HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 6' V . . J ' THF JiUCKNQW -.OWMW lATCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPy, ht, 1954 JESSES? J ' Steaks, chops, spare ribs, glorified by . charcoal fishes seasoned to perfection . .. and ice-cold Coca-Cola^ , Ah, 'there’sa meal! The frosty goodness of Coke , ; points up the taste of food. WARNING-.Better have plentyof everything good ■ including Coke!/Handy cartons make it so easy. I % Authorized bottler ot Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola lid. GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich. Ont. — Phone: 489 ^Cotca** Is a ragMtred tr ada mcwb 442 cj CHURCH NEWS , OHvet WJH.S. _ The Olivet W.MJS. ,ladies eriter- , s , gained the members of . the Baby Band at the. August meeting. at the home of Mrs. Melvin Coiling. Following the opening hymn ?■ There was a few minutes silence .in memory of Mrs. Joseph Black, a' life member of the Society. Prayer was offered by Mrs.-Alex Children’s hymns were sung throughout the meet­ ing and Mrs. Clayton, the Baby Band leader, presided over a short program. Piano solos Were given by Shirley Brooks, Phyllis Oayton and John McCharles with a solo by Marilyn Finlayson; -4-r------ • a story for the children was takr -en by Mrs. Walter Black/Fol- z lowing this the children were taken outside where!i games and 1 treats were enjoyed while the ladies , completed the business " spart of the meeting. An invita­ tion to Pine River in September was accepted by the Olivet lad-, ies. Ti?ea£uref ' and Willipg Work/ . ris reports Were given. Maty . Koulston moVed a vote of thanks * fb -the bostess anW'W closing hymn ahd benediction* “'•■’'“7;--■ -'I^nch'; 7 wa^- “ get ve,ct" "and" • time enjoyed. . ’ . utes were read and ?611 call tak- j of her work across Canada. She J McDonald. Thel^^g of great neJed of help- hv Mt*/ « 3 Pr*yet‘ ers> who could give the children^ hL Mrs. Gor-. an^ parents as well, a kiiow- ?wh11.took the chair for fh.m' nt fZn‘A. tv,.. WHITECHURCH ; Wedding bells are ringing. Mrs. J* Flanagan of Toronto visited recently with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos* Inglis, [Mr. and- Mrs. Russell Moore, Sharon, Dennis and Connie of Preston spent a few. days with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Moore. . Mrs. A. Graham. visited a days with Mr. & Mrs, W* James* The Peel1 Construction Co. has started work on Highway 86 be­ tween .Whitechurch and Wing- bam." ■ ; A bridal Shower Was held on Monday evening at the home, of Mr. and "Mrs, j; Gaunt, in honor of the bride-elect, Miss Isabel Elliott. . • . , Mr. and Mrs. Fur her of Sask, are visiting with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. G- Gillespie* ■ , Mrs. Alex Kennedy of Winni­ peg and Miss Lillian Button of ’'Brampton visited a few days with Mrs. Kennedy, Annie and Pete. Miss Clarabelle Clow and Mr. W. Hall of Kincardine visited with/ Mrs. W. James and other friends in the. village. Mrs. T. H. Moore spent a few days last week in the hospital for treatment on her eye, :. BORN—to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott at Elora pn Friday, August ’27th, twins, a son and daughter. Mrs. Bott is the former Marjorie Purdon. . - Mrs. and Mrs; Reg Scholtz and sons of Auburn visited on Sunday with Mr. /and Mrs. E. Scholtz. Messrs. >Thos, Morrison and Thos. Purd.on. spent the week-end at brantford. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Farrier and. family; are spending a ifew days j with; Mr. " and Mrs. C. Farrier J at' Mimibo and attended , the Ex. ,, (Mr. & Mrs.. Walter Bell, Linda Lou and Heather . Lee called on some friehdsnmlfieTviIlage over" the week-end;.’ Miss Winn if red ' Farrier and some . friehds had a . nice tour through “Quebec, Ihe; ^ Provinces and the’ States. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Farrier and family of Wallacebung. *are visiting with his parents, Mr. & i Women’s ‘institute will be held Mrs, W. R.4 Farrier. '. . ' ? iMr. and Mrs. Russell Farrier and. Marian of Wingham visited with his parents, Mr. and ■ Mjs. W. R. Farrier on Sunday. . Mrs. Chapman of Aurora • is .spending a few days. with her son, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chapr man. Mr and Mrs. E. Groskorth and family spefit , a few days in Chi­ cago last week while travelling through the States. Mr. and Mrs* Kenneth Laidlaw and family of London spent the “week-end “wifff tfeir parents. Mt. and Mrs. Gib Hamilton of Lucknow visited with relatives in ! the village. - SttWIttr Approntici» Plan ; offers young men of 16 a bright future Enroll now! Whig begins Sept 13 Iha Canadian Army'i Soldier Ap. ; ^r<nt|caTralning Plan h a carefully planned progrdininn to help7Qung mon of. 16 to prepare themselyen for the future and a career li) the develop mature judg. ment, self discipline and build e f ''; ctrong, healthy penohality. . . « Soldier Apprentice, q • young man will ,gef a- thorough trade training Jh one of 19 military trades — academic training ln such subjecti a* physics, chemiOry, . «algebra, and English -r a general military training of the Canadian Soldier-7 - ...he will be living and working / alongside enthusiastic, happy Can* adians his own age whilb getting a combination of' military training schooling, plenty of recreation and expert trade training • • • he will bo eligible for all Army benefits including 30 days annual ■ leave. ' • its he will receive half regular Army pay while16 and on his 17th birthday will draw full pay. To be .eligible, a. young man must bo . 