HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-11, Page 7( I I • . ' A. 4 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1954 Lyceum Theatre - WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7,15 Wed.,. Thurs., August 11, VAN JOHNSON, WALTER PIDGEON —- in — Men of The Fighting Lady Friday, Saturday, Aug. 13, 14 Robert Stacks Ursula Thiess • — in — THE IRON GLOVE in color . . .. ... f Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 16, 17^ Robert Taylor, Deborah Kerr — in — QUO VADIS in color One show each . Night at. 7.45 Wed., Thurs., August 18, 19 Elizabeth Taylor,- - Dana Andrews I ' . . ‘in< ELEPHANT WALK technicolor Friday, Saturday, Aug. 20, 21 Dane Clark, Tracy Roberts — in — FORT DEFIANCE ....'—color" Monday, Tuesday, Aug, 23, 24 Charlton Heston, Lizabeth Scott . —■ in. — . Bad For Each Other Wed., Thurs., August 25, 26 .. Barry Sullivan, Luther Adler .in — THE MIAMI STORY Friday, Saturday, Aug. 27, 28 Sterling zHayden> Eve Miller' ' in KANSAS PACIFIC ; (Color) Mon., Tues., Aug. 30, 31, Sep. 1 Danny Kaye, Mai* Zetterling ■ ‘ in KNOCK ON WOOD (in technicolor) T { Powder River 7 SIXTH AND NINTH r- Co-op Feeds — Districts Open For Dealers Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August'19, 20, 21 Rory Calhoun, Corine Calvert, Cameron Mitchell, in The PLAYHOUSE T i < THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO *"■' ' "** 11 ■' I... I - . ■ - **■■■■- ______♦ LANGSIDE > Mrs. O. E, Thomson of Tim- rmns arid Mrs. D. A. Firth and four children pf South Porcupine spent the past week with Mr. & Mrs. Neil MacDonald. ' .Mr. .and Nirs. RusseL Proctor, P^d, arid Diane' of Lavonia, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. .and Mrs. Russel Ritchie and the Tiffin families. . Mr. and Mrs, Harry' Metcalfe, Gladys and Donald of Pinkerton •visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Miller and Betty. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Evans and Teddy spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bab Evans and family in London. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Bob Evans on the arrival of their little daughter, Katherine Elaine, in Bethes’da Hospital, Loridon, on Sunday, August 1st, 1954. Mr. Tom Ross, Mrs, Alex J. Murray , and son Ross,...Mrs, Fred Fell and Patricia and iRobert of Toronto spent last week at their, cottage. This week Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and little* daughter •of Toronto are holidaying here. -- Mr.- and , Mrs. Clive Allin and family from Carlow visited Sat­ urday with Mr. and Mrs; Chester Feagan and Brian. ’ Mrs. O. E. Thomson of Tim- .mins,;Mrs. D. A. Firth of South Porcupine pnd Mrs. Neil Mac­ Donald spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Free of. Strat­ ford and attended the play “The Taming of the Shrew”. Mr, Fred Fell of Toronto vis­ ited with ’Mr. and Mrs. Russell• Ritchie and Tiffin families last week. The Lah'gsicfe W.M.S; is invited to hold their meeting at the home o.f_ Rev—and-Mrs.R.-D^-A— Gu-r-r-ier Whitechurch on Thursday, Aug. 12th at 2.30 p.m. • Mrs. Frank Miller and. Harvey visited at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Husk of' Kinloss’' on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. • I. J. Husk' was not so well last, week­ end but was improving. The Tiffin Brothers received a. threshing outfit last week. Mrs. Wm. Scott has completed the summer, course .in music that she was attending in Toronto. .. Arrangements are to be com­ pleted. next Sunday at Sunday School for children who wish to ; attend'the Vacation, Bible school at Kihlough. Mr. Earl Crowston of Edmon­ ton, Alta., is a” visitor with his brother, Mrq John Crowston and Mrs. Crowston and renewing old acquaintance's. WEDDINGS FARRISH—‘JOHNSTON Dressed in a pink suit with ! brown accessories, and a white 4 carnation „• cor s ai g e , Margaret Christine Johnston became the bride of John Duncan Farrish in -?a ceremony conducted ‘by the Rev, J. 