HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-15, Page 1|2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To u,S.A.
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It was fifty .years ago
TO make their home
7---. -- . .-ttiace' 4-n■■ • LucknoW - Fre,sbyterian
of appreciation ' Was received
from the Navy League headgiiant^
has since resided/ Mr. Stan-1
was M on 'August 2nd. .. . '
of the scheduled to meet again Wed-
When consideration was given
j, the
were Opened apd
“to the end of June” appeared
\ : , ..... -a... ... .....................j bership were accepted. A' let ter j
I '
I an oil burning unit-for his steam
heating plant. • : ' .
late J. R. McNAB home
; engagements <
Mr and Mrs. Hqble. Johnston,
Afderma 1 to Mr. Arthur. Earnest
Lc.Grrind, son of-Mi*. anFMrs..
-.irX? ‘ “ _ - — -
Students Scatter As Term
Starts, One To England
The exocjus is on from this
community ’as High School gradr
--^ates^seekHff^rthTer'’ theii’-'edu?
Cation^ and University students
; “dig in” for another term.
Today (Wednesday).; George
. Chin is scheduled . to • sail' for
England. He has received his de
gree in geology at Ann Arbor,
Mich., where he was outstanding
on the College hockey, team. Geo.
has. spent 'the summer at Col
orado in connection, with his
. geologist course, and .in England-
will do post graduate work at,
Nottingham while playing hockey
'.'overseas this winter,
Morley, and . Gladys Chin left,
on Sunday for Ann Arbor where
they will follow their brother
George. Morley has a hockey
scholarship, and. may take en-
gineeringFOladys will commence
a four-year course in psychology.
. At the University of Toronto
Wilfred Black /commences his.
fourth year in dentistry and Rus
sell Barr his- second year in en
gineering. .'.'••??
Dungannon Youth In Far North
Donald. M.ac,Nay is in his sec.-,
•ond year ’' iir~ engineering at i
Queens .University, Kingston. Ke.n i
Brown of Dungannon is a senior
student in electrical engineering
at Qu.eens, He has taken a sum-
tions at Clinton Radar School for.
two years and this summer serv
ed ' on an RfC.A.F. mission, that
' t took—him -to Goose -Bay, ~and ^ to-
Canada’s most northerly outpost
(at Alert, where he spent the
??mdnth . Qf August. ,
Jack McKim returns to West-
ern University for his third year
in medicine and Noreen Kilpat
rick starts , her third year there
in, psychology: Bill Baulch will
' . enter Western for his first year
in, an honor course in history
arid Barry Attridge is starting his
first. year at . Western taking
honor mathematics and physics.
Murray McDonagh has com
menced his second year in elect
ronics at Ryerson institute of
Technology in Toronto. .
Mary Anderson, who received
• her BA. at 'VVesterri University
Toronto to. take^a primary spec
ialists course. Her brother, Geo.
Anderson, will attend Waterloo
College in Waterloo where he
1 will complete, his Grade XIII
subjects and work bri his first
. .year course at Western. V
Carolyn Gibson . is. attending
Teachers College in Stratford.
Students who are, choosing* nurs
ing as a career, include Audrey
Ross at St., Joseph’s, London;
Mrs* Florence Fry at Stratford
General; Helen Weiler at St*
Michael’s, Toronto.
Second year studeiit nurses"in
clude, Edna Reid; and- Mary Jo
Anderson at Toronto Western and
Mary MacIntyre 4at St. ‘ J oseph’s,
London/ / , ,
/Murray Gaunt? will enter the
O.A.C* at Guelph for the first
_term of a twd-year di plom a
‘course, »
•Flora MdQtlillin is. teaching
v. near Teeswater .
Doug Haldenby is .taking
. mechanics at MacDonald’s Gar-
' '■
There ar%e others whom we
' could not contact for information
and 'k----
‘ Good neighbprliness was evi
denced. last week in the Crewe,
district, when a threshing bee
was held at the farm of Benson
Shackleton. Cecil Bla.ke provided'
the threshing, machine and a will
ing band of workers Speeded up
the' job,.
