HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-04, Page 8WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 4, 1954 .ft 4 1 SOFTBALL I Lucknow 5th This is one of the famous liiie of HECLA N?23 HUM I D’ p,eR . JUVENILE ■■ FRIDAY, AUGUST 6th - Wingham at Lucknow . . INTERMEDIATE THURSDAY, AUGUST Blyth at Lucknow ^aledQnian—Rarkj-- 8KOS £ CQ LI Ml I T E O P M E SToN PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO j. SPORT... (By Dbn Thompson) s INTERMEDIATES LOSE tO HENSALL ON WEDNESDAY . 1 -; *'■' •- Lucknow Legion Intermediates went to Hensall on, Wednesday night and came out on the short end of a 8-6 Scount. This game was broadcast over CKNX spon­ sored by’ a group of merchants from the Hensall district. ..... ■ Lucknow led the game, until the 8th inning when Hensall had a 4’run outburst to take and hold 4he-8-6-4ead.—-------:—-r~------- Lucknow took a 2^0 lead in the first, inning on a mammouth two- run homer by George Westlake. The local, team collected another run in the 2nd* two in' the 5th. -and another one in the 7th, while Hensall got two in the 4th and two in the 6th. Going > into the 8th inning Lucknow had a 6-4 lead. Hensall, in their half, cap­ italized on 2 hits, 3 walks and an error to go ahead 8-6. ’ * z For Lucknow Chisholm had one strikeout, walked 6 arid gave up 8 hits. Mosseau on the. Hensall mount struck out 10, walked 4, 7ahd”gaveHu^9™hits”H'“’^V/™T^ Hensall: P; Denomy, rf; Knight, If; Desjardine, 2nd; Denomy, ss; Cameron, 3rd; Masse, c; P. Masse, 1st; Bestard, cf; Mousseau, p. Lucknow: MacIntyre, rf; Bak­ er, 3rd; Chihi 2nd;- Westlake, c; MacDonald, ss; Thompson, 1st; Attridge, Cf; Chisholm, p; Hal- denby, <f. WHITECHURCH Mr, arid Mrs. Stanley Moore & family were guests at the Patallo- Hall wedding at Caledon on Sat­ urday and also attended the fam­ ily reunion held at Bolton on Sunday• ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson “anrdT^amily of "Prestori^are^visit^ ing. with her parents, Mr. and- Mrs.; At: Moore. • Mr. -and Mrs. Thompson were among the guests at the Patall6--Hall weddirig Sat­ urday. 4 ' ■’ ■ ■' ■'•' ' .;' , Mrs. Bowes andz sons JOf Hope-' town visitedwithMr.andMrs.E. Scholtz arid other relatives. Mr. and Mrs; Wilfred Courtney of Belwood called on Mrs. Ken­ nedy one day last week. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie & family of near Sarnia spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W; R. Farrier and Mr. ’ and Mrs. G‘. Gillespie’ Miss Olive Terrifif, R.N., of the Listdwel Hospital staff is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ross.' Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross & family returned to Galt on Mon­ day evening after spending their /holidays / With1 Mrs. Ross and Olive7' fl’’ 4. *1 FRUIT TRUCKER TAKES HAY ON HIS RETURN TRIP f • J. . C; F. Huffman, fruit and gar­ den produce trucker from the Blenheim district isn’t returning home “light” from his trips up ■ this way this season. D The drought in the fruit coun­ try seriously affected the hay .. crop, in general with other crops, and as a result the Huffman truck is making the return trip loaded with baled hay, for there’s lots of it. in this district. ■ .... ' -• r/’ 4 usedBrs LOOK AT .THIS! Number of J954 Chevs, at. $1,995 j —Equipped-with radio and turning— signals.-Guaranteed—:—, mileage less than 10,000. ( 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN ' ■' | 1953 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN / 1952 CHEV. SEDAN, two tone . /'< § 1952 CHEV. SEDAN '1952 PONTIAC SEDAN § ' § 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN .' 't. '. "A.. | 1946 PONflAC SEDAN . 1949 DODGE SEDAN | T9.3£j^ f ; • '■ TRUCKS’ '■ |. 1948 G.M.C. ONE-TON EXPRESS | TWO ARMY TRUCKS, 2-TON STAKE ft 4 f ............ , I Brussels Motors 1 Huron County’s Foremost Used Cat fteaUfe S „ § Cash, Trade, Terms — Open, Evenings Until 10 | s | Cities Service Dealer —* Phone 73x, Brussels § holm, p; Cooke, If;1st BlyttV Tamblyn, ss; [Campion, 3rd; MacDonald, cf; Hesselwpod, 2nd; Kosteniuk, 1st; .Carter, c; McLean, p; Tyreman, rf; Weber, rf; Armstrong, If; Tunney, If. •* - . ■?' , '.‘F h Lucknow ;......000 200 01 x-—3 6 Blyth ........ .000 001 100—2 5 SUSPENSIONFOLLOWS ATTACK ON UMPIRE --T 7....-...........rhe Hensall ........;...OOO 202 04x—8 8 3 Lucknow. ........210 020 /lOO-r-6 9 2 ■ •'/. _O—O—- INTERMEDIATES WIN CLOSE ONE FROM BLYTH 3-2 A vicious attack on Umpire Hugh Cuming, has resulted7 in Sullivan of Walkerton being placed under immediate suspen­ sion, pending a meeting of the W.OA.A. executive to deal- vzith his case, /^Bullivan has played; some hoc­ key in the County Town and on Monday nighit acted as a sub­ stitute catcher for the Walkerton Fastball team. - « He had'been questioning sonfe of Hugh Cuming’s, calls on balls and strikes, and had been warn­ ed to “attend to his- knitting”. A ^jncatdine hatter was* called out on strikes, and Sullivan sarcasti­ cally jibed Cumings, if he was sure it was over. Hugh again j^rriedUhim^-whic!^^ iivan using profane language and shaking his fist in the Umpire’s face..' , : \ ■ Hugh went . to the Walkerton bench and informed Manager Sparky Weiler he was. banishing the catcher and for What reason. Sullivan without warning drove Hugh a. blbw in the mouthj caus- ing lacerations Which later took. about a dozen stitches, and caus- ing, inj ury to his teeth, the ex-, tent ■ of “which’ Wa's“mdtJ immedi- ately known. ■■. • -- ._ ■ The crowd was incensed over the unprovoked attack, . and re­ ports .hayje it that following a /game a couple of/Weeks/ago, Guy Sparrow personally' “flattened”. this same Sullivan for the abuse he had taken from him from the coaching box -throughout a fast­ ball: game. -—Lucknow Intermediates played host to the. Blyth team in the Cal- donian Park’ on Thursday night and- edged out a close 3-2 win in a real thriller.- Grant Chisholin .pitched his third game in four nights, and gave up only 5 hits to the Blyth batsmen. The locals went ahead 2-0 in the 4th inning with Blyth- getting two runs; in the 6th and 7th inn­ ings to tie the game at ,2-2. One of the Blyth counters was a long home run by Hesselwood that cleared the Centre field fence. Lucknow went ahead again in the 8th inning 3-2 and held the lead despite -a last inning fally by Blyth, that filled the bases and threatened the narrow margin. Grant Chisholm was pitching fine ball for Lucknow, striking out 17, walking -2, and -giving up 5 * hits. Morley ■ McLean, Blyth’s jxewly.,.^ac.q.uired^pitchen-^rom. Goderich, struck out- 15, walked none and gave up six hits. Lucknow have two games, bn Tuesday and Thursday. of next week with Blyth, that will wind up the schedule. Lucknow: MacIntyre, rf; Baker, ,3rd;’Chin, 2nd; Westlake, c; Mac­ Donald, ss; Attridge, cf; Chis-----.......— V- - ' ' • ,. ' , • ‘ - ■- - ---- LUCKNOW EVENS SERIES WITH WINGHAM JUVENILES Lucknow Juveniles played host to the Wingham JuvS, in the Cal­ edonian Park on Friday night in the second game of a best-of-7 series in the first round of the: W. O. A. A. playoffs. Ludknow turned the tables on the Wing - u ham.nine in the second game by beating them 7-6. This evened the series tip at one game each. We understand that this, game was played under protest by the Wingham team, because of a claim that the Lucknow pitcher’s1 “descriptiprifL.frp.m3.heLWingh ain. mound was not a proper pitcher’s box. Officialdom has ruled that the mound will have to.be re­ moved. - In , Friday’s , game, Lucknow took /an early first inning 3-0 lead on 3 consecutive singles by Jack Chin, Roy Stanley and Ken MacNay. Lucknow coasted along with this handy margin until the 5th inning when Wingham net­ ted one ruri to make the score 3-1 at the end of six innings*. Then came a “slamming seventh” with no less than nine of. the total 13 runs being scored. Wi.ng- ham scored five runs in their half and ■ took, a 6*3 lead With Lucknow going into their half of the seventh., LuckhoW started their 47run rally by. a triple by Jack Chin Who' was.lead-off man. in the 7th._ Following, this, two -doubles—by--Roy—Stanley ;andJ-Ai Baker “and a single by Charlie Chin, along with two Wingham errors,’ gave Lucknow a 7-6 edge Which they held. Jack Chin, led the Lucknow hit­ ters with “3 ,fb.t 4” with brother Charlie. getting ■ ty> 0 hits for four' times, , at' bat. , ' . For. Lucknow, Kent Hedley struck .out 