The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-11, Page 2A
tors with Misses Nettie and Re-
_ Mr. .^nd Mrs, r ens ana j 1Crawforc!,. Wingham, is
famjly and Mr, T- Ross spent the | di „ sumlncr with his
week-end with friends here afi3 ®P “ « ts, Mr. and Mrs/W. A.
around Langsid.e. ' r,.:
A -I
from the home garden" Eight <^eron’ Rev' J6hn ^est offiei-
Tuesday September 7, 1954
Practical instructioh in all
.Commercial subjects. Mod- .
ern equipment/ Friendly
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vice. /•
for a^embroidered with
..— I..-...U-l.....-V-...J.....
fat had ;thi misfortune to fall qt J here for the past week, returned ,
the hotel at Oakville. She was; home with them. j
Mr. and Mrs. A. Coultes, Mar- >
joYie and Jack attended the Ker
ry picnic held in Kincardine on
Sunday, . .. •■
Rev. and Mrs.; George Watt &
1_______ . v ‘ ’ .... ‘
With his parents, Rev. and Mrs.
W. J. Watt. . ?
Rey. and Mrs,' Newton of Mel
bourne, Ont.,, called on- friends
one day last week.
Mr.. and Mrs, Fred Fells and *
Western Visitor injured
Im Fall At Oakville1
Mrs. M. Ross and Mrs. T, H.
Moore received word on Satur
day that their sister, Mrs. Jas.
Moffat Of - Rivercourse, Alberta,
was in Oakville Hospital. Mr. and
Mrs., Jas. Moffat and Mr. and
Mrs. L Maffathad come by plane
to Oakville where the former had
admitted to Oakville Hospital
where x-rays were taken of her
head and back. No bones were
broken but she will be'hospital
ized for about ten ,days. Mrs. Jack
Henderson, Boundary West, is
also a sister of Mrs, Moffat. • \ ■
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry and
family spent Sunday in Toronto.
[Mrs. O. (Mitchell, Eleanor and.
purchased a new car. Mrs. Mof- Gordon who have been visiting
Business College
In ordei* to obtain best
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is a registered trademark
BORN—-at Wingham Hospital,
on August ‘9th, to Rev. and Mrs,
Geo. D. Watt, a daughter.
Mrs. Margaret FeJlmap, Grav-
enhurst, Miss Clara Sproul, qf
Stratford, were week -end vtei-
bina Sproul. Sunday visitors were
Mrs, Mervih (Ethel) Hoy, Listo-
wel, Mr. .Benson , Case, George
town, Dr. Geo, , Case, Mrs, Case
and her sister of Newmarket;
the person having the ibirthda^y
nearest the date of the; picnic
which went to George Dawson^
In guessing the number of carl
mels in a jar, four contestants
tied and divided the candy, among
them. The supper call and call
ing cows prizes were won by
Mrs, H, Stothers and Mrs. Har
vey Mole. There was a musical *
contest and the children’s races.
A. Short business meeting con-
eluded the afternoon.
• A quiet wedding took place on
Saturday, July. 31st at'the Angli
can Rectory, Beryie, when mar- _
riage vows were exchanged be
tween Helen Elexy> daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haldenby, "
Holyrood, and Donald Keith
Cameron, Wingham, son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Rev, and Mrs. Henrv Martin
visited friends in the village one.
day last week. ---- 7 7
1 Mrs. Turner spent the week
end at her son’s cottage at Point
Clark. . s , , .
Mr. and Mrs, Ja& Rqs$ of Tor
onto, called oh Mrs. M. Ross and
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore on
Saturday. . .
Mrs. Irene Paterson of Toronto
spent the week-end with her
.mother/Mrs. MWm. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs? Thos. Morrison,
spent the week-end in Owen
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Proctor of
Detroit spent the week-end with,
the Emersons and Tiffins. __
Mr. and Mrs. E. Groskorth and
family attended a picnic held in
Guelph oh Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. /‘Carl Weber, Mar
lene and Anne spent the. week
end with friends in Kitchener.
\ Miss Jean Henderson of Sea
forth spent the week-end at her
home here. .
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur / Elliott
visited their, daughter, Mrs, Os
car Cuthiil, Walton, on Sunday,
A 4-H meeting of the Girls’
Garden Club, was ,-held, at the
home of Janet Mole on August
3rd. The roll call was answered
by . ♦‘bringing, two vegetables
members were present. Mrs. . John
Finhigan invited them to come to
the United Church /on. Aug^ 13th
ing”./ Preparation is beingJmade
for Achievement Day.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W..
A. Culbert on Sundav were <Mr. .. .. , K ,. ■ -
and Mrs. jas. Eepard, Guelph and J.6? '".?.a
Mr. and Mrs:’Earl Sherwood and
family of Carlow. ...... 7
Dedicate Baptismal Font
A lovely, service Of worship
.was held at the United Church
Sunday morning with the return
of the pastor. Rev, G, D, Watt,
from holidays. The church was
filled . with mOmbers, adherents
and visitors for the dedication of
"a baptismal fOnt in memory of
the late Dr. T. E. and Mrs. Case,
Case, Georgetown, a son. Follow
ing the ceremony two infants'
were 'baptized, John Michael, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Eedy
of Brantford & Karen Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Rivett./ ■ :
Mark Silver Wedding .
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp ob
served their silver wedding an
niversary ,on Saturday and were
at home afternoon and evening.
