HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-08, Page 6. WHITECHURCH ley,; ss. I I of Tired,WeakMen! IVilCIl., spcllvlllc WeUK-CllU .WlUli —J — rr—-—; ■the Tiffin families and Mr. and Miller their. 25th on Sept. 2nd. tana, nerves. You soon feel years INSULATED SIDING X. I1 / suit .INSULATED I V 4» cf at 6 6 6 5 h 8 8 7' 15 ordering the Missionary . Monthly 'books. The program cori- Lucknow U.v..0i0 102 lOx—5 Hensail .....,.,.’...000 (103 810—4 LUCKNOW LOSES CLOSE ONE TO HENSALL 4-3■ Available in: BRICK patterns STONE PATTERNS SHAKEPATTERNS - in. a wide Variety of Colors. • “Boy, oh boy! That Was some blonde . you had with you last night. Where did you get her?” / “Dunrid I just opened my bill­ fold and- there she was”. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8th, 4954 Get new strength, pep and energy the quick easy way that amazed thousands! Try Ostre* Tonic Tablets today. For weak, rundown, tired- out feeling due to lack of iron at 40,50, oroO; conditions you may ckll “getting old*. They* stimulate, invigorate, revitalize and energize blhod,' organs, nerves. You soon feel years younger. Both sexes get new pep. New * get- acquainted'* size only 60f. At ail druggists. rinks won prizes in the following winners: Pete Bis- SIDING WilL-improve““the-^ppeatarice- of ■ ybur house,, increase its value and save a tremendous heat loss. . ', ■ft PAGE EIGHT LANGSIDE iferfc THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Mn Gbpj., Rqss of Owen Sound spent, the week-end with his par­ ent, Mr. and Mrs.-Robt. Ross. The Presbyterian Church was full, op Sunday to hear Rev. R.. D. A. Currie’s farewell sermon. Jane Blanche and Paul Elroy, twins of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laid­ law were baptized. .. The members of the Preppy - terian Church held a social ev­ ening in the church ‘last Wed­ nesday night when they presented Rev. and Mrs. Currie;with a lariy boy chair. ReV. and Mrs. Currie, ^l^^FWdT^^Wt^lW^^his week for their; new home? at Waterdowri. L. H, Moore and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Henderson of Lucknow visited with Mt. and Mrs. Wm,. Shaw of New Toronto and Mrs. Jas, Moffat ‘who is ‘convalescing there after being hospitalized in Oakville Hospital following a |Mr. :.and Mrs. * Jack Gillespie Airman Honored A presentation was Held Fri­ day' night in the Community Hall for Jackie Huffman, who was on a month’s furlough and returned to Rivers, Manitoba Saturday; At lunch tune an address wUs read s by Clarence Crowston and Har­ vey Miller made the presentation of a sum of money. Jackie made ! a neat reply. A good <timp was had by all, Tiffin’s orchestra sup- «plied music.■ ■ , * Mission. Band wilt be held- at -the home of - Mr. and _M_rs* Geq. Tiffin on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. A prib quilt is, to be quilted. Mr. sind Mrs. Russel .Reid of Brantford v4sited with Mr;: and Mrs. Npil McDonald recently, ; .Mr. .and Mrs.’, Willis Lapp and family’ of Wingham visited with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Orr andpher brothers on Sunday; Miss Lois Crowstoh is/spend-1 tall. ing her •’holidays at,/her home/) r.Miss Myrtle Crowston, who has'j 311^,,^3111}^ ,°£ Sarnia spent the spentT the sumfner vacation with 1 week-end with their parents, Mr. her aunt. Mrs? Wm: Kennedy. s an^_ J? .J’ayner* , T Mr. Herb Laidlaw and Ivan motored to Powassan early Sat­ urday , morning. Miss Myrna Stockhill returned home with them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J; Purdori of Powassan are visit? ng- Mr. and Mrs. H., Laidlaw |Mr. and Mrs, Cam Simmons and Nancy of London spent the weekend with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. •Clayton Sholtz of London spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Sholtz. . Mr. rind Mrs. Archie Watt, Lin­ da and Lorraine of Toronto spent •the week-end with his father, Rev. and Mrs. W.. J. