the_-pu'blicatiori -of - an of- ficitil proclamation regarding Fire ■ Week. ° # Associated with its observance, Eire Chief CJeofge Whitby an- , bounces that the -local Brigade will make a spot-check of vill­ age property basement^, and sur-" . roundings. ■ * , > Advance1 notice of this check - should stir wiHaige residents gen­ erally to clean ftp and remove all '. ^sibie fire hazards'. ,' , ..; is the slogan for Fire Week. Suffered Back Injury , ,Orville Jones has been a pat­ ent in Wingham HdSpit&I for the v Pasl feh days, or’ so, and -expects to be hospiializsed for a’ month i > received car at TrelehV- the C,N.R. Or- a disc in his a back injury ’While moving a ■^h’s elevator at ■ Ville dislocated Wk LUCKNQW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1954 . -_____________________< :« r _________________ , * ......... 4 The Sentinel is off the press before the FalL Fair proper gets underway, and the Board mem­ bers are . keeping their fingers crossed to see' what the weather­ man-produces. ' ’ —Tuesday,—the—first—day—of~thW show, brought sunny skies and pleasant • weather, . with a flood of entries that'promised a good inside . display. An antique dis­ play by the Kairshea Institute is outstanding.. . A good Wednesday afternoon performance is. lined up, but the weather forecast is for afternoon showers, it could' be wrong! A hilarious ; comedy will be presented Wednesday night fol­ lowed by a dance. The death of Will Alton occur­ red at his home in "Wingham on Monday. He had been seriously ill for a time*. Mr. Alton was 61, and a former resident of Ashfield Township, Mrs. Alton was form­ erly Ella Hasty of Ashfield.\*They have one son, Wendall. ' The funeral service will be held at Currie’s Funeral. Home, Wingham, on Thursday afternoon at 2.30, with burial in Greenhill .Cemetery. The remains will rest at the family residence until Thursday morning. . * DISPOSED ANGUS HERD MONDAY Cecil Johnston’s Aberdeen- Angus herd Of about 100 cattle was disposed of Monday, under sunny ; skies and with a good crowd in attendance. The disper­ sion followed the sale of the Johnston, farms, totalling 400 acres, to Adrian Van Dongen of Blenheim. A good line , of mod­ ern machinery will be disposed, of at a later date,-' 'The Johnston herd" went to buyers from all over Western Ontario • and . farther afield. Among the. “big name” buyers were Don Head Farms and Irwin Schneck of Petersburg Who paid 'the top price.for the two animals he- purchased. , . • ' . A number- of head, stayed in the. community, with local buyers. including, Albert McGee, Omar Brooks, Hu.ch MacKenzie; Ross McDonagh, Blake. Alton and Wal­ ter -Forster. ‘ . SISTER DIED SUDDENLY The .death of Mrs. George Richr ardson occurred suddenly at Fergus on Friday night at’ the age of'72. She was formerly Jean Garnmie, a sister of Albert Gam- mie of town, and was one of a family of twelve children. Two sisters and’ three brothers sur­ vive. . '■ 7 : ON PROVINCIAL AUXILIARY BOARD Mrs,. Philip. MacMillan was el­ ected third vice-president of the Provincial Command of the Lad­ ies’ Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion at the provincial assem?.. ^bl’y held. . in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, for three days last week. There were about 750 delegat.es in attendance. w Her election to this offich. was the only change in the personnel of the provincial executive. Mrs. MacMillan will hold the office for two years, as a new regula­ tion. was approved whereby the provincial -body will meet here­ after every second year. The next meeting will be in London. /‘’Comrade; Sadie”, as she is known to her Auxiliary associ­ ates, is serving her second term aspresidentof4he,localbranch, and has been an enthusiastic and energetic - Auxiliary worker. Mrs. Joe Wasney was the ac­ credited delegate from the Luck­ now Branch at last sion. j also attended, ' Black and Mrs. John England. ALBERT CHIN ILL, MOTHER RETURNS Mrs. Rose Chin, has returned from Toronto to - take charge at the restaurant, owing to Albert Chin’s -illness. —Ab-" "isT "in ~Wingham Hospital with a virus blood infection, that is causing an inflamation of the. lining of the heart. He has been receiving penicillin to counteract the virus and tests have 'been made to determine the exact, nat­ ure of the infection, but. a report on these tests had not been re­ ceived at time of writings In -any event Ab will be off work for some time. Mrs. Chin was accompanied back home by Charlie, Jack and Allan Chin, who have all resumed school at­ tendance here, and will' assist their mother in the restaurant ATTEND PARENTS’ FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ’ • /. «■' rMr. and Mfs. Charles Webster and Judy spent the week-end in Oshawa. a On • Monday aJ family: ..gath ering-..was held—t-Or-m'ark.