'Mr. Shackleton-suffered a- ba'd-
tcred'* leg at a threshing at.
trie/ Hasty -farm across the road,
and will be hospitalized for some
time. I-Ie is resting easier now,
but has suffered greatly.. since
the mishap. - ' ■ ■
Mr. . Shackleton wgs injured
when a platform collapsed', on
which he was’ standing, feeding
grain into the machine. His- foot
went through . the collapsing
framework, which added to ’
severity of the break.
i, 4 ' ■ . ’ ' ‘ ’ i *
After a considerable delay,
The Sentinel mailing list was
corrected’ last Friday,, and
subscription payments 'made
__during the summer, have
beep" advanced accordingly’ ‘
Check the date, on your
, address label, and in case pf
.an error please advise us at -
.. once.. ■
And, if your label hasn’t
that “up - to - date look”,'-
■ prompt payment will be 'ap
preciated. •
The Lucknow Public School
Board is currently • holding a
■ Series of extraofdinary meetings
to deal with a contentious prob*
xl^m that has arisen over the date
that regulates the admission of
beginners. " '' ' - •'
Beginners must be six by De
cember. 31st, of the year iri which
they, start school; is the ruling
that School Boards have observed
for several years. A border line
case this'term resulted in a con
troversy, • that saw the ; matter.—-—-r- • ■ • '; <
i. Steve Stothers,' Jr., son of Mr. * taken beyond the .Board,
l and Mrs. S. B. .Stothers of town,..
has ■ completed, a 3-year c—~~
at Michigan,State College where
he has obtained his Ph.D. degree,'
jmd 2L.jp-^hg' the College staff-
Mr.. and Mrs. Stothers spent '•the
week-end at his parental home.
Steve..took his B.S/A. degree at
Guelph Agricultural College, and,
"then Weni to . Michigan for his
J George Irwin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Spence Irwin of. LUcknow,
who has been serying. with,the
•Canadian Army in Korea for the
past year, expects to return home
before long, although nothing def
inite has been announced as to.
when they will sail. ...
George was in Japan recently
where he took a six weeks’ anti
tank' course.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek MacKend-
rick and her sister, Miss' Made-
; lyne Mac-Morran, have returned
to Lucknow to make their home,
and have taken up residency in
the MaeMorran home, which has
| been vacant since Mrs. MacMor^
j ran’s death.
Mr. and Mrs.. MacKendrick
have resided in. Windsor fcr a
numbe’r of- years,, where. Jack has
been employed* by the Ford Motor
Company. Mrs; MacKendrick has
not - been pnjoying good health
and for that .reason they have
forsaken., the city and returned
to , the old home JoWn. . . ’
—--( . I
In a ■ supreme court actiori at
Goderich last week, damages
totalling $8,808.15 were award:, d
■to E. V. Baker' of Lilekndw and
members' of . the Baker family.
The judgement was handed down
by Mr. Justice Ferguson.
■ The action, stemmed from . a
motor accident almost a year pre- “
yiousr—on September" 19th—rthr.ee *
miles easf of Lucknow, when the
Baker car, and a car driven by
Tom 'Morrison, Whitechurch gar--
?:geman, were in collision as. Mr..
Morrison attempted' .to pass a
truck driven by Alvin Ritchie.
Morrison was later- convicted of
two highway traffic infractions
as a result of the accident.
* Mr. Baker suffered head in
juries so severe that his life was
ri maired of and his recovery,
while yet not complete^ has been
amazing, Ivlrs.< Baker and their
son Bruce Were hospitalized for
?bout a week. Brufe still carries
■the sear of a facial gash from .
mouth , to ear. Alvin suffered
shock and bruises while little’.
Eileen Baker escaped iriijury.-
• Mr-.-Justice- Ferguson made the
awards as follows: Edward Baker-,
•damages $6058.15; car- $150^/-Mr-s7 /
Edward • Baker, ‘damages $200;
Bruce Baker,' damages $1000; Al
vin Baker, damages $50.- The
award to Bruce and Alvin are'
paid into court and held in trust
until they are 21 years of age.
The sums are payable from the
government unsatisfied .judgment
fund, with a $5000 maximum in J
the case ,bO'ZLr. Baker’s awa?d for
Miss Carolyn Gibson was enter
tained by a few of Her friends
last Saturday night at a surprise 1— — 1 -1 ~ 2 11_ _ T_, _ I - _ w _ fi —k /r • ,
'Gladys Kilpatrick. Carolyn was
presented, with, a cup and isaucer,
The hostess served a very lovely
Carolyn has “graduated from’
Lucknow District High School
and is attending Teachers’ Col
lege at Stratford.
