HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 12I 4 THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.... 4 4 I ... WEDNI^PAY, SEPT. 1st, 1954 FOR BIG BACK-TO-SCHOOL SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 2OF THIS ISSUE It will, pay you to shop now and save. MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens . \ AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS For pick up and delivery Moriday and Thursday, . phone 75-w, Lucknow '-' '''•I- : — ' - 'u. . I ’ ■ ' ing ceremony was performed by The Duchess of Kent. % THAT Miss Jean MacDonald of New Hamburg, daughter of Mr. Bain MacDonald of Kintail, will, enter Kitchener-Waterlod Hospital as a student nurse on September 14th. \ THAT Wingham’s 75th annivers­ ary celebration was a big sue-, : cess in more ways, than one. It Will show, a profit 6f about $1,800. The Town Council ad­ vanced $2,500 to finance jthe event^never expecting to see it again. It has1 been paid back “ and the question now arises as : to how the surplus will be ■ spent. ? ‘IT’S IN THE BAG’ v ' SALE THAT Neil MacDonald, who is selling his Langside farm be­ cause of a rheumatic condition frona which he is suffering*, has purchased the George K. Arm­ strong residence in Teeswater. THAT Mrs. Fred Anderson is aible to be about on crutches in Windham Hospital, where she, underwent an operation a few weeks ago fof amputation of a, leg at the knee. ’ ; THAT Reeve S. E. Robertson was a guest of the Ontario Hy<dro Rlectric System at the official opening of the tremendous new , plant at Niagara known as the Sir Adam Beck-Niagara Gener­ ating Station No. 2. Tbe .apen- ► >■' .• ' • at : SMITH’S. I.G.A. ' .USA. ' ' ; Tomato Juice, 48 oz. ....... ,I,G.A.. ,Choice Tomatoes, 28. oz. 2|33c ,Green Giant .Niblets, hew pack .... 2 for 37c ,Libby’s Fancy , , Honey POd Peas .... 2 for 37c ' ;lgjl . , R0d Maraschino j Cherries 23c Save With This Special Coupon 27c kA-. t'* ■ ' ’ < V ; r ■ J L J •< Kain 43c \ Domestic Shortening .28c 4 Johnston’s Hard Gloss 4 with Extra 20% Free .......65c , I.G.A. Waxed Paper ........ 29c < Kelloggs Com Flakes 25c < Brunswick Sardines 3 for 25c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for 27c LINE OF DUTCH FOODS DIRECT FROM HOLLAND ; ; , - ■< < •< ■< < SMITH’S FOOD MARKET : IOC COUPON . on . ONE LB. MOTHER PARKER’S COFFEE 10c Good till October 9th, 1954 > Ilk: • * ANOTHER MARKET STORE SPECIAL! . Men’s ' PlaidDoeskin SHIRTS ’ Many patterns, full generous cut, sizes 14^ to 17^. Special large purchase by us means a new low price for you. Get sev­ eral this week. A regular $2.98 value; TWO FOR $4.00 MARKET STORE SEE BIG ADVT.ON PAGE 3 PRESERVING KETTLES, ROTARY RICERS etc., M.ibhfc • r We also have a good assortment of Super Health and Supreme Aluminum bar oi Cement Expected in 10 days , . . place your orders early. WM. MURDIE & SON ’PHONE 10, LUCKNOW Heating ■ — Plumbing Tinsmithing Oil Furnaces Installed and Serviced I •( THATMrs. Wilfred Sherwin (nee Beth Altpn) and’ three sons, Donald, Doug and Keith, mov­ ed to Brandon eafly in August from Orono. Dr Sherwin, Who is a veterinary and a govern­ ment employee, has been at Brandon for some time. \z THAT Greer Garson plays the \ role of a school teacher in ‘’Her 4 Twelve Men”, which Will be screened at The Lyceum Theatre, Wingham, on Mom' day, Tuesday arid1 Wednesday. , Co-starring in this highly rated film are Robert Ryan and Bar- yy Sullivan. ''• ■ ' . ^--0— THAT the fronts of Cliff Ckm*- .gram’s ibar.ber shop and Asn- toh-s Ladies, and Men’s. Wear have had a face-lifting job with the eye-catching sign painting done by the skilful artistry of Howard Cowan, THAT Mrs. Burt Roach of Luck­ now attended the Mary Hast­ ings picrirc at.Spririgbank Park, and had her picture in the Free Press as third prize winner : in the cake contest. THAT half page ads for ^The Market and Ashton’s Ladies’ & Men’s Wear appear elsewhere, iii this issue, as space was not available in their regular posi­ tions.' ■1 n 11 Q^r- - , \ , THAT the Marciano-Charles fighf picture is to be shown at The Playhouse on Friday and S>at- ■ urday. ’ ' ■ ■ ■/' ■'/ /—O— THAT* Mrs. Torrance Anderson has moved to Toroiito to malce her home, and where her dau-1 ghter, Mary Jo., is a student nurse' at Western Hospital. The Anderson. farm was recently purchased by Dr; T. B. Cleland, local veterinary doctor, and the ClelBnd fathily moved , to their new home thef irst of the