HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-09-01, Page 3,i i — II — • WM I. I— II — II — 1 — || — L u , . , LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister; Rev. G. A; Meiklejohn, " B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th 10 11 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. . 1st, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO » PAGE THREE. 7 Gloves 25c 4 saw »r 'SALE'. VELVETS VELOURS FELTS VEILS FLOWERS LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 52x52, patterns, regular $2.75. SALE PRICE — $1.97 GIRLS’ BOBBY SOX Rib knit, white, and colors, ideal f: for school, regular 49c. SALE — 3 PAIR $1.00 KIDDIES’ PYJAMAS Regular $1.98 . /SALE — $1.29 ' . „ , and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. : i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans and PURE SILK HEADSQUARES 'Jlani J’oll-^l edge. Regular $1.39. r . SALE —'95c BOYS’ JEANS ' .Boys’ sanforized* Jeans, 8 to 14. Boxer and belt styles. Reg. $2.'95. Sale $2.19 ^•TlHtEi^RlNG'BINDLRS^ Lvalhei’.'brief case style, ... free 55c SIZE REFILL WITH EACH! MEN’S DRESS SOX Many diamond patterns, wool cotton—nylon blend subs. • SALE — 49c PAIR Fall Hats Women’s, Misses’. Children’s Profusion of color ■■ ~: ~ i ■ ■ i , i Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Johnston I BATH TOWELS , , Guest size, regular 8.9c Sale, 49c each ■ anmiPLASTIC DRAPES —: Odds and End^ Regular to $1.98 i^99c , a.m.: Church School. a.m.: Dedication of Pulpit Bible. p.m4 “The Magnetic* Fol-= Jowship’V i Li DRESSES Special group. Regular $2.98. SALE—$1.99 GIRLS.’ DRESSES ■2' to 6x, 7 'to 14~“Rogu1gr $2.98 ' .. SAL&30%,;OFF. COTTON BLANKETS . ' Regular $5.98, SALE -r $3.49 ■ ' - / /.......BATH TOWELS ''/'. ‘ SALE 98c ’ SPORTS WEAR Girls’ and Ladies’ Sports Wgar-- ‘ Tee Shirts; - Blouses, etL 20 to 50 percent off i I iI I I Local & Genetai Miss -Marie Huston of Ripley spent the .week-end' with (Mrs. 'Elizabeth Ferguson. Mr, and Mrs, N. S, Calvert and daughter Joyce of Paris, are visiting With Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Douglas. > Mr; and Mrs. Stewart CameTon, Mary Ann and Roddy of Port Colbome, spent last week with Ws. N. £.Bushell.:'. . Mrs. Ida Hackett is spending a couple of weeks in London with her (Jaughter,, Mrs. Millicent Boles.' - j . • Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hall, John and Janis//of‘Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. . Auston Solomon has gone to Edmonton for a month’s visit With his son Ellwood and Mrs’. Solomon. « \ ■. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fells and R,oy left on Tuesday, oh their re­ turn to Smooth Rock Falls. Mr. Fells recently completed a two- week principal’s course at King­ ston. / ' ...............................-r ~ " I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell and children of Ottawa, Mr. and/Mrs. W. A. ^Russell and Miss Isabel langside • I • • • ’. The community extends deep­ est sympathy to Mrs. Orr and ;^Hy in the loss of husband and j father, Mr, Wm. Orr. , Mr and Mrs. Clifford Young have bought the farm of Mr' and Neil MacDonald and plan to moVe there. MrAand Mrs. Mac­ Donald have bQught a home in Teeswater. The children who attended the .Vacation School from Langside were Marion Scott, Jo Ann Con­ ley, Marion and David Wall, Don­ na Moffat, Audrey Young, Doris Moffat, Shirley Scotf. The (child- len enjoyed the school very much and - they will have their crafts on display at a social in the church on. Thursday evening to which all the congregation, is in­ vited. Sandwiches' and cookies will be served. • A ^ Adrian V. D. Lugt io spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs; Percy Ganbutt.. . Mr. Jack Huff mart of Three Rivers, Man., is spending a month furlough at his home. < Mrs. Mary Jane Tiffin, arrived home after a- visit with ' friends at Lavonia arid Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hayes accompanied her home. ■ ■' Those taking in the bus trip to Niagara Falls were Messrs. Jack -r, ,, _ _ Hayes,- Russel Ritchie, Fred and Pusse*1 of Regina were visitors Charlie Tiffin, Wendell Taylor;-' last week at the McKibbon