E. F. Wheeler; field secretary
for the Canadian National Insti
tute for th’e Blind, and himself
sightless, ihas. called in Lucknow
in common with other centres in-
Middlesex, Perth and Huron, dis-1
tributing: literature and visiting
campaign chairmen in connection
With the forthcoming, CNIiB an
nual appeal for funds.
course j to '• extending the . deadline,
where “flood.,gates” were .Opened
to be the - only_mewl-d.eadline--that-at home Qf.....iMis_s_
; Lrirge - congregations were;'in' af
ter) :ance on Sunday at Blake
'United Church',. Ashfield,- to mark
.the 62nd anniversary ;
kuiiding of - the present church.
A, mass of flowers-.adorhed the
church,, and had been arranged
unuef direction of ' Mrs., W. E.
Guest speaker was Rev. A. W.
Watson of Bly th; In the. morning
' the High School quartette of
George Anderson, John Heim,
?Kemretl'nMacNay7andHDale-Hal —
derby assisted with the music
and at the evening service Miss
Holland of .Clinton was gudst
soloist. An electric organ was
temporarily installed for the ^oc
casion arid duet numbers "were-
rendered by Howard Blake at
the console and Louise. Andre, w
at the piano.
It was fifty years ago last
Thursday—on September 9; 1904,.
that Garner .Stanley, lost his arrn
in a . threshing' accident. He Suf
fered Other injuries, and shock,
and 1 b recovery was regarded as
a n< ■■. r miracle, . /* t
.•He was farming in the. Kin-
lough district. at r that 'time. Tn.
a’mile west"Of Lucknow, where
and 'sorne who may have 'been i LucKhow, air jounce the, engage-
^/£llopked..>_Let,ms.^know..„aboiitl ' 4 4
tnehi. : /■ , ,?■
Quebec. The marriage to take
...place' in ‘ Lue^riow, Presbyterian
An auction sale of real estate j church oh Saturday’, October 2nd
Jrid seme hdusahold effects bf the; o’clock. ■
late j. R- McNab, was Held bn I
/Saturday afterribori at the resi-
denco on. Willoughby St* r,
( . The home was purchased by
the Bain Brothprs^William’ and
Hossack—of Concession Six, Kin.-
loss. We understand they have
? sold their faW" to P? A* MpfW
Mr arid Mrs. Nelson Raynard
announce the engagement of their
-daughten- Dorothy Clara, to .Don
ald Reid MilTO son .of Mr. and
Mrs, R, J. Murray of Wawanoslp
The wedding to take place at
Zion United- ^
on Wednesday, October 6th.
could be established. This' would
step up the attendance to a point
beyond What the present heavily
taxed teaching' staff could cope
with, in; fairness to their stud
ents. ... y ■ -, •.
Observance of the established
i deadline of December 31st, and
’ the setting up of an approved
kindergarten- class, as a part Of
the public school curriculum, ap
pears to be the ..solution that is
generally favored. < >
The Board, we understand, is !< - ' ' ■' - — - ' ? --,- - ' ~ ~ ■ ; ~ ■
nesday night to^discuss this plan.
Mrs-. Ross «MacLennan (Shirley
Johnston) and Mary Chin, werfe
two of a class of eighty nurses
who received their pins , and -di-_
plomas at graduation exercises j
of Toronto Western .Hospital, held
on Tuesday night of last week..
' Both young ladies' have com
pleted their, three-year training
‘course. ■'•■/ ’ ' ;.
„ Present’ at the graduation from
here were Shirley’s mother, Mrs.
Winnifred Johnston; her grand
mother, Mrs. James Webster and
her. brothers, Gary and Douglas.
Mr and Mrs. Jaihes Webster of
Goderich and formerly of this
community, observed their 50th
wedding anniversary on Tuesday.
Mr.. Webster is popularly known
as “Irish - Jim”. .Mrs. Webster was
formerly Agnes George Miller.
They have one son, Harold, in
the Auburn district.
