HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-22, Page 2WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22nd lg5. ? v / 1 CALEDONIAN PARK 0 Announce That, ... Admission to Grounds —50c and 25c —..... .....---------------L.-?„ _______:__________ __________: _________■ ' Fair to be officially opened by Andrew Robinson, M.P. for Bruce, . > Effective Thursday, September 23rd . Wednesday One Night Only 8.30 sharp ■ Hilarious Three-Act-Comedy“Smalltown Romeo*’, ...y presented by McIntosh UriitedChrirch Couples Chi b . . ; . Admission.50c and 25c ", Sliced . „....- ” \.7 phone so, • “A -' Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring and Eavetroughing rr ~-^eSe~priceSr?ha3^beenji^reed^to by more than twenty retail outlets in the district/ and no more / T low-rate bread will , be sold in this area. , Fred McQuillin, Pres. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th Wednesday, Sept. 2 \Schdol Children’s Parade to Park-from Public School Grounds at 1.15.' - CONCERT DANCE TOWN HALL -r FOLLOWING CONCERT i— Music by ^ertha Henderson’s Orchestra Admission She THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO KINGSBRIDGE * Week-end visitors to the com­ munity were: Miss Ret a Do,herty of Hamilton, Mr and Mrs. J. Fitz­ gerald of Windsor, Mr and Mrs. Jos, O’Reilly of Detroit,- Miss Mary Sansonterra and Miss Ang-r elai Sansonterra of Detroit, Mrs* Jos. Fitzpatrick of Kitchener, Mr,. Len O’Loughlin visited at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Kinney during the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Vassella vis­ ited with relatives in Kirkland Lake during the past week. ' Mr. Basil Reynolds who has been located at the Lake x>f the NewBreedinq Stock Puts New Lite Into Your Farm! Why Wait ?... go ahead with FI L See your neatest Bank of Montreal manager about a Farm Improvement Loan. / •Bank of Montreai. Ians i n every wa.lk of life s i n c Lucknow Brandi: MURRAY COUSE, Manager WITH EXCLUSIVE ELECTRIC No matches needed! All you do is turn this dial. Electric SELF-Lighter lights your hqater. Duo-therm IMPERIAL” Available in 2 heating Capacities Exclusive Duo-Therm hefurniture styling! • More heat, cleaner heat, from every drop of oil— , with BuO-Therm’s exclusive Dual Chamber Burner. ■ • Fine furnittire styling, beautiful mahogany finish. • Forced-heat circulation ?irid fuel savings Up to 25 % ' : with Dub-Therm’s exclusive Automatic POWER­ AIR Blower. . ;', < • . ■; ' ■ ' • ■ • 2 widetopening doors for radiant heat. Healthful ...—ipefFHftntlyW^Al Ulll 1 killlwJLi control. , . . * . < Have matchless comfort this winter and years to corner ’ ’ Webster & MacKinnon Woods district' for the s‘ummer mouths, is now visiting, af the home, of Ray Dalton, The Frane family spent Sun­ day with relatives in Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Dalton, Mich­ ael Dalton and Peter Lierman motored to Sarnia on Thursday last to assist in a special musical program under the direction of' Sister Maureen,' FOURTH CONCESSION Mr and Mrs; W. F, MacDonald attended Western Fair at Lon­ don on Friday returning Satur^ day--With their daughter,,„JMar- caret, who teaches in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd MacDoug- all, Allan and GfcW W week-end with Mr. and Mrs,. Jack Needham and. family at Cor­ unna, ’ Mrs. Qech Lockhart spent Wed^ nesday at Western Fair. Others from the Fourth who were there on Thursday included Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon, Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon and Mr. John Mac­ Kinnon, Mr. Lloyd ' MacDougall and Allan- and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist. 1 ■ s Miss Joan Hamilton, who' tea­ ches near Arthur, was home for ;4he-week=end.r __/ ?...... KINLOUGH W.M.S. members from the Pres­ byterian Church attended the presbyterial meeting at Lucknow ori Monday evenihg qf last,; week. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham were Mrr and Mrs. Bert McLean and Mrs, W. J, McLean of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Bern Corson of London and Mrs. S. A. Hodgins ofx Wind­ sor. ■ ' ■ ’ x Mr.