HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-15, Page 5SURGE MMMMKini McCORMICK-DEERiMG WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ONTARIO WINGHAM First Showing Starts at 7.15 pah. Saturday Matinees 2,00 ...............................t>—i.■.. Wednesday, Thursday, September 15th, 16th x‘- 1 • V Here he comes with a Super-Cargo \ofexcitementl ........ • w 0 . ■ , ' . ' ' * • Friday, Saturday, September 17th, 18 th Brett King, Barbara Lawrence, in JE&SE-J^ color Monday, Tuesday, September 20 th, 21st Ricardo Montalban, Betta St. John, in “THE SARACEN BLADE” color a (VARIETY NIGHT WAS BlGSyCCESS (ST. HELENS NEWS) Those who attended—dnd there was a good crowd-—enjoyed a real treat at the Variety Concert held in the United Church shed on Friday evening This venture was-underthe—auspicesufthe Young , People’s Union with the proceeds being divided with the Women’s Association. Mr; Harvey Sparling was the genial master of^cerehronTes^ with MiTTMirf Craig of' Sarnia as accompanist throughout the evening. The singing of O Canada was follow­ ed by piano solos by Mr. Craig. Mrs. Velma Hall of St. Marys was the ceiloist of the evening. Mr. Keith Barbour of Guelph was again well received for his tenor solos and he and Don Cameron favored, with a trumpet and trombone number. The Lucknow High School Quartette with Mr. Harvey Bride as accompanist, was mUch enjoyed as was the Scotch dancing by Isabelle Mac­ pherson to bagpipe music by Archie McQuillin, who also fav­ ored with several selections on the pipes. “The Aristocrats”, Don Caineron, Murray Gaunt, Jim Reid and Junmy .Hackett with Barbara Wilson at the piano, made their firs.t public, appear­ ance as an orchestra, and were' highly appjfeuded. Mrs. Marion Irwin of Delaware who won the hearts of all on Flower Sunday, was heard again on the mirimba- phone; and the cathedral cliimes. Aipong her< selections was “The Toymaker’s Dream”. It was this number on the mirimbaphone that won her the gold medal on -Maj nr-Bowes-progra-mnsumeyears ago. The Hurondale Ramblers of Exeter ' played delightful music and a gay touch was- added to _the._ program-by-ballet-daneing- by._ Rosemary Dobson of Kirkton and by tap dancing by .she and, her brother Robert. The singing of The Queen brought a delight­ ful evening to a close. During in­ termission a _ thriving business ;v/as done at the booth where pie,, cake, arid ice cream and cof­ fee were served. Two Former Residents Die It, is with deep regret that we report the deaths of two former residents of the community in the . person of . Mr. Angus Me- t Donald, whose death occurred at his home at Empress, Sask., on Thursday after a short illness, and .Mr. Robert McQuillin, who died in Hamilton on Sunday on Thursday; Sympathy goes to the bereaved . relatives. • Mr. Allan Craig of Sarnia was the guest speaker at the service in the United Church on Sunday morning. Mr. Craig, who is. con­ vener of Citizenship and Com­ munity Service for .the Y.P.U. .of London Conference, spoke on “Christian 'Citizenship”. Miss Hazel Sparling of Elrnville sang “God Will Take Care of You” and the choir sahg an anthem. * Wednesday, Thursday, September 22nd, 23rd Cornel Wilde, Constance Smith, in TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR” ~ . technicolor Al CULgOSS CORNERS Miss' Helen Schumacher spent the Ayeek'-end with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Writ. Wall, • Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wraith sp^nt ( Kinlouali.___ __ _______'__ ..... Saturday, September. 11th, Mr. and Mrs. Mid.ford .Wall-entcr- i tajned oyer The PLAYHOUSE First Show at 7.30 Second Show at 9.15 Wednesday, Thursday, September 15," 16 DAN DAILEY and ANNE BAXTER, in “YOU’RE MY EVERYTHING _ Friday, Saturday, September 17th, 18th - JRetty Grable, Dale Robertson, Thelma Riiter, John Carroll, in “THE FARMER TAKES A WIFE Wednesday, Thursday, September 22nd, 23rd DEAN MARTIN'and. JERRY LOUIS, in ( “THE STOOGE” t CARD OF THANKS Jim and Betty Blue wish to sincerely thank those who held the reception fpr. them in Ripley last Friday night, and to express appreciation to the many friends who. attended to honor them on this occasion. '■Mr. and Mrs. Benson Shackle­ ton wish to take this opportunity to thank all the good friends and neighbors who so kindly came and helped with the threshing when Benson- met with an acci­ dent last week, especially Mr’. ■Cecil Blake, who brought his threshing machine? ° Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie wish to express their sincere thanks to all their friends and neighbors who so kindly helped them at the time of their fire. A-special~~thari ks' to“Rev7"Metkie~ John and the Lucknow Fire De­ partment and Treleaven’s Mill. Twenty -Five Y ears Married . Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin marked their 25th wedding anni­ versary on Saturday. They took a motor trip last week to Kirk­ land Lake with Mr. and , Mrs. Gordon IrWin and Wayne of God­ erich, and who spent, the week­ end here, with them. Is Your Subscription Paid? DORNE-and DORIS McLELLAND Z! PURPLE GROVE Mrs. Frank Dore attended the: Toronto Ex. last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Thomp- son and children of ELora, Mrs and Mrs. Bill Orr and Kenneth* Mr. and Mrs. Garth Orr of Ar­ thur, IMrs. J. Colwell of Kinlough visited at the home of Mr. and: Mrs. Donald McCosh recently. •Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley family visited with the Misses Gawley of Ripley on Sunday, Mr. NorvaL Stanley arid Mrs- Helen Swan and Rosylind, Mrs.. Russel Stanley spent a few days- at Toronto Ex. Mr. and Mrs’ Francis Boyle He babe visited with Mr. and Mrs; _,Iim__Boyle-at—Holyrood.-—-------- Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh? visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carrick* of .Goderich on Sundays ..and, Mrs. Gordon Towle*, who have been visiting at the home , of the latter’s sister, Mrs4 Ralph Hill, have left for theii* home in Vancouver. A bus load from here attended: the London Fair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson, visited at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Quigley and Jimmy of London visited at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill ! recently.I Special Announcement NOW - You can ; milking machine • ** ' u **, ’** 1 / st-il' ' irciiase~wil makes rubber inflations CO-OP UNIVERSAL ; I,............................. CO-OP UNIVERSAL fcabDT". Day with Mr." and ■ Mrs. •Murray Henderson and Linda of ! K.......- ....... Lucknow. • | tajned over forty relatives and ■Miss Sharon Wall, Londoii. , fptends of their pareiiis-, Mr. and spent the week-end with Mr.. ’.Mrs. Jack Schumacher. : . Mr. apd Mrs. Howard Edgar of Listowel .visited recently with were r and Mrs,’James Edgar a.... We arc glad to report Mrs. ma.ivo and. white .Grant'Wall was able to roturn h.v.. - .. . ... , .... ■ In listing the beginners, at our. tingly. 'Tor ti.ey are jo ly^goocl I ; ..school, we-are sorry to have omit, fellows, .and /Auld Lang 0>n<- i led the, name of Billy Walh . were sung brinaipj an enjoyable We- are sorry to report Mr.; evening to a close? • ■ ?’0m Hodgins to have been in-| . stah- i: jtircd during harvesting opera- accompanied Mt- a d • / tidns. i-I6 was taken to Wingham .ley Gallagher to Toronto and at- Hospital. tended the Ex, ■ .. . . r • Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Schumacher? MrI. spent Friday evening, with- Mr. anti falnity . s ftatmerman ' Mrs, Melvin. Zettei and Jean Mr..and Mrs...Hatold Banoetman. W Mrs. Chas. ScfiumachCr, Of Kinloss, .and attended the dnm Walkerton. " • | versary services. ■ and Mrs, Tom,-Hackett’.of .Ashfield ' cn ti’.e occasion of their -35th. an­ niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Hackett road an a pure mate address* and- -and presehj-ed'with .many Hovely ■ fheii” randchi 1 d^en. Mr, Hackett, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS t-------------------- ■ 0 •Nd Sale too large or too small BERVIE, ONTARIO Phoiitf Ripley 77-4-12 • ...., , „ ..■ . J COOP AUTO . INSURANCE • • • hi . Can’Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS ' & COMERCIAL TRUCKS z as well ds the farm business. For information consult' T A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW. Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY Phone 20-T-23 MAGNETIC DE LAVAL CONDE STERLING DE LAVAL . CHOSEBOY Ku. ■' . CLEAN-EASY, PERFECTION JWIOML r I ■I. ■ . wdODS.EM^lR£ . n • * .^ATLUCKNOWDISTRICTCO-OP ...... . ' ■ along with . ’ Universal Milkers •PHONE 71, LUCKNOW