HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-11, Page 5: r PURPLE GROVE ges® WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1954 W***’®"***’*’. y...,, :1,. . , ... ■ ...... THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •* -L' i i I* »i p Do you oftert / i*t O R fMri■ - r ■ 1 i ■ l. also a visitor over thejwee.k-erid4 Tact is the ability to think of things far enough ahead so .as not to say them. STERLING Uk forgot that li bit of wood preservative, applied at 11 little cost when the fence was put in, would have saved him the cost of.ncw posts now. —r-; In-thcTtelephone business, as around your own home, we find it’s better to do the job right in the first place and ■ then look alter it. It’s the best way we know to avoid; heavy repair and replacement costs, to save expense and* give you most service lor your money. ... ’ . . That s why we treat telephone poles against rot; why we keep our trucks clean and in good, repair; why we put up exchanges and offices to last. .. It’s common sense if w7a_re..tO-keep oiir costs' down—and the price of your telephone service low. .. if you tt'oiild, Iike: ta f!,et imt’ful information on' thf pf^orvativ^ irtKitinf>ut of u-iMrtl we siififtest. ybu itrite barest Products Laborat- tories of (Junudu, Department of Northern Affairs arid"National Ifesoaret#, Ottawa. ■■■■* ■ . 1 ‘ • ■ fetr-THiBillTILEPHONECOMPANYOFCANADA J-Mrs. Milton ' Walsh at Kinlough ’’ last Thursday- Evening. .." '. -Hilda Emerson .and Delbert!. Quite, a number of the ladies Nixon spent’ last week at the j of 'the Grove travelled by bus to home of Mr., and Mrs.'John Erm ; Stratford 'l.^st- Wednesday to see erson. . ' "■ .• ^Shakespeare’s ‘Measure for Mea'sr Miss Marville Scott of Toronto , ure’ dramatized. ■ . . . ..visited around’ the. Grove ' lastMrs. Bert Brown and Mrs. Dan week. ■ , .. ‘McLaren of. Tiverton .visited .with ' The Purple Giove Institute' was i' Mr, .and .Mrs. Victor Gawley. last •largely attended ’.at .'the hoMe' of i Thursday: Swan was Do you often worry about the fact that you haven’t a ; planned estate? Why not put your mind at ease right now, by contacting Sterling Trusts? •“ ^It will cost you nothing to have your estate planned during your lifetime. And it gives such a feeling of satisfaction—a certain peace - of mind,'to know that all * is in order.. A qualified Sterling Trusts Counsellq/ will enable you to A enjoy the satisfaction that a ^^-pfoperlyplanned-estatcxairbnng^' DR. J. K. M. GORDON IS EIGHTY-FIVE • / ‘ . At™'1' A"'-'"' , k Dr; J. K. M, Gordon, who was born at St. Helens, and who rose,- to a place of prominence ip the medical profession, observed his 85th birthday on Wednesday, July 4th, lie is well known to “olcL tinkers” here and Dr. Gordon says that the best medicine for him now is a chat with old friends. While he hasn’t paid* a visit to his native heath for some tipw, he corresponds with friends df by-gone days, and through them jmd~The-Sentinelkeeps~in~touch with things “back horiie”. Dr. Gordon is a sori of. the late Mr, and 'Mrs. John Gordon., His father was. a, pioneer storekeeper at St. Helens and later took ’up farming on the farm now owned by Tom Todd. Dr. Gordon is the last of the Gordon family. A bro-^ ther, Dr. D. M. Gordon, was for many years a beloved physician in Lucknow.- “J.K.” graduated from Trinity Medical School (University d of ^Toronto), 61 years ago and first, practised in Ripley. After taking post-graduate work in Ashfille, “North Carolina, he went to Ot-. tawa in 1910,. where he: became medical superintendent of Lady Grey Hospital, now'Royal Ontario Sanatorium. iFrom there Dr. “Gordon .went to Battle Creek Sanatorium in Michigan, where he was head of the chest department for many years Upon his retirement following the death of his wife a few years ago, he returned •' to Ottawa where he makes his home with his son-in-law and daughter, Dr. ,and^MrstoB.^O. -Ripley of~83 Clar­ endon Avenue. He has a son Keith in Michigan. One of his grand­ sons is on the threshold of a med­ ical career. ' - Enthusiastic Curler A past president of the Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club; and also of the Glebe Curling Club; be; now watches from the sidelines the games in which he used to participate so keenly. He says he used to take his, holidays on the bowling green! ! ) .When many of the soldiers in (he First World War were being examined by-him in Ottawa, he | was reminded of his own military training when he became. Captain of< No.. 3 Company of the 32nd Regiment of. the Canadian Militia (Bruce County). The colonel of that regiment was< Hugh Clark of Kincardine.' ' Col. Clark ‘was -TyelL-knownMn-Ottawa^iri-parlias' mentary and journalistic "circles during the. years 1917-1921. Dr, ‘Gordon' recalls, also, the time spent in post-graduate work at Johns. Hopkins Hospital, Balti­ more, under ' Sir . William Osler. He and his cousin, th^ •late'Dr; Norman MacLeod' • Harris, past ■j. president of the Ottawa1. Chirur- i; I I (’ A N.;; ii'’4 " ’ Miss' Edith '“Stanley bi London ) visited last week at the home of her father, Mr. Milton Stanley* Mr. bnd Mrs. Donald McCbsh and Mrs. Colwell visited with M1*- and Mrs,' George Colwell oil Suri-, day. ’ ■ 1' m' ■ v ' ' - ■’ ■ Mr. Bill Bell ^of Detroit .is Dfexv 'days with PAGE FIVE gical Society, were at Johns Hop­ kins together, at a time when their, associates were .such well kribwn men as Dr. Kplley,: Dr, tWeleh, Dr. Halstead and Dr, Cul- -leri. ■ ’ * ' . . Horse and Buggy Days Beginning his practise of medi­ cine in Bruce County, on the shores of Lake Huron, Dr. Gor­ don soon had a. large country J practice in a. Highland Scotch, Gaelic-speaking community. It was in the “'horse and buggy” days, when there were no tele-[ affection his ability as a teacher. phones, and when a doctor might spend several hours on a case, and often would receive, in re­ turn for his services, a supply of farm produce plus the love and lifelong friendship of his patient. While in Ottawa he was closely associated with the work, of Stewarton United Church (then Presbyterian). He was an elder arid teacher « of an adult Bible class for 15 years. Several for­ mer members of this .class, still residing in . Ottawa, recall/ with V JO J* 2? m 5 rn JZ J> S 2 c "U rp P Xif* men r- v>' 5 zj rj • m J. CA m. 3CU -4 m m m m m — ? < > 2 S •S m o z e m x o x □ U u m o w - ~n . -4 C- 2 73 XOo>c 5 — CP . Z jo c< L- THti ti m O r- GYOE-r-O O jo z 5 o o o Q X cn ~1 tn "J} •— jo x ;* m .^^£5 9° O' c < z 2 Tn xj m "J r- >z m > 9 r m •u g{ -I U\> O x > z z5“ mz °o5 — >m g o > —| CD Z JO > m rn to oo*< o CD tti£b