HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-28, Page 5WEDNESDAY,. JULY 28th, .1954 T T THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIOR"' ........., . ,<;i.............. ■ ■ ■ A UTTLB bird told us ... Youtf Chicks Have Worms for Advice on how to treat them and a ^PMPLETE LINE OF WORMINC-PRODUCTS- T Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM . Two Shows. Each Night j FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 I Wednesday, Thurs., July 28, 29 ELIZABETH TAYLOR, / DANA ANDREWS . . , — in — “Elephant Walk” in technicolor Friday, Saturday, July 30; 31 CORNEL WILDE, . MEL FERRER SAADIA in technicolor Matinee Saturday Afternoon Monday, Tuesday, August 2, 3 Alec Guiriess, Yvonne de Carlo •' — in. The Captain’s Paradise < . • ■ . :___■_ __ __________tx.------— Wed., Thurs, August 4,5 -Ronald Regan,— . . Dewey Martin in' — • “PRISONER OF WAR’’ Adult Entertainment ../. ■ft* CULROSS CORNERS ANDREW-LANE PICNIC HELD The Andrew-Lane picnic was held 'em Saturday,- July. 17th, at 'Ashlield Public Park with per­ fect weather. The prize* winner for having come the .farthest Was Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' A., Bradbury (ne.e Agnes Stothersi. The oldest member present was Edward.Mc- ■ Quillin. . and‘-the youngest mem­ ber was'David Carruthers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin. Carruthers; For the largest- family present-,, it was a■ three-way ■ tie between Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lane, Some of the. winners-, in races and competitions were Roddy Mc- Dbnagh' and’ Nancy KiFkiancf in the^.race for six years and under;, girls -7’10. years, Mary Purdon-, Barbara Purdon; boys 7-10 years, Barry Ward, Tommy Andrew; ;bdys 10-1.3 years, Donald Kirk­ land, Bobby Andrew; boys 13-16 years,, Donald McQharles,. David Kirkland’ (tied); girls 16 years and over, .Agnes Lane, Kathileen Lane;- bo/s 1-6 years’ and over, John Lane; Alvin Hackett; mar­ ried ladies, Mrs.' D. A?-'Hackett, Mrs. B. Purdon; married ih’en, D; A. Hackett; Irwin Carruthers; ladies kicking the slipper, .Mrs. John MacDonald, Kathileen Lane; nedktie.contest, Alex Andrew- and Mrs.. Jack .McDonagh; «eedlp race, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ward; honeymoon race, team A won; I wiggle waddle .walk, Agnes Lane, I Mrs. Wm. A. Bradbury; milk bot- 1 tie race: ladies—Mrs?°*B. Purdon, - men—Jack Ritchie. ;. Speeches were made by And-. —1 rew Lane, Jack McQutll1ir“aTrd’ Mac Lane. The officers for next year are: president, Gordon Kirkland; vice president’, Alex Andrew; secret­ ary. Mrs. Oliver McCharles; trea­ surer., Jack McDonagh. .. I Mrs. C. Thacker and.Mrs. Hugh McKague and Brian of Teeswater spent Thursday w.ith Mrs. Grant Wall. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Collins, Port Elgin. “~?Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stewart spent Saturday afternoon in Kincardine and visited with. Mr. /and <Mr-s.- Ralph/Goese! and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stanley and baby. Kinloss and Judy Me- ________ __ Pherson, 8th Con., Culross, spent ^^eter are holidaying this week Sunday evening with .Mr. and ^'ith Ken' Dorothy, and Roy Tay- Mrs. Tom Stewart and boys. i |Of. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight of ancj Mrs. Mike Cummins Leaside spent the week-end. with 1 were' ^ait iast week owing to Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wraith. ‘ the illness of Mrs. Cummins’ sis- Mr. and Mrs. . Jack Schumacher t.er, Mrs. Kurtz: and Helen visited Sunday with•.