HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-11, Page 8•V. I? * 4 PAGE EIGHT SPORT... (By Don Thompson) INTERMEDIATES defeat BLYTH 13-2 ON THURSDAY I THE WffKjjbW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IJ ' ’ ' 4 ____________ - ______________________ ... ........... j - F’RST GAME WITH CENTRALIA RAINED OUT Luq^now .and ^.ntrijig: hooked up in the first game of the play­ offs in. the Caledonian Park on Tuesday night, but rain brought a h&lt to the game after five fullLucknow Legion Intermediates _ ___ o„.rT_ ___________ played the closing game, of the: innings of 'play. Lucknow was schedule in the^ Caledonian Park, leading .5t2 at the .'time but this on’ Thursday night and defeated pgame will have To be" replayed,: Blyth 13^2» . I as it takes 7 innings to constitute ./iBIyth were badly disorganized a gaipe. The second game is sche-’ duled for Centralia on Thursday. ' • -o—o^-^ ■■ FIVE YEAR SUSPENSION •, The WOAA executive met last Friday night and; clapped a fiye- year suspension-" from 'sport on: Joe Sullivan of Walkerton, and cannot appeal the decision for . at least three years. _ The- suspension resulted from his attack on Umpire Hugh. Cum­ ing. who suffered a:badly gashed mouth and damage* to four teeth, as a .result. It is understood that an effort will be made to recover damages from Sullivan. The in­ cident created a storm of protest from sporting circles and the W.O.A.,A.’s action, it is roped, will cUrlb such hot-heads and prevent a repetition of any such cowardly attack, . ~ : —i . .Wednesday, august n, 1054 OF GLASS V ■i PREPARE NOW FOR FALL AND WINTER d a By Replacing JUST UNLOADED Cracked and Broken Windows ONE CARLO AD VVINGIIAM TROUNCE JUVS . 9-4 IN. SCRAMBLY GAME •Wihgham Juveniles paid a visit to Sepoyville on Friday-night and fielded a team which included three of, their midget team and a couple of their Pee Wees by the looks of their size. However, Wingham played a steady game and defeated the local 'boys 9-4. The Lucknow boys played one; of their weakest games of the season, committing seven’ errors and were literally “handing out” runs to the W^ingharn. team, ' Kent Hedley pitched for Luck­ now except io. the 7th inning when Hughie MacMillan did a -part-inning chore. Hedley struck out 4, walked 1 and1 gave- up 13 hits. MacMillan, in half an inn? ing, struck out 1, . walked 2: and gave up one hit. Lancaster- for Wihgharti struck out 11, walked one and gave up 9 hits. Lucknow again had one bad inning, this time coming in. t,he 7th. . In' this’ inning Wingham scored six runs on 5'hits and 2 walks. Although; Hedley gave- up 13 hits his support was just as much to-blame for the loss. Some of the hits .would not have been such, had the players been in correct position and rhoved .fast ■bn the^ ball; A Yiumibefkof passed^ balls, and some ^“thoughtlessJ plays’* also helped the boys along. \ ...Hughie MacMillan Lucknow batters with four times at bat. d as ,it takes. T innings to constitute '* <1. in both the fielding and pitching departments and did not look like the same team that 'had beaten Lucknow 10-6 just two nights be-, fore. Blyth committed 8 errprs in the field. tl J <_ .Grant .Chisholm^pitched, a fine : game on the mound for Luck­ now, He struck out 12, walked 3," and (gave up four hits to the ; Blyth; batsmen. MacDonald and MidLeah divided the pitching dut­ ies for Blyth and between them, gave up 9 hits to the local team. Alvin brought up from Juvenile ranks for the game, went behind the bat and caught Grant ‘ Chisholm; Al. handled*’ Grant’s pitches like he’d