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hayes and sonDeweyandMr—Brady,all of Detroit, spent the Week-end with, friends here and at Lang? side,'; -// •••' .. ■■/, and tMrs Russel' Chapman and family and . Mrs. Chapman, Sr., sperit the week-end in Tor­ onto and-Aurora, Kenny (Morrison, Ann Weber, DoUg; Tiffin, Margaret Moore and .Muriel Conn started off to school this year with Mr. Keri Mac Alli- ster of Dungannon teaching again this year. / ‘b Jack Coultes; Jack Henderson and Kathaleen Fisher , started to High Schpol in Wingharii. " her aunt, Mrs. (Wm; Kennedy,, Wingham, has' returned home. Next Sunday, Sunday School "vyill be held at 2.00 p,m. and ..... church at 300 jp.m* with Rev. Baulch in the pulpit acting as interim-moderator, declaring the pulpit vacant, Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Evans spent? Sunday in London. Mrs. Bob Brown and Gary returned with them after spending. a few days with her parents. Betty Lou Mac-. Lagan returned to London with . them after spending the summer holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sellRitchie. Teddy returned home after a < holiday in London. \ —-Linda andJanette-Johnstonre- turned home to Belgrave after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin. (Mr. arid Mrs., Wm. Brown of Lucknow visited Sunday with Mr. and~Mrs.~ Chasr Tiffm. ‘ • j Misses Margaret and Florence ■Moir of Toronto 'Were visitors’ . with .their. sister, Mrs. Jim Rich­ ardson; -kj 1 Miss Helen Scott has entered Stratford. General Hospital as a student' nurse. We wish Helen every success in her Choice this noble profession: * Bud and Marlow Crowston Kincardine spent the holiday •home.. _ A large crowd attended.. the • fareWeU service of~Rey.- -R; D; Ac Currie on Sunday afternoon.. The subject of his sermop was “The Big: Question”. f ' Mr. and Mrs. Don Hayes and Dewey and Mr. Brady of Lavonia, Mich., spent wTSAk-Pnri wittr remained to Win the gaWi^ •• - Lucknow fielded1, practically an eriti^^iy bew infield to game with several regulars ab- Mousseau was pitching fur ,;th© winners. He struck out 4, walked 2 and gave up 8 hits. ChishQlhl .pitched for Lucknow striking out 4, walking none and giving up 8 hits.. ri «Hensall: K, Denomy, ss; P, Pe- nomy, rf; Bestard, If; Cameron, 3rd; P. Masse, cf;,Desjardine, 2nd; M. Masse, c; Gilfillin, 1st; Mpus- sedu, p.Lucknow: Haldenbyr lf> Mac­ Millan, 3rd; Thompson, 1st; West, lake, -c;- MacIntyre,"TfT"Attridge, cf; Greer, 2nd; Chisholm, p; Hedr e 1. 4 HAD BIG BOWLING TOURNBY.MOHDAY Fine weather, thirty-four. rinks and an (outstanding array of prizes made the Lucknow Bowl­ ing Club’s Merchants and Manu­ facturers Labor Day doubles the most , successful event to date. This Turney is creating wide­ spread interest and bowlers were present from Southampton' . to Galt. - . were entered with several of them finishing in the money. Garf. MacDonald and Clarence Bell, who was visiting here froiri Cleveland, were in fourth place of the four rinks which chalked up three wins. * ■ ' ' • , . , Octogenarian Alex Crawford of Wingham bowled with Harry 'Brown. Tliey had two wins and a plus of 22. Twenty-five and finished order:* Three game sett, Goderich; Bill Moore, God­ erich; Joe Kroetsch, Hanpyer; Garfibid MacDonald, Lucknow & Clarence Elell, Cleveland. Two game winners: Donald Cameron, Walkerton;' H. Scrim- geour, Goderich;. Harry Brown, Wingham; G. Hildebrand, Sea­ forth; Bert TitmUS,. Hanover; Harvey Webster ; and Leonard MacDonald, LucknoW; R. Muir, Seaforth; Wes Huston, Kitchener and Bob Fisher, Hamilton; Gbr- dori MacPhersori and Rpbt. Rae, Lucknow; Harold Thomas, Brus­ sels;M. Sanderson arid Cec At­ tridge, Luckriow; Clark Finlay- son and Jim MacNaughton, Luckr noW;~Hugh~Cuming-and- George: Huston,. Lucknow. ’One-game winriers: D. McVit- tie, Southampton; Fred Jackson and P. M. Johnston. LucknoW; W. Todd, Brussels; Dr. Hall, Goder­ ich; Isaac