5, walked 1. and gave up 6. hits. Keith. Lancaster for , wingham struck outz5; walked 1, ” and gave up 10" h its;"’■ ." * ’' , LuCknowf J. Chin, 3rd; .Stan- ' ley, c; WcNayZlf; Hedley,- pf ‘Hackett, ist;/C, Chin, cf;. Baker, rf; .MacMillan, 2nd; Couse, ss. . Wi.rig.ham:- Campbell, 2rid; Mur­ ray, cf;- Hodgkinson,, c; Lancast­ er, p; Bain, 3rd; Lott, ss; Switz- enberger,’ rf; ning, If. „• • Storey, " 1st, Hen- * • A 4 ■ Lucknow », Wing ham. , 3&) 000 40x^7 000 010 '500—6: Clare Hecla Furnaces The oval7 steel-ribbed firepot is one important features of this furnace; Steel ribs add greatly to radiating efficiency. BURNS COAL OR WOOD EQUALLY WELL It Will take 24-inch wood lying flat on grate. Wm. Murdie & Son ’PHONE 10, LUCKNOWI —1 According to Wingham, their management was. in touch , with Frank Leaver, secretary of the. O.A,S A. who gave orders to ■have the Lucknow pitcher’s mound removed. The question here is, how. come Mr. Feaver can give orders to remove a ./‘so- called mound” that he has never seen or knows anything about— other than from its telephone angle. ’ It seems that the Wingham team must have been saving their “after-game cheer” for the Re­ union celebrations. All Was quiet on the Wingham bench after the gaine save one lone cheer, which incidentally didn’t com.e from a native Winghamite at all. Shades of Guy Sparrow are. to be seem in the Wingham pitcher, Keith Lancaster, who follows, the pitching style and characteristic antics of the Michigan hurler to perfection. /, ■.' Switzenbrirger, a former. Mild- may boy^^whd is presently. erii- ployed in/Winfehamf was in the line-up for Friday’s game in the riigh.t field position. We notice that/ this-riylayCT’s"“ n^ in the Wingham battery' line-up for some, games, aS well as playing steady on (the; Mildrnay Junior hardball team. - Might be worth . investigating, seeing as Winghani have no mound!' - 7. ■ ’»■ . According to: all reports, Wing; . ham Juveniles have not filbd Ji theft protect oh the second game of the series which Lucknow won 7-6. Wingham told the Lucknow management“at the time Of the that they were protesting because of the condition. of the diamond; ■ predominently the mound, • ’ By. a majority vote,the OASA has -.turnecLdown Port Elgin’s bid to enter the Ontario Association .playdowns with commuting, hurl- e'r Russ Johnston, in spite Of the pressure that was •taned on. it’s h e 10 6 h 7 good, to- see, there ate some who i are still “sticking with the book’’ ' Al Baker went, in to catch . George Westlake for three inn- ., ings on Tuesday night in Bly.th, He did a fine job and showed great promise as a catcher. . p—, '■ BLYTH BEAT LEGIONNAIRES Blyth ' Intermediates, showing Jgreat—power—at-“-ther‘ba44“dpfcated~-^ the Lucknow Legionnaires in Blyth on Tuesday by a score, Of lbr-6. ■ ■/> . ' . The game featured some'power hitting, with LucknqW keeping. . the outfielders deep at all times, Barry Attridige made ri spectacu­ lar catch in centre field in the 6th, whpn he leaped into the air to pull down a Jong ball.hit by > -Weber that would, have gone for a 2-run homer. For Lucknow, Morley 'Chin hit a 2-run homer in the 4th. . / Grant- Chisholm started for - ’LucknoW ;bdt was relieved by George Westlake in the 6th imi- ing when he was bothered by a hip injury. Al Baker, a juvenile player, went behind the bat froln .i £hprfstop. and caught, Westlake ; for the remainder of the. gairiy.i ■ Grant Chisholm struck, out 4 j 7wMkFd^"3^aTid7/^ve““ ,u five innings. .George Westlake J struck out 1, walked 2 and gave J up 4 hits in the remaining -three , ? innings., MacDonald started.- Mi’ Blyth but, .was relieved in tno ■ •5th by McLean; ’ ' ; . - - Blyth:, Tainblyn, s[§; Carb1 i'. 3id; Kosteni.uk; c; Watson, cf: I lessen wood, 2hd y WCber, 1st;. A i/ny I 11 # if; Tyreman, rf? . MacDonald;, McLean, p. - .. Lucknow; MacIntyre^ J’I: > Baker', 3rd; Chin, ^dTWWItCr^ c, d;/Thompson,' 1st; Atjr.idce- D- ’ ~A“f/Bake“r, ssTc; ChJsKdWT’ Cooke, If;-Greer, If (9th). . j . ■ ■ r I) Blyth ......././OOO 403-I2?c Lucknow (»».120 300 000- '• f> s 0 Man (buying parrot. ■ a1 tionH “f suppose thb bivd;tnlk^ '; • Auctioneer: “Talk? Kos, • bidding against you for.Uw ■ five minutes”.