HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-15, Page 2n SAGE two ■: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTAHIp . WEDNESDAY, ,gEPT. 15th, 1?H *»• • HYDRO Managers •>Planners for Better Living • ’ r- ’ .Ontario Hydro has 108 Rural Operating Areas. The manager, with headquarters in the Area Office is a specialist in rural elec trie,supply.Heisanauthority on. the most practical and the most economical use of power. But his prime: purpose is ; maintaining a dependable electric service to all his customers . . , providing a low-cost hired hand to speed work on the farm, and helpx make life in Ontario’s rural areas, comparable in convenience, comfort and „ efficiency to that in the largest cities. ONTARIO HYDRO ... AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS DO YOU KNOW? Since 1945 your Hydro has more than doubled, the number of its rural customers, from a. total of 156,560 to 371,749, as of June 1,1954 FLEWOVERSEAS FOR WEDDING - WEBSTER^-COWARD The marriage of :Mr. .Robert •2INSTITUTE TO RUN , BOOTHS AT FALL FAIR t ■ ‘ i Information concorning Ontario Hydro can bn obtalnod by writing to your Hydro Cliairman, . 620 University Avonuo, Toronto. * . insOn capably, acted as master ox ceremonies for a pleasant social, hour, during which many lovely gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hackett. Mr. Hackett fitting­ ly expressed their sincere- thanks j arid appreciation, to bring a most en j oy able - evening -to a close. ~ ZION COUPLE; HONORED ON WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A delightful?.buffet dinner to honor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hac­ kett df Zion on -<the; occasion of their thirty-fifth wedding anni- Vetsary, took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall bf Holyrood on Saturday even; irig,' September 11th. Guests included their immedi- < ^tefanuly;~cIdse~^lMiVes>or"the7?~^M:rsrMargaretTurner-uleft—on honored couple and Rev. and Saturday morning to spend the Mrs. Dickinson of Lucknow. : I winter months in Toronto. During the evening Rev. Dick--.' Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Watt of WHITECHURCH The September meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Town* Hall, with Mrs. Chas Wdbster and Mi§&' Stella Marjorie i/Jonke, president, in the chair; Coward was • solemnized in St, i< J oilowing (the opening exercises, Mary Magdalene Church at Bris- “Mrs. Havens read the minutes tol England, on. Saturday, Aug- l and treasurer’s report, It was de. ust 28th at High noon by the. Rev. cid.ed to have an inside arid out/ John Ragg.. s*de booth at the Lucknow Fall The groom is the son of Mr. I Fair and committees were, ap-" and Mrs. Gordon Webster of pointed to look after each booth. Centre Road? Port Credit and a I The Institute k has changed their nephew of Misses'Ada and Haz^l { place ; of meeting to the Recrea- Webster of town. .The bride-is x — i-— - • The’daWhteT^f-Mrr a A. Coward, “‘Goombe Dingle”, Bristol, England., The bridegroom.’s parents and six- other friends flew from Tor­ onto to attend the wedding. The bride, given in marriage by her father,, wore a dress of white' chantilly lace and full length veil. Her bouquet was of white roses and lily of the val­ ley.. The bridesmaids were Misses Margaret Stanley and Miss Joan Heywood and the matron of hon­ or was Mrs. Allan Dutton, the ibride’is sister; They were dressed in white <net over lime green. The" flower girl, Miss Anne-Qut- ton, a niece, was in-white over primrose and the pago, Master Barry Dutton, a nephew, wore the McKay tartan kilt. A reception was held to over two hundred guests at the Berk­ ley, Clifton.. The bride’s going- away suit was blue grey with cherry colored accessories. They are spending their honey­ moon- touring. England arid Scot- . Ian(3 with a brief visit to Paris; They will return -on the Maure­ tania to. take Up residence in Port Credit.... ' .■ tion Centre where, the October meeting will be held. A splendid'^’ time .was reported by the.‘mem­ bers wfitfc attended the Institute picnic which was held v in God- . erich in w August. The motto,. “Homemaking is not a hobby”, was taken by Mrs. Garnet Hen­ derson.. .Miss Margaret MacPher­ son had charge of the topic, “Health”, in which she stressed the importance of diet for good health. Mrs, McGill moved a yote ’ of thanks to Miss Macpherson. The current events by Miss Mary MacLeod were greatly enjoyed and a paper on the Federated News, prepared by Mrs. Philip’ Stewart, was read by Mrs. G. Henderson. Following the Queen and a contest, lunch was served by. the hostesses. lViiucnen visited with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. j Reg Sc-holtz of Auibum visited with Mr. and Mrs. E., Scholtz on Sunday, Mrs. Irene Paterson and Miss Alice Comisky of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs., Taylor and Charlie. , r < . Mr. Ken Paterson spent the week-end in Detroit. —Mrr-and-Mrs—SimanDe—Boer have purchased the farm from Mr. and, Mrs. Joe Anderson . on the St. Hele’ns. sideroad. WEDDINGS MacFHERSQN—ELLIOTT Chalmers Presbyterian Church, '•? AVhitechurch,--was_the„scene_of.a pretty wedding on Saturday, Sep­ tember 4 th, when Isabel Jane St. Peter’s Young People Meet On Tuesday evening, Septem­ ber 14th/ St. Peter’s Young Peo­ ples.