HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-08, Page 3I Z V x WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 8th, 1954 nwiMmn—limn■■ < — n rn ■ — LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th 11.00 aaii.: “Christ, the Hope of the World”. 3.00 p.m.: Church School Ral­ lyService., 7.00 pan.: “In the Midst of Them”. ■ «: /'■ THE . LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WAS CLOUDY AUGUST, QNLY ONE CLEAR DAY ■ We don’t need to tell our read- >ers that August didn’t produce particularly nice summer weatJiT er,, but the Official review for the month gives sorpe interesting de­ tails. It was a very cloudy month With only one day-r-^ugust 6th^- of complete sunshine High for the month was 88 degrees, with a low of 42. Rainfall totalled 1.851 inches; Local & General V CHURCH CHANNELS Lucknow j ■ t aPresbyterian Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th j 10.09 aum.: Sunday School andiBible Class. ! i11.00 a.m.: Rev. R. A. Mac-1 connell. I 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan-1 non, Rev. Maoconnell. | ? l} Evening Service Withdrawn. | , ■ • ' . A<' • Mrs Marion Irwin of Delaware .with her mirimbaphone and , cathedral chimes and Mr. Keith , Barbour, of London, tenor soloist, t both of whom were so well re­ ceived on Flower Sunday will be among the guest artists on the variety program under the aus­ pices of the Y.P.U. on Friday ev­ ening. Be sure to attend. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Sparling and Miss Lois Webb spent a few days last week at Ryerson" Camp held at Normandale on _ Lake Simcoe. Mr.’ and Mrs. Jack Berndt, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berndt, Jr., of Detroit and Mr. Keith Black of Cjehtralia Macpherson-Elliott v Whitechurch on Saturday and were week-end guests of Mr. apd Mrs. gprdon MacPherson. ■ Miss Margaret Miller, student nurse at the Stratford General Hospital, was home for the week­ end.: . ' \ : Annual W.M.S.Social _ , About 60 ladies attended the annual WM.S. Social at St. Hel­ ens United Church on Wednes­ day afternon, Aug. 31st. Guests were present from Ashfield, Brick and Whitechurch Societies. Mrs. . W. J. Watt from Whitechurch was the guest speaker and gave an interesting and informative talk ^^on_a-trip^she-and-Rev^_WattJhad. taken to the West Coast to visit their son, who is a doctor on the Queen Charlotte Islands. She stressed the great need for nurses I there. Readings, were given by Mrs. D.„ Beecroft, Whitechurch & Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Brick. Ijlrs. Blake Alton, Ashfield, gave ai, vio- _lin selection accompanied by Miss. ’. Elmira Alton and Miss Caryl Gardner of .Zion favored, with an instrumental. Lunchi Wa^ served by the St. Helens ladies and a Social hour was spent over the tea cups. . > tended the edding at i I PAGE THREE > IMf. W. S. McLeod spent the yyee^end ip. Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs,' MbLood, Miss Martha Sutherland and Hugh Sutherland moved recently from the farm in Kinloss, to <the forrrier Sam Gibson residence in Lucknow. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell re­ turned to Cleveland this week af­ ter visiting here with Mrs, Chas, Lorenz. • . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Charlene of Blenheim were holiday, callers on friends here last week. a ■ Mr. and Mrs. l5ick freed and sons Jimmy and Ronnie of De­ troit were .week-end visitors .with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed. Mrs. A. E. Durnin of town and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, Ball and , daughter Barbara are visiting at the honte of the former’s son, .Mr. H. M. Durnin of Barron, Wiscon­ sin. ; . Miss Margaret MacDonald, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. MacDonald, has resumed her teaching duties at Sarnia. Mr and Mrs. Mac Graham of Toronto spent the week-end here before leaving for a holiday ip Northern Michigan. Janet Finlayson ended, the hoi-, idays by being confined to bed with an attack of virus pneu- ’ * © SEPOY 5** M.00 STORE TEN commandments For. a Happy Mariiage Thou shalt not marry in haste or thou mayest repent at lei­ sure. ' ' 2. Thou thine small, By yoUr. marriage you transfer;’your allegiance from your parents’ house to your own. Keep it there and. save /trouble. Thou shalt make a family budget and live, up to, it. Thou shalt observe^, birthdays and anniversaries. They are the windows to a home.. Con­ tinue courting and you ~win stay put of court. ■•’ ; Thou shalt practise thy re­ legion at home. .If it .won’t work there, there 'is some-, thing wrong with the religion or you. Find out. Loolc for the best; in life-riot the xvorstrShowappreciatrohfor the virtues of the other and try -to overlook the faults. Thou shalt watch the little things—sharp words, annoy-, ing habits. : One match will start a fire.. . Thou shalt have a family al­ tar. If you are too busy to read the Bible and pray Peter’s Rectory were Mrs. H. daily, you are busier than I Jennings, Sr*, Mr. and Mrs. Jack the Lord intended; you to be. 8. a Thou shalt serve" the Lord in the church-- (or Salvation Army corps). You would not live in >a city without church­ es. If .you want the benefits, ibe willing to share the re- ponsibilities; 9. Thou shalt have suitable ire- creations with friends of thine own age. and station.. Keep­ ing, up with* the Joneses ‘ makes trouble. All work and 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. shalt have a home of own, no matter how. with am attack of virus i monia, ; . Charlie Cook was able out the first of the week feeling pretty well again after a two weeks’ rest following a heart spell. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Harton of Toronto spent the week-end with relatives “ here, v having just re- turned from a/holiday trip to WesteriuCanada.:__ 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cuibert of Windsor spent the holiday week­ end ; here and were accompanied home by their- daughters, Gloria and Pasty, who have spent the summer with their uncle and aunt, iMr and Mrs .Wm Griffin.' Recent holiday visitors at St. to be and is Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jennings and daughter Gayle, all of Chatham. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Higgins of Detroit, My. and Mrs. Joe Day of Hamilton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson. Mrs. Chaijlie Hodgins, Ruth and Kathleen of Wingham, Mrs. John Watt of Hamilton, are visitors of Mrs. T. J. Anderson. The regular meeting of the nd play makes Jack a ’ dull, Lucknow Woman’s Institute will boy, but all play and no Work is just as bad. . . 10. Thou shalt-regard thy child­ ren as among God’s greatest gifts/ Have them’ and treat them as such. ........ I Finally, “A new command­ ment I give unto you, that ye love one another”H.S. 11. teenager i Dress Shoes SMART NEW DRESS SHOES t for THE GROWING MISS ^iFPatent^alF^F^u^^Leathers?--Y Flat or Medium Dress Heels • 1, at I ‘*T** S. C. Rath well «So Fine Footwear Fo£ All The Family a J] * ifo-uJv ZiAi. * ! DR.Y GOODS • LADIES CHILDRENS WEAR. I CHINA -KITCHEN UTENSILS-6REET.NG CARDS I TOILETRIES cu«CTOYS <0^ 108W LUCKNOW, ONT. IO8W *>I ing member of the Nicholson family. She was born in the Old1 Country before her parents came to Canada. She is survived by two daugh­ ters, Sadie Kopf, with whom she made her home and Mrs. Marion Hay. Her husband, who she mar­ ried in Calumet, predeceased her five years ago. “JIM” GORDON WAS PLEASED In a recent letter to Mrs Sank Durnin of town, Dr. Jim Gordon NONAGENARIAN PIONEER I BURIED IN SOUTH KINLOSS 1 ............ ' • z The funeral of Mrs. Christena Kopf of South Bend, Indiana, was held last Thursday afternoon from Johnstone’s Funeral Home tp South Kinldss Cemetery, where her parents are buried. The ser­ vice was conducted by Rev. Robt. Maceonnell. She. was a member of First« Baptist Church, South Bend, and was a fine Christian woman. Mrs. Kopf was formerly Christ- ena Nicholson, daughter of the. of Ottawa.expressedhispleas- late Mr and Mrs. Allan Nichol-j ure with the recent write-up in son, pioneer settlers, w ho resided | The Sentinel on the occasion of just acros^ the railway track oni1'51’ the : Secopd Concession on . the i farm then owned by the late David Henderson. ^Mt" Nicholson .acted as grave digger at South Kinloss Cemetery for many years. Mrs. Kopf was 92 years of age last June;, and is the last surviv- i i his 85th birthday. Accompanying I the article was a picture of this esteemed St. Helens. native. Dr. Gordon commented that it was one. of the most pleasant sur­ prises of his life to have his picture appear in the old home town weekly. | Thank You! I i i i We extend our sincere appreciation to our customers for their patronage during our "Stay at Kinlough General Store and a^y~the“samekindl^ Mr, and Mrs. Stroeder, our successors. y i f I !I i ibe held in the Town Hall on Fr> day afternoon at 2.30. Hostesses' are Mrs. Burt Roach, Mrs. Garriet Henderson, Mrs; Alex Havens and Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie; * i' - .I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Park of [ Woodstock were Sunday guests of ! Mr. and Mrs. Burt Roach* I iMrs, Annie Borden, Edna and Shirley of Stratford spent , the week-efid with Mr. and Mrs* W. T. Roulston. ’ Mrit and Mrs. R. J. Barkwell and Murray of Kingston called on friends over the week-end and were accompanied on their way home by Carole and Mrs. R. E. Frid of Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stewart of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil­ son of Stratford and Winnie Ste- * wart and’ Betty Granger of Lon­ don were holiday’ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart. Visitors during the . past week with Mr. and Mrs./Wm. Bushell wCtef Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith of Paisley, Mr. and Mrs. ) . -SmdetJ)LlPACLE- Ikib,^ShLrleyL.ColrJ. i i |. . . :iOLIVE and CLARKE NEEDHAM, j (5 get your house READY FOR WINTER NOW.'- $Are .you thinking of a NEW HEATING SYSTEM in your, home this winter? We are agents, for Hiseler & Son . . . A. d wellu^oU“^^WicHr^’Mrsr' Jack Mason and Donna of London, Mr. ~aiW Mi^ •and Betty and Jackie Colwell Of and Mrs. J. J.i-Holyrood, Mr-. ........ I Bushell' and Mr. and Mrs. Mor-. I ley Bushell, Margaret and Ma'ri*- I lyn of Kinlough, • r ■ 'i 1 '"’"r—•—*----‘ r*- ' II Mel .Lavigne, formerly of I Whigham, has opened a dance —hall at-H^ ’ > ■ ‘ r TIMKEN AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER When you get a Timken Oil Burner you receive 24 hours service every day of the year . . . Now is<the time to have an estimate on a TIMKEN AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER in your present'furnace, dr a complete oil furnace* - 4 . Furnace Cleaned and Smoke Pipes Installed before the ccld^'weather arrives. Webster & MacKinnon ■ PHONE.50, LUCKNOW ' Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wjring and Eavetroughing