HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 8I,
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Bai^k of Montreal
in Ayiary y/alk of’liiFe sinee 1.817
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Lucknow Branch: MURRAY COUSE, Manage:
In the Lucknow United Church
on Saturday afternoon, August
21st, Betty Joan Johnston, dau
ghter of Mrs. Winnifred John-,
ston and the late Edward John-
ston, exchanged marriage vows
with James Buchanan Blue,
Windsor,' son of Mr. and Mrs-
Donald B. Blue, Ripley.
The Rev. Grant Meiklejohn oL
ficiated and the soloist, MrsgWes-^
ley Joynt; was' accdmpanieW|by.
Elmer Umbach, organist. /
/ Given in marriage by her uncle,
Kenrieth . Johnston, Kincardine,
the lovely (bride was charmingly
gowried in ankle-length Chantilly
lace forming a scalloped redirig-
ote' effect over nylon tulle and
white satin. A fingertip veil was
caught to a lace cap which was
adorned with ..pearls, and the,
bride) carried a. bouquet of white
carnations centred With an or-/
chid. * /LUllfcl. 45-. ■ ■
Attending the bride was her
sister^ Mrs. Ross MacLennan, Tor
onto, as matron of honor; Miss
Donna Johnston, Lucknow, sister
of the bride, and Miss Bertha
Jean;£lue, Ripley, sister of the
groom were bridesmaids, and
Jean Scott; Ripley, was flo^j^
girl. .
The senior attendants were
identically dressed in filmy
gowns of aqua nylon tulle over
taffeta with , tiny shrug jackets
of. tulle, with matching feather
headdresses. They carried hose
gays of yellow roses. The flower
girl wore yellow organdy, and
carried . a basket of assorted
flowers* ;' . ..
Ross MacLennan, Toronto, was
groomsman and Douglas John
ston, Lucknow, brother of the
ers were- John Blue and Donald ■
| Blue, Jr. ■ >
Tir f -’«• church oarlors at which the"We always thmk of a prune as .
;ju§t a-worr-ied-plum. '
wedding \ anniversary was . on
August 18th arid Mrs. Ross Er-
ringtori’s birthday was on Aug-,
list 22nd. Bert Badman, of Com
ber, an efficient baker, had oh
hand a large cake with icing and
:■ •' 1 . . - 4. ' : / ■. ' .
Miss Jean Steckle, hOme .econ-
omist for. Bruce and Huron coun
ties; has accepted a teaching as
sistantship iri the department' of
econorriics. School of Economics,
Cornell University, *Ithica, New
York. ?' ' . ■. :
She also plans on taking a post
graduate coursp.in this field* Miss
Steckle, who made her headquar
tersat Walkerton, iska native of
Kitchener. She has been in charge
of 4-H garden and homemaking
clubs which have 650 members.
.She also assisted in Junior In
stitute work and took a keen in
terest in Senior Institutes. Miss
—---------— • /'•'." i Blue, Jr.
The Erringtori reuniori was held
Sunday afternoon, August 22nd,
on the Erringtori homestead, now
owned by a descendant,.Harold
T, Erringtori. The date was set in
consideration of birthdays. and
wedding anniversaries. Those at
tending were Mrs. Charlotte Reid
and .sons, Stewart and . Gordon;
■Mrs. Mary Rivett, Tommy Rivett
and Norris Sampson, Dungannon;
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sampson,
Goderich; Mrr^and—Mrs. Roy
Black, Lucknow; Mrs. Gladys
Black and George Turnhull, BrUs- ■
seis; Mrs. Ethel Stewart, Wing-.
ham; Mr. arid Mrs. Victor’Erring-
—-toriy-Mrf^aridr Mrs*-- Jhn/Erringtbn
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Errington, Miss Jean Errington,
Wilmeff and Norma Errington,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Badman, Mrs.
Lome Badman and daughter Bar
bara of Comber; Mr.and Mrs.
Stanley Hughes, Toronto; Bill
Jewitt, Sarnia; Dinney Lassaline,
Goderich; Mr: and Mrs. Jack Er-
rington and Mrs. David Erring-
ton. Mrs. Stanley Hughes and
Mrs. Roy Black,: who are. sisters, 1 floral design of roses and inscrib-
eaell had birthdays on August “Happy 'Birthdays and Wed-
21st. If was also Mr; arid Mrs. ding Anniversaries”. The happy
Roy Black’s Wedding anniversary, .gathering of around 50. enjoyed
( Mr. arid Mrs. Bert Badman3 supper at tables on the lawn.
bride’s '\ mother_ received guests
wearing: a smoke grey nylon
gown With matching' accessories
and corsage of- cream roses. The
groom’s mother' chose blue parch
ment taffeta with navy accessor
ies, and a corsage of roses.
For a wedding trip to Eastern
Uriited States; the bride changed
to a charcoal grey suit, white and
black accessories and an orchid
corsage.. Mr’ and Mrs.- Blue, will
make their home in Windsor;
Aviators usually stand a nerve
test before going up yery high.
Landlords don’t need one.
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(Intended for Last Week)
Mrs. M’. ’ Sheridan and Mrs.
Walter Clare visited with the
Ryan family at CheSley during
the past week. .
Mr. and, Mrs. Alfred Dalton &
son of Toronto spent last week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr* and Mrs. Jos. Reid arid Mr:
Victor Finnie of Toronto were
week-end guests at the home of
Mr. Jas.: Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald
and babe left for their new home
near Windsor where; Mr. Fitz
gerald is employed with the
Highway Dept
Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Banting,'
Nonna, Jean and Kenneth visjt-.
ed with the Frayrie family...dur
ing the. past week enroute to. Ot
tawa. ' •/ " v. /
Mrs. jps. Polonsky of Youngs
town, Ohio, visited at the1 home
of Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Kinney
during the past Week/
St. Joseph’s Parish was honor
ed on Sunday by having a Sol
emn Higih Mass celebrated here,
.With Father Dominic Kirwin as,,
celebrant, Father F. ObcKholUeA
Sub-Deacon with Laval MriCor.-.
mick of Hesson as Piaster of cor- .
erhoriies. The: students, choir b.
Iluronia Summer -School ’chan te l
the Gregorian mass and.'. the ben -:
ediction hymns. . .
Rev. Edwin Garvey of Assump
tion' College, Windsor arid r^10S-
.Garvey motored to. Sudbury to
Visit- with relatives there.
Mr.- Edmund1 King and family
of London, Rev. Lloyd Ryan, or ,
TTarri111 tori-- arid'' Mn1 arid ■ _
of Ch^sley visited with the
week. ' ’ .
, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frayn*. .
attended the funeral on Monday
morning of Mr. (Michael Dwyer
of Kinkora who died ib Straj-
ford Hospital from thrombose
after two days' illness,.
, Congratulations to Mil &
Miltenberg upon- the ■ birth ot
son 1-a.st week*