Miller and Alex Mc- Nay; Luckriow; David Lahn, Han­ over; Gordon Fisher arid Rev. G: S. Baulch, Luckriow; Steve Price, Goderich. -- ' Mrs.RussellRitchie, Sunday vis­ itors were Mr. and’Mrs. Lloyd Saunders and family of St. Hel­ ens at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans ob- served their 32nd wedding anni- SEPTEMBER IS THE MONTH*, <7 To Put ON YOUR HOUSE There is an Insulated Siding to your requirements. .Come; in and see the samples and get an estimate with no obligations.; ■ ■ ■• 1: * ' . ’ ’’ - • .. JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED . ..L,u.c!<tnoTV. . '.Phone, 1.50 . Ontario1 r/h Hensall .000 100 I2x—4 8 Lucknow ........012 OQO 000—3 8 •'___;♦ _: . ■.- LUCKNOW ELIMINATED BY HENSALL ON TUESDAY 4^2* Lucknow Legionnaires .are through for the 1954 ball season. Thhy were defeated 16-12 by Hen­ sail on Tuesday and Hensail took the best-of-seven series 4 games to 2, The game was played in the Caledonian Park. • Hensail started off hitting the ball, arid Lucknow dropping it, and aided by Chisholm’s lack of control, Herisall had an 8-0 lead by the top half of the 2nd. Luck- how added 2 in the 2nd only to hand 2 right back to Hensall in the 4 3rd inning. Then came the local outburst of nine runs in the 3rd inning making the.score after 3 completed innings fl-10 •School has. opened again-' with, foriM Ritchie as our. teach­ er. . ■ Miss J Caroline Gibsori spent a-, few days visiting in the commun­ ity;. ■ The missionary meeting will be ’ today (Thursday) at ^Mrs, Mar­ shallGibson’s. Mr. and iMrs, Will Ritqhie and’" Mr. and tMrs. Eldiori Ritchie'vis­ ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall. * / .Mr. Harold Gardner spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Will Gardner and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rayhard and boys visited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Blackstone, God­ erich* ■ , •'<. • There «will be no church on Sunday as it is anniversary at Blakes. The August meeting of Zion W.,M;S. was .held at the church with a good attendance of ladies and children. The meeting open- 'ed with hymn 480’ followed by repeating the Lprd’s prayer in unison. The scripture was read by , Carol Gardner ahd the Christian , stewardship was taken by Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. DUring the busi­ ness period Mrs. Wes Ritchie re­ potted on the garden party money and she was to contact those who had not paid arid see if she could get the remainder of the money. Mrs: Ritchie and Mrs. Kirkland were appointed to get a speaker for ri W.M.S, . speaker at the church. It was decided to try,,.and' have the .September meeting a temperance one nke last year. fpr Lucknbw. Hensall tied it up' Mrs. W. G' Hunter was appoint­ in the 6th and went ahead four |ed tb repl&ce Mrs. W. O. Hunter ' runs in the 7th to take the lead in ordering the Missionary . which they held. I Monthly books, Thb program ebri- ' Lucknow batted Belfrioff the sisted of recitations by Anne Rit-" Hensall . mound in. the 3rd inning I chie, Wanda Hunter and Kenriy Kirkland; reading by Joan Bar­ ger, Ron Gardner, Carol Helm; solo by Ken Gardner; duet by Herb rind Marybelle HUnter; or- -gan^eieet-ions^yMl^FlpneriHunT— t"re,4 Sybil Barger, Carol Gard- . per, A children’s story was read ; by Mr$< Allan Ritchie. The first i two verses of hymn 612 Were 'sung varid Mrs, Ritchie closed ‘ with prayer. Following the W.A. meeting ice cream was served to . ■everyone? - .< .. ■__■ ♦ ___ . INTERMEDIATES WIN 5-4, TIE HENSALL SERIES. ■ ♦ ‘- r • • •_. •’ ,* . 