Around 100 friends called to of
fer congratulations. Mrs. POpp
was formerly Amber McKenzie,
daughter of Mrs. Robt. McKenzie,
Wingham and the late Robt. Mc
Kenzie, of Dungannon, and the
groom is a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Popp of Detroit.
They were married at the bride’s
parents home by Rev. J. A. Walk
er, United Church minister. Mrs.
Robt; Bogie and Mr. Lome Mc-
Kenzi£ were wedding' attendants.
For “open house” Saturday after
noon, their daughter, Mrs. Alvin
(Bertha) McGee, of Goderich’, as-
and their daughter, Lillian, who
ushered the guests to the dining
room where the table was at
tractive with a three-tier wedd
ing cake, flowers and "tapers. Mrs.
Rost. Plunkett, Auburn, an aunt,
poured tea and in the evening,
Mrs. Popp’s mother, Mrs. Robt'
McKenzie, was assisted by Mrs.
Lome IversJ. Mrs. Wilbur Brown
and Mrs. Durnin Phillips. A fam
ily dinner was held om Sunday at
which were Mr. and Mrs. Lome
McKenzie, Toronto; Mrs. Pearl
McSachern, London;. Mrs. R. Mc-
.K^nzi^, Wingham; and their fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs/Alvin McGee
and son Billy of Goderich, and
Lome, Lillian and Murray at
home.. Many lovely giftjs were
received by. the celebrating
couple. Mr. Popp is employed "at
Dominion Roads, Goderich. He is
on Vacation and with Mrs. Popp
is on a trip to Sarnia and De
troit this Week.
Mr. Ernest Girvin, Toronto, vis
ited his cousin, Mrs. Melvin Reid.
Suffered Hand Injury
Augusta Culbert, 4-year-old
daughter. of Mr/ and Mrs, Cecil
Culbert, suffered a painful hand
Iniyr JLl . Wh e na...JiaylxTor k^rope^
snapped it struck the child ori
the hand, causing nasty cuts and
VV. I. Held -Picnic ■
... The July • meeting of. the Dun-
gannoh Women’s -.Institute was
held in. the form of a. picnic at
Harbor Park, Goderich, with an
attendance of 32^ ladies1 an.d child
ren. A tour of the Goderich salt
i works ahd a visit w the museum-
I were ’the' highlights of the after-
ihpori.. During the bountiful sup-
■ ■ ’ ■ - aer hour, a prize was given for
.11 ■ ■' •
Mated, ’
“For her wedding the bride,
chose a street length dress of
. flowers of White velvet,, white
accessories and a cordage of red
■I'.oses-, ■ '7
- Miss Helen - Campbell, ■ Kincar
street length dress of/'blue nylon
With white organdy neckline,
white accessories and a corsage
of red rose^.
Jim Haldenby, brother of the
bride, was groomsman.
After a wedding supper at the
Knotty Pine, Kincar dine, the
couple left for, a trip through
Northern Ontario and Quebec.
. jQn their return Mr./ and Mrs^^^
Cameron will reside in Wing-
..ham,; 1 ' "■
South Kinloss W.M.S
The Augusf meeting of the
W.M.S. was held at the home of
Mrs, T, Collyer last Wednesday.. '
The pres., Mrs. W. MacIntyre,
opened the meeting with prayer:.
After the opening devotions re
ports were read from the treas
urer and the “bale” secretary, .
Hymn 496 was sung followed by. :
scripture and meditation by Mrs.:
H. Lavis. A piano forte solo was
rendered, by Marion Buckton,
which was followed by a chapter ’
from the study book taken by
Miss D. MacLeod which proved
very instructive. Taking -part in
the prayer- circle, were Mrs. A:
Sutherland, Mrs. E. Keith and
Mrs, P, Steer. The missionary
study on Miss T. Stringer was.
ably taken by Miss M. MacDon
ald. A chapter of the study book
“The Voyage of Discovery”- was
presented in dialogue by Mrs. D.
Graham, Mrs. L. MacDougall and
Mr$. C. Colwell. After the sing* •
was given by Mrs. P. Steer and
to the hostess for the use of her
hbme, after, which the mizpah
•benediction was "repeated, and a
dainty lunch served by the dir- .
ectors, Mrs. D. MacConnell and
Mrs. P. Steer.
Bid Farewell To Glass-Family
On Monday, evening of last -
week a group of friends & neigh
bors of Mr. and. Mrs. Howard
Glass, gathered in. Blackhorse
School to bid them farewell prior
to their departure to their new
,home in Kincardine. Mr, John
Emerson acted as chairman for
a program of musical and vocal
numbers, readings and speeches. 1
At the conclusion of the- program
iMr. and Mrs. Glass were, called
to the front and the follow]
dress Was read.
Djcar Mr. and Mrs. Glass,
. We, your, .friends and •.neigh*
bors, have gathered here to;sperid .7
a social evening before *ypmleave ,
for. your new home. Ybu. have
been good neighbors and always .
willing to lend a helping hand.
We are glad you have chosen to.
m ake—y our—hom e-moa r—
are< not going, very far away and- .
we hope, to meet you often. We
lamp and ’also a chair for .Mr. ■ |
.Glass, -Sn-May • these-bc -a-miieiii
brance of your friends and neigh- I
'bors; ; 7 \ I
"We hope you all shalb havo t I
good health to enjoy your'well- . I
earned retirement/ May Qods |
richest blessing be with’you'a 1* I
ways/ ' ’ I
Signed/ Ted BUrt.'Tom Mac- •. |
Donald, Ronald Tliacker./
■I I ' * •