> yjsitors on Sunday with Mr. Mr., and Mrs. Wm. .Wall, Kin-1 anc, ^jrs Bill' Kinahan. were Mr. loiigK .■ . . . /and -Mrs. Alf Kinahan and child- Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Ross and 1;en of London, Mr.-, and Mrs. .boys of McKa'gue, Sask, and Miss Angus. Kennedy,, Gordon ■& Rita Belle Ross spent Sunday with Mr.;. and Mrs.' C. Kennedy, of'Seaforth, and Mrs. Aft Hodgins. I George McQuillih of Hamilton Mr, Orval Wilson was success-1 i“. spending this week with Mary ■ful in shooting A wolf last \veek. B. and -Barbaia Ann ur on. . SIXTH AND NINTH T ST. HELENS PAGE FIVE FEED - A - MIN Produced by John R. Ctessy Co., Toronto GETS RESULTS POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH FEED STORE, LUCKNOW I The PLAYHOUSEThe breeze off Lake Huron was a bit chilly, otherwise Tuesday evening was ideal for the annual community picnic held under the auspices of the Women’s. Insti­ tute at Ashfield Park at the foot of the 12th Concession. An inter­ esting program"of games arrang­ ed by Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter &. Mrs. ‘Ross Gam- mie. had the following winners: boys under. 5, Johnny Gibbs; girls under 5, Karen Gaunt; boys 9 an.d under, Garry xGammie; girls - 9 and under, Gladys .Mc­ Donald; boys 12 and under, Geo. Humphrey; . girls 12 and under, Carolyn ^Mathers; ladies’ race, Is­ abelle MacPherson; -young men’s, Bob Aitchison; kick- the slipper, Isabelle MacPherson;. bursting the balloon, Mrs. James Curran; clothes pin race, Mrs. A. Gaunt, Mrs, Will Rutherford (tied); 3- legged race, Mrs. Gordon Mac­ pherson and Miss Margaret Mac­ Pherson; wheelbarrow face, Bob Aitchison and Ivan McQujltin; youngest girl present, Brenda Morrison, youngest' boy present, Allan McDonald;;oldest lady, Mrs. James MacFarlane; oldest gentle­ man, Wallace Miller. A honey­ moon race with eight couples caused much amusement espec­ ially for the onlookers. The ball, game between- the married and “single men reSulted in a win“for the latter. The enjoyable evening attended by nearly 100 persons, ended with a bountiful picnic -1-u n eh-. —— —; ————- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McCabe, Maryin and Bryan of Windsor were recent visitors with Mr. -John—MeQui-llin—and—other—rela2 tives. Miss Carol Cameron of Detroit <was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron last week. . Mrs. Irving Hunter of Goder­ ich and Miss Laura Salkeld of Oakville ?wer,e visitors Wednes­ day with Mrs. Gordon and other relatives. Mrs. Gordon returned to Goderich with them for a visit. Barry McQuillin spent a few days in London last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Sparkes. —’MT/'Charlie/MeQuii-l-in-J Thursday iyiorning for Vancou­ ver with a new Chevrolet. He was accompanied on the trip by Mr. John McQuillin and Mr. Bill Thomas of Niagara Falls. Miss Margaret MacPherson, R. N., of the staff of St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is holidaying at her home here. . Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto is spending a week’s vacation with Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart and Mr. Joe Stuart. Donald Taylor speni a few.days with Mi4, and Mrs. Gordon Mil­ ler and Larry at London. - ’ The August Jjneetmg of the Women’s Institute has been post­ poned from. August 5th until a later date., ... Mrs, John Webster of Toronto is .a. visitor with her sister, Mrs. Cranston and other relatives. is a holiday visitor with his sis­ ter, Mrs. George Stuart and Mr., Sttiart. Other guests of iMr. and Mrs. Stuart included Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wright and daughter Phyl­ lis 'of League City, Texas; Mr.. and Mrs; Fred McGregor of. Kin­ tail and Mr, C, J. MacGregor of Waterloo, and Miss Catherine MacGregor of Lucknow./ ’.Miss Ndrriia Murray is;spend­ ing the week in Detroit with Mr. 1 ofMr/and Mrs. Harry Kelly Teeswater were visitors on Sun­ day with Mr. and' Mrs. Gus Kin; ahan. ^hiday^aiid-.M.ad .of I Visitors on Sunday with Mr. <: ah.d Mrs. Alf Kinahan and child- See Us For McClary Stoves & Refrigerators Our prices for this month will surprise you. BUY YOUR COAL NOW -. at Summer Prices * 1.'/ALL'............... LAWN MOWERS REDUCED While Stock Lasts y 4*Another Large Shipment df House PAINTS and . enamels I all colours Per. Quart ,:.i $1.00 Webster & MacKinnon Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wirings Tinsmithing 21 Thursday, Friday, Saturday^ July 29, 30, 3T k. ' ' . • I •; • Starring Marshall Thompson, Vera Miles, Natalia Wood, M The Rose Bowl Story Thursday,, Friday, Saturday, August 5, 6, 7 Richard Widmark and Don Taylor, in Destination Gobi in technicolor First Show at 8.00 p.m.Second at 9.30 Nd Matinees During July And August -------------------------j------;-----------------;---------------------------:........ —...............51 . 71 . U 11 -1, ><■»< ><■»< l<D<»<nK>nD<>OKmo IMXIW MMH i j i i i I | iieiguuui diuuui it, ui auuicune ywu tvuvyv —| still, try-some-for—your-self-and—be-satisfied-——————- ! — WE DELIVER ANYTIME, ANYWHERE — I Simply Phone Ripley 102-r-20 Collect / I ! I be- tFEED-A-MIN•. is a wonderful mineral and conditioner cause it is LlOi..-..pej^eM.-natuxa.l^nd.lis chiefly of plant origin.? fr It is easily assimilated by all livestock and poultry and is -g fully balanced 'I FEED-A-MIN is- gaining in popularity everywhere. Ask your ? neighbor about it or someone you know is using it. Better I I i O'. ■ :6 I ‘'W? At the '/beach you shouldn’t tr^- to judge a woman by Her clothes; —there isn’t enough evidence. Johnston MacLeod & Sons — Districts Open For Dealers — She: What does your husband work at?. Her: Intervals. Co-op Fed Hogs Go To Market In Five Months Is '' ’ ''V‘HM J’S/ •/'< ■ill/ ' ' Pictured above, is one of the many pens of Yorkshire hogs, fedU by W. J. Vailiere, Uiiionville. Ont. Mr. Vallrere consistently gets? his hogs off to market in five months when feeding them on. 7'"Cb“dp“.“Hog”Feeds;; ~ -------- ........ .......—- During the raising of these outstanding litters of , Mr. Vailiere feeds them exclusively on CO-OP HOG FEEDS EACH LITTER IS STARTED ON CO-OP 17% PIG Yorkshires.% Ind" Ws:“ Callum - Gafflerqn^J A bus load of 4-H Club mem- ;berrThdTrlend'C don MacPhersoh ,and Mrs. James Curran, leaders of the Girls’.club and. TOni Todd, leader of ' the Calf Club, 6pent Tuesday at the O.A.C., Guelph,- Polish Proverb If "everyone swept In 'front of his. own house, ■the whole town tvould be clean. i _— —, STARTER FOLLOWED BY CO-OP 15% HOG JGROWER/ ALL HOGS GO TO MARKET EARLIER, WHEN FED ON CC'OP FEEDS Feed for Mr. Vailiere’S hogs is purchased from the Stoiiffville £o-o-i»ratLv.e..,..t.ioh,.._tvhich.. operates one of the 125., Co-o Mixing Stations^ owned by. local farmers in Ontario,■ and • sjjec'Lti/'. izing in “daily-fresh” Co-op Brand Feeds. * . Lucknow District Co-op *£HONE 71, LUCKNOW’ illOQ oa sanEasm