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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-22, Page 5
I •/: ■n / BEFORE YOU BUY MONTGOMERY MOTORS FORD-MONARCH DEALER — PHONE 40, LUCKNOW m 3r • T WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22nd, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE this ’n’ that by ROSEMARY THYME ...........«•'- ~— It must be quite awhile since 1 have talked about salads. And now, is the time, of course, when salads can be as, varied as the: vegetables and fruits that abound right now. All the things you can concoct of tomatoes! If I were allowed only, one food for the remainde-n.. ■of my life, ! know very ’well, it would be tomatoes I’d choose. They are,such an attractive color and shape, besides tasting so very, very good,. Often- a few wedges of tomatdes is all that is needed ... to chapge an insipid looking salad to a festive looking one. . Top-Hat Tomatoes — 6 peeled -tomatoesp2"to~3 tablespoonsful of sugar, 1 tsp. salt; 3 tbsp, vinegar, 2 tbsp, salad oil, 2 cups crisp shredded cabbage, 2 green onions chopped,»Cut cone from end of tomatoes opposite stem. Scoop out centres,. Combine sugar, salt, vinegar and salad oil. Toss light ly with cabbage .^and onions. .Place in tomato cups. Top each ; with—tomato cone., . •K Tomato-Egg Salad—4 medium. I peeled tomatoes, salt,. 3 hard-| cooked eggs chopped,’. 3$ medium cucumber, chopped, % cup chop ped igreen pepper, 2 tbsp.. chop ped 'green .onion, ?1/4 cup salad dressing. Cut tomatoes in sixths, not quite through. Pull .apart slightly. Sprinkle with salt. Com bine remaining ingredients; spoon into centre of. tomatoes.. Garnish by putting slices of hard-cooked eggs between each tomato wedge. Tomato Flowers^Turn tomato stem end. down. .Make 5 or 6 petals. Cut through skin, but not into seed pockets; separate the petals from the centre of tom ato. Spread petals as full-blown rose. Tuck a caulifloweret on the inside of each petal. Sprinkle centre with sieved egg yolk. Top with spoonful of fluffy salad dressing. Makes individual salads of garnish for big salad bowl. Snow-Capped Tomatoes .-J half cup cottage cheese, 2 tbsp.-sour cream, ’A chp peeled diced cu cumber, V; cup chopped , <reen pepper, 2_tbsp. chopped onion, Vi tsp. salt- dash pepper, 6 peeled tomatoes, 6 green pepper tings, 1 tbsp, chopped chives. Lightly rnix cottage cheese, sou-r cream, cucumber, onion, salt and pep per.. Chill. Cut slice off top of. tomatoes. Top each tomato with ; a green) pepper ring, then spoon 1 “cottage cheese mixture inside the peppery Circle. Garnish., with chives. Cottage cheese and chives go together just like bacon and eggs. The bright bits of green chives sprinkled through cottage cheese js most attractive, '■ . ' Chives on tomatoes is a nice color contrast too. Peel tomatoes. Drizzle with French dressing,, sprinkle liberally with chiVeS. Another, decorative idea for the Tomato: and Egg salad is ,to slip “0ld"at40,50,60? Men/Get New Pep Quick Get rid of the crazy idea that you have to be old at 40, 50 or 60. Juist try a little “pepping 'up” with Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. For weakness,.'loss of energy, lack of pep. and tired-out, rundown feeling due to lack of ir— 44, a slice bf unpeeled • cucumber, along, witn the slices of egg, be tween Lie wedges of tomato. Thousand Island Dressing makes a festive salad out of the most ordinary lettuce and tomato salad. To 1 cup mayonnaise,, add v, _ * ••• • eggs, ’( , , ,____ .____| -t----. ---- jrvu«Kc*«- Wt- chopped, one-third cup chopped j ac^a^ted‘ W At all druggists, celery, 1 green pepper, finely I —------—- ■' •.______- ' chopped, and 1 small onion, fine-’] You might add finely .chopped ly chopped. *’Makes two. cups, pimento or. sweet red pepper too. . nuu 1 >uvu-uWb xuuuuwn reeling que to lack of iron vhich you may call ’‘getting old”. Revital- Z. CUD chili sauce, 3 hard-cooked j fees, energizes, invigorates and stimulate?, ' ' - u • 11/ >4111 nirklc Helps both sexes feel years younger.. Get-chopped, 172 dill piCKie, j ^cqoainted” size only 60?, At all druggists. 'I t=Jr> c— S -Q 5 o V? 3-*=r Ti ZJ -q *Ttt- J> T> ““inf © ©• 4th VICTORY LOAN BONDS ------------------ ------ --------------------------------------- ------------------- -----------------------,----------.................................. —................................................ .......................................................?-4-l-----------------..--------- ----------------- --------- .. '/■ .■ ■ ' .have been CALLED FOR PAYMENT OCTOBER 1st ■ ’ • .. -••• • * a ‘ . ■ . , • . ’ ‘ ’ . • ■ , # ■ IF YOU HOLD Fourth Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued May, 1943.to mature . . May, 1957) they should be presented, for payment On or after . October 1st through any branch bank inCanada. APTER Ti^lS DATE NO FURTHER. .^JBTERESTJ^JL^JBEjeAID.^, Ihtere&t cotfponsjjueJs 19gCJi and all coupons dated later than this' must be attached to the bonds when - they are presented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly)'. This payment includes $1.26 Which is interest at 3% from May 1st to.October lst-the period' since the last coupon became payable. Government of Canada 54-BC-4 By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent *G* ■o ■2 a a X