HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-08, Page 5LUCKY 'll" WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8th, 1954 .THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO X The PLAYHOUSE First Show at 7.30 . Second Show at 9.U Wednesday, Thursday, September 8, 9 II wonderful Stars, featuring Ginger Rogers/Victor Moore, Marilyn Monroe, David Wayne, Eve Arden & Paul Douglas —- in —■ “WE’RE NOT MARRIED” —--------—------1----—! ■ . ■------------■ ' Friday, Saturday, September 10th, 11th ft ..w.... .-/I ’.Vk ' X. KINLOUGH Miss Nancy Needham returned from Toronto where she spent a few days. Eric Percy, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alex^Rercy,. was confined to bed for a. few days. At the start it was feared it might.,be polio., but with careful attention. Eric has made a splendid recovery. Entertain W.I. Branches ' Paramount, Teeswater & Kair- shea Institutes were guests of the Holyrood Branch on Thursday/af­ ternoon. Mrs. Frank Thompson was in charge ofthebusiriess and. also Welcomed the guests. Mrs; Wm. Wall reported on the bake sale which was held at Kincar­ dine. A short course on “Cultural Activities in Home and Commun­ ity” will ibe held late in October. Mrs.; Jim Smith and Mrs. Tom Hodgins were named delegates to attend the convention in Guelph the first week in October. The convener, IMrs. Jim Smith, intro­ duced the guest speaker,, Mr. Bob Caibert from radio station CKNX who gave a splendid address on “Methods of Modern Farming”, mentioning the many labor sav­ ing devices including machinery, lighting, transportation, health & the modern home, comparing it to methods of 50 years ago. He said, “We have come a long way but there is a great future ahead”. Qthers taking part in the pro­ gram were: Federated News re­ port by Mrs. Jim Boyle; vocal duet, Mrs. Morgan Johnston and Mrs. Raynard Ackert; reading by .Mrs. Reid of Paramount; (Mrs. Tom Hodgins gave the motto; “Be proud of your farm heritage and have faith in the future; piano solo, Mrs? Harvey Houston; solo; Mrs Raymond Schumacher, Tees­ water piano—solo, - Mrs.’ “Bruce Keith, Teeswater; Miss Dean Mc­ Leod recited “The Bishop and the Cow”; Mrs; Orland Richards con-' ducted-a song-contest. The—4-H- Dainty Diggers presented their skit on canning tomatoes. The opening remarks were given by Shirley Congram while Barbara Murray and Mary' «Lou MacDon­ ald demonstrated the proper me­ thod of canning tomatoes under the ,direction of. their leaders Mrs. Perry Hodgins and Mrs, P. A. Murray.' The roll call was . ans­ wered With a joke. Expressions of thanks were given: from the visiting Institutes. < Refreshments were served arid a social time en­ joyed. We welcome Mr., and Mrs, John Stroeder and children to the vilL age. They have taken over the Needham store . and moved . in -during—the—week1 ■ M£ss? Margaret J Schneller, re- jturned ' this week to Belleville where she is a student at the On­ tario School for the Deaf. . L Mn arid Mrs. George Haldenby spent the week-end at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparling and Allan at the Sparl­ ing cottage. “ . ’ Miss Marlene Porter of Guelph spent the week-end,at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Fillenger and Children'Of Detroit visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and other relatives. Miss DOnria Nicholson return­ ed home from holidaying at Mil­ iarton. • . 1 Mrs. George Haldenby return­ ed home from Toronto Where, she spent the" past week <at the home Miss Shirley Colwell of God-, erich, Mrs. Jack Mason and child­ ren of London visited on Sunday with Mrs., J. W- Colwell; - Mr. and Mrs; Roy MacDonald, ML and .Mrs. Allari Wall arid Sharon of London, Helen Schu^ macher, Con. 16 and Helen Camp-- bell of Kincardine spent the week-end-with Mr, and-'Mrs. W-m. - ^all. ■ 1 Add Seats At Kinlougji School brought teacheris and pripils to th eii”. desks .’for .the. Fall term J . Some additional seats had to; bo purchased for our school' to ace comodate the newcomers. Teach­ ers returning are: Mrs. Catherine Cillins to Kinlough; Mrs. Joyce McEwan to Con. 10; Mrs, Grace Graham to Westford; Miss K. Lane Lto Brussels; Mr. Ralph Hal-- (lenby to Thorold; Miss Beverley "Stanley to Arthur; • _ ' ‘........r Starring . , . Alec Guiness, Jack Hawkins, Athony Steel, in “MALTA STORY” Wednesday, Thursday, September 16, 17 DAN DAILEY and ANNE BAXTER, in “YOU’RE MY EVERYTHING* CULROSS CORNERS with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson.* Ardis and Harvey of Bervie spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and* Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg. .Messrs. Jas. Hodgins and James? Haldenby .have gone West Miss Helen Schumacher visited^ with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. WalL Kinlough. '■/// ' ' Mr. Geo. Bannerman is spend­ ing some tiihe with Mr. and Mrs,. Alex Whytock. ’ We are glad to report that Mrs. Grant Wall was able tor leave Winghaim Hospital and is/'' Staying with Mrs. Jos. Wall ofi Before this is in print the?' Karoen Wall spent a fevy. days with Coraibelle Thompson, The community extends sym­ pathy to. Mrs Harold Percy in the loss, of her . father, the late Wm. Orr., Mr. Earle. Hodgins ancl Jack Schumacher motored to Montreal recently. Mr/ Russell Stewart and Mr. Barriger of Camp Borden were week-end visitors with Mr; and Mrs. Thomas Stewart. ' > Harold Whytock spent Friday with Donnie Wall. Ernie Harina is all smiles these days and the community extends Teeswater. congratulations to lie and Mrs, Before this is in print the* Hanna; on the birth of their son school bus will once again be ae. ‘ im Wirigham-Hospital- on Satur-. familiar, sight on our fToad—— day, August 28th. | with Mrs. Art Graham in charge^, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hodgins the sound of our school bell Wilt of Angus and Mr. and Mrs. Tom be- pealing. New beginners are: recent . visitors Donnie ■ Wall, Nancy^_iStepheiir,. _. —■—n—.—- * i I Teddy arid Kevin Haldenby, Murray, Paramount, spent Sun- (with Mrs. Art Graham in charge^ Hodgins _> were ’•— Mrs. Gertrude Walsh has gone Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett anc£ to the Qsborne home in Huron' (Murray, Paramount, spent Sun- , to care for Mrs. Osborne who is day with Mr. .and Mrs. Midford ill..; xir-u — j Mrs. Howard Thompson will „ ...... .......... entertain the W.A. at her home tended the Stobo picnic at Han- on Thursday afternoon (today), over on .Sunday. Wall and Donnie. Mr. and -Mrs. Jas. Wraith at- 1 t I MIGHTY NICE 4 FENCE,JOE ( IT SURE /S... / BOUGHT /T AT THE CO-OP . \ SAVED MONEY ON FT, TOO I Y£H! / WONT \ HAVE TO CHASE ALL OVEN TO FIND OU/i COWS. AT LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP ; ' Your_Headquarters For r- TOP QUALITY FENCE ■ • ■ at ■ • ■ REASONABLEPRICES ’PHONE 71, LUCKNOW