; ’ ' . , . ? . * J.’"., - . ,
Life Memberships Presented To
7 Nursing Sisters Of First War
Two. neighboring farmers in
A sb field Township are shortly to
hold huge cattle sales that are
creating widespread interest,
R. T. “Dick” Kilpatrick ;/is hold- .
irig a dispersal sale of registered „■■
Shorthorn cattle. He is selling off
the herd; including the sire >
“Miser’s Gain”, and will devote
his attention to grade and feeder
cattle in the future. The date of
this sale is Baturday of this week,
September 18th.
ber 27th, Cecil Johnston, will hold
a clearing sale of registered
Angus Cattle numbering over
100., * Mr. Johnston has sold his
Ashfield farms, and there will
be no reserve. Because of the
size- of this stock sale,. the John-
stpn implements will be sold dt
a later date.
Mr. E. V, Baker, proprietor; of
Baker’s Private Hospital; is con-
{ tmually carrying Out a policy of'
improving ’ and modernizing: this
Old folks home. The latest addi
tion? to the facilities is in the
basement laundry room'where a.
commercial' clothes drier pF'75tJ
- -pou n dsLeapaei-tw4i:a-srtbeen-“in sta-ll^
ed. .• v
'During the summer he’.installed
Luckn’ow Clansmen Club is he-
‘ “Viviiig~tlTe7“Street'Carnival which”
vyds formerly promoted -annually
’■ with considerable success. ’ ?, ...., .. ...,; ,....
; this~iWs; regard mg the - successful bam?
popular event is next Thursday1 paign. A donation’was gratefully
evening, September 23rd ’ On Main j received from the' Bran ch' for as-
Weet,’ and will feature 'birigo for’sistance on Scotch Band Day. Let-
hanis, bhfekens; blankets, .etc.; ayters wbre’read from shut-ins.
variety , of games of skill and It was with regret that the
chance, arid street dahciiig/Luck^ restgnation Was -received of the I
now District High School Band treasurer, Mrs. Arabelle Bushell,
Will be in attendance Jot its first’who is leaving for Mount Forest
appearance Of the Fall terih. ' I Where she will be employed by
, * In event of unfavorable woath- ’ the Bell telephone Cm
er, the. entire event will be held , With the Provincial Convention
in the P.bcreatiohal Centre. . 4 held next week iri Toronto,. the'[
•The regular meeting of the
Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian
Legion was • held in the Legion
Rooms oh i Tuesday, September 7,
With 21 membfers present. Mrs*.
Armstrong presented the colors
with Mrs. 'Hall at the piano....
Plans were made to entertain-
and the date set was Tue-sday;
October 12th. '
It was decided to hold' the i
Shoot parties every Friday-night
throughout the' Fall and Winter,-
the,' first. one. to be-..on Friday,
October, 1st with everyone Avel-
Come., ‘ ' v-’WAa •luctv'q'ucug anu lVJlJSS. -CUgnvsSeveral applications' for mem-[MacQuaig tin absehfia.L.^^
A • i j membership badges- and certifi
cates. Both , are charter meipbers.
Nursing Sisters in World War I,
Miss Agnes jhaving enlisted the
day after war was declared and.
many tithes 'she Was mentioned
in despatches?’by the Hom. Win- '
ston Churchill who at that time i was Minister of "Defence for Gt.‘
Br’itaim Miss- Cora , accepted on
behalf of herself' arid her sister
arid replied laying she felt very?
htim'ble and very honored..
The meeting-closed and a love
ly fuhch was ,ehjdyed. ”
official delegate, Mrs. Joe Was- .
ney, ;was given instruction re
garding resolutions, -etc. Also' to
attend from . th.d • Auxiliary are
Mrs. John England, Mrs., R. Black .
• and Mrs. Philip MacMillan. :
-- - The mystery box was won by '
Mrs. Wasney. The Sewing-CoixL-^—
rpittee has a beautiful aoplique.d
quilt—-“l}he Magnolia and a But
terfly'”’ on ,which tickets are being ■
isold and crip be* obtained from
any of the members.
' The highlight ■ of . the evening
came when Mrs... Thelma MaeDori-
■aid made the. presentation to Miss
Cora MacQuaig and Miss Agnes *•