-Club met at; the home of William Stimson with a good at­ tendance.; The devotional was in1 Charge 'of the Rev. H. L. Jen­ nings and a literary pr.ogramme was enjoyed A musical program iis planned for the next meeting which is to. be .theld at the home of Clifford iRoulstoh oh Tuesday, "September 28th at 8;00 p.m. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE I A -i* SCOOP!I on nationally advertisecl DUAL-CHAMBER BURNER- Extra big. Gets maximunf heat from every drop, of oil.’ No moving > parts to wear out. Quiet. Only Duo-Therm has it! ^gte| DUO-THERM WASTE STOPPER— Puts the heat in your home instead ^71 ff of letting it. fly. up tlie flue/Ifh- » < I proves comfort. Saves oil.. WAIST-HIGH DIAL CQNTROL- f ' Lets you dial the heat to suit the-weather. AUTOMATIC DRAFT-MINDER- Stabilizes draft to burner flame. No extra • cost. • ; ■ ’ ■..........,...................................................................... 'W :~Korbri<!r^^ Duo-THERMHiome Heater forcuEAN— valucu Come in today andSAVEl. •s i / 1 'd '■'A Qhtpewd/DUO-THERM S/mpwRV 4l,500 BTU capacity. Beautiful mod- . erri | style,; si'tiii';* brown finish ■ . BTU ihddkl Mightly higher. / Webster and MacKinnon PHONE 50, LUCKNOW ; Alcoholism is the fourth most deadly disease in the world, ac-. ,, , ■ - , ,r { cording to the World Health Or- •Elliott, daughter jjL Mr. ^and Mrs, ganization^ It is the most import- Gordon Elliott of Wmj^arn, was ( ad£ problem confronting western United in marriage wrth Wiling Canada have Walter MacPherson, son of Mr | 50Q additts of cocaine, heroin and and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson of’ St. Helens. Rev. R, D. A. Currie | of Whitechprch, performed the marriage ceremony. During the ceremony Mr. John McGee sang “O Promise Me” and “I Love You Truly”. Given in marriage by her fath­ er, the bride wore a floor length gown Qf net over satin, with a' ■lace bolero and a fingertip veil. She carried.,, a bouquet1 of red roses. ' \ 'J.:’ “^MissT^Marjorie—EliiotV-ojHLom- don, was maid of honor, wearing a blue gown of net over taffeta in ankle-length,;. with matching headdress. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Linda Elliott,, niece of the bride,, was flower girl. She wore a blue net over taffeta gown with matching head­ dress and carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Keith Kilpatrick o/ Lucknow was groomsman, and ushers were Keith Black of Centralia and Walter Elliott, brother of the bride, of Whitechurch. A reception . was held in the church school ■■ rooms ’ following- i similar drugs, but we have"more ♦than 100,600 alcoholics. The W. Hr O. defines0 drug addiction as - a state of chronic intoxication > detrimental to the individual and to society. Dr. Andrqd C. Ivy, vice president of the University Of .Illinois, addressing the school of narcotics in session in Saska­ toon recentlly, deplored the fact that the W.H.O. had not the cour- i age to include ■ alcohol amongst | such devastating drugs' as heroin and cocaine, because it would” cause international stir. Yet the i startling amount of damage to society done by aicoholisnviii On­ tario is seen when certain occu­ pational statistics ate presented. ’ 'A study of the occupational stat­ us of 2Q0 alcoholics was made by the Alcoholism Research Fbunda^ tion of Ontario. Professional and executive folk/16.’5 percent,- white collar,- 32.5 percent, skilled, 23.5 percent, unskilled, 20.0 percent •urikhown, 7.5i percent. Thus 72 percent of those' whom liquor, masters, might ' be called ■ the brains of the country. As alcohol- country economically. * Indeed, John "W.;Foote/ our Provincial Reforms Institutions Minister, de­ clared, in a provincial-affair^ - -broadcast—in— A.pril-- last, that keeping alcoholics in reform ,1m StitUtions will’ cost Ontario more than $3,600,000 this year.—Advt. church school ■ rooms' following . they are a.dead- loss to. the; the marriage ceremony, at ■ which coun4ryy ■ economically. ‘ Indeed, guests were present from Lon- lhe /re mu-h. more than that aon, Detroit,. , Wingham, Luck- • AlfV Provincial now, Centralia and Bluevale/ Following a wedding trip to Southern Ontario, and the United States,, the couple will reside on the groom’s farm inr West Wawa^ nosh. • ■. •“ . FOURTH concession : Miss Betty Hamiltorl commenc- ed teaching near Queensville and Miss Joan Hamilton near Arthur . d^&t-Tti'esduyt?—---—---.—.-.........\.... 9> fives in Drayton and Fergus.;- ' Nineteen Public and School students crowd into, .tn bus' when.' it stops ’.at. the Grey Ox corner each morning. 'V Mr. Lloyd Fraser of Exeter visited lest week. with Mt. and Mrs.-^Harold -Austin-^a nd—family.-^ Mr.-arid Mrs. Alex Collins of Ypsilanti, Mich., spent the week­ end With the' latter’s sister, Mrs.. D. L. MacKinnon. ■ Mr. Bob Gilchrist ' spent Mon­ day at London Fair,., . ’ , ‘; Mr/ and Mrs/ Irai * Dickie and boys visited over the. week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mirs. John A. Dipkie of Hope Bay..... ■ ; •..-.k • '.., ,; , Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham & Anne visited. Sunday With rela-1 WHITfeCHURCH . Milan. Moore was a patieM m Wingham Hospital last week Mr/and Mrs.' Bruce Vogah Toronto visited. with • Mr. & m , Ab Coultes. ':’:e 'Mr. and Mis, Arth,ur Moore visited a couple Of days latter’s brothers, Mr. f and • Ezra Welwood and Mr. M Elgin WcWbbd; df ...Mi^i^eTwiff/R.N-.of,F_ Listdwel r Hbiplial/ < week-end 'at her home' here. V ' ' V