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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 5
. ■ * .■ ’ ■' • , ' ■■ ■ ■ . i* ‘ 1 . 2' WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1954 ®'J'.....1..................... .......... .............................................................".... ........ ............... :F Business College OPENS Tuesday September 7,1954 I SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAILING Practical instruction mail Commercial subjects. Mod-, ern equipment. Friendly experienced teachers. High standards. Placement ser vice. TUITION: Our tuition rate is STILL only $17.00 per month. TO LAUNCH ANNUAL CAMPAIGN FOR BLIND E. F. Wheeler, field secretary of the Canadian National Insti tute for the Blind, announces that the annual operating fund cam paign will begin on September 20th. " ' ' • A prejudice is an opinion en tirely surrounded by ignorance. There's NEW "Travel Comfort'' oil to Winnipeg -Jasper -Vancouver •. You’ll find smart new, travel comfort and convenience on Canadian National’s .“Continental Limited.’’ Attractive day , coaches/relaxing lounge^ spacious drawing rooms and compartments, restful bedrooms, pppular-priced duplex- . roomettes and berths. 7 ^ereis-pleasanrtravellht^^ , fhodatidns for every budget. For example, look at these low coach fares Between Toronto and Vancouver. One. /wky $67.11; round trip $ 107. ^Proportionately low apply, for tourist and Other types of sleeping ciir travel. Ask about substantial sqvihgs' offered by New Family Fares to Western Canada and to Mid-lVest dnd Western U.S.A. • t. Bcist ahd'Weist eyety day, “the ContinentsUm'ited . serves Montreal, . d//T0Font©r*M*nakty-W-innipeg/“Saskdtoon,- E;d.rriohtdhi— aspet end Vancouver. Write dr ’phone your local, Canddiop Canadian Rational Railways •O THERE’S NEW TRAVEL COMFORT ON THE CNR V THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PROMPT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE In order 1 toobtain best results, lye urge all stud- ents to. commence on the opening date. . . • • ■ ■ ' v • FOIt APPOINTMENT Call 428W or 1272 Ask for the Bulletin of. Courses approved by the Canadian Business' Schools Association. Campaign chairfhen have been named in Huron County which, has a minimum $3,500 objective. • Lucknow is included in Huron for. campaign purposes with H. D. Thompson' as local: chairman. ASHFIELD BORN 7 CLERIC PASSES Rev. William1 P, Lane, son of a pioneer and prominent family of this district, passed away at his late residence; 4 Austin Ter race, Toronto, on Tuesday,. Aug- usf lQthj 1954. Hp' was in his 78th year; He was one of three brothers who chose the ministry as their life work, with his last change at Goderich bef ore his retirement to Toronto to make his home. . ’ Beloved and-respected in the Various, 'charges where•"■her mini’-’ "stered, his sudden death ■ brought sop-ow to a wide circle of friends. Rev. Lane succumbed, 'peacefully in an easy chair in his living rpom from 3 coronary attack. He and Mrs. Lane had returned just a short time before from, a .car ride with friends. He h’ad suffered from a heart.condi tion for some time, ahd had surr vived three such coronary at tacks . and was. fully aware that .the next one would most cer tainly be fatal. The funeral service was held , on, Friday, August 13th from the . chapel of Morley S. Bedford to. Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. His brother, Malcolm, and five neph ews, Everett Lane of Port Elgin, Hugh Lane of Kinlough, Gordon Lane of .Brussels Jack McDonald of, Ottawa and George Irwin of Toronto being the pallbearers. , The late Mr; Lane was . born at the Lanes Store in Ashfield Township,- Huron County, Aug ust 27th, 1876, a son of the late John Lane and Eliza Rutherford. Ip 1881 the7family moved to Kin loss Township, where he received his public school education at S. S. No. .2, Kinlough. He attended Walkerton High School._receiving- his 2nd class certificate in 1897. After teaching for three years at S.S. No. 3, Kinloss, he entered Toronto University where he db^- tained his B.A. degree and took his theology course at Knox Col lege, Toronto, graduating in 1906. His first ministerial charge was at Bond Head and . Schomberg Fresbtyerian Churches, wuring Presbyterian Churches, during which time he married