-t-he- golden wedding of Mrs. Webster’s parents, Mri and Mrs. Norman Holmes; who have lived? in Osh­ awa all their married life. 'They were, accompanied by Mrs; Donald McKinnon, who is a niece of Mrs. Holmes; and who/ ' assisted'with the. serving;, at' the wedding; festivities.... Mr. and Mrs. Holihes have ah unbrokOn circle of seven children and fifteen grandchildren, all o^ whom were present for .their-' golden wedding. Members of the family are! Mi's. C. W.. Edgar of Oshawa, Mrs. K. W. Bertrand of Midland, Mfs? Chas’. Webster o£ Lucknow, Mrs. M« OkS of Bow­ man vilie^ W. Holmes of Qshawa, C. Holmes of Windsor and Mrs. R. Ogderi of Oshawa. -Wawanosh^irls-Take^op^^ In Huron 4-H Calf Club Contests ' » » , V ...... . ” - , ' * ' ‘ ’ Two West WaWanosh Town- animals. . 'ehL gjri^ne-a 'novice. the > It was .the first year that 'Loh ■other a veteran - iri 4-H-Calf’.has entered..calf, club compeh- Clhb competitions, took.top'.hon- txoh. She has been enthusiastic ors at (he Hureti County/compe- about it, and, has. paid, careful hcld-’-at-Seatorth Jair.onlattentidn, to. .care pf. her.catf. -t-iuons;- Hi o ! which had become a real pet. Th?’'competition brought to-1 Lois i8 a member, of the Dun- 'W/Sinihe C^nty7tod^ Tn"0 S&ma"shin 1-iwUttJMStU* .class thei'c iw.cre sikty-sw iinimals ' ■ To. Ltns Webster, ]'daughter - , r Webster . of ’ West- went,the'-hoiwr ‘ gru...- .’’show, <’"«eraW Wallis had .the pion steer coif in a TEN PAGES NEW SAWYER LOCATES HERE MEMORIAL ALTAR Mr. and- Mrs, Lloyd Giles, and DRAPE DEDICATED their, family’ of five children, ; -- ----- who came here from Cayuga,.! An impressive dedication cere- have taken up residence in the mony was .conducted ih the former Thomas A.itchison house, United Church on Sunday morp- previously occupied by Mr. and ing when a memorial altar drare; .Attridge.~~M-iV"Giles“’ wa’S^Oresented to the church by is -einployed by Mr.v Attridge as the Rathwell Family. sawyer at the Lucknow Sawmill,! tThe drape was presented ard where . preparations are being unveiled by Gerald Rathwell, made to resume operations short-1 and was dedicated to the Glory ly. ThrOe . of the Giles' children; and Praise of God by Rev. G. are attending Public School. / ‘ ‘ ‘41. Meiklejohn, who commented that . ,its beauty adds to the sacredness of this place and so will . help I thqse who worship here. ’. _ ___ f The"'Winercolored velvet' drape 'is ornamented by the United The annual campaign "for as- < Church seal embroidered in gold sistance for the Canadian Nat- on the centre of it. A gold fringe ‘ ional Institute for the Blind is j adorns the bottom of the drape, currently underway, , and rest-1 which bears the inscription: “Do-r dents of this area are being re- nated by the RathiWell Family tn_ _ -quested^o ngive^their-Tustpm^y^tlie/Glory of God and In Memory generous support to this worthy of Mrs. S. C. Rathwell, Arnold work. ' • and Mary”. . ' Donations should be left with Mrs. Rathwell passed away two the local chairman, H. D. Thomp- ' yqars ago last April. Mary died . son, or if more convenient, they suddenly in November, of 1940 at may be left at The .Sentinel Of- South Porcupine where she was .* fice. \ . ? /.teaching school and Arnold paid The 1954 campaign seeks the supreme sacrifice at the $50,500 to operate field services Somme in October 1916. 