HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-22, Page 8WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22nd, 1954 t CARNIVAL I > ♦ T I I / ice cold. iTFthe bottle/ * Z- I ;? Ontario '<■ ar Bottle CarfoH ' Including Federal Taxes Pint deposit 2/ ffHt hottie' FUN FOB YOUNG AND OLD at the ■ • * ’ • ‘ ' r . ■ ; . . No mortar joints, to crumble. Docs not accumulate deposits-of creosotes and tars.» Insulation .design equal to feeVof solid. :..... concrete: can- be1 built, in direct contact with1 structural wood,? "’•(‘an be erected in as little a’s 2 hours, f ligh efficiency.' Low cosh. . Lifetime service.-,- Ne-ma-mtenance-, Ask us abcfUt- this - modern- ' ■ chimney'for buildings of ali ty.pesT' . I Thursday, Sept. 23 Clansmen’s Special Dura*Flue liner joists WEDDING BELLS ALTON—FELL ' Gladiolis of white and shrimp tones mingled'with cedar sprigs made, a lovely setting in Staffa ■ United Church on Saturday after­ noon when Lois Elizabeth Fell, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. Wilbert Fell and .Arnold Alton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Alton of R. 7, Lucknow, ex- 1 changed marriage vows. Rev. A. H. Daynard officiated^ Mrs. Henry Harburn played the wed- ding music and; accompanied the soloist. Miss Margaret Holland, of --Clinton,- who sang -The Lord is my Shepherd” and “O Perfect Love”, Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride look­ ed lovely in a waltz length gown of nylon, net over taffeta, with insets of chantilly, lace, extend­ ing1 tp the iibe, a bolero with lily-point sleeves, her finger "''"’tip embroideredlliusibn veil Held in place with a coronet of pearls and rhinestones, she carried red roses, entwined with fern, Mrs. Robert Laing of Cromarty was the bride’s pnly attendant dress­ ed in a strapless nylon net iiy itierecL effect dver“~taffeta^~oT shrimp tone topped with bolero, she also. wore mittens and headr dress to match and carried yeL low roses entwined with fern.? .•.',$fr, Frank Alton was his broth­ er’s best. man, and the. ushers yWere Mr. Russell Alton of Luek- now, cousin of the bridegroom, and Mr; Lorne Fell, brother of ■. the- bride., The bride’s mother received - the guests wearing- a^ dress of esprit tone ticatina, with grey ac> cessories and a corsage of white (baby mums, and was assisted by the bridegroom’s mother, who r was dressed in—a dahlia shades cre^e and lace dress with grey? accessories and whiW mum. c.or- '• sage. ■ y y\. . J __ The wedding dinner was sferved at the Hillcrest tea rooms, Mit- ’ chell, to forty-five guests. Those assisting were Miss Edythe Bea- com, Londesboro; Miss Loraine THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ON WEDDING TRIP TO LAURENTIANS THOMPSON—MUNROE , Multi-colored gladioli and scar­ let-sumacs decorated" Zion United Church, Apple Hill, on Saturday, September 13th, for the wedding of Edith Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Munroe of ■Apple Hill, to Adam .Robert, son of Mrs. Robert H. Thompson and the late Mr. Thompson- of Luck­ now, Ontario. :■■'.■■'//', .> Rev. J. J. E. Brownlee officia­ ted at. the afternoon ceremony. The bride was attended by her "sister,' Miss Lorna Munroe “of Ot­ tawa. Harold Thompson, brother of the groom, was best man and Jamieson Campbell, cousin of the bride, acted as usher. , ,, The bride chose a dinner length dress of sea foam green brocaded taffeta fashioned with three- quarter length isleeves, a 'fitted bodice and, full .skint. She wore a pheasant feather hat and a pot­ sage of bronze, roses. A double Strand choker of pearls Was her Only ornament. The bridesmaid’s dress was of cocoa brown irres- descent ■taffeta,' Her pheasant feather hat was trimmed with gold and she wore a corsage of yellow roses. Following the reception, Which was held at the Orange Hall, Apple Hill, the .couple left for a motor trip to the Laurentians; and points east. For travelling the bride wore a tailored suit in tones of brown and beige, with matching accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will reside in Windsor. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Hector Runions, of Cornwall; Mrs. Vera McPherson and Mr.. Jamieson Campbell, of Moncklands; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Munro, Munro’s Mills; Miss Elsie V’ Cochrane, Ottawa, Miss L{prnax Campbell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hewat, Elmira; Mrs. Rdbt. H.-Thompsoh,-MisS-HelenThomp­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomp­ son and Mr. and. Mrs. Campbell Thompson, all of Lucknow. OBITUARY MRS. D. C. TAYLOR Mrs, D, C. Taylor, a member of a respected pioneer family and, a lifelong, resident of this com­ munity, passed away last Wed- nesday at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie of Luck­ now, ' - Mrs. Taylor had not enjoyed good health for some time, but had been seriously ill only a few days, , She was born in Kinloss Town­ ship and was formerly Mary Ann Murdoch, daughter of Steele C. Murdoch and Catherine MacDon­ ald.___‘____... y. ______ Forty-six years agolast Feb­ ruary she married D. C. Taylor, a native of the Kinlough district and a former hardware merchant' in Lqcknow. He predeceased Mrs. Taylor in 1938. y ■» Mrs. Taylor was a faithful and devoted member of the Lucknow United. Church and regularly at worship when her health per-, hiitted. She was active in ’ the work, of the W.M.S. and had also been a valued member of the Women’s Institute. " , The funeral service was held at the McLennan - MacKenzie MemorialChapelon-Saturday^af^ fernoon conducted by Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn. ’ Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery. The pall­ bearers were four nehews, Steele and >• S; MacKenzie, Gor­ don arid Jack Fisher, J. W. Joynt and Alex Andrew. \ Mrs. Taylor is'survived by two Sisters, Mrs. R^ V. MacKenzie (Liza) and Mrs. . Wm. Fisher (Maggie). . ./ Besides her husband and par­ ents, Mrs, Taylor was predeceas­ ed by three brothers, John, Steele' and William Murdoch; three sis­ ters; Mrs.; Kate Strachan, Maud,; Murdoch, Janet,. as a young girl and-a half sister, Mrs. Sarah Dry- * den. ■ ■ Ferguson, Toronto; Miss Mildred | rose "corsage. On their return they Thorton, Wingham. will reside oh the bridegroom’s For travelling to Northern On- farm, R. 7, Lucknow. " ; tario’ and Michigan ’ the': bride ; Guests, were present from Tor- donned an allegro-blue ticatina onto, Lucknow, Wingham,. God­ ensemble, rose blended with navy Lerich, Listowel/ Clinton, Londes- coat and navy, accessories *and a boro, Cromarty and Staffa. ■". ■ ■ ■?-''■ ■ ' ■ ■ '■ V Don’t just-"Buy a chimney” INVEST IN A TSAFETY 'CHIMNEY rain guar< keeps / chimney dry gives ' perfect draught Supported by floor or ceiling PATENTS MNtNHO wide air-space lor safely and \ efficiency , Special housing looks iusf like brick Fireproof vermiculite insulation . LISTED BY THE UNDERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES OIF CANADA < Factory Easy to Install - Sectioiial • ■ Fireproof JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED .. ......; , ■: ■ '■: . . ■„„_ ■ . ' y " Lucknow Phone 150 FUNERAL OF YOUNG BANKER HELD HERE"W-EDNESDAY-—- The ifuneral of Robert, Edward’ McQuillin, iwhcb was born and~ raised in the St. Helen’s com­ munity, was held last Wednesday afternoon, from St." Peter’s Ang­ lican Church, Lucknow, tp.Green- hilL Cemetery. i . Bob’s, death from a heart attack at the age of 48, saddened many friends in this community. His. wife was formerly Jean Mac­ kenzie '■ oL Langside and' ? -they have two children, George arid Marilyn. ■■ -; ; Bob had resided in Hamilton Tor the last 12 years -where he was accountant with the Canad­ ian Bank of Commerce at Kiffg and