HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 11f ■I i 1 4 O a WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1954 . t . ‘ • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Plumbing and Heatins Service and repairs ' * ' * PAGE ELEVEN Oil Burners Serviced—Units Converted Complete Repairs for Deep and Shallow Well Fumns Automatic Hot Water Tanks installed For a free estimate call or >see ART GILMORE R. R. 3, Lucknow _ ^X,M3 pungannon. KINLOUGH STORE CHAHGEOANDS (KINLOUQH NEWS) Mri arid Mrs. Clark Needham have sold their store toT Mr\John Straeder of Mildmay, who will take possession on September 1st, We regret losing this family from the community.-. Miss Beverley Stanley return­ ed home after attending summer school , a^ Toronto. iMr. and Mrs. Bob Neville, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Montgomery df De­ troit spent the week-end with relatives here. .' . Miss. Bgtty Arine Lapp of Wing­ ham visited with her cousin, Joan • Percy. ■ . . ’• ■' \ Mrs. George, Haldenby & Sheila Haldenby visited with Mr. & Mrs. Howard McGuire last week. Mrs. J. W.. Colwell • was a re­ cent visitor with Mr; and Mrs? Cliff Huston at Southampton; Brenda and Dianne Hewitt _ spent a few days .with Mr. -and Mrs. George Graham. •'-//’ Mr. and Mrs. Ldn Cotton of Orillia werq recent visitors with ■ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Breckles . and family. < ./ , • ' JSrlma Jean and Markm Percy ._.7 have been employbd _ at. Kincar dine. Those attending the funeral of . the .late Rev: William Lane at Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. J. ;v R. Lane^^MrT Frank Maulden, Nellie and* Margaret Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lane, .Hugh & Kathileen and Mr. and Mrs. Ev­ erett Lane. ’ •-'• Janet and Joe Forster visited during the week with Mrs. J. W.. Colwell. . On Sunday, August J 15 th; the Anglican^ Chur;cb, observed 7 its 50th anniversary with special services. Capacity crowds 'wel­ comed Rev. L. W.* Owen of Sim­ coe in the morping and Rev. W. D. Davis of Owasso; Mich./in the evening. The church has been re­ decorated and was re-dedicated at the morning service when the choir under the direction of Miss Edna Boyle sang^n^anthem J/A little Brick Church” while in the evening, Mrs. Harold Haldenby sang “Jesus is, Everywhere”. Fol­ lowing the evening service a soc­ ial hour was enjoyed when a 3- storey anniversary cake was cut by Mrs. H. A. Graham and tea vzas served by the ladies of the congregation. The Kinlough District vacation school which ^included Langside, Westford, Purple ■ Grove, , Kin- • lough, Holyrood, Ripley & Glam-: is and Armow with classes held in the Anglican and Presbyterian * churches during the week, came / to a. filial; cenclusion on Friday evening in (th6 Anglican Church -'f with an attendance of around 200 when' parents arid, friends .came electric motor ^SERVICE re aitd Jnish(es;;;; Bearings/. X Ft uezers;<Dryers, Washers ■'. ■Gilson, Sales Appliap.cos Hbphirs. to Fans, Vacuumsf Clippers,- Drills, Etc. r.' haldenby ELECTRIC ’ Kinlough Phone Ripley Hl-r 29 ■ ■ 1 . - ■ v;. to enjoy ,th.e program .presented) teacher im'charge: Prest presided < „ ________ thanks to Mrs. Harvey Thomp­ son, director of the Bervie C.V.S. ,yh° .bad given 'of her time, to or­ ganize this school. She in turn thanked the teachers and lead­ ers for their co-operation. (Miss Mary McCosh was a capable, song leader with Miss Edna. Boyle at1 the organ. Pupils with their lead­ ers. each favored with a number and were presented with their certificates/Teachers were as fol-' lows:. Intermediate girls, Rev, G/ B. Cox, Mrs. Harold Haldenby, Mrs. Perry Hodgins; crafts for this grade, Mrs., T. E. Morgan; in­ termediate boys, Rev. John Prest, Mrs, Prest/Betty Jean Johnstone; junior girls, Mrs. Howard Thomp> son, Mrs. Maurice Hodgins, Miss Joan Sutton; primary, Miss May Boyle, Mrs. Florence Fry, Miss Mary McCosh, Miss Beverley Stanley; kiridergarden, Mrs/.