HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 9• I t- *. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, WCKNQW, ONTARIO'* paoe nine ^WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1954 t fr The PLAYHOUSE -■ First Show at 7.30 Second Show at 9.15 •v ; .. .........:.......... Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 2, 4, 4 GREGORY PiyCK and A. E. MATHEWS, in Man With A Million “MARCIANO and CHARLES FIGHT* l;X\. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY I WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 9 II wonderful Stars, featuring Ginger Rogers, Victor Moore, Marilyn Monroe, David Wayne^ Eve Arden & Paul Douglas, in — r OBITUARY MRS. MELINDA ROBINSON , " Many friends'and relatives at­ tended the funeral service held Carolyn Wood, All wore similar orchid and blue dresses and head- pieces. The attendants carried bouquets of, daisies matching their costumes. Patricia Kerr, flower gitl, wore a white lace and net dress over, yellow taffeta and carried a basr ket filled with daisies. - Best man Tor his brother was Ronald Kucharski. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph oS. Kucharski, Flint, iMich. ..-Ushers were William- ibbotson" brother of the bride, Walter Shaf­ fer, Davison, the bridegroom’s cousin,., and Harry Wood. A reception for 35.0,_ including- guests "from New York City, Lan­ sing, Detroit and Canada, was held after the' ceremony at Kin­ ney’s Auditorium. For their Northern Michigan wedding trip, the bride wore a light blue' linen suit with white, accessories. Upon return they will reside in Elint. A '• -at Callander for Mrs. Melinda Robinson. Rev. M. McLeod offi­ ciated and interment was in the* Callander Cemetery. Four grand- * sons, Kenneth, Wirdon and Elwiix. White and Arthlur Vernick 'Undt two nephews, Lester Robinson Airqhie Robinson were pallbear- . .. ers. , Mrs. ^Robinson died Sunday,, August 10th in the Civic Hospi­ tal.followinga. week’s illness. Her marriage to: the late Samuel: Robinson took pla£e at the Pres-? byterian Church, Lucknow, “ April 1st, 1900.'From that time* until her death Mrs. Robinson had lived on their farm near Cal- lander. Lately she- had been liv* " “ ing with her daughter, Mrs. Win. / White. < She was born 79 years ago at Lucknbw, the daughter of the. late Kennedy .and Margaret Mc- Caig. She was the former Mel­ inda McCaig. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs, Wm. White (Sel­ ena), Callander, R. 1, and Mrsk H, Vernick (Annie) Of Toronto. •U.'--- .-----------.------------- WEDDINGS ■ . UNSWORTH—EASTMAN v Knox. Presbyterian Church, Burlington, was decorated, with pink and white gladioli, on Sat­ urday, August. 7 th, for' the wed­ ding of Lois Elizabeth, daughter _.oLMr.-and-Mrsr-Gliffo'td^E^==East^ man and James Algert Unsworth,* Galt, s6n of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert J. Unsworth, Hawkesbury, Ont. The Rev. L. U. Hultgren, minister of the Burlington Baptist church, conducted the service. Mr. Reg­ inald Bedford0 presided at the or­ gan and Mrs. W. O. Hines sang “Because” and “The Wedding Prayer”. The . bride, wearing an ankle length gown of white net, ’ with lace, inserts, over satin, was giv­ en away by her father'. She wore a lace, jacket and had a fingertip, veil with pearl ' trimmed head­ dress. Her’ bouquet' was pink 4:osebu.dsT“stephon'otiT^ahd’^Ehg- lish ivy. The matron of honor, Mrs. Her­ bert. Kitzman,' Galt, wore pink taffeta with all over whitg.em­ broidery and net trim with mat­ ching headdress and carried white chrysanthemums and Eng­ lish ivy, and" Miss >■ Elaine East­ man, sister of the bride, Wore a < and the i suit i* READY FOR WINTER NOW!^ Are you thinking of a'NEW HEATING SY STEM in ^home-this”Winter?VVe^are”aTents~n)r IIisNef"«bon . . . 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For going, away costume bride wore a white linen with navy trim and white acces­ sories. She had a corsage of red carnations. On their return from- oneymoon to Eastern On­ tario and Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Unsworth will live at 120 Elm­ wood St., Galt. Out-of-town guests were pres­ ent from St. Hubert. Quebec, Hawkesbury, Port Hope, Galt, —London—and—Hamiltorrr---•— • ■ ’ - . KUCHARSKI—IBBOTSON John Ibbotson gave his’sister, Joy Lee Ibbotson, in marriage to Joseph S. Kucharski, Jr., Satur- , I day, July 31st, in Central. Meth-' I odist Church-, Flint, Michigan. . • | Daughter of Mrs. Nellie Ibbot- ■ Son, Eighth Ave., she ^vas .attir- ■“-■"Xrd7Ti7'a"gow net over ' taffeta for her wedding. Her veil ' '< was secured, by a ,princes^Utidra. ■and she Carried ' a bouquet' Of red ^-kbserrandTSte'ph'ahotis7 ’ •/. ■ A frock of yellow lace and het lover’ taffeta., and yellow daisy headdress was-chosen by the maid • of honor, Dorothy Kucharski, the bridegroom’s sister from ..New’ York City. The bridesmaids were -Sally r Kucharski, another sister of .the [ bridegroom, the bride’s two Sis- I tersdn-law, Mrs. William Ibbot­ son and Mrs.- Jbhn tbbotsom, and Is Your Subscription Paid? IPHONE 71, EUCKNOW . ■ . t 7 uc laying «*CAN BE A WINNER ! ! BY • 4 FEEDING YOUR FLOCK SOLD AT YOUR LOCAL CO-OP