been doing -it for years. y L ii ck n o w : MacIntyre, rf; Thompson, 1st; Chin, 2nd; West­ lake, 3rd; Attridge; cf; Halden- by, ss; Chisholm, p; Cooke, If; Rose, If; Baker,, c. Blyth:1 Tamibiyn, ss; Carter, c; Campion, 3rd; Watson, cf; Weber, 1st; Hesselwpod, 2nd; Armstrong, If; MsacDonald, p; Tunney, rf;* Baker, who had Ib^en game, went behind the M We Can Supply Any Odd Or Standard Slate From 8”xl0” to 48”x54” JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow — Phone 150 — Ontario WinghamMcLean, p. ■ r h e Lucknow ......020 060 32x—13 9 2 Blyth 000 001- .010— 2 4 8 •r i •tUvtaeifte-BBMK 4 i 4 If you run short of water in the late summer on ybur farm, you can probably * ; Cure the trouble for good with a ; well-placed farm pond. ' ‘ Built where it will catch the spring ruhroff, your farm pond would provide a ready supply of drinking water for your cattle and a useful reservoir in times ' of drought. It’s a booh to any type of farming, as many Canadian farmers - . have already, discovered. Don’t let a shortage of ready cash delay this or any other farm improvement that Will make jour farm a better farm. Discuss your needs with your lockl _——^B_o£d^£jmanager-T-iHeTl-gladly--tell--youJ-—— n ■ aiMv fi ■V 0 .. what a Farm Improvement Loan ^an do. for your ■ farm— how it can boost your profits and save \you time £nd work. f >: led the 3 hits in fr< Wingham: Campbell, 2nd; Mur­ ray, cf; Hddgkinson, e; Lancaster, p; Bain, 3rd’ Storey, 1st; Lott, ss; Foxton, If ; StuckeyrIf;. Walkr er, rf; Brown, rf. Lucknow: J, Chin, 3rd; Stan­ ley, c; MacNay, If; Hedley, p, 2nd; Hackett, 1st; C. Chin, cf; Baker, , rf; MacMillan, 2nd, p; Cbuse, • ss; ... Nixon “ (batted, for Cousein—9 th).— 'A?/ ■ ' ~ .EL CULROSS CORNERS ..Misses ,Marian-and Pa-tsy Husk, Kinloss;. -visited last, week with Mr. and ,Mr$. Everett Whytoek.' Our community was well rep­ resented at Wingham during its, 75th anniversary. * . Mrs. Frank Brown spent Tues; day_^.mioopLw^^ Hodgins, Bervie* ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher . and’then went to Port When the i Knights no longer needed him, I is - scarcely in Port -Elgin " any longer .than it tajees. to' pitch the game, and then “get on-K-i’s horse” for Hamilton./ . . And what do we find, but Smith publicly ; thanking.^Tory : Gregg, secretary-manager of the _ W.O.A.A., for trying -to- sway-: ! O.A.S.A, officials into, breaking their rules: Not only that but he takes a slap at Tom Williams of i an4. Helen, sppnt-Monday dveriing Owen Sound and a member of1 the O.A:S,A.z executive who strprigly supported upholding the ■| rules.. As we said last week, it’s, for-. tunate there are sportsmen -and sport organizations who insist on ‘going by the book”. • The W.O.A.A. has been a. tre-* . mendous factor in . promoting sport in Western Ontario, but the readiness, arjd- in fact eagerness, of some centres’ and officials; to make or. break .rules to suit the situation, has been a black eye to an otherwise highly rated* loop. . —o—o—— CENTRALIA AND LUCKNOW 'GROUPED IN PLAYOFFS Centralia and Lucknow Inter- mediates have been grouped Ain first, round of the group play­ offs with the first game in a best-of-three series played Tues­ day in the Caledonian Park.’ Hensail and Clinton are play­ ing off in the other series with the winners to meet, for the group .championship. Blyti^ .the’ 5th ■ team in the , group, has been advanced into “A” ball because of their Using Morley McLean from ■ Goderich. They, are presently playing off with Milverton.’ h e 14 3 9. 