-F. Maulden,. Mrs... Burton Coll-ins & Misses Joyc4 Haldenby and Fran­ ces Scott, Mrs. Harvey Tho/np- son. . Ladies . from the various places assisted in the classroom were, • Mrs'. Bill Burt, Mrs. Art' Graham, Mrs. Dorothy Thomp­ son.. , Miss Nancy Needham; Each ■ clay the children were seryed with’ freshie and cookies. follow-, ing the recreation period, and UiuchL thanks is due to the- re­ freshment ■ committee who were, Mrs George Haldenby, Mrs. Phil Smith, Mrs. Jim Smith, Mrs. Bob Porter, Mrs. Ed .Bushell, Mrs. Alex Percy, iMrs; John Barr, Mrs. Wesley Guest, Mrs. Parish Mof­ fat, Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mrs. Clare Sparling, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. Wm. Wall. ': Mrs. Clare Sparling and'Allan spent Saturday-with Mr? and Mrs. George Haldenby. The Kinlough W.M.S. met at j the home of Misses Nellie ,and Margaret Malcolm when 22 ans­ wered the roll call. Mrs. Wesley Guest was in charge. “Breathe cn me breath of God” was sung. Fray er -was given by Mrs. Wal- 4e r/»B reckles^-sc-rJpture^MrSi^Al ex­ Percy. The life of Miss Lily Simp-: son of India was read by Miss M. Robertson. The study book was taken, by Mrs. John Emerson, Mrs. John Barr; Miss Nellie Mal­ colm, Mrs. Mark Johnston and Mrs. Frank Johnston. The closing hymn was “Jesus shall reign”. Mrs. Wesley Guest gave the clos­ ing' remarks and refreshments. jwere^sexv^dv.- .I"...’'./ Recent visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins wehe Mrs. j.- W. LaF.lam of Buffalo,/Mr.'& Mrs. Cliff Armstrong of Niagara Falls.-and Mrs./Cliff: Borthwick of St. Catharipes. . We . extend Sympathy . to ,Mi$. Harold Percy^-in ■ the passing • of her father; the late , Wm. O'rr. FViends from , here atf-ended the fu.hj/ral On Friday. ■ ■ " ; ’A farewell nartv was held/bn 'T'i.’ufsday eX'efihi'p 'hi .and A-Irs.-Chrk ■N'ce.dhhrn & fam-- . ily ' w-ht'i au* lehvinr5 ■ <hr ne.W 'home -al Millarl m. ov- ing \wv.'m jkmH’ng. /A" ght of nm-py wis tn thdnr- by Mr/ HmHd Ibpdehbyl '{•nd -Mr; Mm En-rrs-.n Ha’d. tp.e'1 I I not going too. far away and we hope you will often return and keep an interest in our commun­ ity. Your friendship means a lost | tri us and atyd time like this, af-; fords' an opportunity we really-? couldn’t miss, to say how much • we’ll - miss you. But sjnce you’re ; going'to go, we hope you often -will recall good, days spent in ‘ Kinlough. Please accept this gift i on behalf of the community. Jack i Barr, John Emmerson, Harold • Haldenby and Ered Guest. | Miss Lois Robb is . holidaying : with her friend, -Miss Eileen Percy at Kincardine, The H.W.I. will entertain Tees-all grades with each' waiter, Paramount and Kairshea Rev. John I Institutes on Thursday afternoon and expressed' in the Holyrood Hall, Roll call, ■. <iii 1 couiri. not- k'l you I | our' viHnsie' without a. .frio ' -arid social' tihcwin ’ lioiior’ You '■ have . al wavs .Vcrly arid willing ; wit-h x wouthwhih’..undertaking in' ‘ midst nnd we again r.enoat ' WolO/(’WH ii-WC ----... t i . 1 i Skilled T V Aerial Service I S’ I * I AERIALS INSTALLED AS; LOW AS $49i00 I x Towers installed from ground or roof, Aerials moved. \ Work fully guaranteed for one year. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. * * ■ a joke;, conveners, Mrs. James; Smith and Mrs. Orville Elliott; topic., Present advantages of Can­ adian farming; motto,. Be proud of your farm heritage arid have faith in the future AIL members bring lunch, ‘ „I Mrs. Nprman Fry and sop R,ick- i.ey visited at Clinton during^ the week. ’ . | Mrs. Dorothy Thompson has ^re­ turned to Onion Lake where she will resume her teaching duties after vacationing here. Miss,Karen Nicholson spent a few, days with Elaine and Lenore Slessor at Glamis. • Mrs. William V^air spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs T. E.s Morgan, Con. Ip. Mrs. Frank Mauldep & Keith, Misses Nellie and Margaret Mal­ colm visited, during the week 'Fonthill.' ■ „_r _ v Miss Nancy Needham , was Toronto during the week. . , Friends from here attended a reception, .for Mr. and Mrs.' Bert. Thompson, (nee Isabel MacDon-__________________ aid) at/Bervie on Saturday ev-1 LADY AUCTIONEER WEKLPED '-HAMWR^AT-.-iiOGAL^SALE- — at. in Contact: . ' ' ' ■ Huron Tower Installation Phone f 938-r-14, Goderich, Ont i ...... ~-g gon h gjg been holidaying With, her cousin, Judy Nicholson, Con. 4, Huron. :Mr. and. Mrs.; Wilbert 7’ ' ' -wrib7- are vacationing at Kincar­ dine, visited Sunday- with Mr. & Mrs. Bert Nicholson..':,' Mrs. Florence . Fry left this •week for Stratford where she be­ gan a nurse’s training course at the General Hospital there. IMrS; Ada Hodgins, who has been spending awhile here, re­ turned to Detroit on. Thursday. WEDDING BELLS I STANLEY—GALLANT The marriage of Russell Harold Stanley, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Stanley of Kinloss Town­ ship, and Rose Mary Jusiiria Gal­ lant, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Emanuel Gallant of Summerside, -Prince--Edward-Tslan d.