11 ■ Lucknbw Legionnaires defeated the Hensall team in . the Caledon­ ian Park last Wednesday 5-4, to tie- the best-of-seven series at 2 games each. , <. Grant Chisholm was on the mound for Lucknow, striking out 11, walking 4 and giving up six hits. Bell was pitching for Hen-: He-^rtwk—out-T^walked—3- and gave up 6 hits to the local batsmen.' ■ ■ ri/ 1 Hughie Mc^Millan made his debut in the Intermediate ranks on Wednesday by playing -2nd base, Hfigh cracked out one of Lucknow’s’6 hits. . . The decisions of umpires Dale and Thorhdyke were disputed , on several Occasions by both the Herisall and Lucknow teams. This game w^s a real, “crowd pleaser’’ With the final outcome doubtful until the last-pitch. Lucknow: Haldeniby, If; Baker, 3rd; Thompson^ Jst; Westlake, c; MacDonald, ss; Attridge, cf; Mac­ Intyre, rf; Hedley, rf; Chisholm, p; .MacMillan, 2nd.,. ■ ' Hensall: K. Denomy, ss; Des- jardine, 2nd; Bestard, If; Cam.er- on^ 3rd; P. Masse, cf; Knight, rf; /M. Massey c;. Gilfillin, 1st; Bell, p > T“h~e~ ih<nA“two-Tum“^ and Mousseau finished the game. Grant Chisholm started for Luck­ now but was relieved in the 2nd when he had trouble with his contrbl~“and was replaced , by Kent * Hedley who finished the, game and deserved a better fate., For .Hensail in 2% Innings Bell; struck out 2, walked 2, and/fave ( iip 4 hits’. Mousseau iri the re-J mainder struck out 3, walked_• 4 and* gave up 4 hits. In 1 ¥2 innings Chisholm struck1 out 1, walked 5,1 and, gave up 1 hit. Hedley in (the j remainder struck out 9, walked | 6 and was clipped for 7 hits. The local team shone in the error department making ,15 bob­ bles in the 21/2 hour; struggle. Hensall committed 7., . •. ; t Hensail: K. Denomy, ss; P.. De­ nomy, rf; Bestard, If; Cameron, 3rd; P. Masse, cf; Desjardine, 2nd; M. Masse, c; Gilfillin, 1st; Mous- seau, p; Bell, p.' Lucknow: Haldenby, If, cf; Thompson, 1st; Chin, 2nd; Wrist­ lake, c; MacDonald, ss; Attridge, cf, If; Cooke, If; Hedley, 3rd,/p; MacIntyre, rf; Baker, 3rd; Chis* holm, p, rf. ; v. / . ■ r Hensall ..,,.,..262 001 401—16 Lucknow ,...029 000 010—12 EDGE PORT ALBERT IN 10-INNING FINAL GAME Sebringville broke up a tight softball game with a pair of runs ’in the 10th inning, to edge Port Albert 5-3 in the Caledonian Park, Lucknow, ’ Thursday night, and qualify. ‘ for , a; spot in the W.O.A.A. intermediate “C” finals. . The game was halted by rain for ten minutes in the fourth Hensall Intermediates, scoring 2 of their, four runs on ‘‘hornerS'’’; took a 3-2. lead ih the best-of- seven, series by beating" the Leg­ ionnaires 4*3 in Hensall last Fri- Lucknow held the lea,d,through­ out the game untiLthe 8th inning, when .Hensall took - a rine -run jead to’Win the game. The. locals took a »T-0 lead by the 3rd inning. Hensa.l t got, i tun in th e, 4th and another in the Zth on a home run by K. Denomy. This made, th© game 3-2, fori, Lucknow going into the last of the 8‘th. Tn 'the 8th Bestard got on on an error rind Loc Camefeoin rilouted a horiie run to put Hensall up 4-3-where they Dpherty,. Pert Albert pitcher,, in the eighth knotted the score and sent the contest'into extra iriti- ings; •' ','/./ - ' Sebringville took the best-of* five series in straight games and now/await\-a winner iri the other semi-final bracket. Formosa and Desboro are meeting .in that ,set, j lres __ N/ Cum”ing arid R( f Finlayson: 7 •.. ! - ;• /• ... ....__________L.....................•,..........> 4 Eddie Blake, iformer public rie- lations officer in the RCAF, has. taken over the sports announcing at CKNX, succbedirig Torn Raf-q ■ferty. ;: "ri-".,'-" \ | Ponies Win / ■' Mr. and Mrs. (Elmer' Johnston ] of Atwood and TormeH of. Ash-• field, have beeri' winning-, their' share of prizes at the C.N,:E/ With- their. Shetland ponies.' v MONUMENTS SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON /^Werarb“the^hly™mahUf^ turers iii this part of Ontario of high class monuments Who import granite from the Old Country in the rough by the carload arid process from the rough to the finished monument. No middieniah,; ^Whim^hbosingra^monumenf^ cohie and see one bf the —largest^eiectionsJnjOJlljjj^l ,Established over sixty years. ■ Write Or phone Walkerton 8 / and Reverse Ohai;g^ SKELTON MEMPRIALS • 'WAtKERT'oN'.' ■