HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-22, Page 10•it I with a t * COUNCIL MINUTES i 7 (f 7 r' 7 29c 19C 29c 21c /; *' - ■. * - Heating held at evening Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Wear—-Piece Goods & Woollens AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS For pick lip and delivery "Monday and Thursday, ? ■ i HEADSQUARES Very smart, pure silk, rolled edge. Each .......956 WOMEN’S PAGE TEN TETE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . >VW*» • ZZZZZ • • VWW «VWA* - , WZZ Felt Flowered Jumper —<$ 12.95 The very practical jumper never had so muc dale’s fine wale corduroy with the bodice gio charm. In Avon- gwith rhinestone, centered, multi-colored felt flowers. Billowing s\irt. Wear it with or without ydur favorite sweater or blouse.lue, red, grey, purple and camel. Sizes 9 to 15. ; ' ? » y ■- t : ' ■" "■ ■ • /;-• • ■ - • ______SSi. SALE OF CHiEDREN’SrWlNTER OUTFITS Continues’ All This Week KINLOSS TOWNSHIP The kinloss . Municipal Council met in the Hall, September 7th, 1954, as per adjournment. All members present; Muff ay -rMcK^ the THAT following the evening ser­ vice in the Unitpd Church on Sunday, a social was held in —honorof-George-Anderson~who- has been active in., choir and Young People’s work, George has left to attend ‘Waterloo College. He was a member of the High School male quart­ ette, ‘‘The Four Lucknow Lads” whose vocalizing has become quite popular. THAT believe, it or not 'glass sealers have been in use for about a century at least. Mrs. H, L. Jennings has a blue tinted {Mason jar that bears the im­ print in the glass, “patented November 30th, 1858”. THAT Mrs. Jack MacIntyre Of Wingham won $500 at a recent bingo in Durham. She shared the $1000 top prize Mopnt Forest lady. THAT a reception was Zion Hall • on Friday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Campbell (nee Catherine Ket- chabaw). At the lunch hour‘ Both Lyons made the presenta­ tion address, and Harvey Kil­ patrick presented the young minutes of the last regular meet­ ing of August 2nd and special meeting of August 23rd as read •be approved and signed. Murray-Moffat that theClerk write, the Engineer regarding the Taylor-Tiffin drainage petition & ^Iscrabout^fhe^eeping-ef ’-a-por-' t FALL FAIR - k DAI INn I IDROUND UP ’’ '■ ■ '■ and;*. SHOP AT SMITH’S I.G.A. Bee Hive Syrup, 2 lbs. .... ^ Aunt jlemiinkL . ’Pancake Mix .......... ‘Domestic Shortening, lb* „Libby’s Beans, 20 oz/ * Doles Fruit Cocktkil^ ; 20 OZ." .............. ►I.G.A. Tomato Juice, ’ 20 oz* . 2 for kI.G*A* Milk 2 for Green Giant Nibblets, 14oz. 2 for York Peanut Butter, . 16 oz. Mason jar ......... Maple Leaf Soap Flakes, giant size .... .... 44c ” 95c Maple, Leaf Cheese, 14 lb* 29c < Ogilvie — lemon, lime, choco-. ' j. late, silVej, cherry, almond 4 gold, Cake Mixes... . . 