16. years of age but not yet 17, and, must have a minimum of Grade 8 education. For'an Interesting booklet with . more Information on the Soldier. / Apprentice Plan, write, phone or visit the Army Recruiting Certtre nearest you. Do. if now, training begini^September 13th. * Got your application in right away, Ko. f J Penenaer Depot . . ■ Wills flMM. IMeia S Chtiloll* Sts.. Ofliwa, Ont —- Tt'lephon* 9 450t • CsMiUh Army Recwillnj Jiation; 164 Wellington Streeb.Kingston. Ont .• 1 ’ C»MdUn Army Recruiting Centre, WIIcMmMTLW^ Toronto, Ont^—Telephone EM. 6 8341—leal lit ' Mo. 1 Ponotmol Depot, Wolseley Barracks, ; . 'OiM.C Eitabolk SIL London. Onl.— Telephone 2-3261 . z Im* tKriiifiiig Centro,- 230 Mein St WTNotth Bay, Ont.—Telephone ASS””' Conodloo Army Recruiting Station, . > <114 list Sired Cost NoalltotfOai. — telephone Wei soo M101. I L the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. Neil McDonald gave the scripture and meditation. Mrs. D; Scott lead in prayer. A review of the Glad Tidings, was given by. Mrs. Bert Moffat. Two topics of .thfe siudy book Was. taken. “Of ‘such is the Kingdom” was taken by Mrs; L. Moffat and Mrs. P. Moffat with scripture by Mrs. G. Wall. “That Which Yet Remain- eth” was taken by Mrs. McDon­ ald, Mrs. C. Tiffin, 'Mrs. F/Mil­ ler and Mrs. George Tiffin with scripture iby Mrs. Currie. Hymns sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Gordon Wall. . Ringside W.M.S. The August meeting of the, W-M.S. was held at the Manse at / Whitechurch. The president op­ ened the meeting With the, call to worship and prayer. The min- First. Auto Mechanic: Which I type of upholstery do you prefer, leather or fabric? . < , .. Sgcond Auto Mechanic: I like fabrics;, leather is. too hard to Wipe your hahds. on. ' Andrews and Rev. Jas. Suther- •— - land to Formosa; Hev. R. JX Dun- The canson and Rev. Jas. Farris go Presbyterian church of Canada' fo British Guiana and Rev. Dr. is sending out six missionaries. Cunningham goes to Jabut Hos- Rev. George Malcolm, Rev. J* C. • pital, India. ledge of the ldve of God. Mrs. Won. Ross favored ■ .With a solo “Hark the Voice, of Jesus Callr ing”. Mrs. Alex; McDonald gave the offertory prayer. Mrs. Wil­ son, president,- took Charge for ‘the business discussion; ' ST. HELENS The Septem ber ' ip ee t in g’ of the !. Women’s Institute 'will be held • this Thursday afternoon' at 2.30 . at the home of Mrs,. Elwood Bar­ bour. Roll, call; .“My/favorite sab, ad”; motto, “Every privilege car­ ries a, responsibility”, by Mrs; Harvey Webb. Mrs. Harvey Spar-! ling Will ibe. guest speaker. Keep Friday, September 10th, free for the Variety Night under the auspices of the Y.P.U. of the . United ' Church. A . splendid pro­ gram is being planned. . ; Mrs. Gordon McIntyre, (form- i erly Dorothy Miller) of Brace- = “bridgep^ife’^a^patient^in^Private Patients- Pavilion of the Gen­ eral j Hospital, Toronto, where she .underwent a spinal -operation last Week. ,' ■ ■ i Miss Margaret Miller, eldes daughter of Mr; and Mrs., Eldoi Miller, commences her . duties a a student^ nurse at the Stratton General Hospital on Wednesday September. 1st ■ ’ « ■ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mine: and Larry of London have bee^ holiday, visitors with relative here. . Mr. and' MrsMjarvey Sparlin; have returned from a holiday a Oliphant.L---- I Ashfield Presbyterian iy.M.S. The. August meeting of the Ashfield W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs.D. A. MacLean. Mrs. D. A. MacKenzie was in charge and opened the meeting with^prayer.—;After^hymn-~~381T Mrs. p. A. MacLean took the de­ votional, choosing 2nd Peter, 3rd -chapteK-She-closed-^he-medita^ tion With a short prayer. The -current Tevents-* from- -the^Glad- Tidings. were given by Mf&? Fred McGregor. The chapter in .the study book, /‘Cheer. Along' The1 Way”, was read by Mrs. Moncrief. Mrs. Simpson introduced the guest speaker,; MisS McEachreh, Regional’ secretary of the Synod­ ical. df’ Hamilton and London. She gave us a detailed account VOURTIPPAIDOFEDOC, LOOK AT THAT LITTER,THEY WEI6HED OVER 2 LBS EACH AT BIRTH. my W“was7ust SOUNDCOMMONSENSE DICK. MORE AND MORE ' H06 RAISERS ARE LEARNING TO FEEDTHEIR PI6SINTHESOW . IFI6URED | WAS 5AVIN6 MONEY BY NOT 61VIN6 THE SOW A RATION BETWEEN BREEDING AND FARR0WIN6 TIME, DOC. But never A6Ain THAT'S THE STUFF,OKK. YOU HAVE TO, FEED® UNBORN PIGS RI&HT. IF YOU STARVE THE ' SOW, you STU NT THE PI6S. y