HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 5. ■ * .■ ’ ■' • , ' ■■ ■ ■ . i* ‘ 1 . 2' WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1954 ®'J'.....1..................... .......... .............................................................".... ........ ............... :F Business College OPENS Tuesday September 7,1954 I SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAILING Practical instruction mail Commercial subjects. Mod-, ern equipment. Friendly experienced teachers. High standards. Placement ser­ vice. TUITION: Our tuition rate is STILL only $17.00 per month. TO LAUNCH ANNUAL CAMPAIGN FOR BLIND E. F. Wheeler, field secretary of the Canadian National Insti­ tute for the Blind, announces that the annual operating fund cam­ paign will begin on September 20th. " ' ' • A prejudice is an opinion en­ tirely surrounded by ignorance. There's NEW "Travel Comfort'' oil to Winnipeg -Jasper -Vancouver •. You’ll find smart new, travel comfort and convenience on Canadian National’s .“Continental Limited.’’ Attractive day , coaches/relaxing lounge^ spacious drawing rooms and compartments, restful bedrooms, pppular-priced duplex- . roomettes and berths. 7 ^ereis-pleasanrtravellht^^ , fhodatidns for every budget. For example, look at these low coach fares Between Toronto and Vancouver. One. /wky $67.11; round trip $ 107. ^Proportionately low apply, for tourist and Other types of sleeping ciir travel. Ask about substantial sqvihgs' offered by New Family Fares to Western Canada and to Mid-lVest dnd Western U.S.A. • t. Bcist ahd'Weist eyety day, “the ContinentsUm'ited . serves Montreal, . d//T0Font©r*M*nakty-W-innipeg/“Saskdtoon,- E;d.rriohtdhi— aspet end Vancouver. Write dr ’phone your local, Canddiop Canadian Rational Railways •O THERE’S NEW TRAVEL COMFORT ON THE CNR V THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PROMPT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE In order 1 toobtain best results, lye urge all stud- ents to. commence on the opening date. . . • • ■ ■ ' v • FOIt APPOINTMENT Call 428W or 1272 Ask for the Bulletin of. Courses approved by the Canadian Business' Schools Association. Campaign chairfhen have been named in Huron County which, has a minimum $3,500 objective. • Lucknow is included in Huron for. campaign purposes with H. D. Thompson' as local: chairman. ASHFIELD BORN 7 CLERIC PASSES Rev. William1 P, Lane, son of a pioneer and prominent family of this district, passed away at his late residence; 4 Austin Ter­ race, Toronto, on Tuesday,. Aug- usf lQthj 1954. Hp' was in his 78th year; He was one of three brothers who chose the ministry as their life work, with his last change at Goderich bef ore his retirement to Toronto to make his home. . ’ Beloved and-respected in the Various, 'charges where•"■her mini’-’ "stered, his sudden death ■ brought sop-ow to a wide circle of friends. Rev. Lane succumbed, 'peacefully in an easy chair in his living rpom from 3 coronary attack. He and Mrs. Lane had returned just a short time before from, a .car ride with friends. He h’ad suffered from a heart.condi­ tion for some time, ahd had surr vived three such coronary at­ tacks . and was. fully aware that .the next one would most cer­ tainly be fatal. The funeral service was held , on, Friday, August 13th from the . chapel of Morley S. Bedford to. Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. His brother, Malcolm, and five neph­ ews, Everett Lane of Port Elgin, Hugh Lane of Kinlough, Gordon Lane of .Brussels Jack McDonald of, Ottawa and George Irwin of Toronto being the pallbearers. , The late Mr; Lane was . born at the Lanes Store in Ashfield Township,- Huron County, Aug­ ust 27th, 1876, a son of the late John Lane and Eliza Rutherford. Ip 1881 the7family moved to Kin­ loss Township, where he received his public school education at S. S. No. .2, Kinlough. He attended Walkerton High School._receiving- his 2nd class certificate in 1897. After teaching for three years at S.S. No. 3, Kinloss, he entered Toronto University where he db^- tained his B.A. degree and took his theology course at Knox Col­ lege, Toronto, graduating in 1906. His first ministerial charge was at Bond Head and . Schomberg Fresbtyerian Churches, wuring Presbyterian Churches, during which time he married Miss May Irwin of Tordnto