HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-11, Page 10'PAGE TEN 1 LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO W^DNESPAY, AUGUST Ut t z \L> , • I > » i #• j t ft r GODERiCft LADIES GUESTS OFLOCAL AUXILIARY i Anderson, Lucknow, A number of old favorite’ songs were sung by Mrs. Clair Johnston, Mrs. Roy Black; Mrs; Oliver Glenn and Mrs. Ronald Forster,, accompanied by Mrs. Wasney, Apenny auction: was held with Mrs. Collyer, Mrs, Black and Mrs. C. Johnston in charge; The mystery box was won by Mrs* Payne of Goderich. Mi’s. Carroll, president of the Goderich Auxiliary, extended ’a vote of, thankstotheLucknowAuxiliary for a pleasant evening. A vote of thanks was extended to the social committee for the lovely lunch which brought the evening to a close. ■ Members of the Auxiliary are On August 3rd the Ladies Aiix- iary to the Canadian Legion met iii“ the'LegionRoomswith,about 20 ladies from Goderich Auxiliary as their guests; Mrs. Philip Mac- Millan* welcomed-^rhe ladies and O Canada was suriig. The program ' was then turned over to the en­ tertainment committee with Mrs. Ronald Forster aa. chairlady. Readings v^ere given by Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and Mrs. Lprne Johnston, piano instrumentals by Mrs. joe Wasney, Miss Karen Wasney and Mrs. John T. Car­ ruthers, a, short skit by Mrs. Was- . T . . hey and Mrs. Black. A, contest Ihvited to the, Legion • picnic to in charge of Mrs. Dan Thompson 'held this Sunday afternoon at was won by Mrs. Paul Hill* Mrs.] ^.30 at the. Lake on Jack Gould’s Ralph Kingswell and Mrs. Nor^ f at Kintail* 1 ‘ . man Miller of Goderich and ^Irs*' Wm. Buckingham of Lucknow Auxiliary. Judges were Mrs. Ara- belle Bushell, Mrs. N. H. Hedley and Mrs. Bob MacKenzie. A coni-? test ip charge of Mrs. R. Forster Was won by Mrs. Clarence Mac­ Donald, Goderich and Mrs. Tom THAT G. E. Harrison of Huron Township represented the jur­ isdiction of Ontario I.O.O.F. at a three-day lake state confer­ ence at Fort Wayne, Indiana. He went by plane on Friday from Malton, ► ■?; DOLLAR DAYS at SMITH’S I.G.A. ► . j.GA. TOMATO JUICE ► 48 oz., fancy....... 4 for $1AO ►PORK & BEANS Clark’s, 20 oz. 6 for $1.00 LG.A.PUMPKIN ’ choice, 28 oz. .... 0 tor. $1,00 k LG. A. CORN ;2Q oz. 7 for $1.00 ^RASPBERRY JAM k Breakfast Club, 24 oz.^3 for $1 ► TOMATO SOUP k Campbell’s, 10 oz. 8 for $1.00 *LG.A. MARGARINE • lb. pkg, ,..., ,.------4 for $1.00 .............................. .. I'*- Sherriffs LUSHUS 11 for $1.00 8 for $1.00 4 < '4 ; 4 . *>4 /4 Z<4 .4 4 ■4 0 rt ' ' ■' 4 for $1.00 TOILET TISSUE White Swan ALL BRAN Kellogg’s .... DOG FOOD Dog House; 15 10 for $1.00 SARDINES Brunswick ....... 12 for $1.00 SOCKEYE SALMON Challenger, y^s .... 3 for $L00 I.G.A. MILK Evaporated,talls,8for$1.00 SMITH’S FOOD MARKET' L 4 r. t Hundreds of yards of fabrics,at ' .—.prices away.,-_.below.. usual^lfl'arUf - ■ ■ nelettes', doeskin, denims; plaids, prints and many others. An dp- portunity to save ‘at the' “Market g4are” remnant counter* . - FANCY WOOL CHECKS, fine’’ quality, drapes and pleats nicely, .58 inches wide. Price, ycL $2.79 ... ,., ) r • 4 THAT Council lost no time lb starting the sidewalk replace­ ment wprfc on the south side of Main Street, between the bridge and J, Li MacMillan’^ butcher shop, The contract was 10t last Tuesday night, and the old walks were smashed, up and' . tempvej on . Thursday under municipal supervision. Worden Hdwald has the contract for the cement work, and started laying^ -the forms on Monday , morning. THAT Elmer Smeltzer’S field of Lorain oats at the top of the hill at Amberley Beach, scored first place in the field crop competition sponsored by Ripi- TrTley^Huroh-Agricultural^Soeiety^ THAT Alex MacNay went to Toronto this Week for a check­ up. Alex has made remarkable, progress in recent weeks since undergoing a very critical op­ eration for removal of a brain . tumor. His life hung in the bal-’ ; ance for a time and his re- KjoVery was at first very slow, and he had to -literally learn to walk again. But for some . time now Alex has been gett­ ing about like, his old self,, drives the car, is back on the bowling green and has acquired a healthy tan from basking in’ the sun at the beach. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boak and Rickey are on a trip West. Their son Larry^is remaining here with Mrs. «a.C.’ Shaddick. It is Aaron’s first trip back to his parental home in the West, , at Bruno, Sask., since coming : East a number of years ago. 1 ! ! ‘'II ■ '.I* ■II II i■"Ii . i . I —f I WM. MURDIE & SON I Heating — Plumbing ~ Tinsmithing I I Oil Furnaces Installed and j Serviced f i &StW. ELECTRIC KETTLES LIMITED quantity SPECIAL ’>1 MASTER PLUMBERS NO. 7 ROOT DESTROYER "Harmless to trees, shrubs, clothing and hands. ATOMIC MALATHION THE LAST WORD IN BARN SPRAY Flies do not build up a resistance to it . , ,10 oz. —tjQttie-jnakes-S-gallons^of^pray,^^— ft FERGUS HIGHLAND GAMES SATURDAY, AUGUST Zl.t :. ............—'A '■ 1954“. .....................; ■ Spend All Day at the See—Piping and Dancing Competitions Massed Bands Parades—-Band Competition > Sports Events — Admission 75 cents Victoria Park — Starting 11.00 ajn. Big Concert and Dance in Arena at night “One of Canada’s; Outstanding Tourist J' Attractions” " ....7''<’,;...... THAT S. C. Rathwell, despite his 83 .years,, is one of the. Luck- ~nowBowling~~Glub’smostar- dent lawn bowlers. Not only does Mr. Rathwell frequent the local greens,; but 'so far this season he" has taken part in tournaments at Goderich, Wing­ ham and Southampton. THAT Allan Reed had a busy week-end. Hetook a bus load of Orangemen to Port Huron on Saturday, and .early Sun-J day morning took off with a - load of ball fans for Detroit, where they saw the Tigers edge the New York Yankees 10-8 in ten innings. . . THAT cars owned by Wilfred' (Pete) Farrish and Harry Hackett, both of Ashfield, were ^ih^a^collisibn^-on^Main^Street- dt the nooh. hour, on Monday. Considerable damage was done/ (both cars. Harry, we under­ stand, was ^backing out from a parking stall. With Constable Havens out-of-town on holi­ days', there was some delay be-r fore the drivers could move their cars. THAT Roy Renwick, T.C.A. pilot of Brampton—who is known as “The Fiddling Flier”, won 3rd place in the Canadian champ­ ionship Old Time Fiddlers’ con­ test1 at Shelbourne on Satur­ day. Roy is a son of the late Ed Renwick who at one time operated the Ford Garage in Lucknow. THAT Hoiytood Women’s Ihsti- , tute has invited Paramount Ini “^titute“"tcr^“theiF"" the meeting in Holyrood Haji on September 2. Guest speaker will be Steve Stothers. * b: . . Frocks, sizes 16 to 44. Ideal for .home and street wearJ—— Only ..................... $2.98'each WORK SHIRTS—‘blUfe cottdn cov­ ert cloth of a good firm sarifoi> .* ■iized cotton shifting, that Mari&§r ; up to hard wear, . \ > , Regular sizes; 14% to' 17%. w. $2,95 Giant sizes 16% id 19 $3*45 s r ii Civic Holiday week-end. ' But if “JoeBlow” who never ibets —his-bank-roU-on-the-horsesror cards or ■ dice, was to take, a $3.00 flier on a sweepstake tic­ ket, he’d be committing a crime, Consistent, eh! THAT Mrs. Fred1 Anderson un­ derwent an amputation opera­ tion on her foot in Wingham Hospital this week, THAT Ralph Cameron of Ash-, field was Critically ill recently from an infection resulting > from a knee injury which had< healed over. , . 1 •• .....'t .................. THAT the Paisley Advocate drew attention to, the staggering -sums wagered at the Fort Erie and Woodbine tracks over the THAT Joseph .. England, who is presently ’making.. his home , with lyir. and Mrs. John Swan of Ber.vie, spent,, a couple or weeks recently with Mn and Mrs,, Jdhn England. . Joe was 89 years of age last May,■ hut despite his ’ age, still, thought little of hiking the mile arid a, < half into town from the Second Concession. ‘ o—- ' THAT Roy Graham is building a new house at’ Amberley for Mr. and (Mrs. James T. Webster of Seaforth. 4- / f I J ATTENTION! Advance notice is hereby given that our Beauty, Salon will’ be closed for one month from SATURDAY, SEPTEMBERH until re-opening, date of MONDAY,' OCTOBER 11 For Pre-Holiday’Work Please Make Your Appointments Early. ’s^Beauty ' Modem Hair Stylists ’ *— ’Phone 115, Lucknow and natural background, 36 in­ ches. wide, only; yd; Mens COTTON TOPS & SHORTS Good quality tops knit.from white * cottonyarns in a smooth body- f it’ting jrib. Brevet shorts are fin- ’ ished with double-ply crotch and , stretchy Web elastic waist band, r ■. S,. M,. L; each' 8Se ,1 > ton with • nylon heels andion witn > nyjon neeis ana—-e-iastici^e<^top^^reenr'hld a-^and,,,.... _i < wihe. Stees 10%, IL .11% and;. ,wine. Sizes !()%> IL *11% arid 12 .......nJ..;......... BOYS’ DRESS RANTS^tailofed . from sturdy “Pic Pic’* mateY; ial in a heat “grown-up’' Gf^y, beige <hd navy. Sizes 24 .m, 34;,.... > , ‘ ..... * ... . . t <' 7 ,