35c < — , — . . — . Ji tion of the Eadie Drain. ; Moffat-Murray that We adver- tise for applications for snow­ plowing for the 1954-1955 season; Murray-Percy that we pay Rod­ dy Inglis the sum of $2,500 on account contract Burt , Drain. McKinnon-Moffat that we' ap­ ply to the Department of High­ ways for the interim grant on road expenditure from January 1st to August 31St, 1954. Murray-McKinnon that we do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, October 4th, 1954, or at the call of the Reeve. Cheques issued: Harvey Miller, fox bounty, $1.00; Treas. Village. Lucknow, Henderson and Purves fire calls, 100.00; Gordon Wall, oVer payment- on 1953 tax rojl, 4.06; relief, 100;00; Mrs, Mary Cleland, sheep claim, 20.00; Car­ men McQuillin, poultry claim, 17.00; George Lockhart, insjec- 'tlon above clairhs, 57707-—Jt^Rt lane, hydro $6.48, postage $5.00, unemployment stamps $5.40 and supplies $1.98^-718.86; J. R. Lanej clerk’s fees, River & Burt drains, 160.00; D;, H. Carruthers, trip wit patient to Old Peoples Home $12.00; 2 trips Henderson Drain 16.00; 1 trip Burt Drain $5.00— 27.00; Roddy Inglis, on account contract Burt Drain, $2500.00. Highway cheques/ Pay Roll No; 8, $308.90; R. Forster, welding, 23.50;0 Webster & McKinnon, re­ pairs, 3.63;. J. W. Henderson Lum­ ber Ltd., bridge lumber, 38.70; Dominion Road Mach. Co., re­ pairs and labor, 176.64; Armco Drainage Co., culverts, 134.64; British American Oil Co., fuel & grease, 206.13; Dept, of Highways, gas tax, 97.90; B-A Oil Co*, fuel arrears, 2.90. . . ' J. R, LANE, Clerk. | SMITH’S FOOD MARKET/,Maybe softie girls act silly1 so their friends won’t know they’re old enough to know better, s \ LINEN .TEA' TOWELLING . . Green and red border. . . — . .. ..W'l Super Health and Supreme Aluminum | i '■ ■ t . i ~T i .■H ■ i.- Full line of ENAMELWARE and TINWARE ■ ... . .. •. ■ ■ . ' . •./i , . .................................. | TREATED PAPER for MNING SILOS | WM. MURDIE 6 SON S ’PHpNE 10, LUCKNOW ~ Plumbing ' Tinsmithing *■ Oil Furnaces Installed and Serviced , ingf a jbrlef leave froim her dut­ ies following the death of her mother, and Mrs, Gordon John­ ston of Ashfield is supplying for her at the High School. THAT rain completely washed out the Dungannon Fair on Tuesday. It has -been postpon­ ed to October 13th. ' couple with a generous purse of money on behalf of the gath? ' . erihg, '• ■ / ; ’ THAT Russell Allin entertained his friends on September 13th / at a party that marked his 7th —birthday. - - —-----—------- THAT Miss Jean Osborne is hav- Cowan's Lunch > Announces the Installation of a TRY AN ORDER OF TASTY o ( I Fish and Chips '(French Fryer) Take Out Orders Given Special Attention Phone 162^ Lucknow^ _ CARNIVAL SPECIAL ; BARBEQUE BURGERS and FRENCH FRIES Dress Shoes FOR FALL WEAR ! Foot Flattering Styles in a Variety of Heel Heights and Colors* Priced from ■. also ’ : NEW STYLES IN MEN’S and BOYS’ DRESS SHOES Fine Footwear For Alf The Family ■ ' ■ FALL PURSES . Anew shipment just arrived, - Navy,, grey, tan arid black. . > ’7" ■■ ■ 1 i ■; - , Ideal for Showers, Luncheon \ ■ , 1 •" ’ ■« ■ ■ *' * ■ •, Sanforized flannel. Blue, ’brOwh, . Prices.....$L49 ■ ;/ . NEW STYLE , LAMPS (Halo)' Will either stand on wrought iron frame or hang oh wall. Two col­ ours oniy-,.. green or White. Each ................. $2.98 Boys’ EXPANSION fft. SOCKS ■ * .Stretchy 100' percent .nylon. Guar- ’ anteed for 90 days. Blue, &rey; wine and navy;. Sizes 7% to , 10V2. Pair .......... 85c'.......;........:..•........■.Z"'.'. ' ‘ ' Light weight ‘wool. Blue, maroon,, and brown. SiZes.36 to 42..... $3.49— PLAID WORK SHIRKS Made from close- weave suede- ’• finished cotion fabric,. Full cut and tailored to fit. Sizes 1414 to 16Y2. . ’ $2.19 Each or 2 for $4.00.