in J 909. Later he ministered »to the congrega­ tions of EmlbrO, Seaforth United and Goderich North Street Un­ ited^ ‘ ’ • He leaves . to mourn his pass­ ing, his wife; a daughter, Mrs. G, E. Meyers (Helen) of Middleton, N.S.; three grandchildren, Lanet Reid and Marianne Meyers,, also of Middleton, N.S.; two sisters, Mrs. D. H. Alton (Elizabeth) of «Lucknow^MrsrWT’’Dr“M^Dbnaird“ (jean) of Toronto; his brothers, John and IMalcolm Lane of Kin­ lough; Dr. R D. Lane of Port Elgin, recently of Toronto; Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton and Rev; Andrew Lane of Brussels He was predeceased by his brother, Hugh, in 1946. the meeting ended I X n $$w $ Kairshea W. I. The August meeting of the Kairshea W-I- was held at .the Holyrood Hall with Mrs. G. Lock­ hart and Mrs. E. Purves hostess­ es. Mrs. Carruthers presided for the' business: A.n’ invitation to Holyrood’s September meeting Was accepted.* A donation was mada to the Agricultural Society and plans were made to enter .the displays/ The date of our exten­ sion service course is April 19th: It was decided to* buy a thousand "sheets df ^statibnery . and envel opes. Miss Jessie MacKay asked US to quilt two' quilts /for the Baker' Home. , She 'had already pieced thetops, it was decided to , .d.o. that in the Fall/ A -bus .trip t was discussed . and ■ although not too many were interested it. was decided to attempt to get a load for a 37-passenger bu§ to gq Ib^be^Ex^ on. SemehfBer 9W If a .load Isn’t collected* by, Septem­ ber lst.it will be cancelled.. Mrs.. enfeHainmeht; The roll Call,. “A. Cahadian ; Historical Plac^’’/ ^as“ wqll answered., Mrs.* W? F. Mac­ Donald ably gave the topic/“The pas’t is the foundation.of’■ thO fut<: ure”., Betty aiid: Joan Hamilton favored with a duet. Annie Mac­ Kay read current .events Marion Scott sang a solo and Dean?Mac-’ Lead gave a humorous reading. Mrs. MacKenzie conductedJa., and ■ J- x^lNew . PAGE FIVE York CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS ECONOMY With Purchases made at our store. , . . including a selection of (OWEN (OR* /we will give you entirely any one. piece . ofWm. ROGERS Du Barry Silverplate you wisK FULL INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT OUR STORE- | • __ ' * Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries Free Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow i i i i » ■ i r I -i i ■ t. <s- answered the roll call with a verse of scripture. After singing- “Jesus Shall Reign”, the offering: was taken-and Margaret Rdbert- Kinlough W.M.S. The August meeting of the Kin- lough ; Auxiliary to the W.M.S. was held .; on Wednesday after­ noon^ August. 18th at the home .oL^Misses^ Nellie-and—iMargaret^ son^read^a'-’Daper^on^tW “life dF Malcolm. The opening hymn was Miss Lilly Simpson, missionary iil “Breathe on me breath of God”. India. Mrs. W. Guest ,had charge* A prayer was given by Mrs. of the. study which was taken Breckles and the scripture read^ from “Where’er the Sun”. Mrs. jby Mrs. A. Percy. Twenty-twp. Emerson, Margaret : Robertson, ' —----———--------—-—- Mrs.. Barr, N. Malcolm, Mrs/ NL the meeting ended With . the Johnston and Mrs. F’ Johnston Queen and the Institute grace. A took part in the study. Mrs. Guest Social hour followed. The . Sep- moved a vote” of thanks t6 the tember meeting will be held in hostess and those who helped Holyrood Hall with the hostesses with the meeting. The meeting Mrs. Glenn Irwin and Mrs. Don- closed by singing “Zion’s King aid MacKinnon, and directors Mrs. Shall Reign Victorious” and g/ace A. Maclhtyre, Mrs. H. (Campbell, was sung after which the lunch. Mrs. S: Chislett and Mrs. F. Gil-.committee served (tea and, a soqiai christ. - • hour y/as Spent. “ ' , , - I ; COULD YOU FACE IT ALONE? - J ' As your husband’s chief beneficiary, would you , ~ know how to handle the _'^ administration of his estate? * Inexperience in such matters can be expen- ' sive and cause untold-worry. A sympathetic ,__and__-^por^ncedLr^th^^^c^e^.of~lMe^/^ Sterling Trusts’ Corporation will be happy M discuss matters With^yqU^and your husbands Such an interview could be the answer to your future pest&& of niind. ™E STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O RAT I q ** HEAD OFFICt BRANCH OFFICE, v , 1^3 Dunlop SLrBoiffo ' .< ■# . ’ ■’ “U’ V ’ ;• * ■#* V t