1 such, as the industrial placement ! - - • - ■ work underway this week in i BUYS KINLOSS FARM Centralia, Clinton, Strathroy/ , - , , - Stratford and London, to train Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McNall and newly-blinded- persons’ and to, th*ir daughter, June, have taken provide accomodation, occupa-1 UP residence on the former Pur- tions, recreation and training at, veS' aLPu^ves Lake, which the regiq^l hpme_pn .RidoiLt^t.2J^yl^ec^^ BLIND CAMPAIGN IS UNDERWAY Campbell. The McNall family had resided at Wallaceburg for the past few years., - . RECEIVES DISCHARGE A visitor during the past Week i with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Burns, . I was their grandson, Tom Burns, • -who has just received his dis- I charge 'after four years’ service HOME FOR.WEEK-END AFTER postedSIX MONTHS IN HOSPITAL | to Enflan<1 tod wS „ at a New Orleans -base prior to. .Sid Gardner was home for-the receiving his discharge. He will week-end, and fpr* the fiyst. time relatives in Detroit be- since he was taken to Victoria: fore returning to-JLos Angeles Hospitai,Rondon, six months algo where his mother resides. Tom’s after suffering critical jnjunes. father> • the late Elliott Burns, ' When whirled on ? shaft at the sed ■ in 1947. Trelqaven Flour Mill. ; , . ? ■ ■ - ■ . • ■ / That was. on March 22nd, Since . MAKING BUSINESS COURSE then Sid has had a leg arpputated I ' - : ? at the knee, and sevefsiL casts' . Ruth Emberlin, daughter of ■aini. 'Hiriias VMr. and MrK Fred Emberlin, had the arm qut of the cast for commenced a one-year course at about a month now, but . is still Canada Business College in. Tor- receiving treatment -on it, and onto on Monday, of last. week, expects to soon have sufficient, -—-——/------— — use of the arm to enable .him to.j pl Q1A/I get around on crutches. The am-, r ” 1 fri** ■ Vn putated leg has healed nicely, and 1 eventually Sid will be fitted With an artificial limb. It was ,/juite . a thrill for him to get home for the first time. He is feeling and looking -well, but has a considerable period of treatment ahea,d1 pf him yet, in­ cluding hospitalization at- Mai-1 ton, before he will be home to’ stay; m London. / i Of the $50,500 required $34,500 will be contributed by the Com- rpunity Chests of London, Strat­ ford and Elgin-Str TholhasT while municipal . grants^ total $5,000. The public in the three counties! of Huron, Perth .and Middlesex! are being asked for the remain-' ing $11,000. >., I NEAR LOCHALSH The BrUce County Plowing Match will toe staged this year at the farm of Gordon Finlayson at Lochalsh. The date is Satur­ day; October 9th, with the event ’ - getting underway at 9.00 a.m.. It will conclude with a presen- , tation-of-awards banquet to be held that evening in Reid’s Cor­ ners. Community Hall. The ban­ quet speaker will be Professor R. C. Moffat, head of the Physics Department of the Ontario Ag- - ricuitural College/ Guelph. The. event is sponsored, by the The death, of Mrs. Ernest W. j White occurred at. Seaforth on] _ Friday- evening.-She was 70-years 'Bruce''County Branch of the. Of age and had been seriously Ontario Plowmen’s Association,' til for about a month. /" ]headed by’ Joseph Mclnnes of. Mrk White was formerly Mar-1 Teeswater. Vice-presidents are garet'M/Murdie of Tuckersmith., Alfred Brunton of Tara and Far- ’ She resided in Lucknow follpw- ish Moffat of Kinloss. G. R. Gear •.ing her marriage to Ernest-White,! of Walkerton, is 'secretary-treas- .who was associated in the hard- urer and Herb Arkell OfvTees- . ware-business wifh Wm; Mur die. water, field secretary; • Mr. 'White died as a yoking man. 4$v 1910j -from—appendrcitisr“ 4 • t ’Mr#.' White is survived by'a’ entered/emblematic . Of tbfe champion 16-v.eai‘-old 'showman,, was won’by Ann Todd, and Mrs. Tom; daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Tom’ [ Wt WwanoshJTodd of St, Helens. Ann is. a ; having the' member of the Lucknow Club,mt, the • b<mo.i e , _ . previous suecesse's heifer 4-H’ com’petition., In the show- | manshift class/Lome Hackett of Cham- Ashfield/was. a close.'second to •of Ahn. of Guelph and Ernestine White,, Tractors and Teams — Gordon Reg;N,y of Toronto. - v ..Finla^Kdtf, "Jack- McLeod,, Dave ' "' -Two sisters and a brother sur« Robertson, 'Austin-.Martin, DoiV vivey^Mrs, E. A» Cruikshanks .of j aid McTavish,.. ' v. Ottawa; , Elizabeth Murdio of! Booth and Banquet--— Huron ’ Lucknow apd Robert-Murdie of ToiW’nship Councik ■ / , Stratford. She was ■» predeceased j Canvassing—43ert Mason, John' By a.-sister. Isabel-Murdie and a Reid, John. A. .McMurchy, Bob Brother William ■ ’ . ■ |McIiito$h, Bob Hamilton. ■ *The funeral Was . held on Mon-.1 Machinery DispIays-^-Alex Me- day at Seaforth'with interment Kenzie, •O’Malley,,. Dave ih/Hensa-11 Urn'cn Cemetery?;’ .Roberisoh