Miss May Irwin of Tordnto in J 909. Later he ministered »to the congrega tions of EmlbrO, Seaforth United and Goderich North Street Un ited^ ‘ ’ • He leaves . to mourn his pass ing, his wife; a daughter, Mrs. G, E. Meyers (Helen) of Middleton, N.S.; three grandchildren, Lanet Reid and Marianne Meyers,, also of Middleton, N.S.; two sisters, Mrs. D. H. Alton (Elizabeth) of «Lucknow^MrsrWT’’Dr“M^Dbnaird“ (jean) of Toronto; his brothers, John and IMalcolm Lane of Kin lough; Dr. R D. Lane of Port Elgin, recently of Toronto; Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton and Rev; Andrew Lane of Brussels He was predeceased by his brother, Hugh, in 1946. the meeting ended I X n $$w $ Kairshea W. I. The August meeting of the Kairshea W-I- was held at .the Holyrood Hall with Mrs. G. Lock hart and Mrs. E. Purves hostess es. Mrs. Carruthers presided for the' business: A.n’ invitation to Holyrood’s September meeting Was accepted.* A donation was mada to the Agricultural Society and plans were made to enter .the displays/ The date of our exten sion service course is April 19th: It was decided to* buy a thousand "sheets df ^statibnery . and envel opes. Miss Jessie MacKay asked US to quilt two' quilts /for the Baker' Home. , She 'had already pieced thetops, it was decided to , .d.o. that in the Fall/ A -bus .trip t was discussed . and ■ although not too many were interested it. was decided to attempt to get a load for a 37-passenger bu§ to gq Ib^be^Ex^ on. SemehfBer 9W If a .load Isn’t collected* by, Septem ber lst.it will be cancelled.. Mrs.. enfeHainmeht; The roll Call,. “A. Cahadian ; Historical Plac^’’/ ^as“ wqll answered., Mrs.* W? F. Mac Donald ably gave the topic/“The pas’t is the foundation.of’■ thO fut<: ure”., Betty aiid: Joan Hamilton favored with a duet. Annie Mac Kay read current .events Marion Scott sang a solo and Dean?Mac-’ Lead gave a humorous reading. Mrs. MacKenzie conductedJa., and ■ J- x^lNew . PAGE FIVE York CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS ECONOMY With Purchases made at our store. , . . including a selection of (OWEN (OR* /we will give you entirely any one. piece . ofWm. ROGERS Du Barry Silverplate you wisK FULL INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT OUR STORE- | • __ ' * Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries Free Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow i i i i » ■ i r I -i i ■ t. <s- answered the roll call with a verse of scripture. After singing- “Jesus Shall Reign”, the offering: was taken-and Margaret Rdbert- Kinlough W.M.S. The August meeting of the Kin- lough ; Auxiliary to the W.M.S. was held .; on Wednesday after noon^ August. 18th at the home .oL^Misses^ Nellie-and—iMargaret^ son^read^a'-’Daper^on^tW “life dF Malcolm. The opening hymn was Miss Lilly Simpson, missionary iil “Breathe on me breath of God”. India. Mrs. W. Guest ,had charge* A prayer was given by Mrs. of the. study which was taken Breckles and the scripture read^ from “Where’er the Sun”. Mrs. jby Mrs. A. Percy. Twenty-twp. Emerson, Margaret : Robertson, ' —----———--------—-—- Mrs.. Barr, N. Malcolm, Mrs/ NL the meeting ended With . the Johnston and Mrs. F’ Johnston Queen and the Institute grace. A took part in the study. Mrs. Guest Social hour followed. The . Sep- moved a vote” of thanks t6 the tember meeting will be held in hostess and those who helped Holyrood Hall with the hostesses with the meeting. The meeting Mrs. Glenn Irwin and Mrs. Don- closed by singing “Zion’s King aid MacKinnon, and directors Mrs. Shall Reign Victorious” and g/ace A. Maclhtyre, Mrs. H. (Campbell, was sung after which the lunch. Mrs. S: Chislett and Mrs. F. Gil-.committee served (tea and, a soqiai christ. - • hour y/as Spent. “ ' , , - I ; COULD YOU FACE IT ALONE? - J ' As your husband’s chief beneficiary, would you , ~ know how to handle the _'^ administration of his estate? * Inexperience in such matters can be expen- ' sive and cause untold-worry. A sympathetic ,__and__-^por^ncedLr^th^^^c^e^.of~lMe^/^ Sterling Trusts’ Corporation will be happy M discuss matters With^yqU^and your husbands Such an interview could be the answer to your future pest&& of niind. ™E STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O RAT I q ** HEAD OFFICt BRANCH OFFICE, v , 1^3 Dunlop SLrBoiffo ' .< ■# . ’ ■’ “U’ V ’ ;• * ■#* V t