HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-08-04, Page 6j>age;six ..THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO Guelph Firm In Hew Premises, St. Helens Native Is President Wellington Motors of Guelph ^recently marked the official op- ’ening of its jiew and modern ’premises at 65 Gordon Streetj ^President and. sales manager . of the firm is Wilson. Woods, form­ erly of St. Helens. His brother­ -in-law, Arnold Barbour, is vice- president and general manager. ” Woods .was born on the . jfaTm of his parents, Robert: and- •Sarah Woods,, at St. Helens, and ; received his primary and second­ ary education at. St. Helens and Ducknow. . Following this he operated his - own farm in LucknOw until 1930, when he entered the Ontario Ag­ ricultural College. He graduated , . from the college^in 1936 with his degree in animal husbandry but instead of returning to the.farm, turned to the automotive Indus- - try. . ; Mr. Woods travelled to Dundas where for four years he was a member of the sales staff of an ^automotive.firm in that area arid learned the rudiments of 'the x automobile business; In 1940 he moved to Guelph, where, along with Arnold Bar­ bour, he ' founded ... Wellington Motors Ltd. ? in that city* Until 1944, when Mr. Barbour sold his -automotive initeresits in Fergus -and Elora, Mr. V^oods managed 4hecon^ Following tiie fire that struck the firm?s premises on June 30, 1952, Mr.. Woods was appointed .president and Sales manager in the reorganization of the y com­ pany: • . • Mr. Woods and his wife,: the, ■ former Lena Hackett of Ashfield, whom he married in 1937, have two children,Ted and Nancy. Thirteen-year-old Tpd is now a student at Victory School in tips, city and Nancy * who .is 11 years of age, is attending Central . ^School. In spite of the, many hours that, he must spend in the run- • . alirig of Wellington Motors, Mr. Woods finds time to engage in Janany other city, activities. He has been an active member of Waverly Masonic Lodge of ’Guelph since 1940 and is a mein- ber of the Rose Croix* and Scot­ tish Rites orders of the Masonic ■ ■ -Order. ■ ■ • ■. '• Mr. Woods is a member of Dublin Street United Church, taking great interest in the act- ivities of that church. He is jalspL „aninterested parr licipant in curling and since 1940 has been a member of the Guelph Curling Club.. \ Arnold Barbour, born; in Erin Township, attended high, school arid business college at Orange­ ville, and has spent his lifetime in the . Furgus Guelph area in farming, insurance.and later the automotive business. .. . Mrs, Barbour was formerly Mary Edna Woods of St. Helens? They wer? married at Erin ^in 1918, and have a daughter Dor­ othy, who is now living in Port Credit where she is married to Ralph MacMillan, and has two children. Wilson woonc . > Dorothy is a graduate of ttye Fergus High School and in 1941 received her degree in Horne Ec­ onomics from Victoria College of the University of Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs. Barbour also raised their nephew, Robert Phil­ lips, from the age of 7 months. He is at present residing in Ar­ thur wherO he is married arid has three children. * In addition to his business life, Mr. Barbour is also actively in­ terested in .other phases of the life of this city. He is a member of Waverly Masonic Lodge, hav­ ing previously been a member of Mercer Lodge in Fergus for many years. Mr. Barbour takes an act­ ive part in the wprkk of Dublin Street United Church, and is also a member of the Kiwanis Club of Guelph. a KINGSBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs, Wrin Hergeriroth- >er (the former Mary Griffin) of Chicago, visited at the' Kinney home during the past week. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Vogt and babe Ursula of Wyandotte, Mich, and Mrs. Peter Vogt* fer. of De­ troit, Mrs. Michael Mainguth and < Mr. and Mrs. Van Donmck of De­ troit were recent visitors pt the home of Frank Sullivan. Mr. arid Mrs. Jos, Reid and Mr. Victor Finnic of .Toronto spent . the week-end holiday at James Wallace home. Miss Mary Ann Kraemer of Kitchener, spent the holiday week-end with her sifter, Mrs. Gene Frayne arid family. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O’Keefe and three children of Hamilton are visitihg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O’Keefe; Sympathy .is extended to Mrs, Doherty upon the sudden' death of her Sister, Mrs. Michael Kelly , of; Bly th, whose,: funeral took place ori Tuesday morhirtg. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin of Timmins’, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc­ Conville of Toronto* Mr* and Mrs? , JLen Woodley and babe, of Tor- onto, andMrs. Ambrose Hartman and 'Shirley, of Kitchener are On- joying two “ weeks. hdlidays~^at . their home .here, • *. 1 Mr. arid Mrs. Cletus Reynolds and Ann Marie of Sudbury, Joyce Sims and Nora Reynolds of Tor- onto were Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.’ Ray Dal­ ton, , ’' ■ , ' j t. Mr.. anti Mrs. Dan Ddyle bnd family of Detroit* Mrs.- Theodore ' . PURPLE GROVE ....■ . ’• / A number from here attended the church service in the Angli­ can. Church, Lucknow, when the Rev. H. L. Jennings preached a very inspiring sermon “wtQ about 60; members of the Black Knight; Lodge and Orange^ Order, taking for the theme df his address “The history of the Christian Church’’. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Towle, Wiho have been visiting at the home of Mr. Ralph Hill, left for Montreal to visit friends in that city before returning to their home in Vancouver. -^CbngratiUatiops^oHMTT—^Mrs- Lawrence, Stanley who were mar­ ried last Saturday. Mrs, Vina Percy- of Detroit vis­ ited' friends around . the Grove last week,. • t. Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson at­ tended the presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glass in Kin­ loss school on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie attended the 19 th Field Regiment R.C.A. at. Guelph on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Steward of Millar ton visited at the home of Mr./Edbert Bushell last week. .. Grace Louthran of Listowel is visiting her friend, Brenda Cur- Tie. ■ Mrs. Donald MpFarlane visited her mother, Mrs. Jones of Wingr ham. ■ Mr. Delbert Nixon of Belfast is visiting at the home of Mr? and Mrs. John Emerson.—■■...... Mr. Morley Bell arid Alex Mc­ Farlane^ and Lome, of Stoney Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Knight of Picton were recent vis­ itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh. Mr. arid Mirs. Victor Gawley family visited with Mr. Bert Brown of Paisley on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins re­ turned, having spent a few days in TJOawaT^r^ WEDNESDAY, AWUST< W » YOU CAN WIN • A Boys or • - O’ •’ • '■ ■’ GETTING THE “ BICYCLE >■ r 4 e • ' • .. < i. « A. <■ ... A KIST BOTTLE TOP CONTEST Today/ INSIDE STORY relatives. Foley arid daughter Eileen of New York, spent the holiday week-end With relatives here. ’ Miss Helen Bishop of Detroit, Mrs. Ursula Hebert and George of Detroit are visiting with rela­ tives Here. Mr,; and Mrs. Gene Dalton and babe and Mrs. Fletcher of De­ troit spent the week-end. with their Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brophy and Mr. Frank Dalton of Goderich were Sunday visitors here, also Mr; and Mrs. Earl MacLaren and Gerry O’Briap of Goderich, en­ route to visit Mr and Mrs.,- Carl Schneider who have a cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Lannan of over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald' and babe and Jos. Murphy of Listowel, MjsS Reta vDoherty of Goderich, Miss Maur­ een Vassella of London, Mary Theresa and Frances Martin of Hamilton, Miss Mary Murphy of Toronto were, other week-end visitors.. ; Mrt. and -Mrs. Gehring and Mr. arid MfS. Manning of Toronto are visitors aat’the home df Mr. and Mt and Mrs. I^eor Glare and Mrs. Philip,Ryan and children of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Clare. • '' ’ AT THE MASSEY-HARRIS TEST TRACK As Massey-Harris machines go ’’over the bumps” on the,test track, the inside story of strains and stresses set up in frame members and working parts is recorded by special electronic apparatus. stress analysis’’ with scientific apparatus gives Massey- Harris engineers information helpful in the development of machines wear low upkeep cost. - j _ —J^desig^ and cohstraetion-MA^ engineering and research, bringing stdvan- * ? tages that enable work to be done easier, quicker and at less cost. • , Blessed -is the man Who is too busy to worry m the dSytime and too tired to lie awaW worrying 'at''night. ’ ’■ MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON limited /Makers Quality Farm Since i|47 ,t