HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-04, Page 7T» A LITTLE BIRD TOLD US_____ __ ’ . r V ___~ ’’ •» ' ■ Your Chicks Have W or ms FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO TREAT THEM and a COMPLETE LINE OF WORMING PRODUCTS Wednesday; august 4, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ‘ POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH or FEED STORE, LUCKNOW Lyceum Jlieatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wed., Thurs., August 4, 5 / RONALD REAGAN, DEWEY MARTIN — in — Prisoner of War Adult Entertainment Friday, Saturday, August 6, 7 DEBRA PAGET, ' JEFFREY \HUNTER ' • ' ■ -j— in .-7- ' Princess of the Hile Matinee Saturday Afternoon! Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 9, 10 Neville Brand Christine White — iri — .. MANCRAZY and John Payne, Coleen Gray S ■ — in — Kansas City Confidential Adult Entertainment Last complete show at 8^30 Wed,, Thurs., August 11, 12 VAN JOHNSON, WALTER PIDGEON • "T7 ? n— ' Men of the Fighting Lady y ASHFIELD I 'Mr. Ray MacKenzie of Wind -1 ' sor spent the long week-end at j . his. home here. < ’ '. .... T_-""Miss Mabel MacDonald of - Windsor has been spending her . vacation' with her' father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ,Mac- '■ Donald. \ i Mr.. John Bradley opened the threshing', season last week. i Mr. J. MacNabb and Mrs. Mar­ tin of Lavonia of Michigan visit------------—:----- ed here and • at Wingham last Xyeeks. Rev. R. Macconnell, will" week • • • - . . ’ have charge of the service in .the ’ Mr. and Mrs. G. Towle of Van- ’ Presbyterian church next Sun- totiver and Mr, and Mrs. R. Hill dav. y . of Purple Grove called on friends .The boys from Kintail Carnp^ here.bne^day recently. ’attended the Presbyterian, church <' ,Rev. J. R. MacDonald will be last Sunday. Their leaders took on vacation for the’ next four part in the service. -_____ ■' fi===r j'' '■ ' 7?^ ''......... ;T"'~ ' . . ' . . '—51. Stoves & Refri Our prices £ot this month will surprise you. buy Your coal NOW ■ at ’■/ it Summer Prices : z •' ■ ** . ; Alt J . REDUCED ■ While Stock I/asts |w» rI WEDDING BELLS OSBORNE-SCOTT _ White hydrangea "-and. sweet peas decorated. Chalmers United Church, Armow, for the marriage of Muriel Ella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Scott, Kincar­ dine TBwnship, to Robert Smith Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer B. Osborne, Kincardine Township, on Saturday, July 24. Rev. R. j. Scott, uncle of bride, officiated at the ceremony, as­ sisted by Rev. F. Purchase.’The wedding music was played by- Mrs. Clarence . Campbell With Miss Norma. Hedley as soloist. The soloist sang “O Promise Me” and “Because’’ during the signing of the register. ’ . . ? . Given in marriage by her fath­ er,, the bride wore a waltz length gown of white net over taffeta . with a matching bolero Of chan­ tilly lace. Her fingertip veil was arranged from a crown of’seed pearls. She carried a cascade of Arperican Beauty roses. . \ iMi.ss Norma Scott, sister of' the bride, was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Doreen Scott, sister of the bride and Miss Donna Osborne, sister of the groom. The attendants wore waltz length strapless gowns of similar design. The maid of honor .. mauve, and the bridesmaids yellow. Matching mittens headdresses were Worn and . gays of mauve and yellow iolus were carried by the atten­ dants. < ' • I Robert Campbell, was best man • and the ushers were Duncan Mc­ Callum of Elmwood and Grant Helm of Tiverton. Foilowing the ceremony a re- ■ ception was held in the Sunday School room of Chalmers United Church with' . the bride’s mother' receiving in a street length dress I of navy triple sheer with .lace in ! the bodice, matching accessories land a pink hat. The groom’s) • mother ..assisted the wedding 7 party in a navy crepe dress with matching accessories'. . ■ For a wedding trip to .points in Ontario the bride chose a light blue linen suit with rpse access- .j _orLes^_0 n—t-h eiM-etum—the-brider ..and groom will reside' on the 4,th Concession of.. Huron Township. . Man (standing in .the middle' of .a busy street) : .Officer, ...can .y.ou tell me how' to get to the ' ^hospital.? • j Officer: ;Just stand where, you ' are., ' ' wore Wore and nose- glad- 1 a ) Another Large , Shipment of Hotise anti•I ^ElWTELS7';T r ft ■ all colours ti' ' $1.00Quart.... I am directed to send, thanks. ;• z have been several s.ug- made to me by friends MAY ADD SPORTS TO HIGHLAND pAY . Kincardine, Ontario, July 26th, 1954, Mr. Campbell Thompson, . The Sentinel, . I^ucknow, Ontario. Dear Editor: Our first annual Highland Bands Day was a success and in a great measure, sir, the success was due to the support, help and advice given by yourself