—was “ sol­ emnized on Saturday, August 21 at 10.00 a.m.. in the rectory at Brewer’s Mills, Ontario^ Rev. Father. Burns officiated. The bride chose a gown of white ballerina length net over taffeta with a French lace °bol- er’a. The bridesmaid was Miss Ethelene Gallant of Summerside, She wore a gown of "mauve~ net J over .taffeta and a corsage of yel­ low roses. The groomsman ’ was Ellery Gallant of Kingston,-* A reception was held at Mor- risoh’s Hotel, Kingston, Guests present from a distance included Mrs.., Gallant, mother of the ! bride; Rita Gallant, Chas. Gal-j lant, Jack Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanley and Aud-< rey., . • , , ; \ ■ '/ For a Wedding tripto ■ Niagara Falls, the bride donned .a mauve nylon net. over taffeta with' white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley will reside at St. Catherines. ! An auction sale of household furnitu,re, and effects ; bf theHaldenby .-estate’ of/Jane. Bowman was held | on Saturday, with’ Well Hender- j son as auctioneer, _ - / I Among the spectators was Mrs. Doris ‘McLelland of Bervie, who took an auctioneer’s training course in the States, and wields the hammer forr a spell at the weekly; cat.le auctions held by her father-in-law. Mr; Henderson invited On­ tario’s only lady auctioneer to take the stand, and she sold such items’ as cqrtairis, bedding/ etc. She has a strong, clear voice and'i. was described by one spectator. aS. “a whiz”. TWO SETS OF TWINS On Wednesday, August 11th, Mwins-were“borntb'Mrr and' Mrs? Don Paquette of R.R. 1, Dungan­ non, They named them Janis and Philip. Six years ago twins, Don­ ald and^ Terry, were born to the Paquettes and their arrival -fell on the 9th anniversary of the marriage of their parents. There is . also a son Jimmy , in the family. ’ Mr. Paouette, who is a brother of Mfs. Ivan Louzon, is a veteran of- World WarTI. Ke met ,hik wife while overseas. The Paquettes reside- on the, former Bert Tre- leaven farm.. Huron Native Passes The death occurred at Goder- , ich of Thomas: Donnelly, a native of Huron Township, who spent most of his life in that Township, and in Ripley un_til moving to Goderich nine years ago. Among the survivors-is a sister, Mrs. Em-' ma Hamilton of Lucknow., -- BORN McQUILLIN U- in Galt' General Hospital on Sunday, August 22, tto“Mr. and Mrs. Sam McQuillin of Galt,, a son. McQUILLIN—in Wingham Gen- ' efal Hospital on Thursday, Aug- ust 26th,“toTMr. and Mrs. Carmen McQuillin,, a daughter, zMary'Lor­ raine, a sister for Jim. - TASKER—at Greenwood, Nova Scotia, 'to Mr. and Mrs.' Glen Tasker, a daughter, Joyce Maur­ een, another sister: for Doug. BRISBIN—-in Belleville, Ont.; on. . Wednesday, August 11th, 1954,. to Mr. and Mrs. Jaimes . Brisbin. (Helen MacDonald) a daughter,. Margaret Anne. , - MacKlNNON—in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, on Sunday, August 8th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon, R. 6, Lucknow, a son. ■. WRAITH—at Alexandra Hospi-\ tai, Goderich, on August 24, 1954t to Mr and Mrs. George Wraith,^ l^Gbdefi'ch, a daughter. , PAQUETTE—at Alexandra Hos- ' pital, Goderich, on August 11th, ' ' 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paquette, R. 1, Dungannon, a son arid a daughter. JOHNSTONE—in Wingham Hos­ pital on Tuesday, August 24th, to / Mr. and Mrs. William, Johns tone, a son,.’ John Allan, a brother Kenneth. for r.G». 1 .4 A 7 information concerhing- Ontario Hydro can be obtaJried by writing to youir Jtydro Chairman, . 620Uhiversity Avenue, Toronto. $!' li jo DO YOU KNOW? ? ' That the cdmbined (tower re* <^uj,retoents of Ontario 'Hydro’s Customers have doubled in the .past 10 years ... increasing from 2,348,500 HP in 1943 to a total of 4,675,200 HP th 1951' " Station Optmtors • . . jimiii II wsGuardians of Your Power System | ---■Ontario~Hyfo transformer stations are manned by • skilled operators, who supervise and operate, the equipment that. '• . generates., and sends electricity . . on its way to you. Day arid • night they keep a constant,, check oil the demand for power and the amount ' A available, helping-..to guide ' a ‘arid co-ordinate the continuous ; . flow of energy- to all. parts of growth and prosperity,. ;* . low cost dependable pOWer that ‘ ~ .means a brighter future for us I J