HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-22, Page 3/ t cent Bowles. A T PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 22nd, 1954 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister; Rev. G. A.4 Meiklejohii, . ■ B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th 10.00 a.m.: Church School. 11.00 a.m,: Worship in Spirit and in Trust. 1 Dedication of memorial pulpit I drape from Rathwell Family.! 7.00 p,m.: Echoes from Five! Oaks. j I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4 rater >rson . from Mar- ■' rFar- s.' L. „ Mrs. ■? ding. Wil-. ■ KhuL Maf- - nade ng.in was -Mrs,; tanks iging. Light0 losed Lucknow | Presbyterian Church • > ■ I SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th j 11.00 a.m.: Rally Day I Meet in Sunday School | Room at J0.45; ' - | 3.00 p.m?: Erskine Church, j Dungannon. j f Evening Service Withdrawn, j John Kilpaltrick of-town was one of two judges at the Huron ’ County Junior Farmers, plowing match, held in McKilloip Town? ship. • OBITUARY ANGUS MacDONALD Word was received recently by Mrs. Graydon Ritchie of the pass­ ing of her uncle, Angus MacDom aid in the Municipal Hospital at Empress, Alta,'on September 10, Mr. MacDonald had been in iri-?- different health foj? some time and had been hospitalized on dif­ ferent occasions since last De^ cember but succumbed to cancer. He observed his 72th 'birthday on August 6th. He was born, on the 10th Corn of West Wawanosh, near St. Hel­ ens, .where his brother Colin now resides. He weqt West in 1913, spending the winter in Medicine Hat arid in 1914 took up a homer stead at Bindloss, Alta, on which he resided until the time of his death. He was the son of the late Hugh MacDonald and Catherine Cameron. • — He -leavesr to moufri’~hiB~ loss, two brothers, Colin of St. Helens arid John A. of Wingham and one sister, Margaret (Mrs. John P. McPherson) of Hamilton; also one stepson, Sidney Smith of Turner Valley,. Alberta and four step-grandchildren. His ’ wife predeceased him in • 1945. Funeral services were held in Empress,. Alta, with burial in _ __ _____ ___ _ ______ Calgary Union Cemetery, Cal- with her daughter, Mrs. Milli- gary. ASHFIELD BORN—in. Kincardine Hospital on. September 25th to Mr. and ' Mrs. James Bradley, a daughter, , .'Mrs.. Fink of Detroit and Mrs, A. E. Munro of Dearborn spent the week-end with friencLs here and in Ripley. They were, on their way home from a motor trip which took them as far as Ottawa. . Word has been received here that Mr. John Cathcart who is visiting relatives in Alberta, is a patient ^in a hospital there. We hope he willsoon fee well again. Next Sunday the service in the Presbyterian Church will be at 2.30 standard time. a. ... , ■ ---------• —. ■ Local & General * c <e- ’ ' _ • „ , Patricia Thompson spent the week-end at Stouffville as the “guest Of Lynda Nolari: ........J’"" Mr. ^and Mrs. Ed Thom are vis; iting in Norwood with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell. Eunice Button has been a pat­ ient in Wingham Hospital for a time with a skin infection on her face. Mrs. Ida Hackett has returned home from a visit in London LADIES and MEN’S WEAR ------------TELEPHONE 85 NEW FALL COATS .. . . Chilly nights, are here again. Latest fashions ip Frpsty ’ Hues . . , prices unbelievably low , . f all. sizes , . , ' Women’s, Misses’ and Juniors’ . . . these include All Purpose "Coats,. UNDERWEAR—for Men and Women By Watsons, Stanfields^ Penmans . ,:_. CombinationSt. “ “vests,; "drawers’? . T all ' sizes ihcludirig ohtsizes. SEASONABLE REQUIREMENTS MEN AND BOYS Golf Hose or Sox ; Shorts and, Briefs Trousers and Shirts Jeans and Overalls Jackets and T-Shirts - Flette Pyjamas--------- Work Shirts and Caps Overcoats and Hats Gloves and Scarves T WOMEN AND GIRLS . Golf Hose or Half Hose Long Rib Stockings’ Lisle or Rayon Hose .Panties and Slips Brassiers arid Corsets —7--; Gioyes“arid_Bags ” Scarves arid Sweaters Skirts and Blouses Gowns and Pyjamas best deal IN town OIL HEATER POWER BLOWER YOU PAY ONLY $129.95 Your choice of 1 beautiful finishes-blonde hammerloid or shadowed mahogany J: j § S (Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Mary Belle and Herbie attended Western Fair and spent the week­ end at Chatham, Windsor and De­ troit. - Mr. and Mrs Clifford MacMil­ lan, Christine arid Michael, and Mr. and Mrs Jim MacMillan of St. Catharines were holiday visi­ tors last week with the boys’ parents, Mr? and Mrs. J. L. Mac­ Millan. Mr arid Mrs. Ewart Webster of Kirkland Lake were recent visitors with his mother and other relatives. Ewart is on the Kirkland , Lake police force. Mr. andy Mrs. jim Reid, Jack Gillies and Mrs. Donald MacDon­ ald of St Helens left the . end of the week on a motor trip to Wes­ tern Canada where they will visit relatives. . Recent .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Culb’ert were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Sharp of Ferndale, Mich, and Miss Margaret Disher of Toronto. Mrs. Sharp is a sister„ of Mr. Culbert. Mr. and Mrs. Joanne, Murray turned recently motor trip to Western Canada. Mrs. P. W. Hoag underwent an operation last week in London and while Mr. Hoag was absent from school for a few days,;Miss' Rutherford of SI; Helens supplied, for him. • . ■ . " Members of 'the MacDiarmid -fari^ly—spent—a—few—days' visiting with Mr. arid Mrs.. Grant MacDiarmid and Mrs?1. Neil J. MacKenzie, were Mr. and Mrs. ,D. L. MacDiirmid, Jam.?s:own. N.Y.,; Mr. and Mrs.. D. R. Mac­ Diarmid, Cleveland; Mrs. George Stockham, Detroit. Among those in attendance at the Thompson-Munroe wedding at Apple Hill on Saturday Were Mrs.. R. H. Thompson, Miss. Helen" .Thompson, Mr. arid Mrs. William | Hewaf and Bob of. Elmira,- iMiss I Lorna Campbell of Toronto, Mr. and «Mrs. H. D. Thompson and David and Mr. and' Mrs. L. C. Thompson and Donald. ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, *' Brushes, Bearings, Etc. ’ — Reliable Service — Freezers. Dryers, Washers___ Gilson Sales —- Appliances ; Repairs to Fans, Vacuums, Clippers, Drills,- Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough Phone Ripley lll-r-29 Vernon Hjiriter, <g,nd Boboy re­ frain a month’s RAILWAY Effective SUNDAY SEPT. 26thz 1954 Full information from agents A heater that can heat up to 5 or 6 rooms with natural circulation plus directed warm air at floor level MODEL 877 COLEMAN Oil HEATER POWER BLOWER (Installed in heater) YOH PAY ONIY $119.95 $ 29.95 $129.95 CANADIAN NATIONAL ____L___________- ■ ■________315 _•< ' HURRY WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS - SEE US NOW SEPOY 5^1.00 STORE DR.Y GOOPS-LADIES mJ. CHILDRENS WEAR. CHINA -KITCHEN UTENSlLS-GREETiNG CARDS TOILETRIES TOYS <JW 108W L'JCKNOW, ONT. 1O8W Phone llO. Lucknow