- and Mrs. Wm. Wall spent a few days at London. Note Change of Day ’ In Grandmothers’ Meeting The Holyrood W.I. - will /meet on Tuesday,. October 12th at the Hdlyrbod Hall. 1 Hostesses, Mrs;. Wm. Wall and? Edna and May Boyle; roll call/ a convenience unknown to our grandmothers; conveners} May Boyle arid Mrs. R'Elliott; topic, “Pioneer Days”, Mrs. Jas. Hodgins;'motto, Let us growlovelygrowingold; each member bring an early photo­ graph; coptest, Grandmother’s plain? white cookies; current events," Mirs. Jack Hewitt. All bring lunch. :_ i The service in the Anglican Church will , be held on Sunday next, September 26th, at 9.30 Ow­ ing to a change • in the Bervie servibbTSuridayS^ low the service as usual. Friends of Mrs. Win, Cox will •be sorry to know that she is not enjoying good health lately. We all join in wishing her a speedy recovery. She is being cared for at the home of her daughter,, Mrs. John Scott} Huron. Mr. Torn Hodgins, who. had his toot injured last week, was taken to London for further treatment 'before' returning to,, his home. ;■ .? Misses May Boyle and Iona Terry spent the week-end with relatives at London. ? OUr school has been closed' owing to the illness of the teach­ er, Mrs. B. Collins, who. suffered an attack of jaundice. Mrs. Tom Rodgins spent Fri-~ day at. London. Mr., and Mrs. Jack Mason and children of London spent a day with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. . Mrs. Jack Hewitt was, guest soloist at, the Kingarf Harvest Thanksgiving morning service. Mt. and Mrs. Arthur Haldenby of Toronto spent the? week-end with relatives here and at Luck- .now. \ ■ .? Mr. arid Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family : spent Sunday with Kincardine relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wall are spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor GaWley, Purple Grove. ' - —~ Mr. arid Mrs. Joe Cassidy and children of Teeswhter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SheWfelt} Kincardine Twp., Qvisited on Sunday, with -Mr.^and-Mrs„_H_AGraham. IMrsArdel Mason, Con. 4,.Huron and Mrs. George Colwell, Holy­ rood, visited on Saturday with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. ■Miss Gail Graham of, Kincar­ dine spent the week-end with EIrma'Jean Percy, Mr. Russell Barr of Toronto spent the week-end at his home herei4le is enteririgrhis •^nd^ye^t at the University qf Toronto.. ..••■Mr. and Mrs/ Herman Fisher over, the week-end With her par- erits, Mr. and- Mrs. John Bushell and other relatives.here. . Mrs' Don Bushell .entertained the Presbyterian W.M»S^ on ‘Wed­ nesday afternoon, . : A number from here attended, the • Western Fair at*' London' ’ - Miss fcrlma Jean, Percy enter­ tained school friends at a birth­ day party on Saturday evening. Presbytemn Church W.M.S. '.' r? .., •• ... • ?.. ’ Kinlough Auxiliary of the W.M.S. held the September meet­ ing at the home of; Mrs. Donald Bushell on Wednesday afternoon, September 15 th. The president, Mrs. W. Guest, was in the chair for the opening exercises. Scrip­ ture was read by Mrs. J. Barr and prayer by Mrs. E. Bushell. Twenty-six ladies answered the roll call with a. verse of. scrip- tore. .The secretary read the min­ utes of the . last meeting and the treasurer gave the. ^incincial state­ ment. A. letter from the nominat­ ing committee,/was read by the secretary and nominations were made. .Delegates were appointed to attend the conference for training leaders. of teen-agers, NOTICE RE BREAD THE BUSINESS MEN OF LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT THE ,PRICE OF BREAD ’ WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: Plain 4 which is to beheld in Teeswater on October 2th. 'Mrs. Emerson had charge of' the study .from “Where’er the Sun”. Miss Mar- . garet,Robertson, Mrs. D. McFar- lan?~ Mrs. T. McDonald," Mrs.' L. Sutton, Mrs. F. Maulden and-Mrs. A. Percy took part in the. reading* The life and work of .Miss ,Wil-? .liamsbn, missionary in ArnkhuL India, was received . by N. Mal­ colm. Arrangements were made for the Thankpffering meeting.in October. A -bountiful lunch was served by the committee.. Mrs,, Emerson moved a vote of thanks to.the hostess. After the singing, of hymn 386, “The Morning Light ‘ • ;is Breaking”, Mrs. Baulch closed „■ the meeting with prayer. 89th ANNUAL f 5 Grandstand Show Full Afternoon’s Entertainment in Front of thdr Grandstand. Program By CKNX Artists School Children’s Competitions Square Dance Competition . 4>H Calf Club Competition b » Tug O’ War for Hanna Trophy Log Sawing Contest Lucknow Pipe Band Lucknow District High School Band Midway Rides for Tots to Teenagers A,