HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-11, Page 3* \ . ■ .. . ■ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1954 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, / B.A., JB.D. I j SUNDAY, AlJGUST 15th 110.00 a.m.; Sunday School. 111.00 a.m.:, The. Unity of | Christians”. I Evening Service Withdrawn | During August «.* iI i L '1 j i I i i i i j i i i J r i i i i I j 3.00 p.m. I Dung~..»v». 1 Evening Service Withdrawn | h Be Smart II, I* UNITS FOR OIL FIRING A . No ashes, no dust, no attention* needed. Automatic, thermostatically con* trolled heat assures eVen tempera­ ture. ° • 'Healthful air, filtered, humidified* ----- evenly warmed and circulated. Oil Burners Serviced—Units Converted Complete Repairs for Deep and Shallow Well Pumps Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed ■' ■ A TO PAGE three: A BUY YOUR A . ; • ‘ . i -. ... ........................ ... ..-....................... • ......... Ford; Monarch and Ford Tractors WINGHAM, ONT. — ? ’PHONE 237 Nightly until 9.00 p.m. for your cohveniehce. HECLfly THE LUCKNOW ‘SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO —/ . - - - ■ ■ • -______________________. 1__VF CROSS BORDER FQR PERRY DAY On Saturday about sixty mem­ bers of the Royal Black Precep- lory , of Aniberley alohig with other members of the Orange Ord^r tr^velfed .by bus to the city of Port Huron, tp take part in the celebration of ’‘Derry Day”. The two chartered-busses 'were driven by Stan Emmerton of Kincardine and Allan Reed of1 Dungannon. . The Border City was well dec­ orated for the occasion. Drum­ mers and fifers combined their 1 musical talent with the bagpipes ' and brass bands in the parade, I which was headed' by “King Wil­ liam” on the traditional white horse. It was one of the largest* parades ever held in that city J After marching to the city park several thousand people gather* ed to hear addresses by speakers from’ both Canada and the United States, including the Mayor of ,Port. Huron who spoke’ on de-, mocracy and the friendly* rela­ tions and’ democratic spirit that exists between tlp^e two coun­ tries. He express' _ ______ wish that it-might always remain' sp. H. Dawson, Grand Master of the United States, spoke om the Battle of: the Boyne and the siege of Londonderry. Another feature < attraction., was the drums of Derry. These . are " huge . drums that were beaten with whips and, had^.a much greater volume than' ordinary drums. . . “ | /. Aji^he_nLembers-LofT--t-he-"bus? trip were, convinced it was the, best Orange celebr.ation_they~ever- ' attend’ecL- Preceptor Reuben Wil­ son, Al Irwin . and Chester .Em­ merton .are to be commended fob the ..planning and arranging of ‘ Day | t Lucknow _ j Presbyterian Church J SUNDAY. AUGUST 15th j 10 Sunday School andj Bible Class. j 11,00 a.m.: Rev. H. F. Da vid J son, M.A., Chatham. | Erskine Church, I Dungannon! j I ELECTRIC MOTOR 73ERyiCE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc^ — Reliable ‘ Service -- Freezers, Dryers, Washers Gilson* vSal.es — Appliances Repairs to Fans,. Vacuums,. . Clippers^ Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlbugh Phone Ripley 111-r i9 his earnest the- trip. ‘ Next year Derry will be held in' Goderich-.' ■ Z IO N * * ‘ Local & General Mr; and Mrs. Allan Durnin of London haveAbeen holidaying at Owen Sound and at St. Helens with Mr, and (Mrs. Jirrj Durnin, Mr, and Mrs. John England were recent vistoris in Flint, where they attended the wedding of his niece, Jpye Lee Ibbotson and Joseph Kaucharski, Jr. Visitors .with Mr. and Mrs. George Twamley over the week­ end were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley of London who had just returned (from ;a vacation at Banff, Alberta. I Mr. and Mrs. H, A- Voaden of I Toronto /Visited . last week with Mr. and Mrs." J. S. Kilpatrick of town. Mrs.’ Voaden is 'a sister of Mr,. Kilpatrick.; Doug Clark and children, Anne and Tom, spent the past week here with his mother, Mrs. Temple Clark. • Carole Barkwell of Kingston visited the past week With Jo Anne and Paul Hamilton and other friends.' . ‘ \ Recent visitors with- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pur don included Mr. arid Mrs. John McKay of Chat-1 hairg John Gurengar of Windsor,; Mr. and Mrs; Dan MacKay of Guelph, Mrs.- Gordon MacKay of: Wingham,. Mr. Charlie MacKay i Mrs. Grace -Stevens and Miss i Maud Spencer of Dunnville^ 'Mr. I and Mrs. Ervin Douby,»,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts of Detroit, Miss Bertha MacKay of. London 3nd Rev.-and' Mrs? Wilfred C. McKay and son Neil of Ione, Oregon. Rev. - McKay is; "pastor." of ■ the Church of the Nazarene. <'• Mr. and Mrs. George Newbold, Shirley and Elizabeth were week­ end visitors with Mr. S. C. Rath- well. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Orm Moffat and Judy of Toronto have been hol­ idaying with Mr, C. Rathwell, who accompanied them to De­ troit this week for a visit with relatives." ’ Mr? and Mrs. Harold Lotan Of Glencoe and Mrs.. Wes Leggatt of Wingham have been guests of Mrs. AT. E. Bushell. Mr. and Mrs. spent last week Mrs. T, W. Smith Sauble Beach. Mr. and, Mrs. John G: Moore, Jean and George of Bervie; Mr. and Mrs. Ardill Mason and Ken of Ripley;- Mr. arid Mrs. George 'Colwell and Shirley, of Holyrood, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bushell. " Mr. and Mrs. John Wasney of’ Kenovavisited for a few days -with • his, brother, Joe.,..aDd.,.Mrs.^ ’hWasney of town. > ; Mrs, Thomas. .Armstrong has returned to her home, in Winni­ peg after visiting here since May with Mr. and. Mrs.! Joe Wasney and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Armstrong. Dr. and Mrs, J. Wilbert Lillico and daughter Katherine, from Parker’s Lake, Minneapolis, are 1 guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joynt. : Mr. A. E. Millson of . Weston, .who has been relieving at the Bly th bank, spent the week-end with^Mr.- and Mrs. J. W. Joyht. Mrs, N. J... MacKenzie is spend­ ing a couple of weeks at .the girls camp at. Miramichi, where she is ■a member of the teaching staff. Mr. and "Mrs. Dick Turner and relatives spent.the past ten. days at Amberley. Beach.' Mr. and Mrs.. Turner are employed in Toronto I for.’ the' sum me r', p,r i b r_iQ_j^turmt-. 1 ing loTRe-gina in the fall' to com5 ' mence, their second term at the. : Western Canada Bible Institute, ! Dick’s mother, Mrs. Allan Turn- ! er, who is spending ’the summer at • Whitechurch', has been assist-, ing as an instructor at.the Daily b I THE CONVENIENCE OF OIL THE COMFORT OF WINTER AIR CONDITIONING WINTER AIR CONDITIONING An ample supply of clean,humid* ified, healthful air ... correctly heated and circulated throughout your home . . . and with no at« tention. from you! These beautiful Clare units are completely auto­ matic and amazingly low in price, ...... ___----- Check the advantages listedS- • Economical to operate, then come in to see for yourselfl • Smart appearance for modem “fin­ ished” basement. Wm. Murdie & Son •PHONE *10, LUCKNOW .Miss Susan MacNaughton__of 'London has developed so severe a .dosfe of poison ivy that she was admitted* to““St7 Jbseph’s, HospLj tai for treatment. I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Imrie, new­ lyweds, of London, visited last I week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim; MacNaughton, Miss • Gertrude Treleaven of JLondon is visiting here at the' .home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treleaven. Mary Helen Harlton of St. Marys is visiting her grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Camp­ bell. .1__Little^^L’oree GampbelTis"spend- | ing