and Mr. Kenny. Cameron. Without your help, J can', only suggest how much greater, and perhaps even un^urmountable would have, been the difficulties we encountered; From the Grey, Bruce and Huron Branch you our There gestions of the Day Which I am convinced would lead to improvements for future events. One is that we introducg//the “tossing the _caberT event~ahd another that We intro­ duce the “tug of war” event. We are bandsmen and quite naturally we are most concerned with the events which further band work. To this end we ex­ tended our. efforts to the utmost, procuring the' * best 7 judges and lining up our events to .. give the public as, complete a picture of our Work as was possible for us to do. However we are quite will­ ing, and indeed anxious, to co­ operate with any group or com­ mittee interested in. any of the traditional Highland sports. In closing Sir, mhy I just men­ tion the obvious, and I am sure with your’s and Mr. Cameron’s full endorsement, whatever ^vent is added’ to .the programme it will not simply' “occur”—it; will require work and effort on the part of several willing ha; so—? ■ ■ • Very sincerely, yoUrs, Ernie Fisher, President, Grey, Bruce and Huron Pipers’ Society of Ontario. / The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 5,6, Richard Widmark and Don Taylor, in ♦ '. . » ' . » Destination Gobi in technicolor 4 1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 12, 13, 14 Clifton Webb, Ann Frances, Charles Bickford, Wm. Lundigan, in Elopement First Show at 8.00 p.m. — Second at 9.30 No Matinees During July And August j Produced by John R. Cressy Co., Toronto j I getsresults I FEED-A-MIN is a wonderful mineral and conditioner be- I f ^•7-' <• >- J _r.lt..is easily.assimilated by all livestock and poultry and is- £ I fully balanced s ' . ’ y L i L i i t j cause it is 100 percent natural and is chiefly of plant origin..-'. i T+ lit. _ij__' v - . r jy I i i i f i FEED-A-MIN is gaining in popularity everywhere. Ask your neighbor about it or someone you know isjUsipg .it Better still,, try some-fpr yourself"arid be satisfied. <. — WE DELIVER ANYTIME, ANYWHERE — Simply Phone Ripley 102-r-20 Collect Johnston MacLeod & Sons — Districts Open For Dealers —• u n’ds~S . ■ \ “STRING OF LETTERS^ADDED “TO^STEVE^STOTHER’S NAME S. B. Stpthers of town doesn’t lay any claim to being, a disciple of Isaac Walton, but his recent trip to Minnesota gained for him a “string of letters” to his name, even if he didn’t drop a hook in the many lakes arid streams of the northwestern state. ?' Following his return Steve re­ ceived a diploma from the Cyrus Fisherman’s College of CyriiSj Minn., conferring an honorary de­ gree. To add to the dignitity (or don fusion) pf the honor it was in both. English and Latin, com­ plete with the ‘‘gold” seal'of the college, the motto of which is “If fishing interferes With busi­ ness, cut out the business”. The"'diplorna reads as follows: “This certifies that Stephen B. Stothers' is 'thoroughly educated. Tn ^lTe**‘aff’”an'd' science of fishing- and that he has a profound know-1 ledge Of the scientific ichthyology and piscatorial metaphysics. That the bearer.“of this certificate is' well qualified to fish in any. part of the UK A. and the rest of the world. But,’ look out for game wardens; ’• ' , - ;i ’ “Therefore j he faculty• ^.nd. ~aL "uinriFTs“sociation of the Cyrus fishermen’s College /have Unan-. imously; decided to ’confeiyuppnj. degree' Doctor Piscator, F.R.CK, with all rights? privileges' and high dig-’ nities always associated with ■ this degree”. ■ ■ ’ ’ ‘ . ■ ■ '•,' The..diploma was sighed by the president, fishing, tackle custod­ ian. angle w'orm promotor, -frog .catcher/deev sea fisherman, min- now: bucket inspector,; champion liar and ’piscatorial factotum.' ■ Kow does., your. Sentinel label read? ; ■ 1 1. “ ✓ COAL ite ZVER BOUGHT O’ . . • ’ ’ • . . ’ . ’ W ♦ - ■ • '• Our feature of feting: HAZELTON SHAFT_PREMlUMlANTHRACITE — Hard Coal This is one of the .finest, grades of Anthracite produced? any • where/ It is a flinty, square fractured, low ash, long biirningr anthracite. It’s,clean, appearance and preparation ‘Will .please the most particular customer. . ■„.?............. BUY NOW 'At reasonable prices .before' the mid-summer and ..eayly price increasOs and fin your bin with quality coal that will mean real pleasure to you in heating your home for next winter. SOLD AT YOUR LOCAL COTOP ' ■ • ’ 1 * * 1 • ■ ’ . ' " ' * • ” ...j* v ■ 1 . 1 ' ■ ’ , ■ ’ , ■, * , ■. ' ', ‘ • r ' . . ■ ' ■ .. ... ; Lucknow District Co-op ' ’PHONE 71, LUCKNOW ' ' , . ' ■..:............................................................ •......................................... .t..'.....A...........................................J.... ‘I 4