'R. MacDonald at Ripley. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. • John­ ston, Detroit and the groom; is Tr-U ' ■■■■ ■ '■ ' ■■■, ' ■ ~~ ■— ■■ the son of- Mrs. Kenneth,,Farrish of Ashfield and the late Mr.'Far­ rish.' . | Given in marriage by her bro? ther, John Johnston, the bride was attended-by Mrs; John John- stori, -who, wore a blue suit with •brown accessories and,a pink car­ nation c'orSage. ‘ ; ..William Farrish, was. "grooms-- man. : •/ •/, The groom’s mother was in a two-piece dress, b^Mravy blue. ; After a wedding trip to North­ ern. Ontario the couple will re- ' side in Lochalsh. Come In And See THE NEW McCLARY ELECTRIC A PAGE SEVER ^WashingMachines With the purchase oFjtl’is tvasher tve u.ill include FREE! — A Rigid Ironing Board — FREE! ■ Value $19.95 ’ Edr This Week Only FAblT~SAEE'’,y^ ■' PHONE 50, 'LueKKOW •• • 'J.; Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring and Eavetroughiiig 'lai WEDDING BELLS THOMPSON—MaeDONALD The home of,Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacDonald was the scene of a quiet but lovely summer wed­ ding when their daughter, Mary Isabel,, (became the bride of Rob^ ert 4*loyd Thompson, eldest son of Mr. and . Mrs.. James Thomp­ son, Kingarf. The bride took her place before a bank of summer flowers to the strains of the “ured- ding march played by the bride’s grandmother, Mrs, Joe Guest of Teeswater apd looked lovely ip a flopr length gown of white ;iny». Ion marquisette over toffeta and- lace bolera with a white finger-, tip veil caught in place with a 'bandeau of orange blossoms and carried red roses'. , She was attended by her two sisters, Mildred and Esther, who were similarly gowned, in blue and pink riet arid nylon and car­ ried nosegays. The groom’s sis* ter, Marjorie, made a pretty lit­ tle flower girl. The groom was supported , by his . brother Har- vey^ : t ■ The ceremony was performed •by the Rev. G. S. Baulch of Kin- lough Presbyterian Church. Following, the ceremony a re­ ception was held in the home with the bride’s mother receiving in, a gown of navy’ with white corsage and the grbom’s mother was attired in a grey figured gown with white corsage. For the weddinig dinner the dining room was attractively decorated with pink and white streamers and the bride’s table centred , with a 3- st’orey wedding cake: The Rev. G. S, Baulch proposed a toast to the bride: and the gjroom replied. ...•-For their wadding trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore a grey tweed suit .with navy , and white accessories. They will take up residence in Peterborough. Mrs! Motris Edwards, Stephen and David, who have spent the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Gus Kihanan,; returned to Ottawa last week, accompany? ing.Mr. Edwards who spent the holiday week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKay of Guelph;'- Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Purdon of Lucknow1, Mr, Robert McQuillin, George and ^Marilyn J of Hamilton, were recent visitors. with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon. Mrs. Mark Armstrong returned home on Tuesday from St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital’, London, where she had been a patient for the past two weeks since undergoing eye surgery for the .removal of ; .a-jrataraGt^Her^many^fr.iends-"'are“ iplehsed to kriow of her quick re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. Bill'Kinahan and Mr. and Mrs! Gus Kinahan were visitors on Sunday with. Mr. and iMrs. Kehriedy at Seaforth, Miss Mary McGrath of Toronto is a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kina'han, Mrs., Roy Mclnnes & two child­ ren, Carol and Johnriy of Tor­ onto, , visited a few, days with her sister,- Mr. and; Mrs. Williahx. Cranston. Visitors with -Mr. and Mr.s. Al­ bert Taylor last week’ were Mj'. and Mrs, Jack Williamson of Vancouver, B.C., Mr. Jim Har-. .risori and Mr. Wm. Harrison of Exeter and. Miss Sharon Norman of Kincardine. . Miss'* Lois Webster is this week attending '.the United Church i^um nier-^.schoQl-.-as--a--GOunsel -i-oft— Mr. and Mrs! Lome Durnm and Ross Visited’ with Mr. and Mrs. Tobi Jantzi of Milverton on Stin- /day. ' '■ ., ■. ■ Mi’, and Mrs. Allan Durnin of London Sperit a few- days, with' Mr. and Mrsl James Durnin. . Keith - Finnigan ■ is holidaying .this' Week with hia graiidparerits, ^Miv,-ahd: M rs-.-w.Ribha rd-“Fhrnrgari- of Goderich;- Keri Taylor With -.grandmother; -,iyirs?C.harIottd Reid Robert, John .arid. Annie pur- ^i.itv4v.erewir.eae.n.U.;. vi si tri ts.^.VzW- Wm. Courtney of' Amberley.; . • " Mr. anad. Mrs. Albert Taylor .and family spent Sunday, wi¥th- .Mr. arid' Mrs. John .Norman, of Kiricardine* . , ' . . 1(fe. arid Mrs. Isaac Cranston, Keith arid J. D; Durnin motored to Red Stohe. Lake, in the Hall- burton district; for the w'eek-end. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 12, 13, 14 Clifton Webb, Ann Frances, Charles Bickford, Wm, Lundigan, in Elopement Thursday, Friday,, Saturday, August 26, 27, 28 BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO, in Africa Screams First Show at 8.00 p.m. — Second at 9.30 No Matinees During July And August I i i i i i i i I i i i FEXD-A-MIN Produced by John R. CresSy Co., Toronto GETS RESULTS FEED-A-MIN is a wonderful mineral and conditioner cause it is 100 percent natural and is chiefly of plant origin. | It is easily assimilated by all livestock, and poultry, ahd is | fully balanced . —-■ . FEED-A-MIN is gaining in popularity everywhere. Ask your I neighbor- about it or someone you know" is using it. Better uf still, try some for yourself and be satisfied. — WE DELIVER ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Simply Phone Ripley 102-r-20 Collect | Johnston MacLeod & Sons i Sympathy is extended to the spent the past two weeks with Snowden family in their be- his cousin, Mr.-James Snowden, reavement. .. - ' ...Mr, Wm. Armstrong, of Toronto.Is Your '’Subscription Paid? Co-op Fed Cattle Top Toronto Market FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARS Pictured above are the 13 Aberdeen Angus Steers owned by Har­ vey Taylor, Grand Valley, Ontario, that were sold.at the Ontario Stock Yards in Toronto on Tuesday, April C. These steers topped the market for; tliat day at 20c a pound, Harvey. Taylor has top- ped the market for 3 consecutive years when selling his choice ’Angus cattle tliat have consistently been fed on Co-Op Beef Feeds. ■During The raising of these 3 Annual outstanding lots of cattle,. Mr. Taylor fed them exclusively on -co-op ■. BEEF CONCENTRATE ' along with molasses and his home-grown grain. » , ALL CATTLE, A^ WELL AS MARKET TOPPERS GROW, ' ’GAIN AND FATTEN BETTER ON* ' ''........ ~FgM~for Mr. Taylor's cattle was purchased”from' the ^G.rand Valley Co-operative Association, which operates one of the 125 Co-Op ,. .7 ; izing in “daily-fresh!4’ C'0j0p Brand Feeds. ’ ' / ■’ '7-'PHONE. 71, LVCKNOW ;