the week with her aunt, Mrs. 1l_K©ss.jGammier-wh-i-le—Mris; Harry7 ^Campbell and Brock are visiting at Kitchener and St. Marys. Mr., and Mrs. Donald Gillespie* are making their home for the_ present at Point Edward with Mr, I and Mrs, Harvey McQuillin. Don. , is employed with a construction I company at Sarnia.1 Kintail Women’s Institute had a very successful bake sale last Friday at the foot of the Bound­ ary. The baking'was quickly dis­ posed of;: . . . - "Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Kirkland and family visited .with Mr.' and Mrs.. Fred Finlay in St. Thomas) on Sunday. • The WjM'.S; meeting will be at the church on Thursday, at 2.30 j,.rn. It' is the children’s-meeting.., Note change of place. . • Mrs-. R. Tapert of Detroit, Mrs.-. Cameron McAuley ‘and children of: Ripley.- visited Mr. and. Mrs. I HFrank RitchiK"Diana MacAuley : I remained for,holidays with Anne. i. Miss Kay MacKinnon of Tlver- i ton visited-iel-a Lives here the . past i week. . ' ■ : I BORN ALTON—in.. the. Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital on Saturday. July 31, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alton, R. 7, Lucknow, a son. t ■ . ERRINGTON—in 'the Wingham | General ’Hospital, on Friday.! July 29th, 1954, to Mr., and Mrs. 1 /ames^Errington, R-. 2, Auburn; a daughter. . . r CULBERT—at Alexandra Hos.pl-- -td7"Gb’defich7”pir July 27, 19-54. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Culbert. R. 1, Dungannon, a son. • • . . .■ • . ■ b VV .• lu. BALES—to. Mr. and Mrs. Robert; tives. Bales (nee Margaret Anne Mur­ ray) in . St. , Joseph’s Hospital, | spent a few days in Toronto with Hamilton, on July 27th, a d.augh-j Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham.: . . ter, Wendy Patricia. ' I Mrs.. Robert Hamilton left, on ■*-— ------- ——. -I Sunday on a trip, to New Jersey, A little jack can " lift a great via, Toledo, where , she will go big car, 'but it takes a 1-ot‘bf it < with- Mr; .and Mrs. Mike Kbs^ to keep it up. . J-myna." r, Mi'S Mary Allin visited last week in Port Credit, with Mr. and. Mrs, John- KeLLy—an.djJST.a'n&.y^A^ . Mr. and Mrs. Lance Moffat of Lloyd-mingter?"Alberta, are visit- ,'in.g at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie and other rela- Mr. arid Mrs. Well'Henderson. 1 I Wm/ .Bushell with. Mr. . and at their cottage Plumbing and Heating Service . "AND REPAIRS' • For a free estimate call or see ART GILMORE „R.R.3,Lucknow-™'6r^I3'Diing2mnon IS Be Wise e ex' Mr. SEPOY 5^1.00 STORE ru£.000S ‘ LADIES ««l CHILDRENS WEAR CHINA-kitchen utensils-greetingcards , . T°ILETR.IESa~tTOYS 2P8W LUCKNOW, ONT. IO8W --------------------------■1 !•I I Vacation 'Bible School in Luck- 1 now. . r ' Mr. and , Mrs. Jack S.parks„and_ j Ivade.I of .London ' and Mr. and ‘ Mt.s. . Alvin Miller and children Strathroy were, visitors..lasFj I i. i CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY CHEVROLET COACH FORD SEDAN DODGE COACH; ’ Used Car • from an established new car dealer with —-----—17—years^f-custorffer^atisfaction; ~ 1953 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1952 1952 1951 1950 1950 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 1953 FORDSON MAJOR TRACTOR --BS-UEORD-aN-TRAeTOR - ' The a hove- are only"a few of our mWy used cars ranging from 1953 to. 1942 models. All cars are ^priced to clear; - '«■ M I’ — » '■ ■ » '■ wiih’"Mrs. Jack Miller. C a rm air St ot h e rs- of .Tor- . .........veek-lend visitor with S« S> B;;'Stothers.. end visitors with Mr. and Hired Hackett were Mr; Hackett,.'his- daughter,, Mrs. ) was a ; and- Mr Mok ■/V 1. I 1 JIV FVC'./lr,. I11V7 .....J, Mr,on tvler of, Detroit and his rar. d-lau. 4 h ter, Miss Beverley vlen who Is a nurse' at Boston, 'He. visitors' had • m’otpred- from Fbstoit /'trough. .the ,State of Maine and Quebec. 1*