Sanford Avenue. Mr. Mc- Quillin was a' member of St” . Peter’s Anglican. Church/ and. an active member and past president of the Y’js Men’s Club and past regent of/ the Royal Arcanum Society." HeyalsO^w^^a^member of St. John’s Lodge A.F. & A.M. and the: Roselawn Bowling Club. Following a Service in Hamil­ ton on Tuesday evening the body was .conveyed to Lucknow where in- his home church on Wednes­ day afternoon a service was .con­ ducted by Rev. H. L. Jennings of St. Peters’ Parish, assisted by a friend of Bob’s, -Rev. David Pow­ ell fit Harriston, Vv’ho al§6 con-‘ ducted the memorial service in Hamilton, The pallbearers were Dave* Coupar, Jim Dixon, ’ Jim Fenton, (mehxbers of the L.M..C.A, Cltib at' Hamilton and Roy Fin­ layson,. Charles McQuillin and ■-Wm....Purdoh.:...._v y iI ! 7 ■ Z at the RECREATIONAL CENTRE, LUCKNOW j BINGO, DANCING, REFRESHMENTS in the Recreational Centre a iij WHEEL OF FORTUNE, GAMES OF SKILL and CHANCE held outside, weather permitting ■ ‘ ft ’ . f y. ‘ . Lucknow District High SchoolBand ii i iI not been uncommon. Sponsorship of Minor hockey, of late has been under Legion auspices, and it is to be. expected that this policy may be contin­ ued. However,”, Minor hockey disy cussion will no doubt be on Fri­ day Hight’s discussion, ’ There’s never much of an Oft- sdason frthir sporting world for George Westlake. The hockey season wasn’t long over at Goderich this spring tiu1 Thursday nights, the same as last “GBm^ge_~dorined-—the^mask^ catch for Lucknow softball squad. They' weren’t any more than el­ iminated uriti! Kincardine latch­ ed onto him' to catch. Norm Bag­ heirs offerings in the O.A.S.A. playdowns. . / . * , ' - • • They’re into the seconcL roundJB----------- of the playdowns and trimmed Orangeville 7-1,on Monday night with “Westy” bashing out a pair o.f circuit clouts. '■ /;.... .yy-.o^Jo-'■.■■■■■■■ BOWLERS SET TO START > PLAY EARLY IN OCTOBER The wintejr bowling schedule is slated t^ bpeiE oir October 6th a nd 71 h,. wi t h gam es be i n g pl ay - ed weekly, on Wednesday and ^eart—wi-th~--the^f4r^ taking to. the Wingharn alleys on Wednesday night and the others on* Thursday: f ; A twelve-team league is aimed for, but some of the teams are' not at full strength and more players are, needed. TRY THESE PARTY SNACKS •••DELICIOUS WITH COKE A good hostess serves what; guests like best... and everywhere, that’s Coca-Cola, with its can’t-be- matched flavor. Coke adds to the life of the- party, arid there’s ' nothing as delicious to go with a hot shack* So easy to serve, too . OttUlfTTO-On English muffin 1 bakes, place sliced theese and , tomato. Sprinkle' with grated onion, Parmesan cheese, salt; pepper. Scatter small bits of ba­ con over top. Bake at 450* foe -Bto-lO minutes. SPORT With local .Intermediate and Juvenile soft^hll teams shelved 'for the season—arid just in time the way the weather turned—- sportsmen are turning their . hockey..................?.. ;Mei Stewart/ who Is red hot I for hockey and expects to be ^JdEfcround.,l.for... for-| ;& strictly homebrew i ri term eel i ate . ’ dub., - . *. . .j Anyone and everyone who is ; ’ interested, should be .on hand, at hbe ^fown Hall-this Friday night. * j to get in oh the ^discussion .and « formulate s<yme plan to'keep The ' Sepoy town on the hockey map In recent seasons Lucknow has y'*had. more than ordinary success : in Minor, hockey ’and ,*W.OlA.A. and ehampioriship^ haVe SQPRHIANKS-lnto slifiri frank, furfer, tfuff mixture "of sharp ch eew, minced olives, seasoned to taste with mustard and War. ceslershire. Wrap franks* with ' —bacon^-Heat—under—brdifer^-3—-2 mfhulei* one side/ 5 on other, , Serv.e in buns. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola Under contractwith Coca-Cola Ltd* GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich, Ont. ' Phortei 489 » ^Colc^it a rtgitfirad trada^mork . . , , 444K