HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-15, Page 3T T o ZION SWEATERS, for warmth English fine rib . , . all sizes \ , new shipment ... lav-? ish shades . . . Pullovers, Cardigans, Westkits. _ _MS^S^-SmMl^Medium, Large. -- — WOMEN’S—^Medium, Larg^, Outsize. GIRLS’—Tots and Teens. Large Selection —< Top Quality. 4 * 1\/r r» u Ji • • | u“u uaugmci ouai iyil Ul’ LLjUIIUUIIMocosn and family of Purple were Week-end guests of Mre. J. J Winnifred John- I CARNIVAL On The Main Street LUCKNOW STREET DANCE * I I I 1 Lirknow District High School Band In Attendance* -------vixvxi.,<xtILL Mrs. William . J. Reed of Dungan­ non, had the distinction of win­ ning the highest standing of all THE CARNIVAL RETURNS With the LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Thurs., Sept. 23 Commencing at 8.30 p.m. ■ J ’ Under Clansmen Auspices put’’: forth a Bingo prizes of hams, chick-. ,blankets,- etc/,# and a ; oC^ames -of sk iJT chance/ ' ■ * .. . WEDNESDAY;'SEPT. 15th, 1954 ....U ■j?.*11”,11 „M. LUCKNOW united Church Minister: Rev, G. A«, Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th 10.00 a.m.: Church School. 11.00 ajn.: Rev. G. Howard Pace. 7.00 p.m*: Rev. G. Howard i Lucknow Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th 10.00 ajn.: Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.00 a.m.: Rev. R. A. Mac- connell. 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan- j non, Rev. Macconnell. I Evening" Service Withdrawn. | Sept. 26—Sunday School Rally! ’. at morning service; 2 SHATTERS FOOT IN FALLjVrSARH fKINJLOUGH NEWS) ., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haldenby,. and Sheila and Laura Breckles spent a . few days in'. Toronto where they attended the C.N.E. Mr, Tom Hodgins met with a pajnful accident during thresh­ ing operations at his farm, Con. 10. He was taking a board from the barn to let the blower in, when he flipped and fell 12 feet ’to the ground, fracturing his fPP^.He received medical atten- tion immediately ' and will be hospitalized for some time. . Miss Donna Nicholson, return­ ed hotfne from Millar ton where i she spent a few. days. Mrs. Roy Schneller visited with relatives at Kitchener dur­ ing the week.. ’. Mrs. J. W. Colwell spent . a fcw^days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Grove. . Mrs. Howard Thompson was hostess to the 1 Anglican W. A.j with, Mrs. Maurice Hodgins pre- i ^siding. J' - - — Local & General I Mrs. Roy Culbert has returned] from a week’s visit at Wiarton,, Mrs .Rod Campbell is recover-I ing after being ill with a virus bronchial condition. ■ ' ‘ | Mr. and Mrs* Robt, Fisher of Hamilton (jailed on their friends here over Labor Day week-end. 4 Rev. G: Howard Pace will con­ duct services in the United Church on Sunday, while Rev. ; G. A; Meiklejohn is the anniver­ sary preacher at Centre Bruce. Rerinie Graham of Toronto spent the week-end With his par­ ents, Mr and fcs. Angus Graham. He was accompanied by Ed Mac- Kenzie of Westdn. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barrett and daughter Sharlyn of London ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, “ Brushes, BearingsrEtc7 ~ — Reliable Service — Freezers, Dryers, Washers Gil son -Sales — Appliances . Repairs to Fans, Vacuums, . Clippers, Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough Phone Ripley 111-r 29; \ * J. Wilson. Levi Eckenswiller has purohasr ed a grocery business in Seaforth. Mrs. Jack Hewitt read been associated with his the scripture. The word for the hrother-in-law in the garage and roll call was “Trust”. Letters of implement business in Teeswaterl thanks, expressions of sympathy, and a gift acknowledgement were read. An entertaining; day was planned for later in the fall. Mrs. George Hakfenby, Mrs. Howard Thompson and Mrs. Rob­ ert Porter are conveners. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dales and little daughter Wendy of Hamil­ ton are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs./P. A. Murray, . Service in the Anglican church: will be withdrawn for the next two Sundays owing to the Har­ vest Thanksgiving service at Kin- ! Bailey’s Beauty Salon is closed for a month while Mr. "and Mrs. Gordon Bailey and Brent, and Gordon’s mother, are on a motor trip to the West. \ Postmaster Kenneth Cameron was in Windsor last week attend­ ing a four-day conference of th3 .Ontario Postmasters’ Association Mr. arid Mrs. George Alton and Douglas visited a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hagelboom and family of Napanee and were ac- BORN AUSTIN—-at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 3rd, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John Austin, R.^ 7, Lucknow,, a son Monster Street BINGO GAMES 'Entire event in Recreational Centre if weather is ’ unfavorable* garf next Sunday and at. Bervie companied hom^ by Mr. and Mrs. -th”e~^follbwing Sunday. Sunday School will be at 9.45 next Sun- On Oct. 3rd Harvest Thanks­ giving services will be held here, -Mr— and-Mrs. I-rwi-n-Fletcher-* of Paisley visited on Sunday - with Mr. and7 Mrs. Bert Nicholson.6 Mrs. Wesley Guest visited last week with -Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston at London. $otind Film Will Be Shown | »^On Wednesday evening, Sep­ tember :22nd at 8.30 p.m., a meet­ ing of .the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in the Pres­ byterian Church, when the Rev. J. F. Billingsley will show a Found film, ‘Bible on the Table’. -l4--is“-hoped-that--everyone in-thisr community will special "effort to be present as this i§ the 150th anniversary of the-Bible Society. The Bible goes ; where we cannot. . —Mrs; George. • Calw*ei’lnjf^Ki;nuar^ dine visited*on .Monday with Mrs. J. W: Colwell. Albert Alton who had visited for three weeks with their daughter. Mrs. Robert Webster of Clin­ ton, Mrs. Livingston and Mr. El­ mer WebsteFbf Varna, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary J. Web­ ster and Mrs. ston. Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa called YOUNG COUPLE WED SATURDAY •• CAMPSELL—KETCHABAW St. Peter’s Church of.England, Lucknow' was the setting, for a ■ quiet but lovely wedding at high I noon on Saturday, September 11, when Catherine Edna Ketch a-. , baw, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. •James. Ketchabaw of Ash field, be­ came the bride of Mr. William Ira Campbell, son of, Mr. and Mrs* Gier Campbell’of Ashfield. The ceremony was-performed by Rev. H. -l. . Jennings ip the •-pres­ ence of ’ mmediate relatives. The brde was 'charming in a dhal4er4nW6hgth-^ow^ tulle and .lace over satin. -She carried a ''hite Prayer book with satin streamers ancl orange, bloss. soms'. •- ■ The ma'i'oh of honor was the groom’s sis’er, .Miss Marie Cafnp- • be'll and '11*3''bridesmaid was Miss Joan Clark of the Wingham Hos­ pital staff Mis§’ Campbell chose satin , and Vtiss Clark chose/yel- low. Both gowns .were 1 ed* r ' The ffroopsman' was W. Rob- ■* pi-'t ■^tranuh u of -Goderich, ..... A\'eceptkr followed the cere, mw M IK'b^Yhomc.ynd the voung :oupfe then left oh othw worth*anoints. Fol tiav- eliijg-'the bri’e Changed to a blue nnd wliite ineh ensemble and S coat'>'.ue. and d Ws. Campbell- will reside PAGE THREE ’ ' > ......■' SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS ,v SEPOY 5< * M.00 STORE DR.Y GOODS* LADIES o^J. CHILDRENS WEAR CHINA -KITCHEN UTENSIL5-GREETING CARDS TOILETRIESTOYS 0%^ 108W LUCKNOW, ONT. IO8W Sanderson’s LADIES and MEN’S WEAR —TELEPHONE 85 SKIRTS Orlons, All Wool, Tweeds, Gabardine. Size 10 to 20. Women’s 38 to 46. Beautiful new fabrics. All colors. BLQUSES NYLON, COTTON, WOOL JERSEY, ALLURACEL. ' A ■_ •. These you can buy with confidence. Gordon Little of _ __ _____ On friends here last week and visited with Mrs. John Little who is 93 and makes her home With Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ward. Gordon is associated with the R.C.M.P. Jack Newton of Port Credit was a caller in town the end of the week. He was on . vacation and had iust.returned.from a trip, to Washington. It was Jack’s first visit to the home town in seven years. He is the son of-the. late Dr. G. A. Newto.n, former Luck- now dentist. " ~~~ ’ Paramount institute meeting will be held at Mrs. Walter Dex­ ter’s home on Tuesday, Septem­ ber 21st. Roll call, “How local . places came by their name’’; I topic, Historical Research by Mrs^’having any used clothing is io ' ... ■ ----;— 7- K. McNay;. current everitSj Mrs. { have it in by Sunday. A .letter! $-0, which will assist him in H. Ensign; program, Mrs. E. Mac-1 of thanks was received from Mrs,■! continuing his studies at the Uni- Lennan and Mrs. J. Henderson.* Jake Hunter. Mrs. Charlie And-. versify of Toronto. , ; •nvr». ivruc ■ erson read a story on Temper- Another scholarship winnerMr. and Mls Ken .Agnew of. ance Norman/Rivett gave was Delmar Maize, son of Mr. SdturdaveMrsCaAegnew was for-'a readin'S- The study bo«k was i and Mrs. BerQIaize of Dungaft. Satui day. Mrs. Ag v taken by Mrs. Robtx Helm. The .-non; who recedes a Dominion- nrerly Margaret Ir 1 of _ c - closing hymn was 449 afker, which ' Provincial bursary of $100. now, and is a graduate of Guelph 47• General Hospital. The . Irwin home, as the writer remembers it, is now owned by Mike Hogan on Rose St. Mrs. Margaret Dudley arrived home from a two. months’ vaca­ tion at the home of' her sister .aJ.ld~bno.then-jn---laWLandJ^/IacIniy-re— families at Culross, Manitoba. Mr. arid Mrs: Gordon Little of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, of Quebec/- visited .on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs/ Al­ bert Little.. . • ■ . ' . • Mrs. Gordon , Ritchie took over • for the W.A.’ meeting. Mrs. Jack Gardner read the scripture les-/ son. guilts were started and bazaar work planned. Mrs. Gor­ don Ritchie closed with prayer after which’ lunch was served by the hostess. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Gibson for her home. ■ ' ' ■: . I Zion W.M.S. i The SeptembeU*f#feeting of the ; Zion/ W.M.S. was held atf the I home of Mrs. Marshall Gibson! with 13. present and one visitor. | . The meetings -opened - wi th—hy m n - 445 after which the Lord’s pray­ er was repeated in unison. Mrs. Jack Gardner read the. scripture lesson. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie took the Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Temperance. Mrs. Will Hunter took the .devotional assisted by Mrs. Raynard. Mrs. Marshall Gib-1 _ . son is preparing the program for .Grade XIII students at Goderich the October meeting whic t will District Collegiate Institute.'This■ • •be al Mr:. ILL.t. Helm’s. Anyone f^te won him the-Robert McKay .Memorial Scholarship valued at honored ON FORTY-FIFTH ‘ ALEDDING -ANNIVERSARY . : ■■ ■ ■ ■ >. • On. Sunday evening, . Septern- Irwin, ’ Huron Township,: -Were, honored ~ at. surprise'.. party„Jt-Q..... celebrate the . occasion of their 45th’Wtfdd-ing • anniversary. Fam* ■ 11,y and’ relatives from London, ' . Sarnia, Coderichy St. Helens and Holyrood gathered ’at their home' for a buffet- luncheon. The table Las decorated in pink and white, centricTby a ..large anniversary cake. Floral deceptions wer6 made Arp of gladio.Ii; zinnias and dalhias.