HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-15, Page 7Webster sang a solo which was the meeting to a clpse. A dainty
appreciated. A very instructive lunch was served by- the corn
talk on “Camp Life at Mirami-’mittee in charge.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTI 15th, 1954 1
,«r s ' ' / ' . '
Plumbin; and Heatins Service
• Oil Burners Serviced—Units Converted
Complete Repairs for Deep and Shallow Well Pumps
; Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed
For a free estimate call or see . '
R. JR. 3, JLucknow',
; p—,jh. ..iy ' $ ”■ . ■ ‘
A Grotto honoring our Lady of
Lourdes, z a replica of Lourdes,
France, designed °by Rev. Father
H, Van Vynckt of St. Joseph’s
parish, Kingsbridge, was dedicat -
if . ..............— ................... .
treasurer of the Group. Mrs. Roy chi’’’ was given by Mrs. I. Mac-'
Alton presided for tne second kerizie. Mrs. J. W. Joy nt gave a
• part of the6 meeting when the story of the life of Roy Rogers
following program was present- which was very interesting as he
ed. After singing the hymn«“O was a guest at the C.N.E, this
Master leF-me walk with Thee” year. Two humorous poems “Two
there was a devotional period, A'Frogs” and ”pe Sunflower Ain’t.
paper “Cultivate liking people as De Daisy” were read by Mrs, K.
they are”, was read by Mrs. B. C’ameron. The singing nf hymn-
Roach, It contained helpful and “Saviour like a Shepherd Ipadl^d and btess^djmSi^^
Hiq Fvnpllon™ ............... A.:___________A jJiTxl.4em-ber--4-2tir”by^His ExeeUency
■ ■ * . ’ . *
On Friday evening a reception
was, held in the Community Halt
•for Mr. arid Mrs, Garnet McNall.,
At lunch: time Mr. Donald Stew
art read an 'address and Mr. Wal
lace Conn presented the young
couple with a sum of money, Gar-
riet/expr.essed "his~ thfariks.’"Tiff ins
orchestra supplied music. The
community offers congratulations
and a welcome to Mrs. McNall,
All the McNall family were home
for the occasion but two brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie,
Mrs. Chester Feagan and Brian
spent Friday in' Galt returning
hy_ Kitchener. Chester, who is
r employed there pairiting, return
ed home with them for the week
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and
family of Tiverton spent Sunday
evening with Mr. arid Mrs. Frank
Miller. 1
• Mr, and Mrs. Tom McInnis of
Gorrie and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
Taylor /of Ripley/;were _ Sunday
✓visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sel.' Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butler of
Mitchell " were Sunday visitors
with Mr.- arid Mrs. Fred Tiffin.
Mrs. John Crowston and Lois
• asissted at the Campbell-Ketch-
a'baw reception at Paramount on
. Saturday.- Lois spent a .few days
during the week, vis’ting iri“Kih-
cardine with friends .
Mr. Russell Gaunt has been
- uiiuci viic wcauici
of ” eeks. . /
J Mi. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin left
on a motor trip Munday mbrning
to visit her father, Mr. Mirehouse
at Lynden, Sask. Mr. Russell Rit
chie accompanied them <and will
visit at Lumsden-,, Sask. ’
‘r 61-r-13 Dungannon
Bishop John ,C. Cody of London,
at St. Joseph’s Motherhouse. in
Lpndon. '
It depiGts-OurLady^pfipurdes;
as-slie appWre'd’ td' St. Bernadette
Mr. and Mrs. Albin Griffin of in the year 1858. There are stories
Detroit were Labor Day visitors' near the altar taken . from’ the
with her brothers, Pat arid Myles Loqrdes . Grotto, ’ France, Our
MacMillan. Mr. 0 and Mrs. John Lady of ' Fatima Shrine,. Portu^
Griffin of Detroit is visiting her/gal, arid- from Our Lady of La-
brothers this week-end. . (. j Salette Grotto, France.
Threshing has been the order1 Father Van Vynckt had the-
. of. the day in inG vicinity but .honor of celebrating the first
is^Xetting/pretty,.weJ. .completed- -mass-aMhjs Grotto-aitar: at”2:60^
Good returns of grain have been ’P-ni. with a guard of‘ honor by
reported. '. . t the Grand Knights of Columbus,
This community offers their' ,pres®ni’ n}any ^h^ous, and ap-
deepest sympathy to Mr& Robt. Prox^ately 200 persons from
McQuiilin (nee Jean MacKenzie) I Kingsbridge and their friends,
and family of Hamilton in their: , Excellency J. C. Cody
great sorrow in the sudden' pass-1c ellveTed a very inspiring. see
ing of a loving- husband' and m°rl He complimented the Moth
er General who. first conceived
the inspiration of this Grotto and
upori His Excellency’s suggestion,
engaged Father Van Vynckt to
design this beautiful Grotto in
and family of Hamilton in their!
great sorrow in the sudden' pass-i
ing of a loving husband ’ and
Miss Myrtle Crowston spent
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. F.