week. Their village /hoine, known to older residents as the Dr. Ten­ ant-property, is for sale. ' "7 THAT a reception Was held on Friday evening at the Recrea­ tional Centre in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanley. * The address was read * by Allan MacIntyre , and a purse of money presented by Harvey Irwin. The young couple will reside at St. Catherines where Russell is. employed by the . Warren Construction Company. THAT a largely attended recep­ tion was held recently in the Recreational Centre, in honor of Mr. ; and Mrs. Duncan Farrish, newlyiweds, who ate residing on the 'groom’s farm at Loch- THAT Wayne Mowry, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pritchard Was brought home from Vic- _^toria_Hospital,.London, on Wed- nesday of last week. Wayhe was caesareari-born on July 18 and had 'been in the hospital since then. • . . • \ ■ THAT R. ,T* Kilpatrick of Ash­ field is to hold a dispersal sale of his herd . Of 40 registered Shorthorns, on Saturday, Sep* temjber 18th. J — / Grade 9 •Ti Shakespeare for Young Play General Science, Intermediate, ers ....:.....................................95 Words are Important, Bk. 1 .35 Bk. 3 2;15 Essentials of Business Pract* Ballads & jNarraiuve roems .ya Thirty-Nine Steps .........75 Ontario Writing Course, Bk. 3 .25 Modern Canadian Atlas of .New Course in Typewriting. 1.50 the World Good Health .......1.70 Mathematics for Canadians '2 00 Cours Premair de Francis ... 1.50 * Grade i® Twelfth 'Night-................. .45 General Mathematics. Bk., 2 1.35 Eook of Good Stories ....... 1.00 Cpurs Prdmaire de Francis 1.50 Typhoon ............ ..,,..85 Living Tatip ...2.15 Choose Again ............v. ..Essentials of Business Pract- Words are Important, Bk. 2 .35^ic^.................1.75 Geography Atlas ......New Course in Typewriting 1.50 Good Health ................ 1.70 Ontario Writing •►Course,. Bk 3 .25 General Science Intermediate,Genera! Shop 2.15 .. Bk. 4 .............. Grade 'll.' 7: ■: '7;7:'';-' 7'-7:>7 Essays Light & Serious ........1,00 Cours Moyen de Francis, Disralei ....... . , Pt. 1..... 1.50 Grass of Parnassus ;. Learning to Write Words are Important,. Bk. Dr. Geo. Washington Carver .00 Physics for Canadian Schools 2.60 World History from Ancient "^”“Times^to’"1760-“ Living Latin Grass of Parnassus 1.90 Tale of Two Cities .75 Living Latin ......2.15 A Modern Geometry for High Schools <1.45 Merchant of Venice Essays & Short Stories 1.75 .. 1.90 . 2.00 3 .35 2.15 A Modern Geometry for High-* Schools i.............................1.45 General’ Shop ......... 2.15 Good Health*.......4;.......,.1.70 New Course in Bookkeeping J.35 New Course in Typwriting .. .1.50 rG^tar-io^ratin^^ Adventures .... ,1.00 Grade 12 Grade New Horizons ...... Pride ahd Prejudice The Barrets of Wimpole St. McBeth ................ ........ Longer Poeips for Upper Sdhool Words Have Wings A Hand Book of Compositioh North Anrierida & the Modem World Latin .^Composition ; Upper School Physics 1 .75 .65 Learning to Write Words ’ are Important,, Bk. 4’ .35 Physics for Canadian Schools 2.60 World History .from Ancient Tinies to 1760 Cours Moyen d«~ Francis, Pt. 1150 Relveil-De Lectures 1-10 13 General Biology 4-25. A Laboratory- Manual of .'General Chemistry A New Analytical Geometry , Algebra A Senior Course .. 1 "0 Elements of Trig and Statics _ Cours Moyen de Francis, Pt. 2|L50 La Notaire Du Havre. Du Hamel - Latin^Prose'Selections ZIPPER CASES ■- Ring Loose Leaf Zipper Cases $2.00, $2.95, $3.50, $4.00,, $4.25 $4.35, $4,75, $5.00; $7.10,. $7.35 ■ -l . RING BINDERS Master, 9^4x7^ ’ ....• , • • (With Ihdiex and; Fillet) n e% x 11 .....•; .vs/. >• RU x KiA ... .60 & «85 THAT a cement. top car park* ~ing^platfoi^^=being^built=a<fe: joining., the McLennan-Mac^ Kenzie Memorial Chapel, and which could eventually, if de* : sired, Ibe closed in. to 'make a ’ two-car garage.. . • THAT Charlie Cooke suffered a heart attack last week while painting Alex Sutherland's residence' lie is feeling well again, but has to stay in bed , for ■a^bupir^hf^we^lfe^tot^ DICTIONARIES Highroads ............75 Collins New Standard ,50 AKebBei^4^oeket^and-dEclibse_-^ ...a u /f, ,.4. KM ■ Ball Point Pens ■ 35c, 60c, S1.50. 11.95 ; ■ ' Fountain' Pefi,' both for '^98' Mathematical Sets Reeves Paints, 8 colors ,75 ......M .......... .......z Fountain^P^ris’ ■ ?I5o:B Elclipse Pen & Peneil Set g V 1 McKim’s Drug Store I PHONE 82 '■.»/ .■/ ■