cot- Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Garbutt, Kincardine. -' t . (Mr-, and-Mrs. Elridge Myers' and *“ ■ T ■. ' -: family from/Sheguiandah, Mani-.1 ‘tor’s c;are with pneumonia. ' . touliri Island, aw7 visitors with I Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Johnston ;soh and brother/ Mr:, and' Mrs. of Ripley visited Sunday with Mr. Percy Garbutt. . . “ J " ” ’ ” ' Recent visitors with Mr. and MrX Frank Miller were Mr. and Teddy spent, Sunday, in London. Mrs. Nelson Fitzeir of Portland, (Teddy remained for a holiday. Oregon; Mr. Alex MacKenzie of ' :Mr; and Mrs. Gordon Wall and Kincardine;., M^and-Mr-s—Bruee ^P^-spent-Sunday at Auburn. Hmith^n-d-Vto-laToT-Sam’h"aThptbitrjHer”mother^MTS^Jo‘h’n^^ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and returned with them for a visit. Marie, Mrs. Stanley Swass and > Miss Cecilia Crowston returned- Elizabeth Ann. from Tiverton; Mr.1 home. after , a holiday with Her. and Mrs. Ed Moore, Phyllis.- Shir- aunt> Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Wing­ ley arid- Doris of Whitechurch; ham. Mr, and Mrs/John Dahmer and • Miss Thelma Feaga.ri of Guelph Michael of Lucknow: .; / was a recent visitor at the home Allan Mille^ has-spent the past. of her brother, Mr. Chester Fea-- VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL STUDENTS PERFORM ■ • •' ; ■ . A vacation Bible School was held in the Presbyterian church during the week of August 16th, under the direction of >Rev. G. A, Meiklejohn ..assisted by Rev. K L. Jennings. On Friday even­ ing of that, week achievement night was held when the child­ ren surprised , a large audience with' what they accomplished during the week. Teachers were Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Mrs.. , Roy Havens, Miss Catherine McLennan, Mrs. Harold Allin,* “MYs. Jack Fisher, Miss Flora Webster, Miss Dean MactpQd. The .music was direct-. ecLby Miss Helen Thompson. MARKS 92nd BIRTHDAY Mr. R. C. McGowan of East Wawanosh, near Bly th, observed his 92nd birthday on Tuesday, August: 31st. The late Mrs. Me-. Gowan was formerly Miss, Mag­ gie Murdoch, and was born on. the farm now owned by Gordon. Kirkland. Her father, the late John Murdoch, was one of the pioneer settlers of . the district. Mrs. Hugh Cuming, Gloria and Billy spent last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. W., Jo.ynt at­ tended tne -funeral of Mrs... W. A. Freeman at. Seaforth. • •Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Gagan of ' London were week-end guests, of! Mrs. N. E. Bushell. / .1 two weeks in "bed under .the ’doc - gan. Sept. 2 SPECIAL! Children’s Anklets Fashion Millin I MARKET STORE BARGAINS GALORETPi-icei slaihed on OT goods. Special sale prices on new fall •clothing. Be > sure to get your sh&re at these LOW, LOW PRICES. DOESKINSHIRTS Boys’ plaid doeskin shirts,. '7 to. 14, sanforized. Swell for school. Reg­ ular. $1.98. Sale $1.49 each Sept. 11 BOYS’ UNDERWEAR Briefs, 2, 4, 6. Regular 49c each. 3 Pair $1.00 BOYS’ SCHOOL SOX Wool-nylon-cotton blend. A 75c -value. SALE PRICE — 39c I. , NYLON CARDIGANS Girls’, and Misses’; soft 'pastel tone^. Regular $3.98... Sale — $3.49 • ' <a , ; . ' . . ............ » . ■ i *' . DOESKIN SHIRTING Latest plaids.. Save 1.0c to 20c .' . a yard. • . Sale 49c arid 59c yard BOYS’ DRESS PANTS Ages 6 lo .16. 'Pic ’n ^Pic, Gaber- • 'dine, tailored just dike Dad’s.' . ■ • A 85-.00 value/ , ....."SALE ~ ~S£95 pAIR - “ ’ SPORTS SHIRTS ...Boys’‘ * aiid “"Men’s ’ Sport - Shiris. Lots, of opportunity to wear these' .yet. Sale discount of 29 to 50 piercent SAVE ON THESE! TEA TOWELS Regular 39c - 49c SALE PRICE — 25c EACH TWO FOR 39c SHEETS . Fine percale, 81x100, were $10.50 pair. SALE — $3.19. ----- ■ ----- - ■ CREPE DRESSES < Mostly sinall sizes, ideal for teen — a g.er-s JReg-u la r--$44)5- SALE —: $£.50 ' NYLONS Excellent Wear Subs. - Sale price, \88c pair MEN’S DENIM PANTS Sanforized. Regular $5.50. Sale $2.88 pair SCHOOL SUPPLIES Note books, pens, pencils, refills, crayons, etc KIDDIES — FREEBAI.I.OON! with your school supply purchase, MANY MOR^ unadverjtised bargains in eve^y de- partirheht. Sale starts Thursday, September 2nd. Ends Saturday, September 11 th.