^Miller.• t . uwign wiib utzcxuviiui vjtoilo inA, successful sale was held on its. picturesque setting provided
Monday afternoon in spite of by' nature overlooking the
such a rajny day at the home of. Thames River.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald.
Donald Blue, acted as auctioneer;
and Mr. Arnold Scbtt- as book
keeper L_.
Miss Med.a Clow of Toronto has■
been a( visitor with Mrs. Wm. Qrr [ the Holy Name,
for the last few weeks. Missi
Clara Bell Clow of Kincardine • memorabje^-occasion. was under
was also a. visitor- with her aunt; the idirectibn of Sister Ma?ie Brb-
The Rev. Father J. A, Finn,
'chaplain of the Motherhouse,. in
speaking, remarked it was par
ticularly ^fitting that the Grotto
should be opened on the feast of
The music and singing for this
i Back To School .
Patsy Foran, 10-year-old. dau
ghterof- Mr. and- 'Mrs/; Elmer
Foran' 9th Concession of West
Wawanosh, is none the worse of
a recent mishap; Patsy was in
under the weather tlie^last couple g buggy with some other child-
1 ten and in falling from it, a
wheel of the vehicle passed over
her.. She was'taken to Wingham
Hospital fori observation, but no
bones were broken and Patsy
ijWas quickly out and back to
school, again.
JM 1
t fti B
1 E i i
o 1 nl
beuf with the School .of-Christ
; choristers. ■ _
After the celebration of mass
a basket picnic was—held on—the:
lovely grounds around the new.
Mother-house, with the Sisters
serving hot coffee and refresh
ments to all those present from
Father Van Vynckt’s Parish,
Kingsbridge Girls Have Part
At 7.30 >p.m. a candlelight pil
grimage of 200 nuns and visitors
to the shrine took place, where
Solemn Benediction was celebrat
ed by Father Finn, followed by
a procession back to . the. chapel
in’ the Motherhouse for the final
blessing and ^benediction hymns.
Preceding the Blessed Sacrament
and clergy in this procession,
seven, little girls dressed in white
satin with lar^e silver wings
ish, were Patricia Anri. Martin,.
Elaine MacIntyre/ Patricia Dren
nan, Alice Daltonj Diane Lier
man and Mary Lou Drennan with
Kathleeri Dal/on as .flower girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalton,
Diane and ..David and Miss Helen
Chisholm7of{ Niagara Falls, Ont,
spent the week-end'with Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Dalton. -
Miss Maureen Vassella 'of Lon
don; Mr.. T. j. Lannon of London
and Mr. Jos. Reid of Toronto
were week-end visitors here. Mrs..
Jos.- Reid returned to ’ Toronto:
with 'her husband after a . week’s
visit .rwith Mr., arid Mrs. James.
Wallace.. / /. .;
Mrs. Walter • Clare is, holiday
ing this week with Mr. and Mrs.
'Edmund ■ King of • London,
Mrs. Van Vynckt of Toronto
was a visitor , at the Rectory /over
the^week^erTd? “ .
iMrs. Gordon Valad is visiting
.relatives in Ingersoll for a’ few
days,. ■. _ ;■ •;
Miss Irene Hogan, R.N.;, of Tor
onto is' holidaying at the Home I
of her parents.- Mr. and Mrs:
Michael, Hogan of Lucknow.
The .Ci^.L. are sponsoring a
L^r>aII Fostival. to be held in „ St>.
7~' Joseph’s' Parish Hall on October
f -t
Lynda shows typical liltIr-Rirl-ii'iterest. in her- mother's Ielfldiontcall",
that's 7:fytnonth*old Donng< Jprched in /ter ki^li ihaif.
ffWhen you^have to cio everything for .twb sinall
*chil(lren‘ it’s riot./easy to leave the house even for
" essential^hOp"^ Bernard Renau'd . .
Of 755 -Desaulniers Blvd., St. Lambert, Que.
ss^I^veFeaHy/appfeciatcd'OuFferephonc ■ in thirltisL few2 /
years. It means I can still pick up bargains I see
in the paper and do my shopping in a matter of,
ihiriiiteS . *. by telephone. So, iny ’phone savbs me
. irioney arid'gives me time to do other things that
crowd my busy day. That’s why I think One,Of the
best bargains 1 ever bought vVas bur telephone!
r *' • . ■ • "' • -X
. ■ . 4 . • . . - . . ’’r ; . . IT
; • • ■ / hers. Reports were given oy, tne
L)s] fill MH TELEPHONE COMPANY OF, CANADA , Sowing' committee, Christian Fel-
?' . lowship commitiee and the
GirOtip' II
j'- The first' Autumn meeting, df
[Group IL of the W.A.-' was held'
on September-8th in the'Fellow-
’Ship Room of the United Church.
; The, president, Mrs. K. Camerori,
{opened the meetihg with the
,'theme, hymn and the repeating'
f of ihe motto arid prayer. The roll
. /call was - answered by- 17 mem*-
’ -bers. Reports were given by, the
o :