7 ■ r .001 00! .601—9 030: 000 010—4 ■rO—.0—: . The W.O.A.A. executive has decided, that the .first »garhe: of the series between Wingham and Lucknow Juveniles be ruled as no , contest. This has .'been done because of the ineligibility of sev? eral. players who. have been playing «all year with BI uevale and Belmore Intermediate teams. This was mentioned in an earlier issue. .This game will therefore have to be. replayed in Winghar, at a later date. ■ The series between Wingham and Lucknow thus reverted to a win each as of the. first of the week. ’ . . /' •. * . . ♦ * * * - i Gregg gave VicLoughlean and the Wingham team the" CLK. to., sign the Bluevale and Belmore boys although they would be playing Intermediate ball all year until the playoffs. According to Tory’ . the “score” was A known by all teams involved and everything' Was “O.K.”. The Lucknow—man- agement took the; matter, to the “higher-ups” and when it. was. investigated if was^found that all was not' “as it should be” and the League officials ruled that Wingham could not" use these players, • ■ ‘ ' ‘ ; .*,**■*''■ So,, as Wingham had used about 5 of their 15 certificates on these players, they now found them­ selves with a”iO-man .team for the playoffs br mpve jup some Midgets which could, disrupt Wingham Lucknow i with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn, ' Wallet Kinlough ..ahd.'-'attendS’T'dihner in honor of Mrs. Wall’s birthday. , Harvesting operations are now in full swing. The .Wilson. Bros.-; have purchased a new combine. Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Mrs. -Wm. Kidd, Toronto, spent• the week-end with Mrs; Mary Walk- and Jim and O.rval Wilson. Mr. Allan Wall and;Sharon of London, -returned home after, spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and • Helen. .. . : Mr. and Mrs. .Torn Hackett and Doug -of . Ashfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Midfprd Walk and Donnie. 'Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall and. _family__spen LJS.und ay-Jat— huron.The H.W.I. met Thursday -aftfer- noon at the home of Mrs. Frank . Thompson. Mrs; A A Flughes was guest speaker. After the regular program the meeting took the form of a picnic and a good time' was enjoyed by all. Mr. Jack Barr, kinlough, spent , Sunday afternoon with Reg Brown. - • Mr. (and Mrs, Alex Whytoek & boys visited Sunday w.itb . Mr. & Mrs. ,6Stainiey Gallaher of Wrox- eter andjcalled on Mrs, Ed James. . • A Boy's or Girl's j • L 4 4 * Fitthe fixer .. . ' his fill! name is Wrm Improve­ ment Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your farmi.., he’s ecp- riomical, conven­ ient, versatile. He can do almost anything in mak- ” ing~y<>z/y"fanri a better farm. / Bank o f Mon trf at, -i ujhal' team. The.; certificates,\ inci- ■ dentajly, wgre. signed and a'p? proved- by Tory., , ' 1 ■. . , ■ * '* • ♦ * * Oh w61.b; it’s.not' the first time ithe league .boss, h.as got into hot water — -but With ^Whigham this time! . , 1 Lucknow Branch: MGRRAY COUSE, .Manager; £ WORKING V/ltH ’CANADIANS. IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE’ SINCE 1817 ■>iiw« 'i i'" ! ' i ' 'iiinii'lif'iii i .......... ._...WT^ON.SLS.TENO:,-J1IANK-’-^. “Hank”.. Smith, Port ; Elgin .. a couple of .column^,' last week to thejibortive attempt to have Pbrt El girl, Tasiljailers" approved for O-A.S.A. ' . . /.. .. ‘■Hank”' admitsv.'tbat the' rule _bobk'definitely states thava'pkjy- I'er MUSTbe a continuous resi* I dent ,of the town before .he can I participate in > compe- □ Aos ^^iOn’ B,uss- Johrston, who j started tde season with Meatord | BOTTLE TOP contest;